Another Tragedy Caused by an Armed Citizen Topic

A direct quote from genghis' link:

“A generation ago you would have expected Americans to place their trust in the most

neutral and unbiased conveyors of news,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy

Polling. “But the media landscape has really changed and now they’re turning more

toward the outlets that tell them what they want to hear.”

That exactly paraphrases what Mike said in his post @ 3:58 yesterday.

2/21/2011 4:58 PM (edited)
Well, damn, maybe I should have clicked that link.   Thanks.
2/21/2011 5:37 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/21/2011 1:17:00 PM (view original):
Sure.  I assume you think FOX leans towards the conservatives.    Well, the rest lean the other way.   Now, if you going to deny that you think FOX is a conservative network, I guess we'll discuss this further.   If not, I think we're done. 
CNN doesn't lean any particular way consistently. They just flop around like a wet noodle and point vaguely in whichever way they think the wind is blowing.
2/21/2011 7:07 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/21/2011 3:23:00 PM (view original):
As I said before, if you guys want to sit around and think you're badasses who'd be offing people if only it were legal, who am I to kill your fantasy?   But it is fantasy. 
That's just as stupid as it was the first time you said it. This has nothing to do with what anyone here would or wouldn't do. Perhaps you recognized how absurd your statement was, so you tried to dismiss the richly deserved ridicule you received as simple braggadocio. Nice try.

What's more, your premise is twisted. If you wanted to brag about what a badass you are, you'd say that if you really wanted to kill someone, no law would stand in your way.
2/21/2011 7:29 PM
Quote post by MikeT23 on 2/21/2011 3:04:00 PM:

Sorry, legalizing murder wouldn't turn the world into the wild west.

Way to rephrase the issue, swamp23.

2/21/2011 7:31 PM
Posted by meanceprimea on 2/21/2011 4:58:00 PM (view original):
A direct quote from genghis' link:

“A generation ago you would have expected Americans to place their trust in the most

neutral and unbiased conveyors of news,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy

Polling. “But the media landscape has really changed and now they’re turning more

toward the outlets that tell them what they want to hear.”

That exactly paraphrases what Mike said in his post @ 3:58 yesterday.

I don't disagree with that. If you're going to draw any conclusions from that, evidently no network tells liberals what they want to hear the way Fox tells conservatives what they want to hear.
2/21/2011 7:39 PM
More options for liberals.   Already covered.

Would you kill me for saying that?   You know, if it was legal to do so, toughguy?
2/21/2011 7:46 PM
Plus libs like to say "I'm a learned man.  I'm seeking the truth so I watch ALL the news channels.  Except FOX.  They spew bullshit!"    See: crelmann.
2/21/2011 7:51 PM
Does that make you mad enough to put a cap in my ***, gangstahixson?   You know, if it was legal to do so?
2/21/2011 7:59 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/21/2011 7:46:00 PM (view original):
More options for liberals.   Already covered.

Would you kill me for saying that?   You know, if it was legal to do so, toughguy?
You could vote to say you trusted any number of sources, not which one you trusted most. Nor is it accurate to characterize the other networks as liberal versions of Fox. MSNBC comes the closest, and even that's a stretch. Other than that it's just laughable. Already covered.

Your "toughguy" comment was, once again, stupid, and was already covered.
2/21/2011 8:18 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/21/2011 8:01:00 PM (view original):
Does that make you mad enough to put a cap in my ***, gangstahixson?   You know, if it was legal to do so?
You seem to be stuck on this, so I'll answer. To my credit or shame, I have never killed anyone for stupidity. Even swamp may post without fear of retribution from me, and he lives much closer than you do.
2/21/2011 8:26 PM
FOX is a right-wing news outlet. It is pretty obvious.

To say that all others are "left-wing versions of FOX" is a bit of a stretch, but it is a reputation that they earned honestly.

The biggest factor, in my mind, which made FOX News soar, is how there were so many stories the other news networks did not cover.
It was shameful how they were so slanted toward their own agenda. Only showing bad and never any good stories out of Iraq.

I work in the defense contracting business, and know many soldiers who told stories of the good that was being done in Iraq, but you never heard a word of it, until Fox, finally, started reporting on it.

Still at the end of the day, I wouldn't say that the other news networks are as far slanted to the left as is Fox to the right.

2/21/2011 11:37 PM (edited)
Posted by genghisxcon on 2/21/2011 8:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/21/2011 8:01:00 PM (view original):
Does that make you mad enough to put a cap in my ***, gangstahixson?   You know, if it was legal to do so?
You seem to be stuck on this, so I'll answer. To my credit or shame, I have never killed anyone for stupidity. Even swamp may post without fear of retribution from me, and he lives much closer than you do.
So I can assume you are not suicidal based on your stupidity.   I'd say "Good to know" but, truthfully, I don't care about your well-being. 

Nonetheless, I can now also assume that you won't become a murder beast if murder were made legal.   That would apply to about 99.9% of the population.  The other .01% is already committing murder despite it being illegal. 
2/22/2011 8:22 AM
If .01% of the population committed just one murder, that would double the amount of murders committed in this country.  You are a very naive boy who needs to learn a lot more about human nature before he gets out into the real world.
2/22/2011 8:57 AM

Shoot me for not bothering to look up the stats.  I somehow doubt that the number of people who commit murder is even as high as what you claim.  Human nature is to avoid conflict.  Murder is conflict. 

2/22/2011 9:26 AM
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