Posted by mullycj on 8/2/2014 10:36:00 PM (view original):
Success = Being good enough to play HD for free.
I hope to reach this status someday
8/4/2014 11:51 AM
Posted by bagger288 on 7/31/2014 3:20:00 PM (view original):
I am a very young coach in my HD career and am looking to find success at all levels (D3-D1). I have found some consistency in making a 20 win post season team but am still learning what it takes to become elite.

My question is What do you consider as a successful coach? 

Consistent NT appearences? Sweet 16? Championships? Consistent post season?

I was thinking of a goal of making at least the sweet 16 in every divison as none of my teams right now are immediatly ready for that, it would require me to learn and build and not just cherry pick a team.

I suppose you would need to define "successful" to completely answer the question. What one person views as successful another may not. However, I'm not sure I would use the word "successful" to define any coach.

8/4/2014 12:17 PM
The answer is relative. What I define as success and what someone else does will be very different. And what I would feel is an abject failure of a season would make 99% of this community think I was nuts.


mully gave by far the best answer. It's the life :)
8/4/2014 12:56 PM
I'm not sure that I have a hard-and-fast definition of successful. I can point to some successful coaches, and I'd like to be as good as them someday, but I just tend to take goals one at a time. Here's about how my goals have progressed for D2/D3 (D1 is an entirely different animal, and I've never even made the PIT there, albeit in only five seasons across two worlds). Starting with the "new coach" goal and moving on to higher ones. 

1. Build a team that makes the NT consistently (75% of the time or better). Accomplished. I read the forums voraciously when I joined HD, so this one really wasn't too hard for me. Almost all of my teams make the NT year in and year out. My first HD team made it in season three and has not missed since. Overall, I have a 71% NT rate at D2/D3, but I've also taken on a number of total rebuilds. If you take out the first two years of all of those rebuilds, the NT rate jumps to around 90%. 

2. Build a team that can win games in the NT, while continuing to do (1). Accomplished. This one was tougher. I lost in the first round of my first three NT appearances with my first team and was losing in the first round with each successive team I got. Adjusting recruiting standards from "build an NT team" to "build a threatening NT team" was difficult and important. I had to learn which players could fill roles on great teams and when you were better off taking a walk-on. It took me until season six with my first team to finally break into round two. Overall, I now make the 2nd round about 55% of the time, and if you adjust for rebuilds, it's about 70%. 

3. Build a Final Four team, while consistently doing (2). Accomplished. This might seem like quite a jump from goal #2, but my first four teams to break through the first round all made the Sweet Sixteen, and three made the Elite Eight. The change in recruiting standards made a big difference, and so the next goal was a big step from the last goal. I didn't make my first Final Four until playing HD for a full year, and I'm not sure it was about making big changes from the previous teams so much as just building good teams consistently enough that eventually one got lucky. 

4. Win it all. Accomplished. The move from (3) to (4) didn't take long. My first Final Four team won it all. Honestly, I am not inclined to view doing something once as a good definition of success, but getting rid of that "0" next to "Championships:" felt like a huge accomplishment, and it'd be disingenuous to say it wasn't a goal. 

5. Build Final Four teams/legitimately compete for titles in multiple worlds. Accomplished. Doing it once is one thing, especially if you have a team in a really nice recruiting area. Doing it with different teams is tough. It's about finding that consistency in a variety of different circumstances, not necessarily the most favorable. Apart from one odd run to the Final Four as a 9-seed with Alaska-Anchorage, it took a long time to make my first Final Four outside Crum. Almost a full year after my first Final Four inside Crum. Now have Final Fours in four worlds and championships in two worlds, but it took a lot of doing. 

6. Consistently compete for titles with all D2/D3 teams. Still working. Not necessarily requiring a title contender every season in every world, which is unrealistic even for the all-time great HD coaches, but often enough to be one of the regulars (perhaps Elite Eight 40% of the time, Final Four 15%? Not as an average across all worlds, but actually getting to those benchmarks in each D2/D3 world I'm in). I am definitely one of the regulars in some worlds. In Crum I've made the Elite Eight in nine of the last ten seasons and the title game in four of the last eight. But across all my D2/D3 teams, even if you adjust for rebuilds, I only have about a 30% rate of making the Elite Eight and 10% of making the Final Four. I have one D3 team that still hasn't made a Sweet Sixteen after six seasons and still have five D2/D3 teams (out of seven active ones) that are looking for their first Final Four. Never won a D2 title, and none of the teams I thought were title contenders have even made the Final Four. Still plenty of work to be done on this count. 

So that was a lot of me talking about myself (sorry), but I think it provides a nice illustration of how to structure your goals depending on where you are in your HD life. Start with making the NT consistently, and then every time you accomplish something, set a higher goal. Right now, I've made it through five of my personal goals and are working on a sixth, but there are HD coaches who can blow my goal #6 out of the water and are on to something bigger and better. But for now, shooting for all-time great level is unrealistic and discouraging. I just want to be a regular contender wherever I coach. 
8/4/2014 1:16 PM
Not sure if I should be more offended by my username being spelled incorrectly or being listed in the 2nd tier by scaturo...I know my championship rate has gone done after moving up to D1 and dropping all of my D3 teams, but 14 NCs still put me at 10th all time. 
8/4/2014 1:37 PM
Posted by tianyi7886 on 8/4/2014 1:37:00 PM (view original):
Not sure if I should be more offended by my username being spelled incorrectly or being listed in the 2nd tier by scaturo...I know my championship rate has gone done after moving up to D1 and dropping all of my D3 teams, but 14 NCs still put me at 10th all time. 
No question. If the criteria for the 1st tier is "coaches whose success other coaches most want to emulate", yeah, you're definitely in Tier 1.
8/4/2014 1:53 PM
Posted by bhansalid00 on 8/4/2014 1:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tianyi7886 on 8/4/2014 1:37:00 PM (view original):
Not sure if I should be more offended by my username being spelled incorrectly or being listed in the 2nd tier by scaturo...I know my championship rate has gone done after moving up to D1 and dropping all of my D3 teams, but 14 NCs still put me at 10th all time. 
No question. If the criteria for the 1st tier is "coaches whose success other coaches most want to emulate", yeah, you're definitely in Tier 1.
Well, I just rejoined Tark D3, time to try and boost the championship count.
8/4/2014 2:04 PM
yeah, tianyi would definitely be on my list of "blows my next goal out of the water"
8/4/2014 2:23 PM
Posted by bagger288 on 8/4/2014 11:51:00 AM (view original):
Posted by mullycj on 8/2/2014 10:36:00 PM (view original):
Success = Being good enough to play HD for free.
I hope to reach this status someday
Well I was joking at the time but I just had to send a ticket to customer service because my posting rights were removed because it had been 2 years since I paid for a season. DOH!
10/6/2014 9:41 PM
Posted by car_crazy_v2 on 8/3/2014 11:22:00 AM (view original):
Maintain your eagerness to learn as well. I've seen far too many coaches remain stagnant in their understanding of the game, going 20+ seasons without a NT bid at DIII and I have to wonder why they're even playing at all if they don't have the drive to improve.
I've completely retooled my approach almost from scratch a few times trying to figure out a formula that will finally get me to the promised land. I probably give up on approaches too soon. Ah well.
10/6/2014 9:53 PM
Posted by arssanguinus on 10/6/2014 9:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by car_crazy_v2 on 8/3/2014 11:22:00 AM (view original):
Maintain your eagerness to learn as well. I've seen far too many coaches remain stagnant in their understanding of the game, going 20+ seasons without a NT bid at DIII and I have to wonder why they're even playing at all if they don't have the drive to improve.
I've completely retooled my approach almost from scratch a few times trying to figure out a formula that will finally get me to the promised land. I probably give up on approaches too soon. Ah well.
Maybe that's your problem; you're a good enough coach that you don't need to retool your approach from scratch, but you could always find ways to perfect your approach.
10/7/2014 12:32 AM
Well, I think that makes my fifth nt finals loss now ... Sigh.
10/7/2014 7:15 AM
A coach who enjoys playing the game.
10/7/2014 10:16 AM
Well I feel I'm making progress, In d2 I've been able to amass 3 straight 20 win seasons, 2 CT championships (i was not the favorite each year) and post season each season in a weak conference as well so my scheduling has come along as well. Now My next personal goal is post-season success, I've found it in the CT but now I need to progress in the NT.
10/7/2014 3:22 PM
Posted by bagger288 on 10/7/2014 3:22:00 PM (view original):
Well I feel I'm making progress, In d2 I've been able to amass 3 straight 20 win seasons, 2 CT championships (i was not the favorite each year) and post season each season in a weak conference as well so my scheduling has come along as well. Now My next personal goal is post-season success, I've found it in the CT but now I need to progress in the NT.
building up so that you are consistent with Northwood is good, and I mean no offense certainly, but that conference is almost entirely simai. If there is only one other human your minimum goal has to be to kick his *** and win the CT every year. Any season where you lose before the CT finals must be seen as a a failure. Anytime you lose the CT to simai, if it happens, must be a failure.

Your next step should be to try to find a fuller conference and compete with that kind of pressure. (or try to entice others to join you in the GLIAC)
10/8/2014 2:17 AM
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