Rasmussen and Polling Topic

Actually I was referring to your last sentence about "anger, hate and division," but that applies, too.
9/19/2012 2:05 AM
So you admit the left keeps alive the myth of the "Fixed 2000 election".

Are you trying to claim that the left isnt selling hate and division by dropping the race and sexual orientation card all the time? 
9/20/2012 1:43 AM
I don't know what the "myth of the 'Fixed 2000 election,'" is. That's your (loaded) bullshit phrase.

It is your beloved party that makes a living on "selling hate and division." Especially with regard to sexual orientation.

9/20/2012 4:08 AM
9/20/2012 6:45 AM
Posted by genghisxcon on 9/20/2012 4:08:00 AM (view original):
I don't know what the "myth of the 'Fixed 2000 election,'" is. That's your (loaded) bullshit phrase.

It is your beloved party that makes a living on "selling hate and division." Especially with regard to sexual orientation.

Myth can be a perjorative word. I use it to describe the left's continuing message that somehow Bush didnt win fairly in 2000 because I think it fits.

9/20/2012 2:00 PM
Posted by rcrusso on 9/20/2012 6:45:00 AM (view original):
In reality it is Obama that only cares about half of America.

If you work for a living and want to try to make a better life for your family that only thing Obama cares about for you is how much of your money he can seize and how many of your freedoms he can take and give to a government agency.
9/20/2012 2:01 PM
9/21/2012 2:16 PM
So after all this 47% stuff Obama is up by 1 point.

And he was up by 3 a few days ago.

This 47% that the media is portraying as a disaster is catching on.

America knows that Obama is about handouts and less freedom. This points it out a little more!
9/21/2012 3:52 PM
I keep hearing about Obama and handouts and less freedom but never see any concrete evidence of it. 

9/21/2012 5:12 PM
He made it possible for states to eliminate the "Welfare to Work" requirements.

He supports Obamacare. No matter if you support it or not it clearly limits freedom.

Food stamps are at record levels under his administration.

9/21/2012 7:09 PM
Posted by genghisxcon on 9/18/2012 10:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 9/18/2012 7:34:00 PM (view original):
I think the most interesting scenario would be a 269-269 tie.

The House would probably be Republican and would elect Romney.

Would the left accept this, or would they start calling it a "Stolen election" like they keep calling 2000.

The left needs anger, hate and division to maintain their political power.
Not only did you spell "right" wrong, you spelled it, "left." Dyslexia?
Oh, btw, the way some of your righty pundits are defending Romney's "47%" idiocy is a perfect example of the right using "anger, hate and division."

Of course, spinhawk will pretend it's the opposite...how dare those divisive libs actually hold him accountable for the vitriol coming out of his mouth!
9/22/2012 5:09 AM

You should do some looking into the whole eliminating welfare to work thing.  Turn off your righty media, do some of your own digging, and tell us what you come up with.  I thought you were all about states rights?


9/22/2012 10:44 AM
I came up with you're an *******. I came up with you are a fascist bigoted racist idiot bent on world destruction because you can't handle your toys and you were never taught correctly to deal with life itself and I'm sorry your life sucks but don't take it out on the rest of us and punish us because you suck and can't do better than complain instead of fixing the problem. You fuckin' retard taint. You got a retard name. You don't know if you're a dick or a ***** or an *******. You're all three. And as someone who taints himself for hanging around ********, you fit the bill. You are the leader of the pack. All you and your ******* friends do is complain. You can't come up with a fix because you are tainted. Poison. Toxic. They learned you wrong son and I'm afraid it's too late for you. I can't fix you. Just like the taint you are you will have to be processed through the colon of life and expelled into the sewer. There is no hope for you. Your last string is that rope that you can grab onto in the hope of pulling all of us down. So we can all be equal. Just like you. Equal. Misery. Defeat. Capitulation. Robot. Taint.
9/22/2012 11:36 AM
Damn Dougie, it is a bit early in the day for you to be that drunk!
9/22/2012 1:01 PM
That was a pretty solid effort.
9/22/2012 1:08 PM
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