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I don't think the worlds are going to shut down. There is no product out there remotely as fun as this one. And most people do seem to like the update so far. There are a ton of people giving valuable input to make it a success. I don't see anything wrong with pointing out flaws so they can be fixed, but nitpicking every detail is downright annoying to read. (This is predominantly directed at only / viva). For me, I am really liking it as of right now.
6/1/2016 12:50 AM (edited)
Perhaps the idea would be to condense worlds at the same time the new system rolls out, so that the worlds are more populated than they are now. Maybe teams could be ported to other worlds. Not sure how feasible this is, but that would offer one solution.
6/1/2016 12:49 AM
Posted by chapelhillne on 6/1/2016 12:50:00 AM (view original):
I don't think the worlds are going to shut down. There is no product out there remotely as fun as this one. And most people do seem to like the update so far. There are a ton of people giving valuable input to make it a success. I don't see anything wrong with pointing out flaws so they can be fixed, but nitpicking every detail is downright annoying to read. (This is predominantly directed at only / viva). For me, I am really liking it as of right now.
Yes they will Fox clearly doesn't care this is nothing more than $ to them if WIS gets in the red they won't keep it alive just out of the kidness of their hearts they have a business to run, no matter how small a dent it makes they won't pay to run a college basketball simulation game.

Most people are jumping on the bandwagon and not trying to think of any impacts because thats negativity. A lot of those people are awfully new too. Granted they're some big names like yourself excited for it, but where have you been recently, I've only been here 2 years and seble was non existant the whole times with no one on the forums liking him, and it had been going on longer than that for like 2-3. Suddenly he shows up ignores what the forum has been asking for and gives us an update that might make it more entertaining, but still ignore some of the biggest problems like the freaking job process(which will never be touched because of purely monetary reasons), we still have guys ranked with 10 ath(great recruit gen there) and guys who end up with 95+ ath/spd/def/per/bh/pas except now they just won't end up on the same team anymore "hopefully" but we won't know because the beta won't even let us get a full class through.

We should nitpick every detail "isn't that the point of the beta?" lol discuss and find anything wrong with it so it doesn't end up like ****? Or do we just throw our trust in our non existant programmer who has better things to do?

I'm glad you enjoy spending a lot of time clicking scout to level 4 for hours.

The no products out here like sucks its something that happens a lot especially in video games, call of duty before bf became relevant, ******* EA Sports and the **** they produce with madden and wha they did with NCAA14. I won't even begin on non video game things like this. So just because they are the only 1 offering this we have to accept the **** they put out, I already had a ton of complaints and "put up" with the many problems that plagues the current version.

No matter how many people try to fix it, it doesn't matter seble at most takes a few minor changes that were a **** up to start with like forgetting to put FT potential, but if you think he will change anything that wasn't a screw up I really admire you're faith.
6/1/2016 12:59 AM
Posted by chapelhillne on 6/1/2016 12:49:00 AM (view original):
Perhaps the idea would be to condense worlds at the same time the new system rolls out, so that the worlds are more populated than they are now. Maybe teams could be ported to other worlds. Not sure how feasible this is, but that would offer one solution.
ah yes the always great idea of lets see who gets A+ Duke when we have 10 coaches there and plan on only having 5 of those jobs available now, that's gonna go smoothly as I've said before anytime this has been brought up this has to be top 5 dumbest idea's I've ever seen on this forums.

I've come up with a great idea, maybe listen to the forums and then don't give us a **** update that ****** of enough people to get them to quit that will lead to empty worlds. Again while it might be a few vocal minority on the forums, I think the ones being silent are going to end up being against it, you guys are just an echo chamber jerking each other about how good this update is not wanting to think how someone could possibly hate this or your mighty lord seble
6/1/2016 1:03 AM
FFS, dude you need to find your Xanax.
6/1/2016 1:12 AM
annnnd you can't respond to that because I'm not just blabbering on I'm bring up another good point and you just don't want to admit it. take off the seble tinted glasses maybe yes I'm being a complete ******* but I had been bringing up good points from the start which were negative(and towards seble) but hadn't reached full on rant status, but you guys are so sure this is going to be some magically update that you don't want to hear anything about how it could be wrong.
6/1/2016 1:13 AM
Boy you sure told me!
6/1/2016 1:18 AM
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Posted by viva_il_re on 6/1/2016 1:14:00 AM (view original):
annnnd you can't respond to that because I'm not just blabbering on I'm bring up another good point and you just don't want to admit it. take off the seble tinted glasses maybe yes I'm being a complete ******* but I had been bringing up good points from the start which were negative(and towards seble) but hadn't reached full on rant status, but you guys are so sure this is going to be some magically update that you don't want to hear anything about how it could be wrong.
what the hell are you talking about? i have read basically every post on the subject and see nothing resembling people being sure this will be some magical update. some people complemented the look and feel changes, i saw that, but not much more.
6/1/2016 8:28 AM
I don't think they are shutting down anything. You do not change the layout, propose updates when you plan on shutting it down. I think they are really trying to make it better. Scouting trips needs to be much more simpler. I'd give more money to DIII and DII, to make sure they can scout what they need to scout. In D1, scouting won't be a problem, we get plenty of money, I already penciled down my targets at ASU... I could not attend Las Vegas camp and still be happy with what I can get. The problem I foresee is : if for some reason people have the same targets, I probably have 10 to 15 now for 2 spots, can I keep scouting once recruiting has started. I bet I can. But not sure.

People need to stop being negative and start pointing out flaws and use constructive criticism. I am positive the problems will be worked out during BETA.
6/1/2016 8:45 AM
Yes - from my understanding you can keep scouting once recruiting starts. Almost positive about that - like 99% sure. That is my plan - I want to keep some money available, in case my prime targets don't work out
6/1/2016 10:50 AM

I am positive the problems will be worked out during BETA.

To be fair to the people who are so overwhelmingly negative - this is largely because you joined the site in 2014. If you'd been around for previous rollouts, you'd be a lot less confident in this.
6/1/2016 2:10 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 6/1/2016 2:10:00 PM (view original):

I am positive the problems will be worked out during BETA.

To be fair to the people who are so overwhelmingly negative - this is largely because you joined the site in 2014. If you'd been around for previous rollouts, you'd be a lot less confident in this.
Preach, season one player here.
6/1/2016 2:12 PM
What's the point of BETA if you do not fix what's not working? If they do that, I mean let's face it, they are shooting themselves in the foot.

So give them a chance, maybe they do it right this time around. And I am not really liking the new scouting/recruiting thing right now. So I hope they improve it.
6/1/2016 2:12 PM
Posted by zorzii on 6/1/2016 2:12:00 PM (view original):
What's the point of BETA if you do not fix what's not working? If they do that, I mean let's face it, they are shooting themselves in the foot.

So give them a chance, maybe they do it right this time around. And I am not really liking the new scouting/recruiting thing right now. So I hope they improve it.
Which part don't you like?

I think what you'll see from the beta are tweaks only. Maybe the amount of cash you get will change. Maybe the duration of scouting/recruiting will be increased/decreased by a couple days. Stuff like that. But I just can't see them redoing anything major. The wheels are in motion, it's probably 95% done. Get the bugs out and refine it.
6/1/2016 2:17 PM
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