House of cards coming down. Topic

It’s bad enough that for the past five years, Congress, led by the Republicans has failed in their duties to provide us with the services they were elected to give us.

Instead, they have lied, stonewalled, blocked, sabotaged filibustered, prevented job growth, killed sane gun control, and generally driven this country into the toilet. A comfortable place for the old, white, hacks of that party, but not for the rest of us.

What we got instead is no immigration plan, no tax reform, a gigantic fiscal cliff, more tax relief for the rich, less air quality restrictions, a phony Benghazi scandal, a made-up IRS bruhaha, and a cut back in social services, especially for the poor. On a scale of 1 to 10, Congress is mining record negative numbers and falling fast.

Oh, one other thing they did do — actually 30+ time now — they voted on bills to void or vacate the Affordable Healthcare Act. 36 Votes. Are you crapping me?

When are these ******* going to get it. We want action on pressing matters, not political issues… We want fairness, not partisanship.

Isn’t it about time we start taking names and arm ourselves with our votes to see to it that these lackies and political slackers are driven from office? Let’s start at the top. Boehner, McConnell, and work our way down as they come up for re-election.

Let’s stop rewarding obstructionism. Get with the program. Down with ******* — let’s “Dump the chump!”

Guest post by David Garber

5/17/2013 9:45 PM
David Gerber's a tard.

PS: Who runs the Senate?
5/17/2013 10:07 PM
Jclark....explain how those filibuster rules in the Senate work...

Reid is a chump for not fixing them when he had the opportunity.

5/17/2013 10:52 PM
I'd pray about it, but then again I wouldn't want the IRS to ask me about my prayers.
5/18/2013 9:44 AM
Posted by jclarkbaker on 5/17/2013 10:07:00 PM (view original):
David Gerber's a tard.

PS: Who runs the Senate?
5/18/2013 11:51 AM
Who runs the Senate?
5/18/2013 2:15 PM

Is rcrusso for real? 
5/18/2013 2:39 PM
I agree with Nick.  An ****** indeed runs the Senate.
5/20/2013 11:29 AM
5/21/2013 7:45 PM
This post has a rating of , which is below the default threshold.
5/21/2013 7:50 PM
Members of the WH press corp are "wingnuts"?
5/21/2013 10:31 PM
Posted by rcrusso on 5/21/2013 7:50:00 PM (view original):
Who runs the Senate?
5/21/2013 10:31 PM
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House of cards coming down. Topic

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