"War on whites" Topic

I answered one of your questions! Now explain what he means when he says "And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else"
8/6/2014 12:17 PM
Posted by burnsy483 on 8/6/2014 12:16:00 PM (view original):
OK, now we're getting somewhere.

Do you think there are policies/statements regarding immigration/deportation that the Dems are pushing but the Repubs oppose?
8/6/2014 12:18 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/6/2014 12:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by burnsy483 on 8/6/2014 12:16:00 PM (view original):
OK, now we're getting somewhere.

Do you think there are policies/statements regarding immigration/deportation that the Dems are pushing but the Repubs oppose?
OK I'll play along.

8/6/2014 12:19 PM
Posted by burnsy483 on 8/6/2014 12:17:00 PM (view original):
I answered one of your questions! Now explain what he means when he says "And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else"
Sure, I'll skip the part where I'm asking you about immigration to make sure you understand.

The Democratic party is pushing policy to ease/cease deportation of current illegal immigrants particularly children.   The Repubs weakly oppose these potential laws because no one wants to be the guy who says "**** those kids!"(except the deceased Michael Jackson).    That said, no one(D or R) wants a "rush" of illegal immigrants to get in front of this legislation.   Yet the Dems are implying that the Repubs want nothing more than to put those illegal children in a truck and ship them off to anywhere but here.   Thus "Whites(the Repub party) hates brown kids!!!" that Brooks is alluding to.   Poorly but that's his message.
8/6/2014 12:23 PM
I don't think it's a poor political strategy.   The Dems have the AA vote locked in at a high rate(they're not getting 90% again without Obama).   Getting the majority Hispanic vote(They're sympathetic to our struggles!!!) pretty much guarantees a sweep in the coming elections anywhere that has a large number of minority votes.   That's why I wondered what this country is going to be like after an extended period of dominance by one party.   There will be no need to "reach across the aisle" because no one will fear losing their elected post.   It will be Dems saying "This is what we're doing.  Get on board or get out the way." 
8/6/2014 12:31 PM
GOP pretty much hates all kids, once they are born. Especially if they're born poor.
8/6/2014 12:32 PM
"Whites(the Repub party) hates brown kids!!!"

And that's the disconnect. HE'S making it about race, nobody else. He's a retard. 40% of whites are Democrats.  If his point was "Democrats are trying to make it seem like Republicans are racist, that we hate Hispanics, and it's bullshit" he'd have a little bit of a stronger leg to stand on, but I'd even have a problem with that.  Republicans hate policy that often is more helpful to minority populations, that's true.  But that doesn't mean Democrats think the Republican Party is racist, though.  Don't spin it into reverse-racism ****.  Democrats aren't "declaring war on white people." Are they declaring "war" on Republicans? Sure.

And this is one of the main problems with the Republican Party.  They keep putting their foot in their mouths by saying the dumbest things.  I actually lean further right on this immigration issue than you'd think.  But it's harder to consider voting for a party that says dumb **** like "democrats say that whites hate everybody else" way too often.
8/6/2014 12:40 PM (edited)
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/6/2014 12:31:00 PM (view original):
I don't think it's a poor political strategy.   The Dems have the AA vote locked in at a high rate(they're not getting 90% again without Obama).   Getting the majority Hispanic vote(They're sympathetic to our struggles!!!) pretty much guarantees a sweep in the coming elections anywhere that has a large number of minority votes.   That's why I wondered what this country is going to be like after an extended period of dominance by one party.   There will be no need to "reach across the aisle" because no one will fear losing their elected post.   It will be Dems saying "This is what we're doing.  Get on board or get out the way." 
Yes, the Democratic party is more sympathetic to anyone's struggles than the Republican Party is.  
8/6/2014 12:39 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/6/2014 12:31:00 PM (view original):
I don't think it's a poor political strategy.   The Dems have the AA vote locked in at a high rate(they're not getting 90% again without Obama).   Getting the majority Hispanic vote(They're sympathetic to our struggles!!!) pretty much guarantees a sweep in the coming elections anywhere that has a large number of minority votes.   That's why I wondered what this country is going to be like after an extended period of dominance by one party.   There will be no need to "reach across the aisle" because no one will fear losing their elected post.   It will be Dems saying "This is what we're doing.  Get on board or get out the way." 
Have Republicans tried to reach across the aisle at all over the last 5+ years? This goes both ways.
8/6/2014 12:52 PM
Posted by burnsy483 on 8/6/2014 12:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/6/2014 12:31:00 PM (view original):
I don't think it's a poor political strategy.   The Dems have the AA vote locked in at a high rate(they're not getting 90% again without Obama).   Getting the majority Hispanic vote(They're sympathetic to our struggles!!!) pretty much guarantees a sweep in the coming elections anywhere that has a large number of minority votes.   That's why I wondered what this country is going to be like after an extended period of dominance by one party.   There will be no need to "reach across the aisle" because no one will fear losing their elected post.   It will be Dems saying "This is what we're doing.  Get on board or get out the way." 
Yes, the Democratic party is more sympathetic to anyone's struggles than the Republican Party is.  
I don't feel the Democratic party is more sympathetic to my struggles.    So, no, that's not a true statement.
8/6/2014 1:03 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 8/6/2014 12:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/6/2014 12:31:00 PM (view original):
I don't think it's a poor political strategy.   The Dems have the AA vote locked in at a high rate(they're not getting 90% again without Obama).   Getting the majority Hispanic vote(They're sympathetic to our struggles!!!) pretty much guarantees a sweep in the coming elections anywhere that has a large number of minority votes.   That's why I wondered what this country is going to be like after an extended period of dominance by one party.   There will be no need to "reach across the aisle" because no one will fear losing their elected post.   It will be Dems saying "This is what we're doing.  Get on board or get out the way." 
Have Republicans tried to reach across the aisle at all over the last 5+ years? This goes both ways.
So you agree that the Dems have made no effort to reach across the aisle since Obama took office?
8/6/2014 1:03 PM
Posted by burnsy483 on 8/6/2014 12:40:00 PM (view original):
"Whites(the Repub party) hates brown kids!!!"

And that's the disconnect. HE'S making it about race, nobody else. He's a retard. 40% of whites are Democrats.  If his point was "Democrats are trying to make it seem like Republicans are racist, that we hate Hispanics, and it's bullshit" he'd have a little bit of a stronger leg to stand on, but I'd even have a problem with that.  Republicans hate policy that often is more helpful to minority populations, that's true.  But that doesn't mean Democrats think the Republican Party is racist, though.  Don't spin it into reverse-racism ****.  Democrats aren't "declaring war on white people." Are they declaring "war" on Republicans? Sure.

And this is one of the main problems with the Republican Party.  They keep putting their foot in their mouths by saying the dumbest things.  I actually lean further right on this immigration issue than you'd think.  But it's harder to consider voting for a party that says dumb **** like "democrats say that whites hate everybody else" way too often.
Both parties spin the racism card.  It's just politics.   If it's not racism, it's sexuality or taxation or homelessness or whatever "hot button" topic can gather a few votes.   No need to pretend they don't or that you don't know what Brooks was implying.   I've already said he worded it so poorly that it's more likely to hurt the Repub party than help it.   But let's not act like the Dems haven't spun the immigration issue into "The Repubs(the old, white party) don't care about Hispanics!!"   They have.    And, I'll repeat so you don't get off track, Brooks worded it stupidly.   "War on whites" is a borderline retarded thing for a politician to say.
8/6/2014 1:07 PM
Posted by The Taint on 8/6/2014 10:11:00 AM (view original):
They're losing all the others, badly.
They war on the environment and privacy rights seems to be going pretty well...
8/6/2014 1:14 PM
The most powerful information technology in history and this is how it's being used...
8/6/2014 1:19 PM
Posted by seamar_116 on 8/6/2014 1:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 8/6/2014 10:11:00 AM (view original):
They're losing all the others, badly.
They war on the environment and privacy rights seems to be going pretty well...
Let's conveniently ignore how the Obama Administration has been just as invasive to "privacy rights" as the GWB Administration was.
8/6/2014 1:20 PM
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"War on whites" Topic

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