I had a dream Topic

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was it a wet dream

inquiring minds want to know

you are about thirty years too late to be questioning neocons

better wet than never i guess
8/31/2022 6:49 AM
The earth is totally flat too, NASA says it's round so it's flat

I've never seen the curvature of the earth!

so crazy how no one could hear the blasts from the controlled demolition!
8/31/2022 12:08 PM
One of my favorite things about Biden is how he finally got us out of Afghanistan and has effectively ended the drone war in Yemen. Thanks, Biden!

He also has been reversing neocon domestic policy with his BBB agenda. Thanks again, Biden!

I'm so excited to get out and vote for Biden AGAIN in 2024!
8/31/2022 12:20 PM
I had a dream. The dream was that one of these times when GG says he is retiring, he will actually mean it! Fat chance, eh?
8/31/2022 4:22 PM
Posted by tangplay on 8/31/2022 12:08:00 PM (view original):
The earth is totally flat too, NASA says it's round so it's flat

I've never seen the curvature of the earth!

so crazy how no one could hear the blasts from the controlled demolition!
Um, none of your absurd/strawman examples explain how WTC 7 collapsed. Try again.
9/1/2022 12:56 AM
GG, none of YOUR absurd statements explain anything. Please don't try again!!!
9/1/2022 1:08 AM

Um, none of your absurd/strawman examples explain how WTC 7 collapsed. Try again.

You provide your explanation first
9/1/2022 1:13 AM
This has been studied for years and the explanation of fires is the most commonly accepted.

You're gonna have to not only provide a counter example, but explain how the conspiracy operates from a fundamental level. How many people know the truth and don't say anything, and how many people needed to sign off on murdering American citizens on a large scale, yet none of this has leaked to the public?

I'm not a ******* expert on these things but it also doesn't take an expert to figure out that flying a plane into a building with other buildings around it hadn't really been crash tested before. Obviously the results were going to be unprecedented.

There has NEVER been any credible evidence that explosions or anything else brought down WTC 7. It's fires. It's always been fires.
9/1/2022 1:19 AM
who knew fire could melt iron?

oh wait, the Hittites 1200 BC

9/1/2022 12:06 PM
Posted by tangplay on 9/1/2022 1:19:00 AM (view original):
This has been studied for years and the explanation of fires is the most commonly accepted.

You're gonna have to not only provide a counter example, but explain how the conspiracy operates from a fundamental level. How many people know the truth and don't say anything, and how many people needed to sign off on murdering American citizens on a large scale, yet none of this has leaked to the public?

I'm not a ******* expert on these things but it also doesn't take an expert to figure out that flying a plane into a building with other buildings around it hadn't really been crash tested before. Obviously the results were going to be unprecedented.

There has NEVER been any credible evidence that explosions or anything else brought down WTC 7. It's fires. It's always been fires.
Maybe there's no credible evidence because our "journalists" are about as interested looking into WTC 7 (and the many inconsistencies in the official 911 story) as they are in doing a deep dive into who Epstein's clients were.

It's all a sham.

Btw, Martyr Made, a fantastic history podcast, did a deep dive 3 part series into Epstein and concluded that he was likely an agent of the Israeli govt. Fwiw
9/1/2022 3:08 PM
I think you are likely an idiot...means just as much.
9/1/2022 5:55 PM

Maybe there's no credible evidence because our "journalists" are about as interested looking into WTC 7

The fact that you made this claim is evidence that you are totally out of your mind on this issue. This is one of the MOST STUDIED AND TALKED ABOUT TOPICS THIS MILLENIUM. The idea that there "isn't enough research" on WTC 7 is actually laughable.

I'm begging you to exit your bubble

9/1/2022 11:31 PM
... it was time
to be taken to the front of the line
9/2/2022 7:22 PM
whatchutalkinbout, forg?
9/2/2022 8:55 PM
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I had a dream Topic

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