Mafia Game 4- Townies Win! Topic

How did we get 30 minutes of silence on this board??? Unacceptable, townies...
8/24/2012 4:00 PM
Some of us do have work to do sometimes.  I'm fine with either arfy or mb625. there are pro and cons to each
Arfy: crafty vet who knows how to play, interesting use of the killing early if he is the vigilante
mb: rookie who may have no idea how to play, at the same time isn't really talking so maybe afraid to say something that incriminates him

hmmmm.. I'll stick with my vote for now and see how it plays out
8/24/2012 4:10 PM
Guys- I am a coach, and have a game tonightso I will not be checking in until late this evening. No sitemails have Been opened to me. Sorry.
8/24/2012 4:13 PM
I see right through you Casey.

On another note outside of Mafia...  I'm leaving out of the country on 9/11 and won't be back until Sept 30.  I plan on starting a Survivor right after.

I have been working on it for the past 3 days and with what I plan on doing for it probably will be working on it up until the time I leave.  I am more excited about this one than any... since from a host standpoint the crappy part of it is not being able to take part of the game inside of the game.... the only thing I have control over is the idols..

This time... they will (hopefully) be much more difficult and will take a lot of thought, and almost an Internet scavenger hunt so to speak to come up with the idol which I will have had 3 weeks worth of groundwork laid....

Should be fun, I think.

8/24/2012 4:15 PM

I am voting for Arfy, because I know for a fact that I'm the vigilante. I made a huge mistake in trying to take out the mafia first night, something that would never happen to a player in arfy who knows from three games of experience that that wouldn't be the wisest choice. I chose to take out nyaggie, because, as I said to pola, I didn't quite read the rules on the vigilante role as well as I should have, particularly the part about it not being smart to kill the first night. So, that's my fault, but Arfy claiming to be vigilante seems very suspicious to me. And we can't forget that Arfy and Pola worked together very well last time around, which means that the trust factor is there between the two of them. I feel as though Arfy may be using that to his advantage knowing that, whatever he claimed to be, Pola would believe him. So there's my logic. Do with it what you will.

I vote to lynch Arfy.

8/24/2012 4:32 PM
I don't side with anyone... especially not arfy....  but your point is valid that because of last game I might be inclined to trust him more, which I could be wrong.

The fact is:  both of you claimed vig.  One is lying.

Page 5 of this thread caesari (at 7 PMish) said he was waiting on the vigilante to make his pick.  Arfy is known to not post much during the day and stir **** up at night, just like I am known to be drunk at night and stir **** up during the day. 

Right around that time of the day arfy started posting in grindi's thread, and at 7:40ish caesari "had the vig's pick"


Your sitemail telling me that you were the vigilante was very close to csudak's post only minutes later about "wondering if the vig would be scared to come out because of killing off the townsman"  and that was the exact same reason you mb625 told me he was worried about coming forth....

Just seems pretty fishy to me... on both accounts... like the story was forced.

I probably won't be around to hear arfy's rebuttal since its Friday night... but I'm going to stick with csudak as my vote....  Whatever the townsmen do, don't leave this in a tie.... Go high and dry for whoever you think but no ties allowed.

I'll check in from the bar and be able to give short answers.... but for the reasons above... I think the vote today is either md625 or csudak.

Here is why I think we vote csudak:

The cop and Sheriff need to come forth.. so they can work together on separate investigations....  and they should be able to come out and say it in the open if we vote off Csudak...

why?  Because if we don't kill of the vig, the mafia has no choice but to kill him off... (because the REAL vig is going to kill the fake vig tonight), so the cop and sheriff are safe no matter what... or else the Vig kills a mafia man.

If I am wrong about csudak.... same scenario we just are one townie down and then it has to be either babcick or myself....

8/24/2012 5:49 PM
Posted by polabonez on 8/24/2012 5:49:00 PM (view original):
I don't side with anyone... especially not arfy....  but your point is valid that because of last game I might be inclined to trust him more, which I could be wrong.

The fact is:  both of you claimed vig.  One is lying.

Page 5 of this thread caesari (at 7 PMish) said he was waiting on the vigilante to make his pick.  Arfy is known to not post much during the day and stir **** up at night, just like I am known to be drunk at night and stir **** up during the day. 

Right around that time of the day arfy started posting in grindi's thread, and at 7:40ish caesari "had the vig's pick"


Your sitemail telling me that you were the vigilante was very close to csudak's post only minutes later about "wondering if the vig would be scared to come out because of killing off the townsman"  and that was the exact same reason you mb625 told me he was worried about coming forth....

Just seems pretty fishy to me... on both accounts... like the story was forced.

I probably won't be around to hear arfy's rebuttal since its Friday night... but I'm going to stick with csudak as my vote....  Whatever the townsmen do, don't leave this in a tie.... Go high and dry for whoever you think but no ties allowed.

I'll check in from the bar and be able to give short answers.... but for the reasons above... I think the vote today is either md625 or csudak.

Here is why I think we vote csudak:

The cop and Sheriff need to come forth.. so they can work together on separate investigations....  and they should be able to come out and say it in the open if we vote off Csudak...

why?  Because if we don't kill of the vig, the mafia has no choice but to kill him off... (because the REAL vig is going to kill the fake vig tonight), so the cop and sheriff are safe no matter what... or else the Vig kills a mafia man.

If I am wrong about csudak.... same scenario we just are one townie down and then it has to be either babcick or myself....

The reason I didn't make a pick until that late was mainly because I just wasn't sure who to go with, and, as you all know, I was convinced that I should try to take someone out. Usually the only times I check WIS are on the cycle hours (1,4,7, etc...), well my Tuesday-Thursdays are kind of jammed with classes (I go from 9:30 AM until 2:00, then from 3:30-5 and on Thursdays I have a night class that goes from 5:30 until 7:30) so I decided to wait until I got from my night class to ponder who I should go after. The fact that Arfy posted in Grindi's thread at the same time is purely coincidental. 

8/24/2012 6:10 PM
I find it hard to accept so many coincidences.    I hope no one starts singing 'I shot the sheriff'.
8/24/2012 7:02 PM
Posted by polabonez on 8/24/2012 4:15:00 PM (view original):
I see right through you Casey.

On another note outside of Mafia...  I'm leaving out of the country on 9/11 and won't be back until Sept 30.  I plan on starting a Survivor right after.

I have been working on it for the past 3 days and with what I plan on doing for it probably will be working on it up until the time I leave.  I am more excited about this one than any... since from a host standpoint the crappy part of it is not being able to take part of the game inside of the game.... the only thing I have control over is the idols..

This time... they will (hopefully) be much more difficult and will take a lot of thought, and almost an Internet scavenger hunt so to speak to come up with the idol which I will have had 3 weeks worth of groundwork laid....

Should be fun, I think.

I can't wait for survivor, any more thought of alias' this time?
8/24/2012 7:06 PM
I've got my survivor alias ready to go...oh sorry I'm dead because of a trigger happy vigilante...disregard this post
8/24/2012 7:27 PM
Alright I'm here to defend myself
8/24/2012 7:52 PM
First of all...I did send Polabonez that Text.    I was originally planning on not killing anyone the first night. (Because it said that it is usually a good strategy).  So I didn't send Caesari anything.  And then Caesari says in the forum that he is waiting for the Vigilante.  I was surprised as I figured if he received nothing then he would just move along.  So in a spur of the moment thing, I did what I would do EVERY chance I get.....kill Nyaggie..  I got kind of chuckle out of it,  and then realized that I may have really screwed up this game.  So I figured we need to play catch up and I will just go ahead and come out and say it.  I am Vig.

I am pretty sure that would make mb mafia then for fake claiming it.  They will kill me tonight.  That's fine.  I will kill mb.  So that means we have to find the other mafia member.
8/24/2012 7:58 PM
Posted by mb625 on 8/23/2012 8:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by iamthetwo__2 on 8/23/2012 8:48:00 PM (view original):
Vigilante (the vigilante will be town sided, and can kill at night. He should be VERY CAREFUL, though, as if he and the mafia elect to kill the same person at night, he will die along with the mafia's target. He also should not kill the first night for strategic reasons).

Dumb Vigania ooops I mean vigilante.  He shoulda put more stratagizing into his move.  Now we are down to 2 townies if I understand the rules correctly. 
Yep... not looking so good for us so far. Kind of put us townies behind the eight-ball.
There is one thing I realized last mafia game when I was with the mafia.  And that is when some major event happens in the game, as a mafia member, you are usually the first one to voice how shocked you are.  It's a whole psychology  thing.  You know, like when you are playing poker and you act like you have a weak hand.  Anyway, so I'm about 90% that mb is mafia.  Doesn't really matter, as we shall both be dead tonight.
8/24/2012 8:04 PM
Pola, I've got kind of a dilemma here and I need some advice: I am the vigilante. Yep... not looking so good for us so far. Kind of put us townies behind the eight-ball

MB said he was a townie and the vig. 

The reason I didn't make a pick until that late was mainly because I just wasn't sure who to go with, and, as you all know, I was convinced that I should try to take someone out. Usually the only times I check WIS are on the cycle hours (1,4,7, etc...), well my Tuesday-Thursdays are kind of jammed with classes (I go from 9:30 AM until 2:00, then from 3:30-5 and on Thursdays I have a night class that goes from 5:30 until 7:30) so I decided to wait until I got from my night class to ponder who I should go after. The fact that Arfy posted in Grindi's thread at the same time is purely coincidental.   MB making excuses and accusing Arfy.  So I figured we need to play catch up and I will just go ahead and come out and say it.  I am Vig.

I am pretty sure that would make mb mafia then for fake claiming it.  They will kill me tonight.  That's fine.  I will kill mb.  So that means we have to find the other mafia member.  Arfy accusing MB.  Who is telling the truth--------Only the shadow knows for sure.

8/24/2012 8:55 PM
Now I am really freaking cornfused. 

mb claims vig. Arfy claims vig. and now iam claims vig?

Am I missing anything?
8/24/2012 9:07 PM
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Mafia Game 4- Townies Win! Topic

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