Dropping teams as nu game approaches Topic

so we are going to hold a draft over who gets to keep their A+ syracuse or any other big job or A+ D3 colorado or any other popular jobs lolololol if you believe merging worlds is a good idea your crazy
7/29/2016 10:25 AM
When did they change the forums?
7/29/2016 10:26 AM
Im going to phase out down to 1 maybe none. After so many years of playing who has the time to learn and entirely new game. I dont understand why such a major overhaul across all worlds.
7/29/2016 10:26 AM
Posted by gvsujulius on 7/29/2016 7:24:00 AM (view original):
I have dropped from 6 teams to 2 teams. I will use up my credits and then leave HD. I used to read the forums all the time and this has just taken the fun out of it for me. I am not interested in learning a new game and learning the new nuances. I think there was more important things to fix (job hiring/firing logic). This was just kind of the thing that pushed me over the edge of not being that into HD anymore.

I am sure there will be people who counter and say it isn't learning a new game, etc. or don't be lazy. Honestly I have two kids who are under 3 and HD was a nice getaway for me, but now it is becoming much more time consuming.
I agree 100% so far dealing with the new set up (in a limited time for me) it's just not easy to deal with. Maybe I am being stubborn but I'm probably gonna finish out the next two seasons before the change over and I'm out
7/29/2016 10:27 AM
I had a good 11 year run playing the game. I'm barely hanging on as it is. So I guess if the overhaul is as drastic as the beta I guess it's my "out" it's been pretty fun but I don't have time to sit at the computer or phone as long as I used too
7/29/2016 10:31 AM
Have 4 will drop at least 1 maybe all 4. Tried beta didn't care for it but it took a backseat to my "real" teams. As far as merging worlds if somebody made me leave my uconn team I'd quit on the spot. I think most others in that position would say the same but I could be wrong. Personally, and my cal tech team is my favorite team, but I'd eliminate d3. D2 is similar anyway and it would raise the population numbers in d2 and maybe d1, assuming a bunch of coaches didn't leave.
7/29/2016 10:33 AM
Posted by emy1013 on 7/29/2016 10:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Trentonjoe on 7/29/2016 9:45:00 AM (view original):
"I am sure there will be people who counter and say it isn't learning a new game, etc. or don't be lazy. Honestly I have two kids who are under 3 and HD was a nice getaway for me, but now it is becoming much more time consuming."

I think it is a new game, at least recruiting which is most of the game is new. To say otherwise would be disingenuous. It also takes more time ( albeit spread over weeks).

I think, me personally, the recruiting experience is richer. It does take more time, it does involve more mouse clicks, but I like the fact that I can spend a couple hours over a couple of weeks finding and scouting players.

It's different, it will take some time to learn the nuances. It's also pretty far away, IMO. Seble is still experimenting with it.
Pretty far away, like how far in your own personal estimate TJ? To answer the OP, I'm at 10 from 16 headed towards 0.
Best guess is a minimum of two more months, I wouldn't be surprised if it was at least between 4-6. I don't know if there is a busy season but if I were them I would try to make a november/december release to coincide with real college basketball's season.
7/29/2016 10:52 AM
Posted by npb7768 on 7/29/2016 10:26:00 AM (view original):
Posted by zorzii on 7/29/2016 10:08:00 AM (view original):
Only : Merging is the best idea. There are too many worlds, not enough owners. Worlds should not open unless there is enough owners playing in them... It's as simple as that.

I don't get the fun of playing in D3 with 70 owners... nor 100 owners. So just make some sort of draft, keep owners on team where they are the only one on it and merge.

This game got diluted because of the hurry to open worlds. Now, it's dying because it's too sparse everywhere. Naismith D3 is fun because we still have a good group of owners... But I'd like to even get more. I'd say 150 owners is right perfect in D3 and D1, 130 in D2. Merging would get you close to that.

If world populations really go down, I agree that merging some worlds would be a good idea.

Actually, since Crum is my primary world, I wouldn't mind turning Crum into a HD Beta World, and keep the other Worlds as HD Classic.
I wonder if an idea like that is completely off the table.
They have said no to that because of server space and other tech mumbo jumbo.
7/29/2016 10:54 AM
Going from 1 to 0. I switched from GD back to HD specifically because I preferred the simplicity of HD recruiting. Now that that's gone I'm considering going back to GD.

None of that means HD2 is a "bad" game. I don't want to play Pokemon Go either, but it seems to be doing just fine without me. I wish the same success for HD2.
7/29/2016 11:30 AM
I have just 1 team, did have 3 at one point. Quite frankly, if I weren't on the verge of landing a P6 job (just need an NT appearance or two and a win, I'd guess), I would be gone after the last season of "classic" HD.

I hate the new recruiting system, for the same reasons many other people do. I also don't like the cosmetic changes being made. I will say, however, that playing the beta on my cell phone is much smoother and easier than it is with the current game, so there is that.

The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
7/29/2016 11:45 AM
Posted by Trentonjoe on 7/29/2016 10:54:00 AM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 7/29/2016 10:26:00 AM (view original):
Posted by zorzii on 7/29/2016 10:08:00 AM (view original):
Only : Merging is the best idea. There are too many worlds, not enough owners. Worlds should not open unless there is enough owners playing in them... It's as simple as that.

I don't get the fun of playing in D3 with 70 owners... nor 100 owners. So just make some sort of draft, keep owners on team where they are the only one on it and merge.

This game got diluted because of the hurry to open worlds. Now, it's dying because it's too sparse everywhere. Naismith D3 is fun because we still have a good group of owners... But I'd like to even get more. I'd say 150 owners is right perfect in D3 and D1, 130 in D2. Merging would get you close to that.

If world populations really go down, I agree that merging some worlds would be a good idea.

Actually, since Crum is my primary world, I wouldn't mind turning Crum into a HD Beta World, and keep the other Worlds as HD Classic.
I wonder if an idea like that is completely off the table.
They have said no to that because of server space and other tech mumbo jumbo.
They could offer the two HDs as separate and distinct and unrelated products, with no tech support for the legacy product. They're choosing not to, which is obviously their right.
7/29/2016 12:07 PM
The beta's still in process. I don't know if the game will be better at all, and I have my doubts here and there, but yall might want to stick it out until it is released. Hopefully the beta will be more enjoyable and less clunky when it is released.

I like recruiting a lot in the new game. I do not like scouting however.
7/29/2016 12:19 PM
i hate to rant on the scouting but it's the only part of the new game I've really experienced so far. i would not be playing HD today if my first experience had been scouting the way it is on there. it's not intuitive, it's tedious, and even the font and all the little letters and numbers just kind of irk me. that's why my fear is that the new game will not bring in and hold new users. it seems too complex to pick up quickly. people don't have the patience for stuff like that, more now than ever.
7/29/2016 12:45 PM
Have had as many as 7, usually ran 3, currently have 1, will be dropping completely when the worlds shut down to implement the beta. Personally not a fan, its not fun for me.
7/29/2016 1:20 PM
I did most of the dropping already, even when they started explaining how beta would be set up. Right now I've got 3, down from as many as 9 or 10. I might drop one more over the and long break between systems, but I'll see if I dislike the new set up coaching in high D-1 as I currently do in low D-1 during beta.

Unfortunately, I do suspect that after more than a decade of checking this site quite regularly, I'll be done with WIS in 6-7 months. Maybe I'll end up going back to Sim Baseball to breeze through credits, leave like I arrived.
7/29/2016 1:36 PM
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Dropping teams as nu game approaches Topic

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