but to be totally truthful  jimbo is the one with the a$$ rash for clarity lets all refer to jimbo ,the a$$ bandit as  Jenna ...the one who`s a$$  resembles a soup can..
4/19/2012 11:55 PM
Posted by mudbone1969 on 4/18/2012 9:58:00 PM (view original):
Hitting Hossa's head with his shoulder was dirty as hell.  That shows what a thug Torres is.  He could have kept his skates on the ice and went shoulder-to-shoulder, but opted to be the talentless goon he's always been. 
10-20 years ago Scott Stevens was celebrated for accurately driving his shoulder into other players heads. 30 years ago Denis Potvin was celebrated for the same thing. 40 years ago Keith Magnusson, a Blackhawk, was celebrated for the same thing.  Were these all talentless goons???

4/20/2012 1:15 AM
What ****** me off is that there is no longer any onus on the players to keep their friggin heads up.  The rules used to be so simple: keep your head up or risk being plastered into next week.  Every time I've seen a guy get hit in the head in these playoffs he either had had his head down admiring his feet, or he was admiring his pretty pass to another player.  In last year's playoffs, Rome never should have gotten a suspension for the hit on Horton, Horton looked like a wet-behind-the-ears rookie who wasn't paying attention to what was going on in front of him and he payed the price.  A lot of that same **** is going on this year.  It does every year, and the fools who keep their heads down pay the price.  It's the playoffs.  Move on.

4/20/2012 1:24 AM
Posted by juskay on 4/19/2012 11:21:00 PM (view original):

WIS.......beeped out puss ees?

Do you you guys still get words bleeped out?  I get everything in full detail here. Maybe it's because I have a Mac.

4/20/2012 1:38 AM
Posted by holer on 4/20/2012 1:24:00 AM (view original):
What ****** me off is that there is no longer any onus on the players to keep their friggin heads up.  The rules used to be so simple: keep your head up or risk being plastered into next week.  Every time I've seen a guy get hit in the head in these playoffs he either had had his head down admiring his feet, or he was admiring his pretty pass to another player.  In last year's playoffs, Rome never should have gotten a suspension for the hit on Horton, Horton looked like a wet-behind-the-ears rookie who wasn't paying attention to what was going on in front of him and he payed the price.  A lot of that same **** is going on this year.  It does every year, and the fools who keep their heads down pay the price.  It's the playoffs.  Move on.


Man do I still hate Stevens... But that hit he had on Lindros to end his career was because Lindros was in la la land looking at the puck rather than his surroundings. Can't fault Stevens.
4/20/2012 8:04 AM
Posted by juskay on 4/19/2012 7:31:00 PM (view original):
Coach Q fined 10,000 for critisizing officials after the Torres hit?  What a two faced *****.....He did not say much when Keith cheap shotted Daniel.  And Keith's TARGETTED head shot on Daniel was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY worse than the Torres hit.

Side note about the league's image problems.  What does it say about a league that fines a player $2500.00 for bashing in a guy's skull and then fines a coach $10,000 for using words as his weapon????  What a F$%king joke.
When are you Canuck ******* going to stop crying about Keith's retaliation shot on Daniella?  The sister went after Keith, missed and paid for it.  Get over it, Nancy.
4/20/2012 5:08 PM
Hey a$$wipe, I am not crying about the hit.  I am commenting on what a cheap shot elbow it was.  It was not retaliation???  Retaliation for what???  Missing a check??  You HAWK scum fans are all the same, fine if your player does it, but anyone who touches your player is a bad guy.

Answer this:  Which hit was worse?

1)Keith on Daniel or
2)Torres on Hossa?

Since the Torres hit was very very close to being legal, you have to say the cheap shot ELBOW to the HEAD delivered by Keith on Daniel was WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY worse.  You and your Mudboner should answer the question??????
4/20/2012 8:40 PM

Seabrook and Hossa were admiring their passes and had their heads down , they were hit with clean Torres hits..nice job Raffi ...Mudcrotch gone already? oh yea its 3-1 PHX ..typical fairweather jack ***

4/20/2012 9:04 PM
cant believe the best core in hockey is down 3-1 ?  wow ...and Brunette the power forward ? what happened ?
4/20/2012 9:08 PM
Posted by randle44 on 4/20/2012 9:08:00 PM (view original):
cant believe the best core in hockey is down 3-1 ?  wow ...and Brunette the power forward ? what happened ?
Good point.......Hawks could STILL be the first team out?   
4/20/2012 10:16 PM
nope ...deadwings walking
4/20/2012 10:37 PM
Lidstrom retiring and Wings getting old this where they turn into the Oilers for the next decade?
4/20/2012 10:39 PM
Posted by randle44 on 4/20/2012 9:04:00 PM (view original):

Seabrook and Hossa were admiring their passes and had their heads down , they were hit with clean Torres hits..nice job Raffi ...Mudcrotch gone already? oh yea its 3-1 PHX ..typical fairweather jack ***

Clean hit?   You're as much of a piece of **** as Torres.  Anyone that claims the Torres hit is clean is obviously not a hockey fan.
4/20/2012 11:08 PM
Posted by juskay on 4/20/2012 8:40:00 PM (view original):
Hey a$$wipe, I am not crying about the hit.  I am commenting on what a cheap shot elbow it was.  It was not retaliation???  Retaliation for what???  Missing a check??  You HAWK scum fans are all the same, fine if your player does it, but anyone who touches your player is a bad guy.

Answer this:  Which hit was worse?

1)Keith on Daniel or
2)Torres on Hossa?

Since the Torres hit was very very close to being legal, you have to say the cheap shot ELBOW to the HEAD delivered by Keith on Daniel was WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY worse.  You and your Mudboner should answer the question??????
You've been crying about it for two-three weeks.  Sedin tried to cheap shot Keith and missed, Keith got him back.  Of course Canuck fans don't see it that way, they have no idea what the reality of the situation is, they've been blinded by the chippy play of their players for so long, they have a martyr complex, think that the NHL is out to get them.

Tell you what, when your team wins a Cup you can talk all the **** you want, in the meantime go back to your Canuck thread and pretend that you actually know something about hockey along with the rest of your fellow candy-assed fans. 

You guys give hockey fans a bad name.

I'll answer the question, the Keith hit on the Sedin sister may have been out of line but the Torres hit was borderline criminal, when you decide to accept that fact, we'll talk hockey.
4/20/2012 11:14 PM
Posted by jiml60 on 4/20/2012 11:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by randle44 on 4/20/2012 9:04:00 PM (view original):

Seabrook and Hossa were admiring their passes and had their heads down , they were hit with clean Torres hits..nice job Raffi ...Mudcrotch gone already? oh yea its 3-1 PHX ..typical fairweather jack ***

Clean hit?   You're as much of a piece of **** as Torres.  Anyone that claims the Torres hit is clean is obviously not a hockey fan.
Didn't Carcillo take out Gilbert for over a month on a dirty hit? Kieth took out Sedin? both dirty hits this season.

Give it up. Chicago is just as dirty as the rest of the teams in the league. Bunch of crybabies. Hossa is hurt.... Get over it.
4/20/2012 11:26 PM
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