GD Survivor XI - horvie78 crowned champ. Topic

Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 9:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 6:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 3:12:00 PM (view original):
Really?  Not a single comment about the alliance that no one had a clue about?
I've known about that alliance since the ffb vote, actually
There is no way you knew about it.  You may have suspected it, and you definitely did not know about it at the ffb vote as jhard was the only one on our team at the time.
I knew that you were aligned with jhard and I knew then from you that you were aligned with trevnasty through that, and that your alliance with jhard superceded yours with me. Knowing that ghutton was involved with the two of you came later from jhard, though he never officially told me it was with you.

My clear indication to anyone that makes a deal with me on Day 1 and then sides with someone else in a vote he told me to make that he is really aligned with them more and for longer.
I guess you may have known.  But you didn't act on it.

As I may have made a deal with you on day 1.  I had made a deal with jhard on day 0.

1/2/2013 9:55 PM
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 9:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 6:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 5:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by polabonez on 1/2/2013 5:14:00 PM (view original):
Sounds about right.

You did forget

3.  Make an alliance with all 28 players and sling information everywhere so your name gets brought up in every sitemail
Ha ha!  I never made an alliances except for the one with jhard and ghut.  I was very specific in my wording with people.    I never said we were in an alliance, I always just suggested voting patterns.  I was quite shocked when Dubs had me call him and he mentioned that we had a final two deal.  There was no way I would have done that. 
Yeah, I was just running scenarios, my Final 2 deal was with sjurat, but I never have an issue lying to Arfy, because its Arfy. He's not the same as everyone else.
And you can make fun of my playing style all you want, but I at least had a chance of getting to the end.  You were done the minute I paired Ghutton and Jhard with Horvie and Trevnasty.
At what point did I make fun of it. It's solid. I was playing catch up from the moment you screwed me at the ffb vote, which was your intention.

You had no chance of winning, though. There is no way you could ever win a Final Two vote with your play style. Russel Hantz does not win survivor, but he does choose often who else loses.
See but the thing was is that it was going to be two of the three of us.  If you're screwed over by everyone, then you have to vote for someone. 

1/2/2013 9:57 PM
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:52:00 PM (view original):
I guess the weird part was that I thought me and sjurat were good.  I formed a threesome between me, sjurat, and tsut to watch our backs.   I kept suggesting people to vote off, and he would vote for them.  Then all of a sudden he sends me a sitemail suggesting that me, sjurat, and csudak  are in a alliance with threee others. I was  lol
That's because when you stabbed me in the back on the ffb vote, I told him to get rid of you, and his moves on you changed.

And those 6 were the six he had an alliance with, not necessarily that we all had alliances with each other.

Same with the me, csudak and him to the Final 3 I think. I had never talked to Casey to that point in the game.
1/2/2013 9:58 PM
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 9:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 6:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 3:12:00 PM (view original):
Really?  Not a single comment about the alliance that no one had a clue about?
I've known about that alliance since the ffb vote, actually
There is no way you knew about it.  You may have suspected it, and you definitely did not know about it at the ffb vote as jhard was the only one on our team at the time.
I knew that you were aligned with jhard and I knew then from you that you were aligned with trevnasty through that, and that your alliance with jhard superceded yours with me. Knowing that ghutton was involved with the two of you came later from jhard, though he never officially told me it was with you.

My clear indication to anyone that makes a deal with me on Day 1 and then sides with someone else in a vote he told me to make that he is really aligned with them more and for longer.
I guess you may have known.  But you didn't act on it.

As I may have made a deal with you on day 1.  I had made a deal with jhard on day 0.

By the time I knew, I needed you to stay afloat. 

As always, my view is, as long as its not me. Certainly told you that in the phone conversation.
1/2/2013 9:59 PM
But see, jhard never screwed me. ghutton did so more than horvie, but not by any egregious manner. Your decision to say yes to everything means that you also have to screw everyone you don't take to the Final Three.

I think if you ask anyone in the game, they would have voted for one of those two over you in the Final 2.

I, personally, would have considered throwing the Final 3 challenge with you and sjurat in hopes that either of you would have taken me. Because I thought the only one I could beat in the Final 2 was you.
1/2/2013 10:02 PM
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 9:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:52:00 PM (view original):
I guess the weird part was that I thought me and sjurat were good.  I formed a threesome between me, sjurat, and tsut to watch our backs.   I kept suggesting people to vote off, and he would vote for them.  Then all of a sudden he sends me a sitemail suggesting that me, sjurat, and csudak  are in a alliance with threee others. I was  lol
That's because when you stabbed me in the back on the ffb vote, I told him to get rid of you, and his moves on you changed.

And those 6 were the six he had an alliance with, not necessarily that we all had alliances with each other.

Same with the me, csudak and him to the Final 3 I think. I had never talked to Casey to that point in the game.
No it was wayy after that when he changed.  It was right around the time when we merged
1/2/2013 10:02 PM
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 10:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 9:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:52:00 PM (view original):
I guess the weird part was that I thought me and sjurat were good.  I formed a threesome between me, sjurat, and tsut to watch our backs.   I kept suggesting people to vote off, and he would vote for them.  Then all of a sudden he sends me a sitemail suggesting that me, sjurat, and csudak  are in a alliance with threee others. I was  lol
That's because when you stabbed me in the back on the ffb vote, I told him to get rid of you, and his moves on you changed.

And those 6 were the six he had an alliance with, not necessarily that we all had alliances with each other.

Same with the me, csudak and him to the Final 3 I think. I had never talked to Casey to that point in the game.
No it was wayy after that when he changed.  It was right around the time when we merged
I am just telling you what was going on in the conversations between him and me after that point. He started campaigning behind the scenes for you to go way before the Final Merge.
1/2/2013 10:04 PM
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 10:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 10:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 9:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:52:00 PM (view original):
I guess the weird part was that I thought me and sjurat were good.  I formed a threesome between me, sjurat, and tsut to watch our backs.   I kept suggesting people to vote off, and he would vote for them.  Then all of a sudden he sends me a sitemail suggesting that me, sjurat, and csudak  are in a alliance with threee others. I was  lol
That's because when you stabbed me in the back on the ffb vote, I told him to get rid of you, and his moves on you changed.

And those 6 were the six he had an alliance with, not necessarily that we all had alliances with each other.

Same with the me, csudak and him to the Final 3 I think. I had never talked to Casey to that point in the game.
No it was wayy after that when he changed.  It was right around the time when we merged
I am just telling you what was going on in the conversations between him and me after that point. He started campaigning behind the scenes for you to go way before the Final Merge.
Correct.  He was mentioning you being gone in the victors tribe during the caesari vote.
1/2/2013 10:07 PM
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 10:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 10:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 9:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:52:00 PM (view original):
I guess the weird part was that I thought me and sjurat were good.  I formed a threesome between me, sjurat, and tsut to watch our backs.   I kept suggesting people to vote off, and he would vote for them.  Then all of a sudden he sends me a sitemail suggesting that me, sjurat, and csudak  are in a alliance with threee others. I was  lol
That's because when you stabbed me in the back on the ffb vote, I told him to get rid of you, and his moves on you changed.

And those 6 were the six he had an alliance with, not necessarily that we all had alliances with each other.

Same with the me, csudak and him to the Final 3 I think. I had never talked to Casey to that point in the game.
No it was wayy after that when he changed.  It was right around the time when we merged
I am just telling you what was going on in the conversations between him and me after that point. He started campaigning behind the scenes for you to go way before the Final Merge.
Oh. okay.  His timing and the way he went about it was just odd and threw most of the guys on the tribe for a loop.
1/2/2013 10:08 PM
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 10:02:00 PM (view original):
But see, jhard never screwed me. ghutton did so more than horvie, but not by any egregious manner. Your decision to say yes to everything means that you also have to screw everyone you don't take to the Final Three.

I think if you ask anyone in the game, they would have voted for one of those two over you in the Final 2.

I, personally, would have considered throwing the Final 3 challenge with you and sjurat in hopes that either of you would have taken me. Because I thought the only one I could beat in the Final 2 was you.
Yeah but the plan was for jhard and ghutton to screw over his tribe as well. 

Besides, I would have voted for csudak as the winner over just about everyone and he screwed over me.  I can understand the difference between a game and getting my feelers hurt.

It just depends on how you see the game.  Apparently you want someone to win that just follows suit and doesn't actually play the game.  Just gets lucky and happens to be there at the end.  Me, I want someone that takes chances and takes control over their own desitny.  And this is also the reason I'm not going to play survivor anymore.  Because no one wants to play a game.
1/2/2013 10:13 PM
Posted by csudak on 1/2/2013 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 10:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 10:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 9:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Arfy on 1/2/2013 9:52:00 PM (view original):
I guess the weird part was that I thought me and sjurat were good.  I formed a threesome between me, sjurat, and tsut to watch our backs.   I kept suggesting people to vote off, and he would vote for them.  Then all of a sudden he sends me a sitemail suggesting that me, sjurat, and csudak  are in a alliance with threee others. I was  lol
That's because when you stabbed me in the back on the ffb vote, I told him to get rid of you, and his moves on you changed.

And those 6 were the six he had an alliance with, not necessarily that we all had alliances with each other.

Same with the me, csudak and him to the Final 3 I think. I had never talked to Casey to that point in the game.
No it was wayy after that when he changed.  It was right around the time when we merged
I am just telling you what was going on in the conversations between him and me after that point. He started campaigning behind the scenes for you to go way before the Final Merge.
Correct.  He was mentioning you being gone in the victors tribe during the caesari vote.
You basically told me this when it happened.  Not really sure why.  lol
1/2/2013 10:14 PM
Cause at that point I was still feeling good about our relationship and I didn't really trust sjurat.  It wasn't til a few votes later when I decided to make the move on you.

Plus, I thought you were in possession of the idol and was trying to flush it out.

1/2/2013 10:19 PM
Posted by dublinuf on 1/2/2013 10:02:00 PM (view original):
But see, jhard never screwed me. ghutton did so more than horvie, but not by any egregious manner. Your decision to say yes to everything means that you also have to screw everyone you don't take to the Final Three.

I think if you ask anyone in the game, they would have voted for one of those two over you in the Final 2.

I, personally, would have considered throwing the Final 3 challenge with you and sjurat in hopes that either of you would have taken me. Because I thought the only one I could beat in the Final 2 was you.
I just want to point out that horvie voted for you more than I did. Not that it means he screwed you over more, but I think your confusing the fact. Just because it was my idea doesn't mean that it was just me. I planted the seed and the others agreed and wanted you out. I actually was the one to convince them to change their vote to keep you over bob when there was a tie after they wanted to break our original promise to you. So I actually screwed you one less time than horvie. :)
1/2/2013 10:20 PM
After I got vote out, I actually consdiered trying to talk to Ghutton and jhard and seeing about how they would feel about taking Dubs further.  But then i realzed that they would have to screw over their own 2 guys and just dismissed the idea.
1/2/2013 10:23 PM
Posted by csudak on 1/2/2013 10:19:00 PM (view original):
Cause at that point I was still feeling good about our relationship and I didn't really trust sjurat.  It wasn't til a few votes later when I decided to make the move on you.

Plus, I thought you were in possession of the idol and was trying to flush it out.

What would ever make you think I had an idol? 
1/2/2013 10:24 PM
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GD Survivor XI - horvie78 crowned champ. Topic

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