Neighbor League #7 Draft Topic

This is the same league structure as you have come to expect from Beernoser - after a backchannel discussion, he offered to let me run v7 (with his assistance)

$ 80 million budget, no DH, no AAA.

The league is not a progressive league. It's just a one time shot that can be repeated. The rules are pretty complicated so it's probably not the right league for a beginner or someone with a passing interest in WIS. It's better for the hard core owner. So here are the complicated rules.

Your final roster will be constructed from combining the rosters of four real life teams from a pool of all major league teams that played in 1927, 37, 47, 57, 67, or 77. For instance, you could build your final roster from players from the 1977 Mets, 1967 Dodgers, 1927 A's and 1977 Reds. The rostering is not as simple as that. It is quite restrictive.

Once the season starts you can start a player at any position at which he has a WIS rating for that season. However on your final 25 man roster you must have exactly two players who have a primary position at catcher, 2x 1B, 2x 2B, 2x 3B, 2x shortstops, 5x outfielders and 10x pitchers. You can tell what position a player counts as by rostering in a team, say the 1967 Phillies you see Dick Allen as a third baseman. That means if he makes your final roster he counts as one of your team's two third basemen. Once the season starts he can start at any position he has a WIS rating. Lucky you. Dick has a WIS rating at 2B and SS in addition to he 3B primary rating. A guy like that is a very valuable guy in this league.
Exception: Players with UTIL/DH as their primary designation will be treated as if they had OF as their primary designation. They can be played as OF for roster and daily purposes. If such a player qualifies in WIS for another position, they will count as OF for roster purposes but may start at other qualifying positions as well.

VERY IMPORTANT! We all have to be looking at the same information to make this league work. When you pick a team, you have to know who you get. Here's the only league approved way to do it. Look at a blank draft center page. See where it says 2015 Anaheim Angels? You can switch that to any team and any year. That's the only officially approved way to see who you get on your team. This is very important because there are two wrong ways to do it and people do it the wrong way every time and they make decisions thinking they have players they don't in fact have. One wrong way to do it is to go to and look at the 1967 Phillies. That will give you a different set of players than the approved method. The other wrong way id to go to a blank WIS draft center page and click on a blank SP/RP spot and ask to see the 1967 Phillies hitters. That will give you a wrong group of players also. Let's do an experiment. Ask WIS to call up the 1967 Phillies the correct way by changing the 2015 Anaheim Angels to the 1967 Phillies. Notice you get 14 hitters. Now let's do it the wrong way. Go to a blank screen, pick an empty pitcher spot and ask to see the 1967 Phillies pitchers. Oops. There are 19 of them. There are 15 hitters and two different versions of Tito Francona and Gene Oliver. If you do this the wrong way you'll think you have Bob Uecker when you don't. That really sucks! Then you'll be frustrated when you finally puzzle your final roster together and I'll tell you it's not a legal roster.. This is very important to get this right as people do it wrong every time.

On your final roster you must have 7 players from one of your four teams, and six from each of the other three. You can't have two versions of the same player on your final roster. For instance if you are using the 1967 Phillies and 1977 Padres, you can't roster both Gary Sutherlands. You can use one or none. But a dagger (see below) against either will take out BOTH.

As soon as all owners are signed up you will be randomly assigned a draft order and division. The draft order goes 1-24, 1-24, 24-1, 24-1. Having an early pick in this draft is no particular advantage. Here's how the draft works.

Round One- Once your draft spot comes up you can pick any team from the available teams from 1927, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77. Once you pick a team, no one else can pick that same team. If you pick the 1977 Dodgers, no one else can use the 1977 Dodgers.

Round Two - One of your three division mates will be assigned the task of gifting you your second round team. He should look at your first round pick and find another team which meshes horribly with it. For instance let's say your first round pick was the 1967 Phillies, great pitching but not much hitting. Maybe the 1976 Mets would be a bad match since they have Seaver, Graham, and Lamabe but again, not much hitting. Maybe an even better match would be the 1947 St Louis Browns who don't have a whole lot of pitching or hitting. They don't have many cheap backups that might help your budget. Anyway, you get the idea, and six of these guys will be on your final roster. Your second round pick will be awarded to you by a division mate who will try to screw you over the best he can.

Round Three - A second owner within your division will be assigned the task of gifting you the third round team that he expects will give you the most grief. The truly bad teams will be gone, but there are usually some terrible matchups.

Round Four - You get to choose your fourth round team that will make as much sense as you can out of the mess you have before you, knowing the dagger rounds are coming next.

First Dagger - The third owner of your division gets to throw two daggers at your roster pool/ He will look at your four teams and can throw a dagger at one player removing him from your player pool. Who to dagger? Your only leadoff batter? Your best power hitter? Your only cheap backup 1B? Your only shortstop with over 300 at bats? Your fourth starter who's a bargain at 2.1 million? The only guy who plays four different positions? The possibilities are a puzzle. You might end up daggering someone who he wasn't planning on using anyway. IF your opponent has the 1967 and 1977 Dick Allens, daggering either kills them both. The second dagger is to remove one of your four stadiums.

Final Dagger - The final team in your division gets to throw one final dagger. It doesn't hurt as much as the first one though. You get to name which of your four teams the dagger must hit.

I know this is complicated but we've run it many times over the years and it results in a very enjoyable draft. Prepare to do the research though as you'll pull your hair out trying to analyze your division mates teams before picking another team for them or daggering them I know it's complicated. It's a league for those who like complicated.

Mentors - If someone is new to this league, they are allowed to have a mentor. Those must be declared before the league assignments and must NOT be in their own division. Mentors do NOT make any choices for a competitor, but may offer general advice based on past experiences.
Declared mentors:
Redcped: jbar8888, Ribbentrop, calhoop
Ermocito: maviorek12 & claytonengelby

I will also post a spreadsheet which will provide an easy double check for all the legal rosters. Since I have made errors in the past, please tell me ASAP if you find any error on that sheet - the WIS search database will control if there are any errors, but I will correct any as soon as noticed.
11/21/2023 12:44 AM (edited)
Draft Order - Set o 11-19-2023 by random number generator

AL East
1 kentol (9)
2 mavioric12 (18)
3 jbar8888 (10)
4 midknight (13)
5 BeAllEndAll (4)

AL West
6 _jwillis (3)
7 eman7400 (19)
8 Ribbentrop (20)
9 claytonengelby (15)
10 Beernoser (7)

NL East
11 vilefileman (12)
12 lennyistall (14)
13 redcped (5)
14 jonstephen25 (11)
15 3dayrotation (17)

NL West
16 jpeterso (2)
17 ermocito (1)
18 seay00 (8)
19 calhoop (16)
20 whalers10 (6)

Random Sequence Generator

Here is your sequence:

9 18 10 13 4 3 19 20 15 7 12 14 5 11 17 2 1 8 16 6

Timestamp: 2023-11-20 01:55:01 UTC

Original List
1 ermocito
2 jpeterso
3 _jwillis
4 BeAllEndAll
5 redcped
6 whalers10
7 Beernoser
8 seay00
9 kentol
10 jbar8888
11 jonstephen25
12 vilefileman
13 midknight
14 lennyistall
15 claytonengelby
16 calhoop
17 3dayrotation
18 mavioric12
19 eman7400
20 Ribbentrop

11/19/2023 9:04 PM (edited)
Drafted teams, by league
Draft as quick as you can, but at maximum 12 hours after the person in front of you. After 12 hours, the next person can draft ahead of you (and many might draft quickly after them).
Whichever teams they draft will become unavailable to you.
If 12 hours cannot work, please message me ASAP and I will post any approved extensions.
Whenever I mention times, they are CST - but the times that WIS automatically lists for each post are in EST.

AL East
1 kentol ..... 67 Cards, 47 Cubs, 37 Dodgers, 57 Cards
2 mavioric12 .... 27 Pirates, 27 Red Sox, 57 Pirates, 77 Cards
3 jbar8888 .... 77 Dodgers, 77 Oakland A's, 47 Reds, 27 Reds
4 midknight .... 77 Yankees, 77 Blue Jays, 57 Indians, 67 Tigers
5 BeAllEndAll .... 67 ChiSox, 67 Mets, 57 Cubs, 27 Giants

AL West
6 _jwillis …. 77 Phillies, 27 Braves, 67 Yankees, 77 Rangers
7 eman7400 .... 77 Pirates, 57 Senators, 27 White Sox, 47 Red Sox
8 Ribbentrop .... 37 Yanks, 77 Braves, 47 Pirates, 77 Royals
9 claytonengel .... 67 Braves,27 Browns, 77 Brewers, 37 Red Sox
10 Beernoser .... 27 Athletics, 77 Mariners, 27 Phillies, 27 Cubs

NL East
11 vilefileman .... 67 Phillies, 57 Athletics, 27 Robins, 67 Red Sox
12 lennyistall .... 57 Braves, 37 Phillies, 37 Athletics, 37 Giants
13 redcped .... 57 ChiSox, 37 Browns, 47 Browns, 67 Orioles
14 jonstephen25 …. 27 Senators, 47 Senators, 67 Athletics, 47 Braves
15 3dayrotation …. 57 Yankees, 77 Padres, 77 Twins, 67 Reds

NL West
16 jpeterso …. 77 Reds, 27 Indians, 37 Cubs, 57 Dodgers
17 ermocito …. 67 Giants, 77 Giants, 47 Phillies, 37 White Sox
18 seay00 .... 27 Yanks, 37 Bees, 37 Reds, 77 Red Sox
19 calhoop .... 57 Orioles, 77 Mets, 77 Angels, 47 Dodgers
20 whalers10 …. 67 Twins, 67 Senators, 57 Giants, 37 Tigers

Round 4, in order (this is the reverse order of round 1)
NL West
1 whalers10
2 calhoop
3 seay00
4 ermocito

5 jpeterso
NL East
6 3dayrotation

7 jonstephen25
8 redcped

9 lennyistall
10 vilefileman
AL West

11 Beernoser
12 claytonengelby

13 Ribbentrop
14 eman7400
15 _jwillis
AL East

16 BeAllEndAll
17 midknight

18 jbar8888
19 mavioric12
20 kentol
12/3/2023 8:24 PM (edited)
Draft Order - note that r3 r4 start from the bottom. If sabotaging someone else, do so their in their draft spot, so round 2 begins with BeAllEndAll assigning a bad team to kentol.
AL East r1 r2 r3 r4 d1 d2
1 kentol R1 BeAllEndAll midknight R4 jbar8888 mavioric12
2 mavioric12 R1 kentol BeAllEndAll R4 midknight jbar8888
3 jbar8888 R1 mavioric12 kentol R4 BeAllEndAll midknight
4 midknight R1 jbar8888 mavioric12 R4 kentol BeAllEndAll
5 BeAllEndAll R1 midknight jbar8888 R4 mavioric12 kentol
AL West
6 _jwillis R1 Beernoser claytonengelby R4 Ribbentrop eman7400
7 eman7400 R1 _jwillis Beernoser R4 claytonengelby Ribbentrop
8 Ribbentrop R1 eman7400 _jwillis R4 Beernoser claytonengelby
9 claytonengelby R1 Ribbentrop eman7400 R4 _jwillis Beernoser
10 Beernoser R1 claytonengelby Ribbentrop R4 eman7400 _jwillis
NL East
11 vilefileman R1 3dayrotation jonstephen25 R4 redcped lennyistall
12 lennyistall R1 vilefileman 3dayrotation R4 jonstephen25 redcped
13 redcped R1 lennyistall vilefileman R4 3dayrotation jonstephen25
14 jonstephen25 R1 redcped lennyistall R4 vilefileman 3dayrotation
15 3dayrotation R1 jonstephen25 redcped R4 lennyistall vilefileman
NL West
16 jpeterso R1 whalers10 calhoop R4 seay00 ermocito
17 ermocito R1 jpeterso whalers10 R4 calhoop seay00
18 seay00 R1 ermocito jpeterso R4 whalers10 calhoop
19 calhoop R1 seay00 ermocito R4 jpeterso whalers10
20 whalers10 R1 calhoop seay00 R4 ermocito jpeterso
11/21/2023 11:41 AM (edited)

American League W L Pct. GB
New York Yankees 110 44 0.714 — (seay00)
Philadelphia Athletics 91 63 0.591 19 (Beernoser)
Washington Senators 85 69 0.552 25 (jonstephen25)
Detroit Tigers 82 71 0.536 27½
Chicago White Sox 70 83 0.458 39½ (eman7400)
Cleveland Indians 66 87 0.431 43½ (jpeterso)
St. Louis Browns 59 94 0.386 50½ (claytonengel)
Boston Red Sox 51 103 0.331 59 (mavioric12)

National League[edit] W L Pct. GB
Pittsburgh Pirates 94 60 0.61 — (mavioric12)
St. Louis Cardinals 92 61 0.601 1½
New York Giants 92 62 0.597 2 (BeAllEndAll)
Chicago Cubs 85 68 0.556 8½ (Beernoser)
Cincinnati Reds 75 78 0.49 18½ (jbar8888)
Brooklyn Robins 65 88 0.425 28½ (vilefileman)
Boston Braves 60 94 0.39 34 (_jwillis)
Philadelphia Phillies 51 103 0.331 43 (Beernoser)
12/2/2023 11:09 PM (edited)

American League W L Pct. GB
New York Yankees 102 52 0.662 — (Ribbentrop)
Detroit Tigers 89 65 0.578 13 (whalers10)
Chicago White Sox 86 68 0.558 16 (ermocito)
Cleveland Indians 83 71 0.539 19
Boston Red Sox 80 72 0.526 21 (claytonengel)
Washington Senators 73 80 0.477 28½
Philadelphia Athletics 54 97 0.358 46½ (lennyistall)
St. Louis Browns 46 108 0.299 56 (redcped)

National League[edit] W L Pct. GB
New York Giants 95 57 0.625 — (lennyistall)
Chicago Cubs 93 61 0.604 3 (jpeterso)
Pittsburgh Pirates 86 68 0.558 10
St. Louis Cardinals 81 73 0.526 15
Boston Bees 79 73 0.52 16 (seay00)
Brooklyn Dodgers 62 91 0.405 33½ (kentol)
Philadelphia Phillies 61 92 0.399 34½ (lennyistall)
Cincinnati Reds 56 98 0.364 40 (seay00)
12/1/2023 10:36 PM (edited)
American League W L Pct. GB
New York Yankees 97 57 0.63 —
Detroit Tigers 85 69 0.552 12
Boston Red Sox 83 71 0.539 14 (eman7400)
Cleveland Indians 80 74 0.519 17
Philadelphia Athletics 78 76 0.506 19
Chicago White Sox 70 84 0.455 27
Washington Senators 64 90 0.416 33 (jonstephen25)
St. Louis Browns 59 95 0.383 38 (redcped)

National League[edit] W L Pct. GB
Brooklyn Dodgers 94 60 0.61 — (calhoop)
St. Louis Cardinals 89 65 0.578 5
Boston Braves 86 68 0.558 8 (jonstephen25)
New York Giants 81 73 0.526 13
Cincinnati Reds 73 81 0.474 21 (jbar8888)
Chicago Cubs 69 85 0.448 25 (kentol)
Philadelphia Phillies 62 92 0.403 32 (ermocito)
Pittsburgh Pirates 62 92 0.403 32 (Ribbentrop)
12/2/2023 9:39 AM (edited)
American League W L Pct. GB
New York Yankees 98 56 0.636 — (3dayrotation)
Chicago White Sox 90 64 0.584 8 (redcped)
Boston Red Sox 82 72 0.532 16
Detroit Tigers 78 76 0.506 20
Baltimore Orioles 76 76 0.5 21 (calhoop)
Cleveland Indians 76 77 0.497 21½ (midknight)
Kansas City Athletics 59 94 0.386 38½ (vilefileman)
Washington Senators 55 99 0.357 43 (eman7400)

National League[edit] W L Pct. GB
Milwaukee Braves 95 59 0.617 — (lennyistall)
St. Louis Cardinals 87 67 0.565 8
Brooklyn Dodgers 84 70 0.545 11 (jpeterso)
Cincinnati Redlegs 80 74 0.519 15
Philadelphia Phillies 77 77 0.5 18
New York Giants 69 85 0.448 26 (whalers10)
Pittsburgh Pirates 62 92 0.403 33 (mavioric12)
Chicago Cubs 62 92 0.403 33 (BeAllEndAll)
11/30/2023 8:06 PM (edited)
American League W L Pct. GB
Boston Red Sox 92 70 0.568 — (vilefileman)
Detroit Tigers 91 71 0.562 1 (midknight)
Minnesota Twins 91 71 0.562 1 (whalers10)
Chicago White Sox 89 73 0.549 3 (BeAllEndAll )
California Angels 84 77 0.522 7½
Washington Senators 76 85 0.472 15½ (whalers10)
Baltimore Orioles 76 85 0.472 15½ (redcped)
Cleveland Indians 75 87 0.463 17
New York Yankees 72 90 0.444 20 ( _jwillis)
Kansas City Athletics 62 99 0.385 29½ (jonstephen25)

National League[edit] W L Pct. GB
St. Louis Cardinals 101 60 0.627 — (kentol)
San Francisco Giants 91 71 0.562 10½ (ermocito)
Chicago Cubs 87 74 0.54 14
Cincinnati Reds 87 75 0.537 14½ (3dayrotation )
Philadelphia Phillies 82 80 0.506 19½ (vilefileman)
Pittsburgh Pirates 81 81 0.5 20½
Atlanta Braves 77 85 0.475 24½ (claytonengel)
Los Angeles Dodgers 73 89 0.451 28½
Houston Astros 69 93 0.426 32½
New York Mets 61 101 .377 40.5 (BeAllEndAll)
12/2/2023 5:48 PM (edited)

AL East W L Pct. GB Home Road
New York Yankees 100 62 0.617 — 55–26 45–36 (midknight)
Baltimore Orioles 97 64 0.602 2½ 54–27 43–37
Boston Red Sox 97 64 0.602 2½ 51–29 46–35
Detroit Tigers 74 88 0.457 26 39–42 35–46
Cleveland Indians 71 90 0.441 28½ 37–44 34–46
Milwaukee Brewers 67 95 0.414 33 37–44 30–51 (claytonengel)
Toronto Blue Jays 54 107 0.335 45½ 25–55 29–52 (midknight)

AL West W L Pct. GB Home Road
Kansas City Royals 102 60 0.63 — 55–26 47–34 (Ribbentrop)
Texas Rangers 94 68 0.58 8 44–37 50–31 (_jwillis)
Chicago White Sox 90 72 0.556 12 48–33 42–39
Minnesota Twins 84 77 0.522 17½ 48–32 36–45 (3dayrotation)
California Angels 74 88 0.457 28 39–42 35–46 (calhoop)
Seattle Mariners 64 98 0.395 38 29–52 35–46 (Beernoser)
Oakland Athletics 63 98 0.391 38½ 35–46 28–52 (jbar8888)

NL East W L Pct. GB Home Road
Philadelphia Phillies 101 61 0.623 — 60–21 41–40 (_jwillis)
Pittsburgh Pirates 96 66 0.593 5 58–23 38–43 (eman7400)
St. Louis Cardinals 83 79 0.512 18 52–31 31–48 (mavioric12)
Chicago Cubs 81 81 0.5 20 46–35 35–46
Montreal Expos 75 87 0.463 26 38–43 37–44
New York Mets 64 98 0.395 37 35–44 29–54 (calhoop)

NL West W L Pct. GB Home Road
Los Angeles Dodgers 98 64 0.605 — 51–30 47–34 (jbar8888)
Cincinnati Reds 88 74 0.543 10 48–33 40–41 (jpeterso)
Houston Astros 81 81 0.5 17 46–35 35–46
San Francisco Giants 75 87 0.463 23 38–43 37–44 (ermocito)
San Diego Padres 69 93 0.426 29 35–46 34–47 (3dayrotation)
Atlanta Braves 61 101 0.377 37 40–41 21–60 (Ribbentrop)
12/2/2023 11:50 PM (edited)
1987 (just in case)
11/14/2023 2:06 PM
Daggers, Round 1 Done

AL East
kentol (daggered by jbar8888) Bob Gibson, Busch
mavioric12 (daggered by midknight) 1977 Ted Simmons, Forbes Field
jbar8888 (daggered by BeAllEndAll) Kermit Wahl, Dodger Stadium
midknight (daggered by kentol) Bob Bailor, Yankee Stadium
BeAllEndAll (daggered by mavioric12) Dee Fondy & Wrigley Field

AL West
_jwillis (daggered by Ribbentrop) Mike Schmidt, Veterans Stadium
eman7400 (daggered by claytonengelby) Johnny Pesky, Griffith Stadium
Ribbentrop (daggered by Beernoser) Jeff Burroughs, Fulton County Stadium
claytonengelby (daggered by _jwillis) 1967 Phil Niekro, Milwaukee's County Stadium.
Beernoser (daggered by eman7400) Enrique Romo, Baker Bowl

NL East
vilefileman (daggered by redcped) Dick Allen, Ebbets Field
lennyistall (daggered by jonstephen25) Lou Chiozza, Polo Grounds
redcped (daggered by 3dayrotation) Sherm Lollar & Memorial Stadium
jonstephen25 (daggered by vilefileman) Bob Elliott & Braves Field
3dayrotation (daggered by lennyistall) Leo Cardenas, Yankee Stadium.

NL West
jpeterso (daggered by seay00) Johnny Bench, League Park
ermocito (daggered by calhoop) Luke Appling, Candlestick Park
seay00 (daggered by whalers10) Earle Combs, Braves Field
calhoop (daggered by jpeterso) Peewee Reese & Shea
whalers10 (daggered by ermocito) Rod Carew & Griffith Stadium
12/5/2023 11:01 PM (edited)
Daggers, Round 2 Done

AL East
kentol (daggered by mavioric12) Johnny Schmitz
mavioric12 (daggered by jbar8888) Buddy Myer
jbar8888 (daggered by midknight) Pee-Wee Wanninger
midknight (daggered by BeAllEndAll) Roy Howell
BeAllEndAll (daggered by kentol) Gary Peters

AL West
_jwillis (daggered by eman7400) Eddie Moore
eman7400 (daggered by Ribbentrop) Ted Lyons
Ribbentrop (daggered by claytonengelby) Kirby Higbe
claytonengelby (daggered by Beernoser) Ken Williams
Beernoser (daggered by _jwillis) Hal Carlson

NL East
vilefileman (daggered by lennyistall) Watty Clark
lennyistall (daggered by redcped) Dolph Camilli.
redcped (daggered by jonstephen25) Willard Brown
jonstephen25 (daggered by 3dayrotation) Red Barrett
3dayrotation (daggered by vilefileman) Gil McDougald

NL West
jpeterso (daggered by ermocito) Freddy Spurgeon
ermocito (daggered by seay00) Willie McCovey
seay00 (daggered by calhoop) Jim Turner
calhoop (daggered by whalers10) Skip Lockwood
whalers10 (daggered by jpeterso) Hank Sauer
12/6/2023 5:21 PM (edited)
Roster Approval List
(all are listed below - once approved, approval will be noted here)

AL East
kentol Approved
mavioric12 Approved
jbar8888 Approved
midknight Approved
BeAllEndAll Approved

AL West
_jwillis Approved
eman7400 Approved
Ribbentrop Approved
claytonengelby Approved
Beernoser Approved

NL East
vilefileman Approved
lennyistall Approved
redcped Approved
jonstephen25 Approved
3dayrotation Approved

NL West
jpeterso Approved - post revision
ermocito Approved
seay00 Approved
calhoop Approved
whalers10 Approved
12/12/2023 11:04 AM (edited)
11/14/2023 2:06 PM
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Neighbor League #7 Draft Topic

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