whatif.cincinnati.com not working anymore? Topic

Posted by terps21234 on 8/21/2015 9:04:00 AM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/19/2015 2:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by colonels19 on 8/18/2015 11:52:00 PM (view original):
Him suggesting nachopuzzle was/is jealous of him put me over the top.  Nach is really a stand-up dude and we've discussed this situation and his feelings about shawnfucious...I think they're quite valid.  The guy seems like a chooch of a boss, just saying.
I suggested he is jealous of my employees, a reasonable idea given his statement. There was no reason for him to say what he did otherwise.

It is reasonable you are similar in that way, given you last statement.
2:46 PM on a Wed. Are you suppose to be working?  It is in the middle of a work day. Are you stealing or is the policy just for your employees and not you?
You do not know what constitutes my workday, nor do you know when I might have a break to eat or otherwise.
8/21/2015 9:30 PM
Posted by cmac4567 on 8/21/2015 1:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/20/2015 10:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cmac4567 on 8/20/2015 12:52:00 AM (view original):
I guess I've been lucky enough to work for companies that didn't mind one using their machine or connection for personal business on our break or lunch. Did they have security software? Yes but it was to protect them from attacks not to keep employees off the computer. Guess I was lucky to have that boss. But by your guidelines and by your own admission earlier to taking personal phone calls during work time wouldn't that also be stealing (or at the very least not being 100% productive for the work your getting paid for). Unless of course you keep your time for said phone calls and stay after to make that time up. Which I'm sure you do.
Do you know for certain that was the purpose of security software - ONLY to keep them from attacks? Honest question. Or do you simply assume that was the case because you were never specifically told otherwise and didn't face any consequences for using the computer in ways which might otherwise be called into question?

No one minds when someone takes a short personal phone call now and again unless it interferes with work, and particularly no one minds if it is an emergency.  Playing games on a company computer and/or connection, however, is NOT okay, and it is certainly NOT ever an emergency.  Such instances don't compare accurately.
Yes I know 100% for sure the owner (my immediate supervisor) doesn't mind personal use as long as is lunch or breaks. I understand your point. I don't know for sure but my guess is that allot of smaller less "corporate" company's have a more relaxed view on Internet use during breaks and lunch than yours does. I don't think anyone would argue your point but it's the arrogance that has come across on some of your posts. Like you saying its stealing. What exactly are you stealing? My company's Internet connection bill is not billed by data use. It's the same bill every month. Also my computer stays on even if I'm not at my desk so am I stealing electricity because I went to the bathroom? So while you say its stealing what exactly am I stealing?
My views are my own.

There is no arrogance in my posts. Again, I ask that people do not add in something which is not there.

I stand by my statements as they were stated.

If you are using equipment/connections without permission, that is theft of services. It is irrelevant whether or not your doing so increases the bill or by what amount said bill may or may not increase.
8/21/2015 9:36 PM
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/21/2015 9:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cmac4567 on 8/21/2015 1:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/20/2015 10:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cmac4567 on 8/20/2015 12:52:00 AM (view original):
I guess I've been lucky enough to work for companies that didn't mind one using their machine or connection for personal business on our break or lunch. Did they have security software? Yes but it was to protect them from attacks not to keep employees off the computer. Guess I was lucky to have that boss. But by your guidelines and by your own admission earlier to taking personal phone calls during work time wouldn't that also be stealing (or at the very least not being 100% productive for the work your getting paid for). Unless of course you keep your time for said phone calls and stay after to make that time up. Which I'm sure you do.
Do you know for certain that was the purpose of security software - ONLY to keep them from attacks? Honest question. Or do you simply assume that was the case because you were never specifically told otherwise and didn't face any consequences for using the computer in ways which might otherwise be called into question?

No one minds when someone takes a short personal phone call now and again unless it interferes with work, and particularly no one minds if it is an emergency.  Playing games on a company computer and/or connection, however, is NOT okay, and it is certainly NOT ever an emergency.  Such instances don't compare accurately.
Yes I know 100% for sure the owner (my immediate supervisor) doesn't mind personal use as long as is lunch or breaks. I understand your point. I don't know for sure but my guess is that allot of smaller less "corporate" company's have a more relaxed view on Internet use during breaks and lunch than yours does. I don't think anyone would argue your point but it's the arrogance that has come across on some of your posts. Like you saying its stealing. What exactly are you stealing? My company's Internet connection bill is not billed by data use. It's the same bill every month. Also my computer stays on even if I'm not at my desk so am I stealing electricity because I went to the bathroom? So while you say its stealing what exactly am I stealing?
My views are my own.

There is no arrogance in my posts. Again, I ask that people do not add in something which is not there.

I stand by my statements as they were stated.

If you are using equipment/connections without permission, that is theft of services. It is irrelevant whether or not your doing so increases the bill or by what amount said bill may or may not increase.
If you think there isn't any arrogance in your posts maybe me and the others are reading them wrong.

"I stand by my statements as they were stated"

And if find it funny that you think that's stealing but taking phones calls for how ever little time it is, is not stealing when your getting paid while your on the phone for personal business.

But to STEAL you line, I stand by my statements as they were stated as well.
8/21/2015 10:50 PM (edited)
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/21/2015 9:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gillispie1 on 8/20/2015 11:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/20/2015 10:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by metsmax on 8/20/2015 1:54:00 AM (view original):
when someone says that rules are black and white, that any violation is a serious violation and that every variation is blasphemy, ooops,I mean stealing, one starts to understand his perspective.
I never said all rules were black and white, merely that this issue was.

I also never said any violation is a serious violation. Again, I was addressing a specific issue.

I don't think you understand my perspective at all given you seem to think I've said things I did not say at all.

i just wonder, if so many people see your perspective differently than you, where the problem actually lies...

in response to your last post... seems you are basically agreeing, based on the circumstances of my workplace, theres nothing wrong with using HD at work as long as its on break. i suppose my point all along is, if you don't know if its ok for other people or not, there's really no need to post about how you cant see why people would use HD at work and how if you had all that time you'd want a raise, etc, etc - essentially condescending to the folks who do use it - when its really fairly normal for people to be allowed to use the internet on break.
I know what the problem is, and that shows where it lies.

The problem is some people do not read what someone says but instead of accepting it for what it is, they believe they must add their own meaning to it through assumption, conjecture, guesswork, and so on.

My point is if you don't know for certain your use of equipment/connections belonging to someone else (in this case your workplace) is okay by those in authority, then you should not be doing it.

I truly don't see a need to use work equipment/connections to play HD - even on breaks. If I did have time to play while working, I would indeed ask for a raise.

I stand by both statements, and neither was condescending. Interpreting them as such is adding meaning that isn't there, which as I stated earlier is the problem you spoke of.

Your last statement about what is supposed "normal" is also mere conjecture as well as an attempt to state that he opposite position is "not normal,"  yet offering no reason - much less any evidence - to support that conclusion.

While I'm sure some employers are fine with employees using the internet on break, there are many which are not.  I wouldn't classify either situation as "normal", especially considering the entirely relative nature of the term "normal".

Wow, the self contained echo chamber of your mind actually is as inpeniteable as it sounds to the rest of us.
8/21/2015 11:31 PM
Posted by fd343ny on 8/21/2015 9:52:00 AM (view original):
is it wrong - morally - for WIS to provide the alternative site?

for those who regard it as stealing when one handles personnel matters while at work, is WIS enabling or assisting that theft?  

And are those who patronize WIS supporting an enabler of theft?  follow the money, does the bright line of wrongdoing reach WIS and WIS patrons?
8/21/2015 11:51 PM
This guy's propensity to use the word "stealing" to describe the borderline/questionable misuse of your company's time/equipment is quite off base, ridiculous, and laughable all at once.
8/21/2015 11:56 PM
Posted by nachopuzzle on 8/21/2015 11:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/21/2015 9:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gillispie1 on 8/20/2015 11:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/20/2015 10:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by metsmax on 8/20/2015 1:54:00 AM (view original):
when someone says that rules are black and white, that any violation is a serious violation and that every variation is blasphemy, ooops,I mean stealing, one starts to understand his perspective.
I never said all rules were black and white, merely that this issue was.

I also never said any violation is a serious violation. Again, I was addressing a specific issue.

I don't think you understand my perspective at all given you seem to think I've said things I did not say at all.

i just wonder, if so many people see your perspective differently than you, where the problem actually lies...

in response to your last post... seems you are basically agreeing, based on the circumstances of my workplace, theres nothing wrong with using HD at work as long as its on break. i suppose my point all along is, if you don't know if its ok for other people or not, there's really no need to post about how you cant see why people would use HD at work and how if you had all that time you'd want a raise, etc, etc - essentially condescending to the folks who do use it - when its really fairly normal for people to be allowed to use the internet on break.
I know what the problem is, and that shows where it lies.

The problem is some people do not read what someone says but instead of accepting it for what it is, they believe they must add their own meaning to it through assumption, conjecture, guesswork, and so on.

My point is if you don't know for certain your use of equipment/connections belonging to someone else (in this case your workplace) is okay by those in authority, then you should not be doing it.

I truly don't see a need to use work equipment/connections to play HD - even on breaks. If I did have time to play while working, I would indeed ask for a raise.

I stand by both statements, and neither was condescending. Interpreting them as such is adding meaning that isn't there, which as I stated earlier is the problem you spoke of.

Your last statement about what is supposed "normal" is also mere conjecture as well as an attempt to state that he opposite position is "not normal,"  yet offering no reason - much less any evidence - to support that conclusion.

While I'm sure some employers are fine with employees using the internet on break, there are many which are not.  I wouldn't classify either situation as "normal", especially considering the entirely relative nature of the term "normal".

Wow, the self contained echo chamber of your mind actually is as inpeniteable as it sounds to the rest of us.
This line doesn't make sense by the way, shawnfoolish...

I truly don't see a need to use work equipment/connections to play HD - even on breaks. If I did have time to play while working, I would indeed ask for a raise.

Why would you ask for a raise when you had time to **** around at work?  Wouldn't you seek a raise because you're so busy all the time and not so slow?  Your logic is backwards here...although I can't say that I'm surprised.

8/21/2015 11:59 PM
^^^^^^^ STANDING OVATION ^^^^^^^^^
I thought that I was on crazy pills the first time I read his whole paragraph, thank god trev reaffirmed my sanity. Let's just just break down that one statement by yawnfucious.

1. "even on breaks" - So, if you had a NT game (let alone a final four game) and you were on break, and wouldn't get off till the game had simmed....you're tellig me that you wouldn't feel the need to use a computer to quiickly and properly prepare for the game??? --- and on a personal note, if you wouldn't just take 3 minutes of an already idle company computers cpu time (without asking your boss) then you've just upgraded back to a full grade A sucker.


3. Trevor is exactly right. - Who the **** ever asked for a raise at work while standing around with nothing to do?????

...and this is just a few examples from ONE of those statements, and most likely shows how most of what you're saying is some ideological bullshit or personal narrative that you're trying to sell for way more than what its worth.
8/22/2015 3:57 AM (edited)
This thread went it a bunch of different directions.

1) Why are you playing games on a work computer?

Depending on where you work this is playing with fire. If your work policy says "no gaming" you would be violating that by using this site. If a company was really that hard up on enforcing the policy, they could review what websites you are looking at, and you would be reprimanded.

2) When on the job you should be 100% productive at all times, and if not, you should ask your boss for more work to do.

This is silly. This doesn't happen if you are working in a department store, a police officer, or anything else. You would grind yourself into the ground. There may be people that operate at 100% all the time, but it would be an absolute rarity.

3) Is WIS aiding and abetting people by giving a workaround for internet filters?

Yes, so what.

4) If you need to get on WIS, use a smartphone.

Agreed. I was the last person in my workplace to get a smartphone, that was 4 years ago. You're out of luck in the one example of being a secured area, like if you work in a certain part of a military base.
8/22/2015 5:10 AM

8/22/2015 5:28 AM
Someone in this thread has a very unrealistic view of how the real world and how real people operate.
8/22/2015 12:49 PM
Posted by cmac4567 on 8/21/2015 10:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/21/2015 9:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cmac4567 on 8/21/2015 1:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/20/2015 10:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cmac4567 on 8/20/2015 12:52:00 AM (view original):
I guess I've been lucky enough to work for companies that didn't mind one using their machine or connection for personal business on our break or lunch. Did they have security software? Yes but it was to protect them from attacks not to keep employees off the computer. Guess I was lucky to have that boss. But by your guidelines and by your own admission earlier to taking personal phone calls during work time wouldn't that also be stealing (or at the very least not being 100% productive for the work your getting paid for). Unless of course you keep your time for said phone calls and stay after to make that time up. Which I'm sure you do.
Do you know for certain that was the purpose of security software - ONLY to keep them from attacks? Honest question. Or do you simply assume that was the case because you were never specifically told otherwise and didn't face any consequences for using the computer in ways which might otherwise be called into question?

No one minds when someone takes a short personal phone call now and again unless it interferes with work, and particularly no one minds if it is an emergency.  Playing games on a company computer and/or connection, however, is NOT okay, and it is certainly NOT ever an emergency.  Such instances don't compare accurately.
Yes I know 100% for sure the owner (my immediate supervisor) doesn't mind personal use as long as is lunch or breaks. I understand your point. I don't know for sure but my guess is that allot of smaller less "corporate" company's have a more relaxed view on Internet use during breaks and lunch than yours does. I don't think anyone would argue your point but it's the arrogance that has come across on some of your posts. Like you saying its stealing. What exactly are you stealing? My company's Internet connection bill is not billed by data use. It's the same bill every month. Also my computer stays on even if I'm not at my desk so am I stealing electricity because I went to the bathroom? So while you say its stealing what exactly am I stealing?
My views are my own.

There is no arrogance in my posts. Again, I ask that people do not add in something which is not there.

I stand by my statements as they were stated.

If you are using equipment/connections without permission, that is theft of services. It is irrelevant whether or not your doing so increases the bill or by what amount said bill may or may not increase.
If you think there isn't any arrogance in your posts maybe me and the others are reading them wrong.

"I stand by my statements as they were stated"

And if find it funny that you think that's stealing but taking phones calls for how ever little time it is, is not stealing when your getting paid while your on the phone for personal business.

But to STEAL you line, I stand by my statements as they were stated as well.
If you think there is arrogance in my posts, then yes, you are reading them wrong. Again, please stop trying to add something into the post that isn't there.

You can find whatever you want to be funny. However, I already explained how the phone call situation is different.

I never suggested you didn't make the statements you made.

8/22/2015 5:20 PM
Posted by nachopuzzle on 8/21/2015 11:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/21/2015 9:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gillispie1 on 8/20/2015 11:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/20/2015 10:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by metsmax on 8/20/2015 1:54:00 AM (view original):
when someone says that rules are black and white, that any violation is a serious violation and that every variation is blasphemy, ooops,I mean stealing, one starts to understand his perspective.
I never said all rules were black and white, merely that this issue was.

I also never said any violation is a serious violation. Again, I was addressing a specific issue.

I don't think you understand my perspective at all given you seem to think I've said things I did not say at all.

i just wonder, if so many people see your perspective differently than you, where the problem actually lies...

in response to your last post... seems you are basically agreeing, based on the circumstances of my workplace, theres nothing wrong with using HD at work as long as its on break. i suppose my point all along is, if you don't know if its ok for other people or not, there's really no need to post about how you cant see why people would use HD at work and how if you had all that time you'd want a raise, etc, etc - essentially condescending to the folks who do use it - when its really fairly normal for people to be allowed to use the internet on break.
I know what the problem is, and that shows where it lies.

The problem is some people do not read what someone says but instead of accepting it for what it is, they believe they must add their own meaning to it through assumption, conjecture, guesswork, and so on.

My point is if you don't know for certain your use of equipment/connections belonging to someone else (in this case your workplace) is okay by those in authority, then you should not be doing it.

I truly don't see a need to use work equipment/connections to play HD - even on breaks. If I did have time to play while working, I would indeed ask for a raise.

I stand by both statements, and neither was condescending. Interpreting them as such is adding meaning that isn't there, which as I stated earlier is the problem you spoke of.

Your last statement about what is supposed "normal" is also mere conjecture as well as an attempt to state that he opposite position is "not normal,"  yet offering no reason - much less any evidence - to support that conclusion.

While I'm sure some employers are fine with employees using the internet on break, there are many which are not.  I wouldn't classify either situation as "normal", especially considering the entirely relative nature of the term "normal".

Wow, the self contained echo chamber of your mind actually is as inpeniteable as it sounds to the rest of us.
Was there a point to this statement?
8/22/2015 5:21 PM
Posted by colonels19 on 8/21/2015 11:56:00 PM (view original):
This guy's propensity to use the word "stealing" to describe the borderline/questionable misuse of your company's time/equipment is quite off base, ridiculous, and laughable all at once.
Or perhaps my statements are simple truths you'd rather avoid.

Your assertion that something is "borderline/questionable" is an attempt to justify or make excuses for something that is often anything but borderline or questionable.

8/22/2015 5:24 PM
Posted by colonels19 on 8/21/2015 11:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by nachopuzzle on 8/21/2015 11:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/21/2015 9:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gillispie1 on 8/20/2015 11:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 8/20/2015 10:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by metsmax on 8/20/2015 1:54:00 AM (view original):
when someone says that rules are black and white, that any violation is a serious violation and that every variation is blasphemy, ooops,I mean stealing, one starts to understand his perspective.
I never said all rules were black and white, merely that this issue was.

I also never said any violation is a serious violation. Again, I was addressing a specific issue.

I don't think you understand my perspective at all given you seem to think I've said things I did not say at all.

i just wonder, if so many people see your perspective differently than you, where the problem actually lies...

in response to your last post... seems you are basically agreeing, based on the circumstances of my workplace, theres nothing wrong with using HD at work as long as its on break. i suppose my point all along is, if you don't know if its ok for other people or not, there's really no need to post about how you cant see why people would use HD at work and how if you had all that time you'd want a raise, etc, etc - essentially condescending to the folks who do use it - when its really fairly normal for people to be allowed to use the internet on break.
I know what the problem is, and that shows where it lies.

The problem is some people do not read what someone says but instead of accepting it for what it is, they believe they must add their own meaning to it through assumption, conjecture, guesswork, and so on.

My point is if you don't know for certain your use of equipment/connections belonging to someone else (in this case your workplace) is okay by those in authority, then you should not be doing it.

I truly don't see a need to use work equipment/connections to play HD - even on breaks. If I did have time to play while working, I would indeed ask for a raise.

I stand by both statements, and neither was condescending. Interpreting them as such is adding meaning that isn't there, which as I stated earlier is the problem you spoke of.

Your last statement about what is supposed "normal" is also mere conjecture as well as an attempt to state that he opposite position is "not normal,"  yet offering no reason - much less any evidence - to support that conclusion.

While I'm sure some employers are fine with employees using the internet on break, there are many which are not.  I wouldn't classify either situation as "normal", especially considering the entirely relative nature of the term "normal".

Wow, the self contained echo chamber of your mind actually is as inpeniteable as it sounds to the rest of us.
This line doesn't make sense by the way, shawnfoolish...

I truly don't see a need to use work equipment/connections to play HD - even on breaks. If I did have time to play while working, I would indeed ask for a raise.

Why would you ask for a raise when you had time to **** around at work?  Wouldn't you seek a raise because you're so busy all the time and not so slow?  Your logic is backwards here...although I can't say that I'm surprised.

Why ask for a raise?

If I have enough time to play games, it means my work is all done, which means I'm being incredibly productive, which is cause for a raise.

Yes, I'd seek the raise because I'm busy and not so slow. That's exactly the point - if I've got time to play games, I've clearly been making great use of my work time.

I'm sorry you misunderstood, but that has no bearing upon the inherent logic behind what I've said.

8/22/2015 5:27 PM
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