Posted by crabman26 on 8/31/2016 6:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crazyivan on 8/31/2016 6:32:00 PM (view original):
because 'giving me stuff to do during the season' wasn't in the top 10 ideas/suggestions/complaints about the game. high level d1 hiring/firing, recruit generation, wasted scouting trips to learn the same 4 attributes - among a few others - were mentioned by many coaches.
How do you know it wasnt in the top 10? Just because it wasnt mentioned in the forums? I know a few coaches who left because they found in season play boring. All these people leaving have played the game for how many years now? Even despite knowing the hiring/ firing, recruit generation, etc were they remodel the recruiting aspect of the game and NOW they decide to leave?? It just puzzles me, that is all.

Im not trying to get into arguments, to each their own...its just puzzling.
I agree with crabman. I also don't want to get in a urinating match about it because we all have our likes and dislikes, but i think recruiting in Beta (once some things were adjusted like the eBay stuff and the many clicks) has been pretty cool with a lot of different strategies possible (for example, i like the 2 signing periods), and I'm surprised this is the thing that is pushing many old-timers to leave. I think owners that haven't tried Beta yet may be surprised at how non-sucky it is.
9/1/2016 6:20 AM (edited)
What should be puzzling is a Topic of "Goodbye Thread"
with customers posting that have decided, for their Own reasons, that they do not want to pay for a New product is hijacked by some that seem to think that those posters are not intelligent enough to make up their own minds on how they spend their time and money.

Not One post here is telling others NOT to play 3.0 yet THREE so self righteously preach the errors of those that choose not to.
9/1/2016 7:25 AM
For me, its just a chance to step back. I was looking for an excuse anyway. I will be playing my games out and watching from afar. Never going to say never about rejoining, but for the time being, I will enjoy a little time off.
9/1/2016 7:46 AM
people are entitled to their opinions about the new game - and should be entitled to express them on a forum devoted to discussion of the game
9/1/2016 8:20 AM
I personally really like the recruiting in beta. I'm having a lot of fun with. It has actually sparked some excitement in me for this game.

For those that are leaving, if you've given it a chance in another world and you don't like, then you don't like it. Will miss playing with/against you.

For those who are leaving because someone else is leaving, then I'd urge you to give the new rollover a chance. You may find that you really like it.

9/1/2016 9:32 AM
OK, doing away with finish money would mean in RL that Florida International and Marist have as much chance as Duke and Kentucky to win the NT. Drastically cutting down the money needed for recruiting actions at distance means Florida International and Marist can go after elite California players. Means a D1 team would have to search countrywide in scouting, and consume untold hours. Not to mention that the system is convoluted and really time consuming even if you recruit at D3 level. Many of the users have lives--jobs, families, other interests that limit the time they have for HD. Can see those staying that used to field six teams cutting down to one or two, in addition to those dropping. Was all this change due to one headstrong programmer who didn't listen to anyone except a few people that agreed with him? When revenues drop as new people are bewildered by the complexity of recruiting and quit and old hands cut back will WIS be pleased? Will HD be 90% sim? And shelved? Still trying to get purchase in the new system, but I can't even figure out how to give attention points, which you are supposed to be able to use during scouting. I think. All trial and error. They took the only college BB game on line which had a few flaws, and made it into one with multiple flaws. Dealt with a lot of programmers in my working life, and they always made the interface harder to use, but said now it was "elegant".
9/1/2016 10:07 AM
Posted by npb7768 on 8/30/2016 9:54:00 PM (view original):
So, if a group of veterans leaves, and the void creates an easier path to a national championship and Final Fours, do some of those veterans get an itch to come back and grab another title or two versus this possible thinned herd?

The temptation might be too great to ignore. I mean, we're talking about a very competitive group of people!

* places popcorn in microwave *
it depends on who you are talking about... if you are talking about the competitive veterans, who already had success finding championships against a competitive group, why would they be lured back? for some rookie stomping? that sort of goes against the sense of competitiveness you are suggesting those folks have. i think the whole premise is flawed, personally.
9/1/2016 10:24 AM
geezer - you only start using attention points once recruiting starts.
Everything else is ONLY scouting.
9/1/2016 10:56 AM
Roger that, mully and thanks. At least that stayed the same.
9/1/2016 11:02 AM
"I'm surprised this is the thing that is pushing many old-timers to leave."

It isn't the game. That's just the latest excuse for some people to rag all over the forums.
9/1/2016 11:08 AM (edited)
Posted by CoachSpud on 9/1/2016 11:08:00 AM (view original):
"I'm surprised this is the thing that is pushing many old-timers to leave."

It isn't the game. That's just the latest excuse for some people to rag all over the forums.
I disagree, many of us long time players are being fair minded in our reasons for leaving. Most of us have made it clear there are multiple factors. Even some are adding to our good bye, "for now".
9/1/2016 1:35 PM
Posted by gillispie1 on 9/1/2016 10:24:00 AM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 8/30/2016 9:54:00 PM (view original):
So, if a group of veterans leaves, and the void creates an easier path to a national championship and Final Fours, do some of those veterans get an itch to come back and grab another title or two versus this possible thinned herd?

The temptation might be too great to ignore. I mean, we're talking about a very competitive group of people!

* places popcorn in microwave *
it depends on who you are talking about... if you are talking about the competitive veterans, who already had success finding championships against a competitive group, why would they be lured back? for some rookie stomping? that sort of goes against the sense of competitiveness you are suggesting those folks have. i think the whole premise is flawed, personally.
Well, we all know that recruiting (talent) is the driver of a good team. I therefore don't think that it is a given that the people who are the most successful now will continue to be the most successful later.

With no carryover, no post season bonus, limits on home visits per recruit, and preferences with teeth; I think that the standard play of getting to a very good team in a good location and having no one challenge your local recruits not necessarily working will mean that more people can be competitive.

So, while many of the really great coaches, if they adjust to the game and do the things required, can (and should) be very good .. it is not automatic. If they leave, I guess we'll never know.
9/1/2016 1:47 PM
Posted by gillispie1 on 9/1/2016 10:24:00 AM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 8/30/2016 9:54:00 PM (view original):
So, if a group of veterans leaves, and the void creates an easier path to a national championship and Final Fours, do some of those veterans get an itch to come back and grab another title or two versus this possible thinned herd?

The temptation might be too great to ignore. I mean, we're talking about a very competitive group of people!

* places popcorn in microwave *
it depends on who you are talking about... if you are talking about the competitive veterans, who already had success finding championships against a competitive group, why would they be lured back? for some rookie stomping? that sort of goes against the sense of competitiveness you are suggesting those folks have. i think the whole premise is flawed, personally.
How can my "whole premise be flawed", if "it depends who I'm talking about"...?

In my time here, there has been a group of HD owners who are ultra, ultra competitive. To the point where they think nothing of cheating via collusion, scouting with a second team, etc, berating conference mates about their non-conference schedules. Some of these people have a high probability of returning, at least under a different username. The guy who was banned from the forums who was screaming all summer... he will definitely be back under a new username, it's almost guaranteed.

By the way, feel free to take the popcorn out of the microwave...!
9/1/2016 1:56 PM
Posted by favre3xmvp on 9/1/2016 1:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 9/1/2016 11:08:00 AM (view original):
"I'm surprised this is the thing that is pushing many old-timers to leave."

It isn't the game. That's just the latest excuse for some people to rag all over the forums.
I disagree, many of us long time players are being fair minded in our reasons for leaving. Most of us have made it clear there are multiple factors. Even some are adding to our good bye, "for now".
I don't disagree with you. Note that I said "some people." Perhaps I should have said it isn't always the game. I also think that for "some people" it is just the latest excuse.
I also agree with hughes' and npb's posts immediately above.
9/1/2016 2:56 PM
Posted by taniajane on 9/1/2016 7:25:00 AM (view original):
What should be puzzling is a Topic of "Goodbye Thread"
with customers posting that have decided, for their Own reasons, that they do not want to pay for a New product is hijacked by some that seem to think that those posters are not intelligent enough to make up their own minds on how they spend their time and money.

Not One post here is telling others NOT to play 3.0 yet THREE so self righteously preach the errors of those that choose not to.
This is a funny post, self righteous? Up until now I think its been a pretty civilized back and forth.

Its a public forum, so if some choose to publicly annouce to the world they are leaving rather than know...leave quietly, I believe the public has a right to post their opinion...correct?
9/1/2016 4:32 PM
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