New Obama Power grab. Topic

Posted by toddcommish on 3/24/2011 5:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by antonsirius on 3/24/2011 4:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by toddcommish on 3/24/2011 2:48:00 PM (view original):
For the most part, the left-wing-nuts around here are so far left that most moderates end up on the same side of the drastically tilted fence as right-wing-nuts like swamp.  Palin probably says a couple of profound things here and there amidst her goofy things, but you'll never hear about them from the media sources that the liberals listen to.
You'd think we'd hear it from swamp though, if Palin said something brilliant.

Of course that presumes he'd be able to recognize something brilliant if she said it... yeah, never mind. My bad.
That's the main failing of the left in this country.... they try to demonize the right by emphasizing and publicizing the wing-nuts when they're at their worst.  And they begin to see everyone that might be slightly to their right as being part of the wing-nut, swamp brigade.  It's equivalent to assuming that Jesse Jackson, Sean Penn, and Michael Moore speak for all Democrats.

Oh, and don't expect Palin to ever say anything brilliant, but just don't assume that everything she says is non-sensical.
It's bound to happen to the right side when people like Palin, Bachmann, and Rush are pushed out front as the faces of the republican party...something I feel they've done to themselves.

3/25/2011 10:15 AM

3/25/2011 12:17 PM
Posted by rcrusso on 3/25/2011 12:17:00 PM (view original):

Another sign of what a ***** Obama supporters are.

After what Bush put up with for the last 10 years, Obama is being treated like a King!
3/25/2011 8:59 PM
Same old swamp "Whine List". Just trying to share a little humor with everybody but you guys on the right are just so stiff and humorless!
3/25/2011 9:14 PM
Posted by rcrusso on 3/25/2011 9:14:00 PM (view original):
Same old swamp "Whine List". Just trying to share a little humor with everybody but you guys on the right are just so stiff and humorless!
So from now on share non-partisan humor.

You are trying to make a political statement plain and simple. You are using humor to promote your agenda.
3/26/2011 12:33 AM
I no longer have an "agenda". I retired several years ago. I think the only way to get me to move on to "non-partisan humor" would be for you guys to stop being so hilarious.
3/26/2011 9:08 AM
Posted by rcrusso on 3/26/2011 9:08:00 AM (view original):
I no longer have an "agenda". I retired several years ago. I think the only way to get me to move on to "non-partisan humor" would be for you guys to stop being so hilarious.
So it is just a coincidence that all the "Humor" you post attacks the Right?? Really??

You are using political cartoons to attack the right.

At least I have the common decency to declare my allegiance!

I speak loud and proud for solid Conservative values!
3/26/2011 2:53 PM
I have never denied that I am a Progressive. And there is no such thing as conservative "values". That word is code for a lot of things, the least of which could be called a value.
3/26/2011 3:21 PM
Posted by rcrusso on 3/26/2011 3:21:00 PM (view original):
I have never denied that I am a Progressive. And there is no such thing as conservative "values". That word is code for a lot of things, the least of which could be called a value.
So bitter.

I accept that there are liberal values. Woops I forgot so many people hate liberals you had to change your name to Progressives. I accept that people who are progressive have values.

I dont hate the left, I just find their worldview completly wrong.
3/27/2011 3:57 AM
Hehehe.   Isn't a "progressive" the sort who believes in societal improvement thru political reform?    Is there anyone who doesn't think the society should be improved regardless of politics?

Isn't that a bigger non-statement than those who declare themselves "moderate"?
3/27/2011 4:44 PM

No. Implicit in any political philosophy calling itself "progressive" is the idea that certain forms that society represent progress over other forms and that government ought to play an active role in bringing about that progress. It is possible to govern based primarily on addressing the needs of the day, without giving much thought to the form you think society ought to take.

3/28/2011 2:19 AM
I think we're saying the same thing.   Isn't it possible that "progress of society" determined by the individual?   Would some consider a return to "family values" as "progress"? 
3/28/2011 8:13 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 3/28/2011 8:13:00 AM (view original):
I think we're saying the same thing.   Isn't it possible that "progress of society" determined by the individual?   Would some consider a return to "family values" as "progress"? 
Yes and yes.

So really conservative, liberal, progressive, and moderate are terms that don't really mean much these days.  They are merely derogatory for some while praise for others.  They should mean something, since words actually do mean something, but the game now is a lot less about merit and a lot more about labeling and attacking...
3/28/2011 10:25 AM (edited)
Family Values!

3/28/2011 11:08 AM
Well, "family values" is very similar to claiming to be a "progressive".    Who would be against "family values" by what ever definition they use? 
3/28/2011 12:55 PM
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