Jay Kirke

Eligible Seasons: 1911-1918
Best Season: 1915

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Hitting Stats
1911 Boston BravesOF209489932550123362118.88.4$991K
1912 Boston BravesOF1033783595311511446278469151.95.4$2.26M
1914 Cleveland NapsOF672542421866102125510307122.63.1$1.27M
1915 Cleveland Naps1B8736933935105192240562114547.15.0$2.39M
1918 New York Giants1B1759561141003003104.12.5$240K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1911 Boston BravesOF209489.360138.361.380114.377.528148.542.909131.919.000$991K
1912 Boston BravesOF103378359.320118.315.339100.333.407110.413.745105.746.011$2.26M
1914 Cleveland NapsOF67254242.273110.281.29693.301.343106.372.639100.673.004$1.27M
1915 Cleveland Naps1B87369339.310125.318.346106.348.395121.425.742114.773.006$2.39M
1918 New York Giants1B175956.25098.254.26385.271.26882.292.53183.563.000$240K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1911 Boston Braves------D-/D-D/D-D-/D-C/C$991K
1912 Boston Braves----D-/D---D-/DD-/D-D/C$2.26M
1914 Cleveland Naps----A/D-------B/D+$1.27M
1915 Cleveland Naps----C-/C+--------$2.39M
1918 New York Giants----C/A--------$240K

The entire playing career for Jay Kirke is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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