Why does my team blow Topic

No commissioner listed at the top of the league standings page means it's an OL (or CL).
12/5/2012 7:24 PM
It looks like an OL (other teams have 2 rookie pitchers and several rookie position players).  To add to what everyone else has said, in an OL u don't need to draft anywhere near that many IP or PA.
12/5/2012 8:07 PM
Posted by crazystengel on 12/5/2012 12:57:00 PM (view original):
Pro Tip: If the DOMINICAN BOGGS owner is in the league, it's not a theme league.  
Crazy, ligapelota branched out into themes a while back (and may have been playing them long before I ever noticed) and he's doing quite well.  Just won Season 14 of my Non-Invitational, in fact.  This past season played at $128M, but I've seen him in leagues up in the $200M+ caps, too.
12/5/2012 8:15 PM
Posted by redwingscup on 12/5/2012 7:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by contrarian23 on 12/5/2012 12:32:00 PM (view original):
Hmm...the few other rosters I looked at appeared to be classic OL rosters to me, but I could be wrong.  Either way, we're agreed on the diagnosis re: the pitching staff.
i searched his team under his user name and it shows MLB103306 which is listed as a theme, not to argue, but only to add clarification to my post.
All leagues are shown as Theme Leagues on the user profile.  I asked admin about it right after this version of the profile was released (how long ago was that?) and I never got an answer why it doesn't actually differentiate OLs, CLs, and Themes.  But the league in question is definitely an OL because there's no commish or theme info at the top of the league page, like others have said.
12/5/2012 8:20 PM
If OL means open league...then yes...it is
12/5/2012 8:36 PM
Posted by yanxbolts on 12/5/2012 8:36:00 PM (view original):
If OL means open league...then yes...it is
In an OL, I don't think you should draft more than 5000 PA or 1300 IP..  At least 2 pitchers and 3 position players should be minimum salary (so you can send them to AAA and call up the rookies, which are much more valuable than a $200k drafted player).
12/5/2012 10:28 PM
Posted by skunk206 on 12/5/2012 8:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crazystengel on 12/5/2012 12:57:00 PM (view original):
Pro Tip: If the DOMINICAN BOGGS owner is in the league, it's not a theme league.  
Crazy, ligapelota branched out into themes a while back (and may have been playing them long before I ever noticed) and he's doing quite well.  Just won Season 14 of my Non-Invitational, in fact.  This past season played at $128M, but I've seen him in leagues up in the $200M+ caps, too.
That's kind of shocking.  Sort of like finding out The Ramones branched out into piano concertos, or Henny Youngman branched out into Shakespearean drama.  
12/5/2012 11:29 PM
Posted by skunk206 on 12/5/2012 8:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crazystengel on 12/5/2012 12:57:00 PM (view original):
Pro Tip: If the DOMINICAN BOGGS owner is in the league, it's not a theme league.  
Crazy, ligapelota branched out into themes a while back (and may have been playing them long before I ever noticed) and he's doing quite well.  Just won Season 14 of my Non-Invitational, in fact.  This past season played at $128M, but I've seen him in leagues up in the $200M+ caps, too.
He played in one of my $40m leagues, too... made the playoffs and lost if I recall correctly...
12/6/2012 1:41 AM
And comic actor genius Roberto Benigni goes around Italy doing readings of Dante. 

So that is one way to look at it. Another is that it is the SIM equivalent of imperialism. I can see massive viking-like ships arriving on our theme league - and some day maybe (no, say it ain't so !) our progs, with banners reading "DOMINICAN BOGGS OR..."
12/6/2012 5:22 AM
Wars would break out for control of the raw material resources (AAA players ?) of theme leagues between DOMINICAN BOGGS and DADS TIGERS. 

You guys can tell I just finished a big project at work can't you ?
12/6/2012 5:24 AM
so the key is to draft alot of great players and alot of 200k players....to draft starters from the pre-20's....and to not have many ip's and ab's....got it
12/6/2012 7:39 AM
Posted by yanxbolts on 12/6/2012 7:39:00 AM (view original):
so the key is to draft alot of great players and alot of 200k players....to draft starters from the pre-20's....and to not have many ip's and ab's....got it
And to read as much in the forums about normalization, strategy, how the sim uses pitchers, pitching fatigue (in game versus appearances), catchers arms, performance history, what stats matter when drafting, advanced search criteria and many other aspects. It's a truly dynamic game (which makes it fun) and there are many different ways to win.

Also, it's good that you asked a question here. Keep asking as you come across things in your league this season. I'll share any knowledge I can to help you enjoy this game as much as I do.

First tip: Don't just give up on this season just because your team isn't going to compete. Study your opponents and see what is working for them. Look at their lineups, their fatigue, their pitch counts and their usage of AAA. Go roster by roster and get a feel for average team WHIP, BA, OPS, SB and such. Look at the top 5 teams in the league and compare their stats to the other teams to see if there is a pattern. All those things will help you to build a strategy for your next team. Good luck!
12/6/2012 10:18 AM
Posted by italyprof on 12/6/2012 5:22:00 AM (view original):
And comic actor genius Roberto Benigni goes around Italy doing readings of Dante. 

So that is one way to look at it. Another is that it is the SIM equivalent of imperialism. I can see massive viking-like ships arriving on our theme league - and some day maybe (no, say it ain't so !) our progs, with banners reading "DOMINICAN BOGGS OR..."
Which Dante?  The character he played in Johnny Stecchino?  If so, I thought the Stecchino character had the better lines!
12/6/2012 1:21 PM
Thanks Frazz
12/6/2012 4:38 PM
Over 10
12/6/2012 4:49 PM
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Why does my team blow Topic

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