interesting so far. not surprisingly, the initial rush was all negative. the really active guys skew that way. definitely will continue to moderate as a larger sample comes into play. i really am interested to see how it plays out. i am guessing the support for the release in general (q1) is roughly mixed, 40-60%, and that the folks who think its widely viewed negatively will be surprised. i actually think change and seble are more widely supported in this community than many folks think. but, i do think the trend will continue to support the mega update just being too enormous in scope at this time. i suspect if we took the top 10 changes, and polled on support for them individually, as in, their own update, the support for the individual changes here would be much larger than the whole release - which stems from people generally being pro-change here, but that optimism being dampened by the sheer enormity in scope.