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Because u had won so much and had multiple teams when doing it. Gil, let it go dude. I know u just got married and the stress has got to be unbearable because I'm sure your life partner has forced you to cut from 15 teams in one world down to 10. However, it's all just a fake game man. I mean, did u take a beating? Well sure, you sure did. Were you embarrassed in front of the whole WIS community? Heck yes, probably a lot. Are you taking it like a man? Well frankly, no. The good news is that one loss won't define you, it just defines me against you in the biggest game of our lives. It's not career threatening because you've got so many teams that odds are that one of these years you're going to have the whole west bracket to yourself. Bounce back Gil, I believe in you! Go Kentucky Aggies!
8/11/2011 12:14 PM
what the hell are you talking about? the biggest game of our lives? yours maybe, lol. you played a team that was maybe 50th best on my all time list, that had no business even making it that far. if you think that was even a top 20 game in my career you are just simply delusional. and besides - i didn't have multiple teams in d1 back then. sure, i relished the opportunity to beat a cheater who had countless unfair advantages, with a team who should have never walked on the court. but thats it.

but anyway, at this point, i pretty much have you where i want you. you agree you sent me a blatantly collusive message. now, do you expect people to believe that:
1) you sent this message to test me - coincidentally, the very same season you moved into my backyard? at a big 6 school with a major disadvantage? - come on people, would you do that crap? no. jeff is just trying to cover his *** --  AND then (must believe both)
2) that after i sent you a sitemail berating you for how blatantly wrong the collusion was, you didn't reply saying sorry, i agree with you, was just making sure or something to that effect? come on. if you were really a big enough ******* to sent that message as a test, wouldn't you let the guy know afterwards he passed your stupid test? so that maybe he wouldn't go on thinking you were a blatant cheater? so he wouldn't report you to admin?

it just doesn't pass the litmus test people. from JP's own mouth - he sent the collusive sitemail to me. now if you believe that line of bullshit story about it being a test, and that JP then waited to let me know until 6 months later, in a drunken splurge, i rejoiced the fact that a cheater moved out of my backyard? what a crock of ****. if you believe that, then boy do i have something for you! its a silver bar recovered from a sunken ship, on route back to queen elizabeth of spain herself. instead of the normal going rate of about 4K per silver bar, this bar is worth a whopping 250 thousand dollars! i will sell it to you for a mere 150 thousand dollars. the deal of the century - thats a free 100K in your pocket!
8/11/2011 12:28 PM (edited)
Posted by jeff_probst on 8/11/2011 12:14:00 PM (view original):
Because u had won so much and had multiple teams when doing it. Gil, let it go dude. I know u just got married and the stress has got to be unbearable because I'm sure your life partner has forced you to cut from 15 teams in one world down to 10. However, it's all just a fake game man. I mean, did u take a beating? Well sure, you sure did. Were you embarrassed in front of the whole WIS community? Heck yes, probably a lot. Are you taking it like a man? Well frankly, no. The good news is that one loss won't define you, it just defines me against you in the biggest game of our lives. It's not career threatening because you've got so many teams that odds are that one of these years you're going to have the whole west bracket to yourself. Bounce back Gil, I believe in you! Go Kentucky Aggies!
just want to quote this so there is record of JP admitting he sent me the collusive sitemail. so he can't come out and lie and say he never sent it. well, he can, and maybe he will. or maybe this embarrassment will be enough that he stops harassing me on a bimonthly basis. sure, i am the one doing the harassing here. but for good reason. the guy is a cheater, and berates me regularly for having multiple teams, despite having not 1 shred of evidence to prove or anything that even suggests i have done anything wrong?

and i am somewhat sorry to bring this pile of **** to you all. i just really am tired of getting berated by a dirty cheater. so i figured it was time to turn things around. now that its out in the open, JP even admits sending the collusive message, my job is done. congrats on finally winning your title JP - amazing that cheating so severely can only bring you 1 title in 70 seasons. pathetic, really. i mean that is like 1 title every 1000 seasons without blatantly cheating. which is terrible. just plain terrible. with about 100 teams per division now, you should be at 1 in 100 on average. well, i guess you can take pride in the fact that with cheating, you managed to be an ever-so-slightly above average coach. now, please return to the little hole you curl up in, and leave me alone about my multiple teams, ok? and i won't have to bring up THE FACT that you are a blatant cheater anymore. i didn't want to do this. you've berated me without any reaction from me quite a few times. i am hoping this makes you look bad enough that you might stop?
8/11/2011 12:35 PM
Posted by swiners on 8/11/2011 11:06:00 AM (view original):
Uh gill, pretty sure OR had a major problem with it but you are too scared to address him. Just because your conference mates bow down to you it still effects the rest of us. Whenever we play you in the tournament it effects us all. And you say not to schedule you if we have a problem with it but I can't schedule my tournament games.  Oldresorter has forgotten more about this game then all of us know and if he says it is a problem then...it is a problem-end of story. P.S. I never have a problem playing you as evident of our H2H record :)
Thank God I moved over to the Big Ten so I no longer have to bow down to gill....I have competed against gill for more seasons than I can count...While at Arkansas I recruited against both of gills schools, Texas A&M and Kentucky...I won some of those battles and I lost some of those battles, but not once did I feel like gill was taking advantage of  the situation...funny thing is(don't get mad by me saying this gill but it's true) Arkansas owned Kentucky the last five seasons I was in the SEC.  Obviously gill is not very good at exploiting that advantage..While I agree it can be an advantage to own two teams, it take the owner to take the extra step and cheat.  I agree with the other forms of collusion OR brings up as taking place everyday, in every conference in WIS.  WIS can take whatever steps they deem necessary to correct the problems with collusion.  The point is it's up to WIS to take action.  As long as it is allowed to own two teams, then it's not cheating. 
8/11/2011 12:37 PM
Uh-oh...someone just said a lie that proveable, so who is everyone supposed to believe now??? That's weird you said you didn't have two teams when I arrived at uc SEASON 41, the EXACT SAME SEASON u were coaching both uk and cal state northridge....furthermore, you had been coaching at uk since season 38 and had been at d2 power Howard Payne for quite some time. The only proof everyone has now is that youre an untrustworthy liar because the facts are the facts. Why didnt YOU report my message that I sent you if you believed it was so inappropriate then-lol....that just doesn't pass the test Gil...btw that uk team had a team average of 828 and you were favored in that game.....thanks for giving me proof to show everyone that you're a liar. SCOREBOARD FOREVER BABY!
8/11/2011 12:40 PM
Never said it was collusive, said I sent you a message....as I just proved you're a liar and it was never as graphic as you imagined Pinochio....just switch to one team and someday you'll be a reaaaal boy...or coach that is.
8/11/2011 12:42 PM
hmm. i guess i did have CSUN back then? well, you have one tiny little point. but you are still a dirty cheater. who blatantly ignores the point i made above. thats fine. i think its clear what you are. funny how you react to me calling you a cheater with a threat to pick up louisville and cheat some more by attempting to "drain my budget " year after year. its obvious what you are jeff.

as to the question "Why didnt YOU report my message that I sent you if you believed it was so inappropriate then" - because i give people second chances. i have gotten more collusive sitemails than i can count on both hands. every time, i send back a lecture about why that is collusion and why its wrong. most people send back an i'm sorry or something similar. and if your particular sitemail was not the most offensive i have ever received - why were you the only one i have ever specifically mentioned? i have never told anybody, not even in private, who the other 15 or so coaches are who tried to get some recruiting info from me. at least half sent back a sitemail apologizing. a couple others sent back a sitemail explaining why they didn't think it was collusion - in both cases, they asked who i was going for that season so they could get out of the way, because it was such a big season for them and they had no hope of fighting me. they didn't think it was collusion because it was a 1 sided request, they wanted me to provide info so they could get out of my way, but asked for nothing in return. of course, that is still collusion, but at least they have SOME standard. and were willing to have a discussion about it. you, on the other hand, sent the most offensive request for collusion and NEVER replied to my sitemail. you clearly had no problem with what you were doing nor have any remorse - as evidenced by your actions since then. well jeff, once a cheater, always a cheater, i just feel bad for my conference mate giles who sits in the same state as you, and is suffering the consequences of doing so. unless he is in on your scheme. but i think he is better than that.
8/11/2011 12:48 PM
Posted by jeff_probst on 8/11/2011 12:42:00 PM (view original):
Never said it was collusive, said I sent you a message....as I just proved you're a liar and it was never as graphic as you imagined Pinochio....just switch to one team and someday you'll be a reaaaal boy...or coach that is.
heres my last post. you are trying to spin words, but you are not fooling anyone. and you know deep down you are a cheater and everything you have ever accomplished in this game is meaningless. you have never produced anything of any worth or value. instead, you are a detriment to the game, and a detriment to society. i pity those who call you a friend because you are a scumbag. good luck with your cheating, hopefully it results in some more slightly above average performances that you can pin on your wall.
8/11/2011 12:52 PM
I bet your favorite setting is DOUBLE TEAM ALWAYS....lololol.....bottom-line, u got housed on front of the nation And we danced in the streets of Atlanta all night! Let me know when u decide to run just one team, then I'll give you credit when credit is due. Seacrest out!
8/11/2011 1:09 PM
Posted by gillispie on 8/11/2011 11:47:00 AM (view original):
this thread was never about multiple teams until JP brought it up.

and swiners - if its not clear, let me make it so - i 100% agree, it is brutally obvious, with a second team you could use money from one to benefit the other. but my whole point is simple. that would be cheating. does that mean it can't be done? of course not! but it DOES have to be intentional. if you could unintentionally garner an unfair advantage, i would be against it. but if all you can do is intentionally garner an unfair advantage, how is that different than the 1 team case, where you can cheat with others and do the same thing? 

my take on this whole this is straight forward. most people who play this game competitively do so for the same thrill any strategy game presents - the thrill of pitting your wits and abilities against others and hopefully coming out on top. anybody who truly enjoys strategy games would totally ruin it for themselves by cheating. the whole point is to try to outwit and outthink your opponent. if you cheat, how could you take pride in winning? i couldn't, i know the people i play strategy games with couldn't. i am sure there are people in the world who only care about winning, not the strategy, but i doubt it is the same people who are highly successful in this game. im sure there is one or something but by and large, i expect when my conf mate who is very competitive has a second team, they aren't using it to cheat. i don't have any trust issues there. now, if he could unintentionally gain a major advantage, id care. but the 50 ways he could intentionally gain an unfair advantage are of no concern to me. i know i am somewhat naive and someone, somewhere around me is cheating (other than jeff_probst). but i am pretty confident most of the guys i love to play with, the guys i look forward to playing year after year due to the competitive nature of those games, those guys would get nothing out of cheating here. it would be a 100% waste of time and money, and all in all, would be totally pointless. your may not see it, maybe you have a lot of friends like JP, if that is the case, then i am sorry. i know when i play poker for money with my friends, nobody worries about cheating. with an outsider, of course, we watch - but give the benefit of the doubt. i would hate to know a bunch of cheaters and play in that environment, in fact, i would refuse to do so.
In the interest of fairness, JP wasn't even involved in this thread until YOU made the collusion comment about HIM Gill.  Just saying......
8/11/2011 1:12 PM
Posted by kmasonbx on 8/11/2011 11:59:00 AM (view original):
Also I don't think OR has much of a problem with multiple teams since before I moved up to D1 with my other ID I specifically posted on my CC if anybody would have a problem with me getting another team, especially on the East Coast and OR flat out said he didn't have a problem with it. OR's post was more of how there could be implied collusion and not that he thinks it's a terrible thing.
km - I am pretty sure I told you to double check with CS, and if they don't have a problem with it, none of us should, plus, the CS discussion will cover your butt if someone calls you on it.  I also mentioned I thought it did give you an advantage, but I did not elaborate much on why, I think I even offered to discuss in more depth if you wanted to via sitemail.

Just for the record, I have played two teams in the same world quite often, esp in the old days, the pre fss days, when multiple teams was pretty common.  I say this both coming from the POV how can I condemn this, I have done it, and second, I have done it, and I know it gave me a slight advantage.

Overall, in a nutshell, if I was in charge of the game, I would outlaw it, one world, one team would be my policy.  But like I said, if CS says it is ok, then it is OK. 

8/11/2011 1:30 PM
I'm not trying to defend Jeff, but if he has colluded at GT then I haven't noticed. I will say I think he is making too big a deal about his championship. His team was easily the best and I would have been more surprised if he didn't win. I do realize some of his intention is just to annoy hill though.
8/11/2011 1:30 PM
gillispie, I wonder if you've been around long enough to remember that jeffprobst got caught cheating red-handed earlier in his Tark career.
8/11/2011 4:27 PM
Please refresh my memory...
8/11/2011 4:38 PM
Posted by girt25 on 8/11/2011 4:27:00 PM (view original):
gillispie, I wonder if you've been around long enough to remember that jeffprobst got caught cheating red-handed earlier in his Tark career.
Didn't he and a conference mate conspire--on their coaches' corner--to throw a CT game so they'd both make the NT? Can't remember if the other coach was swiners, or someone else.
8/11/2011 4:58 PM
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