Critical news debate Topic

Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
About the time I realized I did not make trades and advanced scouting had no other purpose other than evaluating players for trade. I figured why should I put money into something I am not using.

If, and I stress IF WIS is going to totally change what advanced scouting does in this game, I don't see why the resistance from the player base in allowing a reset. It's not like going to zero advanced scouting was some kind of loophole that people were exploiting.

When it takes about a year to move from 0-14, and if they are going to make advanced scouting have the greatest effect in College, High School, and International players when in the past it had zero effect in college, high school, and international then I don't see how the player base is being unreasonable in asking for a reset. If anything I think the resisters are the ones being unreasonable.

5/9/2015 12:54 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 12:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
He's not a 0 with either of his teams.   Looks like he's new to "Get to 0 ADV" strategy. 
That's hysterical. 

No wonder he's sad.

"Took me 15 seasons to figure it out, and NOW they're changing it" They just hate ME.

The dude doesn't even realize he is ahead of most because he never actually got to 0.
That one team is at 1 so not really a difference there, but the other one is at 4, so he's a full season ahead of anyone else at 0, and he's crying louder than most of them I'm sure...
5/9/2015 12:55 PM
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
About the time I realized I did not make trades and advanced scouting had no other purpose other than evaluating players for trade. I figured why should I put money into something I am not using.

If, and I stress IF WIS is going to totally change what advanced scouting does in this game, I don't see why the resistance from the player base in allowing a reset. It's not like going to zero advanced scouting was some kind of loophole that people were exploiting.

When it takes about a year to move from 0-14, and if they are going to make advanced scouting have the greatest effect in College, High School, and International players when in the past it had zero effect in college, high school, and international then I don't see how the player base is being unreasonable in asking for a reset. If anything I think the resisters are the ones being unreasonable.

Perhaps the user base should figure out how to adjust to the change just as we figured out why we should have adjusted to 0 ADV.

I've already figured out the best way for each of my teams.   Of course, I spent ZERO time whining about not being able to adjust all at once.   I guess that freed up some time to make new plans.
5/9/2015 1:02 PM
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
About the time I realized I did not make trades and advanced scouting had no other purpose other than evaluating players for trade. I figured why should I put money into something I am not using.

If, and I stress IF WIS is going to totally change what advanced scouting does in this game, I don't see why the resistance from the player base in allowing a reset. It's not like going to zero advanced scouting was some kind of loophole that people were exploiting.

When it takes about a year to move from 0-14, and if they are going to make advanced scouting have the greatest effect in College, High School, and International players when in the past it had zero effect in college, high school, and international then I don't see how the player base is being unreasonable in asking for a reset. If anything I think the resisters are the ones being unreasonable.

That's another reason that I am very suspect about the ADV having any effect whatsoever concerning the HS/COL/INT'L projections.

I'd be OK with it if it did, because I can adjust, and I like a challenge, BUT that would make the least important budgeting item the most important overnight, and I don't think they would do that.
5/9/2015 1:02 PM
Here's the bottom line so far.

1. We have no reason to believe that adv scouting will suddenly be a make-or-break rating. It may become slightly more important than it is right now. That's all.

2. Any user who is not at least partially incompetent or new to a world has been at 0 adv scouting for some time now. Therefore, the only people who would be at an advantage (if adv becomes relevant) are people who are either new or not very good at this game. So they probably won't benefit that much anyway.

3. The $4 increase/decrease limit has been a part of this game since time immemorial. It had never mattered which ratings are important and which aren't. Sure, $20 training is a must, but we've all had to play by the rules and wait 3 seasons to get there. Same with $0 adv. This is not a new rule!

4. Even with the $4 limit, it will only take about 3-4 seasons to get you adv budget up to a range where the numbers make sense. If your team is going to be permanently destroyed by having fuzzy adv numbers for 3 seasons, your team isn't very strong in the first place.

So can people please quit whining about the $4 limit? There are far more interesting things to be discussing in this update, like how the draft scouting and international pools will change. The whole adv/$4 thing has been beaten into the ground by now.
5/9/2015 1:04 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 1:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
About the time I realized I did not make trades and advanced scouting had no other purpose other than evaluating players for trade. I figured why should I put money into something I am not using.

If, and I stress IF WIS is going to totally change what advanced scouting does in this game, I don't see why the resistance from the player base in allowing a reset. It's not like going to zero advanced scouting was some kind of loophole that people were exploiting.

When it takes about a year to move from 0-14, and if they are going to make advanced scouting have the greatest effect in College, High School, and International players when in the past it had zero effect in college, high school, and international then I don't see how the player base is being unreasonable in asking for a reset. If anything I think the resisters are the ones being unreasonable.

Perhaps the user base should figure out how to adjust to the change just as we figured out why we should have adjusted to 0 ADV.

I've already figured out the best way for each of my teams.   Of course, I spent ZERO time whining about not being able to adjust all at once.   I guess that freed up some time to make new plans.
You always whine. Every time someone has a discussion and you can't formulate a reasonable disagreement you resort to whining. You don't think you do, but you do.
5/9/2015 1:05 PM
Here's the thing.

In my worlds, there are only a select few with more than 40m in IFA/HS/College combined.  They might be hit a little harder than most but the simple solution is to decrease those scouting budgets by 4m while raising ADV.   If they have more than 4m in each, they're actually gaining 8m per season until they find their comfort level with ADV(and most are going to settle in where they settled in with IFA/HS/College as less than 20m).   

It's not a doomsday moment.   You'd simply have to adjust for a couple of seasons.   As will everyone.

And, again, I don't think any of these changes will effect the team you've built.   Everyone should be able to play at least 3 seasons with their current players while making adjustments.   3 complete seasons will allow everyone 16m in ADV if that's where they're going.
5/9/2015 1:10 PM
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 1:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
About the time I realized I did not make trades and advanced scouting had no other purpose other than evaluating players for trade. I figured why should I put money into something I am not using.

If, and I stress IF WIS is going to totally change what advanced scouting does in this game, I don't see why the resistance from the player base in allowing a reset. It's not like going to zero advanced scouting was some kind of loophole that people were exploiting.

When it takes about a year to move from 0-14, and if they are going to make advanced scouting have the greatest effect in College, High School, and International players when in the past it had zero effect in college, high school, and international then I don't see how the player base is being unreasonable in asking for a reset. If anything I think the resisters are the ones being unreasonable.

That's another reason that I am very suspect about the ADV having any effect whatsoever concerning the HS/COL/INT'L projections.

I'd be OK with it if it did, because I can adjust, and I like a challenge, BUT that would make the least important budgeting item the most important overnight, and I don't think they would do that.
I also have my doubts. However I can envision a system that would make the game better and it would include HS/COLL/INTL deciding how many recruits you see and advanced scouting projecting the future of a player.

Myself I am going to adjust to whatever happens,  however I think WIS should do whats best for the game and if possible implement those changes in the fairest possible way. I think thats a reasonable request.
5/9/2015 1:10 PM
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 1:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 1:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
About the time I realized I did not make trades and advanced scouting had no other purpose other than evaluating players for trade. I figured why should I put money into something I am not using.

If, and I stress IF WIS is going to totally change what advanced scouting does in this game, I don't see why the resistance from the player base in allowing a reset. It's not like going to zero advanced scouting was some kind of loophole that people were exploiting.

When it takes about a year to move from 0-14, and if they are going to make advanced scouting have the greatest effect in College, High School, and International players when in the past it had zero effect in college, high school, and international then I don't see how the player base is being unreasonable in asking for a reset. If anything I think the resisters are the ones being unreasonable.

Perhaps the user base should figure out how to adjust to the change just as we figured out why we should have adjusted to 0 ADV.

I've already figured out the best way for each of my teams.   Of course, I spent ZERO time whining about not being able to adjust all at once.   I guess that freed up some time to make new plans.
You always whine. Every time someone has a discussion and you can't formulate a reasonable disagreement you resort to whining. You don't think you do, but you do.
Whatever you say, whiner.
5/9/2015 1:11 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 1:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 1:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 1:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
About the time I realized I did not make trades and advanced scouting had no other purpose other than evaluating players for trade. I figured why should I put money into something I am not using.

If, and I stress IF WIS is going to totally change what advanced scouting does in this game, I don't see why the resistance from the player base in allowing a reset. It's not like going to zero advanced scouting was some kind of loophole that people were exploiting.

When it takes about a year to move from 0-14, and if they are going to make advanced scouting have the greatest effect in College, High School, and International players when in the past it had zero effect in college, high school, and international then I don't see how the player base is being unreasonable in asking for a reset. If anything I think the resisters are the ones being unreasonable.

Perhaps the user base should figure out how to adjust to the change just as we figured out why we should have adjusted to 0 ADV.

I've already figured out the best way for each of my teams.   Of course, I spent ZERO time whining about not being able to adjust all at once.   I guess that freed up some time to make new plans.
You always whine. Every time someone has a discussion and you can't formulate a reasonable disagreement you resort to whining. You don't think you do, but you do.
Whatever you say, whiner.
Grow up. You act like a 10 year old.
5/9/2015 1:12 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 8:19:00 AM (view original):
They said that because they knew that would be the first whine, err, request.    Get it out of the way.

You go looking at cars with the wife.   You know she'll want the Ferrari.  You say "We're not getting a Ferrari" on the way because you don't want to discuss it, ad nauseum, when you get there.
I want the Ferrari. She wants a Prius.
5/9/2015 1:14 PM
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 1:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 1:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 1:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 1:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
About the time I realized I did not make trades and advanced scouting had no other purpose other than evaluating players for trade. I figured why should I put money into something I am not using.

If, and I stress IF WIS is going to totally change what advanced scouting does in this game, I don't see why the resistance from the player base in allowing a reset. It's not like going to zero advanced scouting was some kind of loophole that people were exploiting.

When it takes about a year to move from 0-14, and if they are going to make advanced scouting have the greatest effect in College, High School, and International players when in the past it had zero effect in college, high school, and international then I don't see how the player base is being unreasonable in asking for a reset. If anything I think the resisters are the ones being unreasonable.

Perhaps the user base should figure out how to adjust to the change just as we figured out why we should have adjusted to 0 ADV.

I've already figured out the best way for each of my teams.   Of course, I spent ZERO time whining about not being able to adjust all at once.   I guess that freed up some time to make new plans.
You always whine. Every time someone has a discussion and you can't formulate a reasonable disagreement you resort to whining. You don't think you do, but you do.
Whatever you say, whiner.
Grow up. You act like a 10 year old.
It's pointless to discuss anything with you.   Always has been, always will be.  

You were a proponent of taking advantage of new players in trade because "they have to learn somehow".     That's the absolute worst thing that can happen to new owner.   I imagine you and your type have run off more owners with that "strategy" than anyone cares to know. 

So, yeah, you asking for a "reset" is more annoying, and whiney, than most.
5/9/2015 1:15 PM

They have to learn somehow?

"I'm actually doing them a FAVOR by trade raping them. If not me somebody else will. At least I'm giving them a reach around while I do so..."
5/9/2015 1:17 PM
Yeah, that's pretty much what he said.  "If not me, someone else would do it."
5/9/2015 1:22 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 1:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 1:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 1:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 1:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/9/2015 1:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plague on 5/9/2015 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchales_army on 5/9/2015 12:40:00 PM (view original):
How long did it take you to "fully adjust" to the 0 ADV strategy?
About the time I realized I did not make trades and advanced scouting had no other purpose other than evaluating players for trade. I figured why should I put money into something I am not using.

If, and I stress IF WIS is going to totally change what advanced scouting does in this game, I don't see why the resistance from the player base in allowing a reset. It's not like going to zero advanced scouting was some kind of loophole that people were exploiting.

When it takes about a year to move from 0-14, and if they are going to make advanced scouting have the greatest effect in College, High School, and International players when in the past it had zero effect in college, high school, and international then I don't see how the player base is being unreasonable in asking for a reset. If anything I think the resisters are the ones being unreasonable.

Perhaps the user base should figure out how to adjust to the change just as we figured out why we should have adjusted to 0 ADV.

I've already figured out the best way for each of my teams.   Of course, I spent ZERO time whining about not being able to adjust all at once.   I guess that freed up some time to make new plans.
You always whine. Every time someone has a discussion and you can't formulate a reasonable disagreement you resort to whining. You don't think you do, but you do.
Whatever you say, whiner.
Grow up. You act like a 10 year old.
It's pointless to discuss anything with you.   Always has been, always will be.  

You were a proponent of taking advantage of new players in trade because "they have to learn somehow".     That's the absolute worst thing that can happen to new owner.   I imagine you and your type have run off more owners with that "strategy" than anyone cares to know. 

So, yeah, you asking for a "reset" is more annoying, and whiney, than most.
Don't put words in my mouth.

Since you feel the need to change the subject, I will make 1 statement on the subject.

I don't believe new owners should have some special rule set that protects them from themselves. This is a game, and they have the freedom of choice whether to make a trade. When I play a new game whether its HBD or any other game I don't expect anyone to baby me, protect me from myself. I want you to put forth 100% effort in beating me. You want to learn ask questions, but once you hit the field its game on.

5/9/2015 1:25 PM
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