Survivor IX: Americana (polabonez crowned champ) Topic

Posted by muddapucka on 7/22/2011 6:04:00 PM (view original):
Now that it's past 6:00, I think it'll be 5-2 for pola.
That is correct.

Congratulations polabonez
7/22/2011 6:15 PM
Posted by bfkfraser on 7/22/2011 6:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by muddapucka on 7/22/2011 6:04:00 PM (view original):
Now that it's past 6:00, I think it'll be 5-2 for pola.
That is correct.

Congratulations polabonez
I'll be honest, that was pretty anticlimactic.
7/22/2011 6:16 PM
Now, for the epilogue.    I have received several thank yous for running this and I do appreciate all of them.   I  enjoyed coming up with the challenges, but was out of the loop on what was being discussed between the intertwined alliances, other than what was disclosed to me.    

I have 2 stories that come to mind.  We had a challenge involving Over/under in MLB games.    It was a similar challenge to one done in Survivor VII.     During the challenge, one tribe erroneously posted their submission in the thread.  They did sitemail to me later unchanged.   I was told that the Arfy led tribe had joked they should change one tie-breaker and guarantee that they will not finish last.    Arfy, running late, forwarded the "joke" submission to me, instead of a different one.   He had sent me a second sitemail an hour and a half after the start of the 7:00 games asking if he could change it.    My decision was it would have been unfair to other tribes.    He, then sitemailed me a complaint about the timing of my challenge announcement.    ironically, in Survivor VII's similar challenge, Arfy submitted his entry late and posted nearly the same complaint in the thread.    Must be something about Over/Under on MLB games.

atcchris found the idol at the Cumberland Gap.    He passed it to da_goat at the same time that da_goat played the fake idol.    If da_goat would have just said an idol, i would have had to accept it.    Polabonez's fake idol could have backfired if da-goat would have worded it differently.   Incidently, da_goat also guessed the correct location of the idol, but his post immediately followed atcchris's.    da_goat's post was edited, but the time changes with editing, but not the placement in the thread.
7/22/2011 6:31 PM
Congrats, pola.  You da man...!!
7/22/2011 6:32 PM
Feel free to discuss or ask questions.   This game started when I was attending a Bob Sege concert.  And appropriately, this weekend I will be at a Paul McCartney concert
7/22/2011 6:32 PM
6/29/2011 1:26:00 PM
my idol clue letter
Message: (Edited)
cc: BFK, pola, awags

Before the game even started, I thought I'd missed out. There were already 30 people signed up, but awags asked if we could have 32. He sitemailed me and asked if I wanted to play and work together. He got me in the game, so I thank him for that.

Before tribes were announced, awags, polabonez, and I formed a super-secret alliance. We would bring in others as needed, but the Core 3 of us would try to make it to the end without having to tell anyone else about us.

Along the way, we got the nickname Prom Queen Bangers. I think it came from pola. Losers go home alone, winners bang the prom queen. Something like that. There are now 11 people left, 10 after today's vote. The PQBs have been doing well.

There have been a couple of times that one of us could've been voted out, but awags and pola made sure that didn't happen.

Poor arfy. He wanted me out so badly at the beginning. I targeted him last game since he helped vote me out a time before. I was over it, but he asked that I be the first one gone when our tribe had to vote. He didn't know I was protected by the people he was asking help from.

I've played a very passive role this game, something out of the ordinary for me. It's much easier when you don't have lots of alliances, real or not, to keep track of.

If the PQBs all make the final merge, we should be able to control things. As it stands right now, we have 2 idols. Hopefully, we can get the third and run with it all the way to the final vote.
7/22/2011 6:36 PM
6/29/2011 1:57:00 PM
A Letter from Home

I just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying my stay here on the island.

When I first showed up, I instantly jumped into an alliance with muddapucka and awags. I felt like they would be the strongest of the veterans in the game, and I didn't trust either of them... So keep your friends close, but your enemies closer sort of thing.

Since, we have gotten along great... It's been a hell of a 3-some. I'll admit that Awags scares me a bit because he has ties in a few places that I'm unaware of, and in a few places that I am aware of that wasn't told about from him.

For instance -

Everyone knows csudak and peanutjets are tied at the hip. However, csudak believes he is a part of a 3 man alliance with awags.

I believe I am a part of a 3 man alliance with awags and mudda.

So, Awags holds the key to TWO three man alliances. While I would like to believe that I am his true alliance (the Prom Queen Bangers, as we like to call ourselves), I can't help but wonder why csudak constantly knows things that only awags knows and vice versa.

I haven't told this information to anyone, and I'm keeping it close for now. awags is connected at the hip also to acres1971 (who he has met in real life), and onside is on board with me I believe, since I have only been saving his life this whole time while he was away helping at camp.

When it comes down to it, I will use this information where needed and turn anyone I have to against anyone... and bring who I need with me.

For now, I have just been messing with all of the soon to be dead people. atcchris thinks we are having a 3-3 stand with him, csudak, and katzphang.

We aren't.

I have been sitemailing him preparing to offer the fake "Idol of Bumpy Tallwacker" and the "Idol of Donkey Punch" trying to get him to play it in the thread for my (and your) amusement.

Anyways, To sum it up. I am your Survivor champion.

If you do it like years past where the top two give a speech, or change it to the current Survivor where 3 give speeches, it doesn't matter.

I got runner up the last time I played 3 Survivors ago. I hosted the last two. And It's my turn to get my name on Victory lane.

Your soon to be champion,


7/22/2011 6:38 PM
6/29/2011 4:26:00 PM
Letters to the President
Dear Mr. President,

Well, I don't even know what to say. All logic points to that I should have gotten voted off when I decided to go intern at a camp for two weeks with limited internet access. Thank goodness I aligned myself with the right people. Now the game is finally getting started.

I feel like I have no clue what is actually going on. I've just been the voting buddy of numerous groups (ok, just awags and acres), as polabonez continues to run the show. But, he's the experienced veteran and I'm the "fake" veteran who got voted off in the first 5 tribals of the last game.

If everything goes according to plan, Tyson, csudak, and me will make the final three. After that, I'm probably screwed, because I haven't done much in this game except vote while Tyson has practically ran the whole thing. And I'm sure people will come up with reasons to vote for Casey over me. Basically, I like my chances to make it to the top 6 or so, just because I haven't given people a reason to vote for me. After that, who the hell knows?

Also, that a-hole da_goat has to go and guess 15,000 times for an idol when he knows he's a goner. Thanks for making things complicated, buddy.

7/22/2011 6:41 PM
6/29/2011 4:53:00 PM
Letter Home
This is crazy! I came into this trusting very few. From the get go myself, peanutjets, and awags agreed to have each others backs. My goal is always to just get to the merge and hope that my knowledge gets me to the end. I wasn't really worried about anyother alliances or pecking order as in the end it was just a game.

Once tribes were formed polabonez was nice enough to reach out and bring me in with a few of his guys, which in a circular way included awags. I was allowed to keep peanut in the loop. We had a solid group of 6 or 7 depending on who we really trust and who we were bringing along for the right. I'll tell you this game really plays with your mind.

The DQs really hurt the game as it made it tougher to not have to vote against your own alliances and we had to do alot more work to keep people on other tribes safe.

In the new tribe, had to make new alliances to keep myself safe. I hate making promises I can't keep, but I told them I would work as long as we were together.

Once Adams came together, atcchris, katzphang were planning on me sticking with them. I did for the first vote, but that was because we wanted to flush out any idols and try to gain info, but now we hit the point where I must make a turn against katz.

Nothing personal, just a game.
Hopefully I have my sanity when this is over.

7/22/2011 6:43 PM
6/29/2011 9:38:00 PM
I really enjoy playing this game. As soon as it was announced I let as many of my GD friends know and several signed up. That created an effective network of operatives at my disposal. Right away I joined up with Pola and Mudda and formed a super secret alliance the likes of which the world has never known. It was a perfect match for me because both Mudda and Pola are extremely clever, something I am not. In fact I am dumber than a bag of wet mice. You will send me a clue for this letter and by the time I say duh and the drool hits my keyboard either Pola or Mudda will have found the idol. Then they'll probably even give it to me out of pity. My master plan is to ride their coat tails until the finish and then somehow convince the jury that I deserve to win. Any ideas on how to do that?

7/22/2011 6:46 PM
6/29/2011 11:59:00 PM
RE: Sitemail
Dear Bfkfraser,

Having played survivor once a few years ago, you'd think I'd have a good strategy going into the game.. but I didn't. The last time I played, I played it straight, then overthought the whole thing and got voted off because the responses to direct questions by my target weren't crafty enough.. in short, I'm not a good liar.

As always, winning challenges is important.. I've tried to make myself "indispensable", but that isn't the biggest deal here.. being right on the challenges isn't always that impressive, especially since some of these challenges are simply a matter of playing the odds.. knowing full well that you can get caught by the odds.

So, being really good at understanding a lot of sports isn't necessarily all that valuable. I guess I avoided being voted off mostly by not losing challenges, and then it seems that participation mattered to folks, and then some got DQd.

For our last tribes, it seemed that the Senator/governor/justice clans coalesced into more cohesive alliances, for better or for worse.. While we Adams were winning the first few challenges, the Jeffersons were voting off former Senators... so csudak and katzphange and I started reading the wrting on the wall.

So, when we lost the linescore challenge... we decided we were just going to pool our votes on arfy... I didn't tell my teammates that I had an idol, which I had won by guessing Millard Fillmore's Bathtub (easy lookup on google after your hint LOL). I had just played arfy's Tennessee team with my Hawaii team in Stagg, and gave him a decent game, despite losing, and he had sitemailed me the obligatory gg.. and we talked a little.. so, I figured I'd ask him what he thought about the vote. he answered me back that he thought that they were going to vote off katz...

Katzphange has been travelling in Europe, and has had spotty access to the internet.. as soon as I got arfy's message, I sitemailed katz to see if he was online... I was going to trade him the idol so he could avoid the elimination... but I was lucky he wasn't able to get online; I started thinking that arfy wouldn't have just come out and told me what they were doing.. he would have hemmed and hawed or something, so I figured he was faking. Either way, I figured playing the idol was our only chance to even the odds.. if we got lucky, we could eliminate one of their guys... so I played it and arfy was eliminated.

After losing the women's cup challenge... (Stupid swedes.. they blew a goal differential game against columbia.. they should have had 4-5 goals! ) we knew it was going to be iffy... cusdak, katz and I decided we were going to vote for peanutjets... then polabonez sent me a sitemail trying to get me to join their side...

For a little bit, I thought about just double-crossing my guys, but I thought better of it.. I'm not a good enough liar. So I forwarded them the sitemail and then I asked polabonez what the details were.. he said he'd trade his idol for my vote.. but what he'd do is give the idol to the guy I wanted to save, then vote the other guy off.

I was going to try to accept the deal, then double cross him back.. but the problem was that It was about 1030 am my time, and I had to be at work... so I sitemailed that to polabonez.. it's absolutely the truth.. I'm an air traffic control supervisor and I have odd hours.. we can flex in, but I was expected to be at work no later than 11 to relieve the day supervisor for lunch.. polabonez thought I was lying about that so he said he'd offer the deal to someone else then.. I told him that was fine.. I was playing on borrowed time anyhow.

I assume he made the deal with csudak, because katz and I voted for peanutjets. I assume that csudak now has an idol, and if we lose the next challenge (thank goodness I'm the captain) then I'm gone. I think I can trust csudak... the problem is if the Jeffersons lose, then da_goat is voted off, and that was our last ally.. (we think MAYBE we can get dawgnuts.. but I'm sure he's keeping his powder dry.)

Anyhow, should be interesting.. hoping da_goat gets an idol.. or if we lose, csudak and I guess correctly about who should use the idol. The problem is, I am almost certain mudda has a superior idol... so we have to guess right about both who they'll vote for and who won't use an idol for them.. and they might split their vote to hedge their bet... then again, csudak might just join them to guarantee going to the merge.. who knows?

Was that good enough? I know.. too much thinking.. lol


7/22/2011 6:47 PM
6/30/2011 8:39:00 PM
Idol clues
Almost forgot to send you out my strategy-

I originally had an alliance with golfpro71 and mr_mojo in our original tribe. When we divided into a different tribe, I set up an alliance with golfpro, katzphang88, sjurat, and csudak. This alliance was gonna be a big 5-person alliance and then a stronger 3-person alliance within the 5 consisting of golfpro, katz, and I.
The whole thing kinda blew up on us when we had to split into the final 2 tribes and golfpro, sjurat, and I were outnumbered by another alliance.
Now, I am just trying to survive day by day!
7/22/2011 6:49 PM
Congrats, polabonez!
So who voted for whom? I was set on voting for mudda, but after the final speech and video, I just decided that even though he played me and kinda ****** me off, pola just flat-out deserved to win it, so he got my vote.
7/22/2011 6:55 PM
Now that it's all out there, I just HAVE to know what the HE*LL da_goat was thinking when he played the "taliwack" idol.  Obviously I was going to be voted off by either side pretty quickly, but it might have helped the suspense factor if he'd have played the idol we worked so hard to get! What was up with that?!
7/22/2011 6:55 PM
I voted for pola.. both he and mudda had very little interaction; pola got ****** and thought I was blowing him off when I had to go to work, and mudda got ****** when I told the group that since my butt was on the line, I was gonna be putting in the NASCAR deal with no input from them... but mudda wouldn't let it go... so I figured the lesser of two evils and all.
7/22/2011 6:58 PM
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Survivor IX: Americana (polabonez crowned champ) Topic

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