Previous coach promised minutes? Topic

Posted by rednation58 on 9/2/2012 4:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by milkamania on 9/2/2012 9:59:00 AM (view original):
"" I feel I am correct when I say not everyone would react badly to having their minutes cut as an upperclassman""

bis, you obviously don't read the responses people post very well.  i think multiple people, if not most, would AGREE with this statement and have done so repeatedly.  yes, it is slightly unrealistic  for everyone to have the same response to not getting minutes, especially D3 scholarship athletes, which DONT EXIST IN THE REAL WORLD,  a fact you keep leaving out of your realism arguments.

what you fail to acknowledge, which again everyone here agrees with, is that this feature you want to add would have LITERALLY ZERO BENEFIT.  no one would ever recruit a player because that player would be cool with sitting on the bench as an upperclassmen.  if they aren't good enough to play, then cut them or let them transfer, but this magical player who hasn't improved enough by his junior year to get on the court isn't suddenly gonna become a contributor in his senior year. 

and please don't talk about inherited teams, that just destroys your whole argument.  you want a feature that you can base YOUR recruiting decisions on, and you use as examples players that weren't recruited by you.

that's why you are being called a troll.  you have been told, in clear terms, why what you want is not part of the game, and you tell us we aren't listening.
9/2/2012 4:47 PM

I don't pay much attention to DIII college basketball in real life, so I wouldn't know what exists or doesn't at that level. In fact, given I enjoy sports, I actually pay far less attention to collegiate basketball than I would guess most people do if they play HD. I simply enjoy basketball itself, and the NBA more than the college game.  I happen to like HD, though.

So if I "left out" the fact that DIII college basketball doesn't have scholarships in real life, it's only because I didn't know it to begin with.

Perhaps I'm not making myself clear enough on what I want. I'm not only arguing in favor of wanting to know how a player will react during recruiting, but also if that doesn't exist, the default should be for players not to demand minutes instead of vice versa. The coach should have ultimate veto power over the players without any negative act from players. That's what I'd like to see.

You can disagree or argue otherwise if you want, but no one has ever "told, in clear terms" why the default is to have the sim make everyone a prima donna instead of NOT making them a prima donna. But it's moot, and I don't want to begin another entire discussion on that now, so don't bother because I already know where it will lead - as long as I don't agree with the masses, I'm a troll no matter what. THAT is the real reason for calling me a troll. Agree or you're a troll.

point piper,

Couple of things:

First, if you don't understand an analogy, please ask instead of assuming what is meant by it.

In both instances you quote, it was as though you looked at what I wrote and deliberately thought to yourself "how can I misinterpret this so that I can somehow be offended" and then responded to it that way.

The main point of the analogies has been clarified and stands for itself.

Second, the point I make is the only thing I said.

I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I IMPLY NOTHING.

If at any time you're unsure of whether I mean something, all you have to do is ask and I'll be happy to clarify. But if you want to read things into it that aren't there instead of asking, that's on you. Don't act like I said it when you assumed it.


My position was always that the kids shouldn't come to school with expectations unless you give them expectations.

However, if the sim is going to force those expectations and there is nothing I can do about it, THEN AT THE VERY LEAST I want to see the expectations vary.

This wasn't a change in my position; I merely reflected my new knowledge from fellow posters that it was the sim which caused the expectations. The position itself was always the same.

Let me clarify that again: The position is that expectations shouldn't exist unless you as coach give them the expectations, but IF THEY MUST EXIST, there should be variance to reflect the fact that there is variance in real life.

Also, there is no way to clarify anything in this thread into "right and wrong". There is a disagreement of opinion where neither side can be said to be either right or wrong. I can accept that. I only wish others could as well.

9/2/2012 7:22 PM

"Perhaps I'm not making myself clear enough on what I want. I'm not only arguing in favor of wanting to know how a player will react during recruiting, but also if that doesn't exist, the default should be for players not to demand minutes instead of vice versa. The coach should have ultimate veto power over the players without any negative act from players. That's what I'd like to see."

So again, as has been stated a nauseum, you don't want any repercussions for any of the coaching decisions you make that involve lineup changes or minutes allocated to players.  None.  Okay, you want to use the "real life" argument all the time, so I'm saying that "in real life", no matter what kind of personalities you "think" you've recruited, "in real life", this doesn't exist.  You've got a roster of 12 kids (between the ages of 18 and 22, most likely and this is important to remember, the ages of the kids involved), so okay yeah, you're gonna find a dozen kids (who are skilled enough as basketball players that you decided to recruit them in the first place.  To, you know, achieve your objective of actually winning basketball games) who will work as hard as they can, all the time, no questions asked, to do what massa says, with no complaints EVER.  Umm, only in a fantasy world.  Ain't gonna happen in the real world.  Sorry.  Not if you're recruiting kids who are skilled enough to play.  If they are, they are gonna want their minutes.  And if they aren't skilled enough to get those extra minutes, why in the world would you recruit them anyway?  You want to have your cake and eat it too.  You want to compete with all highly skilled kids who won't complain if they don't get the time they think they deserve.  Sorry, Bistiza, but "in real life", that scenario doesn't exist and in HD that doesn't exist.  If you want to be competitive and be able to compete for titles, you have to take the attitudes that come with that goal, bottom line.  No other way around it, in HD or the real world.  Not when you're dealing with primarily teenage kids.  You want realism, that is reality.  Sorry to burst your utopian bubble.

I guess the quote from about 12 pages ago really WAS right on the mark.  Someone is living in a fantasy world inside a simulated world. 

9/2/2012 8:19 PM
If you think people need to ask you what your analogies mean, they're bad analogies.  Period.
9/2/2012 8:23 PM
colonel19 was much more fun

9/2/2012 10:08 PM
Posted by fd343ny on 9/2/2012 10:08:00 PM (view original):
colonel19 was much more fun

Yes he was.  At least his stance had some merit to it.
9/2/2012 10:12 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 9/2/2012 8:23:00 PM (view original):
If you think people need to ask you what your analogies mean, they're bad analogies.  Period.
And, uhh, yea, I was thinking the same thing.
9/2/2012 10:12 PM
point piper,

Couple of things:

First, if you don't understand an analogy, please ask instead of assuming what is meant by it.

I understood it.  You're not complex.

In both instances you quote, it was as though you looked at what I wrote and deliberately thought to yourself "how can I misinterpret this so that I can somehow be offended" and then responded to it that way.

There is no one but you working to make you look bad.  If you think I'm offended you're taking us both too seriously.

The main point of the analogies has been clarified and stands for itself.

The way you understand "analogy" exists more in your mind than in the dictionary or in anyone's experience.

Second, the point I make is the only thing I said.

I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I IMPLY NOTHING.

You don't know what "imply" means, you just don't.  Look it up, if you know where.

If at any time you're unsure of whether I mean something, all you have to do is ask and I'll be happy to clarify. But if you want to read things into it that aren't there instead of asking, that's on you. Don't act like I said it when you assumed it.

If I'm ever unclear on what you mean, I'll let you know.  But so far you are nothing if not obvious.
9/2/2012 10:31 PM (edited)
Posted by dahsdebater on 9/2/2012 8:23:00 PM (view original):
If you think people need to ask you what your analogies mean, they're bad analogies.  Period.
This!  +1.
9/2/2012 10:32 PM
Posted by fd343ny on 9/2/2012 12:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bistiza on 8/27/2012 6:14:00 PM (view original):
I don't think the game should punish you for not playing someone - you're the coach, you should be able to do what you want as far as who plays and how much.

They shouldn't come to your school with any expectation unless you give them one.
I call bull on the claim that the position has not shifted - see above where the position of the great bis was that there should be NO expectations

later in the thread the position was that expectations should vary and NOT EVERYONE should have the same expectations - where was that at the start? no where - it was not that folks didnt understand 

Please dont say that WE are not understanding you, when you are simply spouting illogic and changing your stance.  I fully understand all that you have said and I think most of it is a boatload of unrealistic expectations, smarmy attempts to act like you are smarter than the rest of the world and foolish imposition of your view of the real world on a game.

It is possible for even the great and wise, Galileo like original poster to be simply WRONG and not just misunderstood - and this thread is a good example of being wrong.

This too.  I would +5 this one if I could, it pretty much says it all, and succinctly too.
9/2/2012 10:35 PM
Enjoy pictures!

How bistiza sees himself:

Galileo vs. the Inquistion.  Guess who are the bad guys?

Versus how we all see him:

9/2/2012 10:46 PM (edited)
Piper, do "you" find this challenging at all? Because I, well.........
9/2/2012 11:10 PM (edited)

Yeah, you got me there.  Couldn't resist.

9/2/2012 11:18 PM (edited)
Wait I mean "you" got me there.
9/2/2012 11:15 PM
Posted by gillispie1 on 9/3/2012 2:25:00 AM (view original):
i maintain he is doing too many drugs... and i don't even say that about my friends-turned-addicts who have thrown their entire lives away. why? because when the words flow from their mouths, even if the drool comes with it... THEY STILL MAKE SOME SENSE!

bis.. i think you have just gotten too deep. just pretend this thread never existed, never speak of this topic again, and you will be much better off for it. in the other threads, where you asked for help, you seemed fairly reasonable. you didn't seem like through heavy drug use, you had reduced your brain to being a single celled organism. just give it up, already :O
dude that rick rolled the thread actually had the most on point post of all - bistiza IS Never Gonna Give This Up!
Love the tenacity, but main counter point that many of us have provided remains the same - most people disagree with your position that there should be no built in expectations of playing time. Some have given examples that seem to indicate that the expectations are not necessarily the same for everyone. Hell, for all I know my comment in jest about telling you to study the scouting eval character comments might actually still have some bearing where this is concerned. Popular opinion is that these comments are no longer relevant since they were allusions to something called dilemmas which have been removed from the game, but who knows? Try to recruit only the kids who still ride the bus to school and who found the $20 and gave it back and see how it goes... other than that, CS is unlikely to implement this feature that you desire, but the only way to find out is to submit a ticket.  The rest of this thread is really just words... Bis, I get that you feel impugned, but sometimes you just have to take the "higher ground" and move on...
9/3/2012 3:56 AM
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