Minimum Wage Topic

Posted by moy23 on 6/11/2014 12:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/11/2014 11:49:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 6/11/2014 11:48:00 AM (view original):
Yeah, we have a philosophical difference.

I'll go back to charging the 10m a year guy $200 for the steak I'll eat for $18.99.   He'll miss that $200 less than I'll miss $18.99 and it will be good for the economy.   The difference is the steak would be voluntary while taxes are not.

If you don't understand why that's ****** up, I'm not sure how I can explain it any better.

Maybe you pay $18.99 for the steak and they sell the same exact steak to the next guy in line for $5.   If you say "Wouldn't bother me because he obviously makes less than me", I'll be forced to call you a ******* liar.
But we aren't discussing a steak dinner. So that's irrelevant.
Not necessarily. Take sales tax.... How would you feel paying $10 in taxes for every $100 spent vs the guy in line behind you paying $5 in sales tax for the same item (or how about nothing, $0).. Simply because he makes less money than you? Now think about how much you spend in a month, year, etc. Think about that car you drove all the way to another city to save 1.5% on but now you cant save money on that car... But your neighbor can. Is that still 'FAIR'?

Studies show that 70% of people respond favorably to the question 'should the rich pay more in taxes?' While only 30% of people answered favorably to 'should YOU pay more in taxes?'. My take from this is it's very easy to say its sure when its not you paying..... But..... When it is you now things are very different.
Fair isn't the priority.
6/11/2014 12:06 PM
I will ask one final question before accepting the fact that continuing this discussion is pointless.

Can anyone dispute the fact that during the 50 years of the top tax rate being 63-70+% we were pretty well off as a nation (1932-1982)

I know Mike tried pointing the finger at wilma welfare having 7 kids while middle-class and wealthy families were only having a couple. While there certainly is some validity to that statement I cannot imagine it is the sole reason for the lack of upward mobility in the country today, and the decline of the middle class in general.

So with that in mind, can we point to anything else?
6/11/2014 12:08 PM
Posted by mchalesarmy on 6/11/2014 12:09:00 PM (view original):
I will ask one final question before accepting the fact that continuing this discussion is pointless.

Can anyone dispute the fact that during the 50 years of the top tax rate being 63-70+% we were pretty well off as a nation (1932-1982)

I know Mike tried pointing the finger at wilma welfare having 7 kids while middle-class and wealthy families were only having a couple. While there certainly is some validity to that statement I cannot imagine it is the sole reason for the lack of upward mobility in the country today, and the decline of the middle class in general.

So with that in mind, can we point to anything else?
Do we get to shove homosexuals back in the closet if we revert back to the 70s way of doing things?    Maybe we can get seperate drinking fountains for blacks if we revert to the 60s?   A good pop in the mouth to shut up our wives if we go back to the 40s?

Times change.   Would you dispute that we're a better nation now that none of those things seem "OK" anymore?
6/11/2014 12:11 PM
FWIW, no one had addressed the real value of any dollar based on location.   40k in MS means you're pretty well off.   40k in NYC means you're living check to check.   Federal tax rates do not differentiate. 
6/11/2014 12:14 PM
Fwiw you have yet to reply to the fact that if everybody paid the same percentage of tax that the economy would suffer. Not to mention the suffering of the entire bottom say 75% of the population. Do you think that statement is inaccurate? If so explain, if u think it is accurate then explain why u think it makes sense to tax everybody the same.
6/11/2014 12:26 PM
Tell me the percentage.   Is it 2%?   Because the economy wouldn't suffer then.  10%?   Nope, no economic suffering.   50%?   Yeah, that's gonna sting. 

And now there's another reason to ignore you.   If you're brief, you still don't ask legit questions.
6/11/2014 12:31 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 6/11/2014 12:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchalesarmy on 6/11/2014 12:09:00 PM (view original):
I will ask one final question before accepting the fact that continuing this discussion is pointless.

Can anyone dispute the fact that during the 50 years of the top tax rate being 63-70+% we were pretty well off as a nation (1932-1982)

I know Mike tried pointing the finger at wilma welfare having 7 kids while middle-class and wealthy families were only having a couple. While there certainly is some validity to that statement I cannot imagine it is the sole reason for the lack of upward mobility in the country today, and the decline of the middle class in general.

So with that in mind, can we point to anything else?
Do we get to shove homosexuals back in the closet if we revert back to the 70s way of doing things?    Maybe we can get seperate drinking fountains for blacks if we revert to the 60s?   A good pop in the mouth to shut up our wives if we go back to the 40s?

Times change.   Would you dispute that we're a better nation now that none of those things seem "OK" anymore?
So that's really your best answer?

Do you think that any of those things were directly tied to the tax system? If not they are irrelevant.
6/11/2014 12:31 PM

Someone tell me how Florida does it.   As I understand it, they have no state tax.   So they're making it on sales tax alone.    How?  If you've ever been to FL, you know their roads and police services are more than adequate. 

6/11/2014 12:32 PM
Florida gets a sh!t ton of tourism dollars.
6/11/2014 12:34 PM
Posted by mchalesarmy on 6/11/2014 12:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 6/11/2014 12:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchalesarmy on 6/11/2014 12:09:00 PM (view original):
I will ask one final question before accepting the fact that continuing this discussion is pointless.

Can anyone dispute the fact that during the 50 years of the top tax rate being 63-70+% we were pretty well off as a nation (1932-1982)

I know Mike tried pointing the finger at wilma welfare having 7 kids while middle-class and wealthy families were only having a couple. While there certainly is some validity to that statement I cannot imagine it is the sole reason for the lack of upward mobility in the country today, and the decline of the middle class in general.

So with that in mind, can we point to anything else?
Do we get to shove homosexuals back in the closet if we revert back to the 70s way of doing things?    Maybe we can get seperate drinking fountains for blacks if we revert to the 60s?   A good pop in the mouth to shut up our wives if we go back to the 40s?

Times change.   Would you dispute that we're a better nation now that none of those things seem "OK" anymore?
So that's really your best answer?

Do you think that any of those things were directly tied to the tax system? If not they are irrelevant.
I'm telling you that times change.   What used to "work" isn't really relevant. 

Slave labor was great for the economy.   Cheap labor source.  Would anyone say, aloud, "Yeah, we should do that again!!!"?
6/11/2014 12:34 PM
Posted by mchalesarmy on 6/11/2014 12:34:00 PM (view original):
Florida gets a sh!t ton of tourism dollars.
Money spent.  And retirees pay taxes.  As do the cocaine dealers.

Do we need to go back about 20 pages where I said "Sales tax only" and start over.
6/11/2014 12:35 PM
So besides just claiming that what used to work isn't relevant and listing numerous social problems of the day, could you point to any specific reason that the tax rate of those days wouldn't work now? Or how that tax rate harmed anything?
6/11/2014 12:41 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 6/11/2014 12:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchalesarmy on 6/11/2014 12:34:00 PM (view original):
Florida gets a sh!t ton of tourism dollars.
Money spent.  And retirees pay taxes.  As do the cocaine dealers.

Do we need to go back about 20 pages where I said "Sales tax only" and start over.
Florida also receives a **** load of federal funds.

So it's subsidized by federal income taxes paid by people in other states. Maybe Florida should charge a state income tax so that their residents aren't parasites.
6/11/2014 12:44 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 6/11/2014 12:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mchalesarmy on 6/11/2014 12:34:00 PM (view original):
Florida gets a sh!t ton of tourism dollars.
Money spent.  And retirees pay taxes.  As do the cocaine dealers.

Do we need to go back about 20 pages where I said "Sales tax only" and start over.
Numerous studies have shown that 1) it IS a regressive tax, and 2) it wouldn't generate enough revenue.

Since we are already in a bad way with regards to our debt crisis, I would be all for going to a sales tax only format if only to demonstrate to those who still don't get it, that it will not be sustainable, and would do more harm to the economy than good.

6/11/2014 12:45 PM
Posted by mchalesarmy on 6/11/2014 12:41:00 PM (view original):
So besides just claiming that what used to work isn't relevant and listing numerous social problems of the day, could you point to any specific reason that the tax rate of those days wouldn't work now? Or how that tax rate harmed anything?
I was 19 in 1982.  I definitely was not in a higher tax bracket.   I have no idea if it "harmed anything".   Nor do I know if it was "good for anything" either.   I do know that we live in a different world in 2014.   This is not 1932 or 1952 or 1982.   I will say that I know there were some tough economic times in between 1932 and 1982.  Sometimes better, sometimes worse than what we're experiencing now.    Just saying "Look at the tax rates between 1932 and 1982" is not a solution.
6/11/2014 12:49 PM
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Minimum Wage Topic

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