New Obama Power grab. Topic

Why? You don't care. You only want opportunities to take shots at Obama.
3/29/2011 7:12 PM
If i were you I wouldnt use the phrase "Just want to take shots".

I oppose Obama and his Administration. I present things that I think supports my view.

If you find my beliefs flawed expalain why.

My point was that in a casual moment, this was at a friendly crowd, he expressed his views that he thinks that Religion and guns are as bad a bigotry and zenophobia.
3/29/2011 7:50 PM
Just to be very clear about this, I never understood why anyone took offense to his statement. I agree completely with what he said.
3/29/2011 8:03 PM
What's "progressive" about that statement?
3/29/2011 9:03 PM
Posted by rcrusso on 3/29/2011 8:03:00 PM (view original):
Just to be very clear about this, I never understood why anyone took offense to his statement. I agree completely with what he said.
So are you standing up and saying you are very opposed to family values?
3/30/2011 12:24 AM
Posted by swamphawk22 on 3/30/2011 12:24:00 AM (view original):
Posted by rcrusso on 3/29/2011 8:03:00 PM (view original):
Just to be very clear about this, I never understood why anyone took offense to his statement. I agree completely with what he said.
So are you standing up and saying you are very opposed to family values?
I am opposed to trite cliches taking the place of honest discourse, fwiw.
3/30/2011 1:28 AM
OK lets have some honest discourse.

There is an attitude about religion. 85% of Americans are Christians, but there is a sort of behind the back snickering among the left.

Obama ran away from this comment, because it would have costed him the election.

Did he mean what it may have appeared he meant? Rcrusso said he meant it!
3/30/2011 1:53 AM
Good lord.  Don't make me defend Obama.

He meant people are counting on God to get them thru rather than doing something about their situation.    It's a backwards way of thinking.   They think "God will show me the way" or "God never gives you more than you can handle" when they should be thinking "God helps those who help themselves."   IOW, sitting around on your *** waiting for someone to give you a job won't get you a job.

Obama just phrased it poorly or, as I said, like Miss Teen SC talking about maps.
3/30/2011 7:03 AM
I saw it more as Obama saying that some people jump at the easiest explanation for their troubles. "God is testing my faith" or its flip side, "It's the end times!". Or "Mexicans took my job!" Or "The company took my job overseas!"
And yes, he was just kind of rambling and phrased it badly. But he wasn't on Def Comedy Jam. "Y'know what I hate about crackers? Their guns and their God and their fake John-Boy Walton bullshit and their... damn, I hate everything about crackers!" Which is apparently the way swamp wants us to believe he heard it.
3/30/2011 8:00 AM
I'm almost certain that's exactly what swamp heard. 
3/30/2011 8:31 AM
What I heard was what I always hear, but the left always implies is nothing. When we hear Professors talking about how evil the US is and how better European midnsets are.

The left is being led by people that do not share the worldview of most Americans. They represent a left wing belief structure.

The right screams its beliefs and gets some negative impact from it. I just want the left to do the same.
3/30/2011 7:24 PM
Those words were all English, and yet they meant absolutely nothing. Weird.
3/30/2011 8:03 PM
3/30/2011 8:07 PM
Posted by antonsirius on 3/30/2011 8:03:00 PM (view original):
Those words were all English, and yet they meant absolutely nothing. Weird.
You refuse to nswer questions about the left. I asked you questions about Professor Robert Jensen when I read some of his radical beliefs about the American military. I asked why a professor can have views that are so far off the beaten path, and you implied that even asking the question proved I was an idiot.

I asked how many professors with odd views I would need to cite for it to be an issue, you again implied that I was stupid for asking.

So again I bring up what seems like a simple issue. A common question that an average person might ask around the watercooler.

Again you declare me stupid.

Is it possible its you??
3/31/2011 12:41 AM
No, it's you. Trust me.
3/31/2011 1:36 AM
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New Obama Power grab. Topic

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