Theme League Information
Prolonged Power Prog/Theme Season 16
Follow the career of their HR hitter. You will move progressively through his career, twisting his teammates from the "current" year to fill out your roster. Use stadium your player played in that year. YES TO DH IN EVEN # SEASONs no Clones Previous Champs: 1)Palmerio '86, 2)Aaron '55, 3)Griffey '91, 4)Mcgwire '89, 5)Ted '46, 6)Thome '96, 7)Thome '97, 8)Manny '00, 9)Sheff '96 10)Schmidt '82, 11)Reggie '77, 12)Reggie 78 13)F Robinson '68 14)Killebrew '69 15) Bonds '98 **No 200k exceptions
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