Minimum Wage Topic

Posted by bronxcheer on 4/30/2014 3:53:00 PM (view original):
America at its economic peak---- high union membership, tax rates of 70% and up. strong middle class= everything repubs are against

wake up America!  Oust the tea partiers!
tell it brother

though i do enjoy the tea party
6/26/2014 2:00 PM
Posted by examinerebb on 5/1/2014 1:28:00 PM (view original):
The economy was much more insular then that it is now. You're comparing apples to oranges. With the current global economy, wouldn't wages have to be compared more globally now? If the answer is no, then how would we compete in a global economy?

I'll also make what has now somehow become an unpopular argument. You are not supposed to be able to support a family making minimum wage. I've made minimum wage twice in my life: my weekend job as a pin setter at the local bowling alley in high school, and as a waiter in college (where I also made tips). Minimum wage did for me exactly what it is supposed to do: it allowed me to pay the bills that someone just starting to strike out on their own would have. When I wanted more from my life and career, I learned a trade in an industry that paid better. This idea that you should be able to support a spouse and children while working a minimum wage job is silly. You're not supposed to make a career out of a minimum wage job.
why would we want to compete in a global economy

lets make america
6/26/2014 2:03 PM
okay i am just going to assume everything i was about to say was already said in the last 100 pages

big mistake on my part i am sure
6/26/2014 2:05 PM
Aren't you a canuck?   Got tend to your maple trees and moose.
6/26/2014 2:12 PM
All you know about the American economy is that we cross the border, throw a few bucks around and screw your strippers with our big American dicks.
6/26/2014 2:14 PM
Posted by tecwrg on 6/26/2014 12:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by burnsy483 on 6/26/2014 12:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 6/26/2014 12:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 6/26/2014 11:48:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 6/26/2014 10:23:00 AM (view original):
FWIW, I think the biggest divide is between people who believe that people have to take control of their life vs. people who believe you have to hold the hand and guide people thru their life. 

Personally, I think people do better when you say "Hey, it's your life. This is how it's going to be.   Make it work." 

Obviously, others don't share that philosophy.

this is the biggest difference between libs and conservatives.

both want to help people.... conservatives provide outlets for help (foundations, charities, shelters, donate time, etc) for someone who WANTS to help themselves. Liberals want to hold the hand of EVERY person in need all the way to the foundation, charity, shelter, etc.

my problem is that its a waste of money to try to help those that don't truly want help (only money). Like a teaching a class... if a kid does not want to learn, will they really benefit from your teaching? No, so you focus on those that want to learn.... and hope those that don't have a wake up call when they finally hit rock bottom.
The other big difference between conservatives and liberals:

Conservatives want people to take ownership of their situation, accept responsibility for where you are and how you got there, come up with a plan to better your situation, and then execute that plan.  If you're unable to do all that yourself, we''ll provide resources to help you.

Liberals like to skip the ownership, responsibility planning and execution aspects, and instead substitute "find somebody to blame" in it's place.

When you think about it, the conservative approach sounds very much like good parenting.

I disagree that liberals don't work hard to help their situation and instead "find someone to blame." Come on.
At the 10,000 foot level, that's pretty much the way it is.

"Blame the rich people for keeping the poor people down".

It's the entire basis of BL's war against the rich.

It's not a war against the rich and I don't blame them. It's the system that allows wealth to concentrate at the very top that is the problem.

I don't view increasing taxes by a few percent on high brackets or adding another bracket above 500k or a million as punishment.
6/26/2014 3:32 PM
When you say things like "we need to stop the accumulation of wealth at the top", and that you want to "stop 1000x salaries", it sure sounds like a war.

Then, you insist that we need to take away more tax money from those people "because they won't miss it".  You're specifically targeting that group because of who and what they are.

Again, that sure sounds like a war.
6/26/2014 4:19 PM
That sounds like tax policy, not war.
6/26/2014 4:21 PM
I don't think tec knows what war is.
6/26/2014 4:36 PM
Most CAN find a way to cut $ from what they spend every week, sure.  And I would venture to guess it would be easier for the very wealthy to do that sort of thing.  We're spinning our wheels again, Mike.

As for the cigarettes - yea, that's ******* retarded.  But addiction isn't easy. 
6/26/2014 4:42 PM
Posted by burnsy483 on 6/26/2014 4:42:00 PM (view original):
Most CAN find a way to cut $ from what they spend every week, sure.  And I would venture to guess it would be easier for the very wealthy to do that sort of thing.  We're spinning our wheels again, Mike.

As for the cigarettes - yea, that's ******* retarded.  But addiction isn't easy. 
Nor is saving money easy, or sacrificing the things you 'want' to do. Doesn't make it a legit excuse.
6/26/2014 4:47 PM
It's not a good excuse, I agree.
6/26/2014 4:54 PM
Posted by burnsy483 on 6/26/2014 4:54:00 PM (view original):
It's not a good excuse, I agree.
To me almost everything boils down to education (including financial, nutritional, etc). Educated people are wealthier, healthier, and make better life decisions. Solve that problem and most other problems are solved. The attention is unfortunately always directed elsewhere... Whether its wars, class, race, or minimum wage.
6/26/2014 5:04 PM
Posted by burnsy483 on 6/26/2014 4:42:00 PM (view original):
Most CAN find a way to cut $ from what they spend every week, sure.  And I would venture to guess it would be easier for the very wealthy to do that sort of thing.  We're spinning our wheels again, Mike.

As for the cigarettes - yea, that's ******* retarded.  But addiction isn't easy. 
The wealthy earned the right to have an easier path if forced to cut back.     You know, because they EARNED their money.  Or were Paris Hilton. 

Life ain't fair but, when you've got money, you've done something to make it easier.  

I apologize for not thinking everyone deserves a flat screen TV, two BMWs and a week's vacation in France.
6/26/2014 5:07 PM
Posted by moy23 on 6/26/2014 5:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by burnsy483 on 6/26/2014 4:54:00 PM (view original):
It's not a good excuse, I agree.
To me almost everything boils down to education (including financial, nutritional, etc). Educated people are wealthier, healthier, and make better life decisions. Solve that problem and most other problems are solved. The attention is unfortunately always directed elsewhere... Whether its wars, class, race, or minimum wage.
It's a great point.  How do we solve that problem? 
6/26/2014 5:13 PM
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Minimum Wage Topic

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