Is WAR a stat? Topic

Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 9:05:00 AM (view original):
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 8:54:00 AM (view original):
You agreed with Angry BL. You know he has a chub right now right?

When I said that Donaldson is clearly the better player, I meant that he's literally the better player. Guys like BL point to WAR and say that tells you that one player is better than another player. WAR only measures that - according to subjective measure - one player has performed better than another player. But again, I don't think WAR is even close to being an absolute. Its flawed. The fact that there are multiple WARs out there kinda underlines that.

I'd argue that Donaldson is a more complete player and getting better. He is (maybe slightly) better at the plate, and (much) better with the glove. As to baserunning - his baserunning skills aren't apparent using stats alone, because he attempts a lot less of them. But he's like 20 out of 20 the last 4 seasons. Could he steal 20 in a season? I'd think so. He's not slow. He's a middle order bat with elite power. And he's got guys in the lineup who follow him that can drive him in. You won't see him steal that much. But Altuve is clearly a better basestealer because he's - probably - the best in the game. But I don't think Donaldson is a dud either.

Altuve is performing at his maximum. He's a very good hitter, an average fielder at best, and an elite baserunner. I don't see how he will improve at bat, on the basepaths, or in the field.

So they are are arguably equal at the plate, Donaldson has the clear advantage in the field, and Altuve has a an advantage on the basepaths.

The question I have is - is it better to have a Donaldson out there or an Altuve? I'll take a top bat/top glove guy over a top bat/average glove guy regardless of added SB value. Especially if both are in the AL. Maybe not in 1986. But today, yes.

No stat can tell us anything other than how a player performed.

Also, this is a terrible example because their WAR numbers are almost identical.
WAR numbers are almost identical, but they don't really reflect reality. Thats my point. Its imperfect.
9/8/2016 11:15 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 9/8/2016 10:43:00 AM (view original):
I'll do the exact same thing I did before you reported me last time. I asked you to admit you didn't read the law you ripped as THE MOST RACIST!!! PIECE OF **** LAW EVER ON THE BOOKS and I'd leave you alone the next day. The next day the thread disappears and I get a warning because you reported me.

So, today, just post the full screen shot and I'll leave you alone. Or, conversely, admit you thought you had a clever plan to get out of admitting you're a crybaby and you botched it. Either way, do one or the other, and I'll drop it.

Otherwise, everyone recognizes that you're a crybaby, a liar, a dumbass and the Argue Monkey.
Are you literally a crazy person?

I posted the sitemail from admin that confirmed you're a liar. You never got a sitemail from admin about this.

If I'm the one lying, instead of throwing a fit and demanding that I post more proof of your lie, you could post your sitemail.
9/8/2016 11:16 AM
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 11:15:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 9:05:00 AM (view original):
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 8:54:00 AM (view original):
You agreed with Angry BL. You know he has a chub right now right?

When I said that Donaldson is clearly the better player, I meant that he's literally the better player. Guys like BL point to WAR and say that tells you that one player is better than another player. WAR only measures that - according to subjective measure - one player has performed better than another player. But again, I don't think WAR is even close to being an absolute. Its flawed. The fact that there are multiple WARs out there kinda underlines that.

I'd argue that Donaldson is a more complete player and getting better. He is (maybe slightly) better at the plate, and (much) better with the glove. As to baserunning - his baserunning skills aren't apparent using stats alone, because he attempts a lot less of them. But he's like 20 out of 20 the last 4 seasons. Could he steal 20 in a season? I'd think so. He's not slow. He's a middle order bat with elite power. And he's got guys in the lineup who follow him that can drive him in. You won't see him steal that much. But Altuve is clearly a better basestealer because he's - probably - the best in the game. But I don't think Donaldson is a dud either.

Altuve is performing at his maximum. He's a very good hitter, an average fielder at best, and an elite baserunner. I don't see how he will improve at bat, on the basepaths, or in the field.

So they are are arguably equal at the plate, Donaldson has the clear advantage in the field, and Altuve has a an advantage on the basepaths.

The question I have is - is it better to have a Donaldson out there or an Altuve? I'll take a top bat/top glove guy over a top bat/average glove guy regardless of added SB value. Especially if both are in the AL. Maybe not in 1986. But today, yes.

No stat can tell us anything other than how a player performed.

Also, this is a terrible example because their WAR numbers are almost identical.
WAR numbers are almost identical, but they don't really reflect reality. Thats my point. Its imperfect.
The reality is that both guys have performed pretty similarly this season, which is what WAR reflects.
9/8/2016 11:18 AM
Posted by tecwrg on 9/8/2016 9:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 8:54:00 AM (view original):
You agreed with Angry BL. You know he has a chub right now right?

When I said that Donaldson is clearly the better player, I meant that he's literally the better player. Guys like BL point to WAR and say that tells you that one player is better than another player. WAR only measures that - according to subjective measure - one player has performed better than another player. But again, I don't think WAR is even close to being an absolute. Its flawed. The fact that there are multiple WARs out there kinda underlines that.

I'd argue that Donaldson is a more complete player and getting better. He is (maybe slightly) better at the plate, and (much) better with the glove. As to baserunning - his baserunning skills aren't apparent using stats alone, because he attempts a lot less of them. But he's like 20 out of 20 the last 4 seasons. Could he steal 20 in a season? I'd think so. He's not slow. He's a middle order bat with elite power. And he's got guys in the lineup who follow him that can drive him in. You won't see him steal that much. But Altuve is clearly a better basestealer because he's - probably - the best in the game. But I don't think Donaldson is a dud either.

Altuve is performing at his maximum. He's a very good hitter, an average fielder at best, and an elite baserunner. I don't see how he will improve at bat, on the basepaths, or in the field.

So they are are arguably equal at the plate, Donaldson has the clear advantage in the field, and Altuve has a an advantage on the basepaths.

The question I have is - is it better to have a Donaldson out there or an Altuve? I'll take a top bat/top glove guy over a top bat/average glove guy regardless of added SB value. Especially if both are in the AL. Maybe not in 1986. But today, yes.

Why are you thinking about BL's *****?

Anyways, I think you're selling Altuve short (no pun intended . . . well, maybe a little. Oops, there I go again!).

Donaldson only started playing full time at age 27. Altuve already has 3,000+ more PA's at age 26 than Donaldson had at age 26. Altuve is just approaching his prime years and clearly getting better, while Donaldson is already in his prime at age 30. For all we know, Donaldson could be hitting his plateau, while it's not unreasonable to think that Altuve can continue to improve. There's a lot more potential upside with Altuve than Donaldson in the years to come.

One other thing I missed earlier. Even though Donaldson doesn't have an egregiously bad strikeout rate, he does strike out at twice the rate that Altuve does. Despite the Argue Monkey's assertion that strikeouts are just another kind of out, I'll take the guy who puts the ball in play more often than the guy who doesn't, especially if their overall production is similar. The good things that are happening on those additional balls in play aren't showing up in the stats, but anybody who understands baseball (that excludes the Argue Monkey) knows that they're there.
Agreed that Ks are generally more egregious than walks, but as Dahs pointed out, more hits hasn't really increased production. Donaldsons K rate - like you said - is pretty acceptable for his type of hitter.

My assertion that Donaldson is improving is that his walk rate has increased (and based on the progression, it appears to not be an aberration), his Ks are down (same thing, seems to be a true adjustment), and his Line Drive and Fly Ball rates are increasing as well as his Hard Hit %.) Looks as though he has gradually become more patient, started looking for his pitches, and when he gets them, he's hammering them.

Altuve has seen an increase in walk rate and a regression in K rate this season. He is seeing an increase in power based on Hard Hit % and Line Drive % too.

So I guess I can't say Altuve has indeed plateaued...

9/8/2016 11:25 AM
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 11:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 11:15:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 9:05:00 AM (view original):
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 8:54:00 AM (view original):
You agreed with Angry BL. You know he has a chub right now right?

When I said that Donaldson is clearly the better player, I meant that he's literally the better player. Guys like BL point to WAR and say that tells you that one player is better than another player. WAR only measures that - according to subjective measure - one player has performed better than another player. But again, I don't think WAR is even close to being an absolute. Its flawed. The fact that there are multiple WARs out there kinda underlines that.

I'd argue that Donaldson is a more complete player and getting better. He is (maybe slightly) better at the plate, and (much) better with the glove. As to baserunning - his baserunning skills aren't apparent using stats alone, because he attempts a lot less of them. But he's like 20 out of 20 the last 4 seasons. Could he steal 20 in a season? I'd think so. He's not slow. He's a middle order bat with elite power. And he's got guys in the lineup who follow him that can drive him in. You won't see him steal that much. But Altuve is clearly a better basestealer because he's - probably - the best in the game. But I don't think Donaldson is a dud either.

Altuve is performing at his maximum. He's a very good hitter, an average fielder at best, and an elite baserunner. I don't see how he will improve at bat, on the basepaths, or in the field.

So they are are arguably equal at the plate, Donaldson has the clear advantage in the field, and Altuve has a an advantage on the basepaths.

The question I have is - is it better to have a Donaldson out there or an Altuve? I'll take a top bat/top glove guy over a top bat/average glove guy regardless of added SB value. Especially if both are in the AL. Maybe not in 1986. But today, yes.

No stat can tell us anything other than how a player performed.

Also, this is a terrible example because their WAR numbers are almost identical.
WAR numbers are almost identical, but they don't really reflect reality. Thats my point. Its imperfect.
The reality is that both guys have performed pretty similarly this season, which is what WAR reflects.
I'm not arguing what WAR reflects. WAR reflects what it is designed to reflect. Well, whichever WAR you decide to use. What WAR doesn't truly reflect is this - when both players next step on the field, which is the better player at that moment.

Because ultimately, past production doesn't take current ability into consideration.
9/8/2016 11:28 AM
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 11:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 11:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 11:15:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 9:05:00 AM (view original):
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 8:54:00 AM (view original):
You agreed with Angry BL. You know he has a chub right now right?

When I said that Donaldson is clearly the better player, I meant that he's literally the better player. Guys like BL point to WAR and say that tells you that one player is better than another player. WAR only measures that - according to subjective measure - one player has performed better than another player. But again, I don't think WAR is even close to being an absolute. Its flawed. The fact that there are multiple WARs out there kinda underlines that.

I'd argue that Donaldson is a more complete player and getting better. He is (maybe slightly) better at the plate, and (much) better with the glove. As to baserunning - his baserunning skills aren't apparent using stats alone, because he attempts a lot less of them. But he's like 20 out of 20 the last 4 seasons. Could he steal 20 in a season? I'd think so. He's not slow. He's a middle order bat with elite power. And he's got guys in the lineup who follow him that can drive him in. You won't see him steal that much. But Altuve is clearly a better basestealer because he's - probably - the best in the game. But I don't think Donaldson is a dud either.

Altuve is performing at his maximum. He's a very good hitter, an average fielder at best, and an elite baserunner. I don't see how he will improve at bat, on the basepaths, or in the field.

So they are are arguably equal at the plate, Donaldson has the clear advantage in the field, and Altuve has a an advantage on the basepaths.

The question I have is - is it better to have a Donaldson out there or an Altuve? I'll take a top bat/top glove guy over a top bat/average glove guy regardless of added SB value. Especially if both are in the AL. Maybe not in 1986. But today, yes.

No stat can tell us anything other than how a player performed.

Also, this is a terrible example because their WAR numbers are almost identical.
WAR numbers are almost identical, but they don't really reflect reality. Thats my point. Its imperfect.
The reality is that both guys have performed pretty similarly this season, which is what WAR reflects.
I'm not arguing what WAR reflects. WAR reflects what it is designed to reflect. Well, whichever WAR you decide to use. What WAR doesn't truly reflect is this - when both players next step on the field, which is the better player at that moment.

Because ultimately, past production doesn't take current ability into consideration.
No stat tells you that.
9/8/2016 11:32 AM
Also, it's funny that you said this:

"WAR numbers are almost identical, but they don't really reflect reality."

And then said this:

"I'm not arguing what WAR reflects."
9/8/2016 11:39 AM
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 11:39:00 AM (view original):
Also, it's funny that you said this:

"WAR numbers are almost identical, but they don't really reflect reality."

And then said this:

"I'm not arguing what WAR reflects."
Is that more or less funny than yesterday when you sent a ticket crying to ADMIN that somebody in the forums accused you of sending a ticket crying to ADMIN?

Because that was pretty goddamned funny.
9/8/2016 12:02 PM
Posted by tecwrg on 9/8/2016 12:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 11:39:00 AM (view original):
Also, it's funny that you said this:

"WAR numbers are almost identical, but they don't really reflect reality."

And then said this:

"I'm not arguing what WAR reflects."
Is that more or less funny than yesterday when you sent a ticket crying to ADMIN that somebody in the forums accused you of sending a ticket crying to ADMIN?

Because that was pretty goddamned funny.


Still trying to defend that liar?
9/8/2016 12:09 PM
And why do the both of you always caps lock admin?
9/8/2016 12:09 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 11:39:00 AM (view original):
Also, it's funny that you said this:

"WAR numbers are almost identical, but they don't really reflect reality."

And then said this:

"I'm not arguing what WAR reflects."
Yes. You seem to be struggling with what my argument is. I'm not surprised. I will restrain myself from calling you a retard because I don't want any WIS messages.
9/8/2016 12:17 PM
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 12:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 11:39:00 AM (view original):
Also, it's funny that you said this:

"WAR numbers are almost identical, but they don't really reflect reality."

And then said this:

"I'm not arguing what WAR reflects."
Yes. You seem to be struggling with what my argument is. I'm not surprised. I will restrain myself from calling you a retard because I don't want any WIS messages.
No, I get your point. You think Donaldson is a better player despite the fact that his production this year is about equal to Altuve's.

Which is fine. But that's not a problem with WAR (or any other stat).
9/8/2016 12:20 PM
The problem is you put too much faith in WAR. Whenever there seems to be a discussion about this player or that player the first thing we see from BL is 'WAR'. WAR is imperfect enough at determining who good a player performed. It doesn't tell us how good the player actually is at any particular moment. Or the player's role on any one team. Add to that it doesn't take into account things that are tough to measure like game situations, timing, etc.

If a stat is imperfect at determining performance, how can it really accurately determine ability or future production? It can't. WAR as a one-stop-shop of who is better than who is... meh.

9/8/2016 12:29 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 9/8/2016 11:16:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 9/8/2016 10:43:00 AM (view original):
I'll do the exact same thing I did before you reported me last time. I asked you to admit you didn't read the law you ripped as THE MOST RACIST!!! PIECE OF **** LAW EVER ON THE BOOKS and I'd leave you alone the next day. The next day the thread disappears and I get a warning because you reported me.

So, today, just post the full screen shot and I'll leave you alone. Or, conversely, admit you thought you had a clever plan to get out of admitting you're a crybaby and you botched it. Either way, do one or the other, and I'll drop it.

Otherwise, everyone recognizes that you're a crybaby, a liar, a dumbass and the Argue Monkey.
Are you literally a crazy person?

I posted the sitemail from admin that confirmed you're a liar. You never got a sitemail from admin about this.

If I'm the one lying, instead of throwing a fit and demanding that I post more proof of your lie, you could post your sitemail.
You didn't post the question that brought the "response" from ADMIN. Why? A screen shot is a screen shot. You edited it out or, more appropriately, it never existed. Quit being a ***** and post the entire "ticket", you dullard.
9/8/2016 12:34 PM
Posted by sjpoker on 9/8/2016 12:29:00 PM (view original):
The problem is you put too much faith in WAR. Whenever there seems to be a discussion about this player or that player the first thing we see from BL is 'WAR'. WAR is imperfect enough at determining who good a player performed. It doesn't tell us how good the player actually is at any particular moment. Or the player's role on any one team. Add to that it doesn't take into account things that are tough to measure like game situations, timing, etc.

If a stat is imperfect at determining performance, how can it really accurately determine ability or future production? It can't. WAR as a one-stop-shop of who is better than who is... meh.

No stat tells you:

how good the player is at any given moment
the player's role on any one team
game situations
ability or future performance

And what stat is perfect at determining performance?
9/8/2016 12:35 PM
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Is WAR a stat? Topic

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