Page : World Center
Location : General - Introduction

General Description - From this page, you may select a world to join.

Open Worlds - Open worlds can be joined by any registered user and adhere to the default game rules. In addition to the name of the world, information displayed includes the season the world is about to start, the number of openings remaining before the world is filled, and an optional link to the world's blog. Click the world's name to learn more about the world including franchise owners, standings, stats, etc. Click the "Get A Team" link to begin the process of claiming your franchise!

Private Worlds - Private worlds require a password to join. You may retrieve the password from the world's listed commissioner by clicking the "Request Details" link. You can see additional info including the season the world is about to start, openings remaining and an optional world blog.

Your Private Worlds - If you are the commissioner of a private world that has not yet started its season, it will be listed under the "Your Private Worlds" section at the bottom of the page. This way, you can monitor status including the deadline to go public. Commissioner actions for these private worlds are located on the Franchise Center page.

Suggested Open World - The open world with fewest openings is the suggested world. It's the fastest way for a new owner to get started.

New World, Season 1 - After creating or signing up for a private world, you won't be able to see your franchise or world until the world is full. This is due to the fact we don't actually create the world until we're sure it will fill. Once the world is full and the commish approves membership, the world will be created within 12 hours. If you're the private world creator and the world is full, you must click the 'Approve' link to finalize the creation process. Please remember to review the list of owners in the league before doing so, because you never know who might slide their way in (from forum posts, etc).

Additional Notes - If you'd like to remove yourself from a world that has not yet been scheduled, visit the Franchise Center. Or, if you're the commissioner of a private world, visit the Franchise Center for commissioner-only action links.

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