Posted by Stewart_UK on 3/15/2011 9:58:00 AM (view original):
The time leagues are filling in these days is proof enough that the product is strong. Personally im enjoying the game at the momemt more than I have done for the last twelve months.
Did you get invited to the Royal Wedding?
3/15/2011 3:17 PM
Be careful what you wish for. GD players, myself included, waited years for a major update. Not only did the update suck, they never tested it, made it completely unrealistic, asked customers to beta test it on their own dime and basically ran off all of the long time coaches. They have effectively killed the competition, turned into coin-flip dynasty and reduced reward points to virtually nothing. This game may not be perfect but what is?
3/15/2011 5:39 PM
Well, me.   But I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
3/15/2011 5:47 PM
All things are relative.  I think it's well known that this is the Cadillac of Whatif Sports.  If they **** off the regular users here, they're in trouble.
3/15/2011 5:47 PM
use logic people.  I know it's a game and that people are in control of said game, but how is it any different from real baseball in that regard?  We all hate Bud and see many improvements that could be made to MLB, but the game itself isn't broken...we love it and will continue to watch it regardless.  (well, most will).

If we had a commish who pandered to every little complaint or request for change, baseball would be even more of a joke...kind of like the NHL or the NBA.
3/15/2011 6:07 PM
You always end your posts with an open can of worms.
3/16/2011 1:11 AM
Actually if you are saying that the NHL commisioner panders to every little complaint you are dead wrong.  Bettman is an idiot that isnt taking the shots to the head epidemic very seriously and I think big sponsors are going to get tired of it soon and start dropping like flies.  The NHL is F'ed because Bettman has his head stuck in the ground.  So you are right the NHL is a joke because its commisioner is an idiot not because of what you said...  Wait this is a HBD thread right?  :)
3/17/2011 10:24 AM
Big sponsors will get tired of people not watching hockey much quicker.   Is it possible that the fan base likes to see big hits?  If so, Bettman is doing exactly what he needs to do.
3/17/2011 10:41 AM
Why doesn't HBD have Winnipeg and Quebec City?!?!?!?!?!?!
3/17/2011 10:48 AM
Posted by greeny9 on 3/17/2011 10:24:00 AM (view original):
Actually if you are saying that the NHL commisioner panders to every little complaint you are dead wrong.  Bettman is an idiot that isnt taking the shots to the head epidemic very seriously and I think big sponsors are going to get tired of it soon and start dropping like flies.  The NHL is F'ed because Bettman has his head stuck in the ground.  So you are right the NHL is a joke because its commisioner is an idiot not because of what you said...  Wait this is a HBD thread right?  :)
No, I was calling the NHL a joke. 

I was saying that a league that does have a commish trying to pander to every fan complaint or wish would become just as much of a travesty as the NHL.  I wasn't implying Bettman listens to anyone.  He's a stubborn *****.
3/17/2011 11:09 AM
Bettman and Peter Karmanos took our beloved Whalers away.  They can both rot in Hell.

That is all.
3/17/2011 11:13 AM
Dude, I'm old enough that I watched the New England Whalers play.
3/17/2011 11:17 AM
Posted by greeny9 on 3/17/2011 10:24:00 AM (view original):
Actually if you are saying that the NHL commisioner panders to every little complaint you are dead wrong.  Bettman is an idiot that isnt taking the shots to the head epidemic very seriously and I think big sponsors are going to get tired of it soon and start dropping like flies.  The NHL is F'ed because Bettman has his head stuck in the ground.  So you are right the NHL is a joke because its commisioner is an idiot not because of what you said...  Wait this is a HBD thread right?  :)
The NHL has sponsors?
3/17/2011 11:28 AM
Bettman by no means caters to the fans, unless of course you count the half-full arenas in the southern cities or the dozen or so Americans who watch hockey on versus. Those are who he caters to. It would be the same as if WiS were to cater to it's users in Asia because the population over there is higher, even though the majority of the population couldn't care less if the game ever existed.
3/17/2011 10:49 PM
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