You say you want a revolution... Topic

So our previous VP's relationship with Halliburton does not have an unusual smell for you? Of course not, after all they are all about national honor.
10/9/2010 11:15 PM
Posted by rcrusso on 10/9/2010 11:15:00 PM (view original):
So our previous VP's relationship with Halliburton does not have an unusual smell for you? Of course not, after all they are all about national honor.
So whatever stock Cheney has in Haliburton. Did it go up more with the war? How much?

Remember you are saying that the war was started for profit.

This guy is rich. He is going to make money with a war or not.

Does anyone who really thinks about this believe that the motivation for the Iraq war was stock options?
10/10/2010 6:46 AM
Was there a question there? I mean one that you would really be interested in the answer? You are typical of the conservative followers who treat their leaders like royalty with all the privileges that grants. In your world Cheney is entitled to all the money he can make by any means he likes by the simple fact of who he is.
10/10/2010 10:20 AM
Posted by greeny9 on 10/9/2010 9:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 10/6/2010 3:38:00 PM (view original):
1 We take care of our poor. Our Sick and our elderly.

2 The solution to education isnt tossing still more money at it. We need to make a fundemental shift in how we educate. In no other field is failure rewarded.

3 What war did we start? I will not even aruge that we didnt start Iraq, is that all you have?
Swamp you are crazy making that first bold statement.  America takes care of its poor?  Where do you get that idea?  Ask the millions of homeless Americans that and see what they have to say about that.  Hell ask the 10s of millions more Americans that earn less then even the poverty level.  Then ask the 10s of millions more Americans that are just above the poverty level how they feel they are being treated?  These people struggle everyday just to feed themselves.  That to me sir is a third world country for a very significat percentage of your population.  Do you have any idea the extent of the wage discrepancy between the top 1% and the bottom 50%?  I cant remember the precise number, but its mind boggling.  Compare that with any other democratic country and I GUARANTEE you that America comes dead last in all those things. 

Now when it comes to taking care of your sick, you ask the millions of americans that dont have health insurance when they get sick how they like being in serious debt for the rest of their lives to pay those doctors their million dollar salaries.  Now ask all of those Americans who have lost everything fighting their HMOs to have their health bills paid because their HMO has some bullsh*t reason why they shouldnt cover them.  Guess what?  EVERY other major democracy in the world has universal health care.  Granted if you are rich America is the best place to be to get whatever ails you fixed, but if you are poor like 50% of the wests people you had better be in Canada, England, France, Germany, or any of the other major democracys out there that care about their poor.

I dont know much about the elderly situation as I have no experience in it... both of my parents died before they had any need to go to an old fogeys home.
C'mon swamp back up your first statement, greeny told it like it is here in America.  I'm waiting to laugh at your typical pathetic, naive response.
10/10/2010 12:10 PM
Posted by greeny9 on 10/9/2010 9:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 10/6/2010 3:38:00 PM (view original):
1 We take care of our poor. Our Sick and our elderly.

2 The solution to education isnt tossing still more money at it. We need to make a fundemental shift in how we educate. In no other field is failure rewarded.

3 What war did we start? I will not even aruge that we didnt start Iraq, is that all you have?
Swamp you are crazy making that first bold statement.  America takes care of its poor?  Where do you get that idea?  Ask the millions of homeless Americans that and see what they have to say about that.  Hell ask the 10s of millions more Americans that earn less then even the poverty level.  Then ask the 10s of millions more Americans that are just above the poverty level how they feel they are being treated?  These people struggle everyday just to feed themselves.  That to me sir is a third world country for a very significat percentage of your population.  Do you have any idea the extent of the wage discrepancy between the top 1% and the bottom 50%?  I cant remember the precise number, but its mind boggling.  Compare that with any other democratic country and I GUARANTEE you that America comes dead last in all those things. 

Now when it comes to taking care of your sick, you ask the millions of americans that dont have health insurance when they get sick how they like being in serious debt for the rest of their lives to pay those doctors their million dollar salaries.  Now ask all of those Americans who have lost everything fighting their HMOs to have their health bills paid because their HMO has some bullsh*t reason why they shouldnt cover them.  Guess what?  EVERY other major democracy in the world has universal health care.  Granted if you are rich America is the best place to be to get whatever ails you fixed, but if you are poor like 50% of the wests people you had better be in Canada, England, France, Germany, or any of the other major democracys out there that care about their poor.

I dont know much about the elderly situation as I have no experience in it... both of my parents died before they had any need to go to an old fogeys home.
Ask that Tennessee family whose double-wide burned down because they didn't have $75 to pay the fire department how well we take care of our poor. Or better yet, ask Glenn Beck and all the other fukktards who think it was the right decision to let it burn.
10/10/2010 1:38 PM
Posted by swamphawk22 on 10/10/2010 6:46:00 AM (view original):
Posted by rcrusso on 10/9/2010 11:15:00 PM (view original):
So our previous VP's relationship with Halliburton does not have an unusual smell for you? Of course not, after all they are all about national honor.
So whatever stock Cheney has in Haliburton. Did it go up more with the war? How much?

Remember you are saying that the war was started for profit.

This guy is rich. He is going to make money with a war or not.

Does anyone who really thinks about this believe that the motivation for the Iraq war was stock options?
Well Swamp.  Lets see here haliburton stocks in January 2003 (a couple months before the war officially (snicker officially) was declared was $9.10 today it is $34.73.  So that is a jump of 381%.  Does that count as a major upswing in haliburtons stock Swamp?  And hell we are in a global depression here.  If you take a look at Haliburtons stock price pre depression it was $41.91.  That is a 460% increase.

But I am sure that is just a coincidence that Haliburton has had such a dramatic increase in their stock prices right Swamp?

Are you ever going to do any of your own research before you go spouting off about the good and pure intentions of your holier then though mega corporations there Swamp?
10/11/2010 1:24 AM
Oh so Swamp you are saying that the rich dont try to get richer?  There is a level at which enough money is enough?  right....  truely dude, you are making the right wingers sound awfully foolish!  I am sure you arent the go to guy to argue for the right... (I hope you arent!)  lol
10/11/2010 1:29 AM
Posted by greeny9 on 10/11/2010 1:29:00 AM (view original):
Oh so Swamp you are saying that the rich dont try to get richer?  There is a level at which enough money is enough?  right....  truely dude, you are making the right wingers sound awfully foolish!  I am sure you arent the go to guy to argue for the right... (I hope you arent!)  lol
Of course the rich try to get richer. And people profit off wars.

The issue is was the war started to make a profit for rich people. I think believeing the Cheney started the war in Iraq to make money is as crazy as believing that Obama is a Muslim.
10/11/2010 2:07 AM
Posted by jiml60 on 10/10/2010 12:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by greeny9 on 10/9/2010 9:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 10/6/2010 3:38:00 PM (view original):
1 We take care of our poor. Our Sick and our elderly.

2 The solution to education isnt tossing still more money at it. We need to make a fundemental shift in how we educate. In no other field is failure rewarded.

3 What war did we start? I will not even aruge that we didnt start Iraq, is that all you have?
Swamp you are crazy making that first bold statement.  America takes care of its poor?  Where do you get that idea?  Ask the millions of homeless Americans that and see what they have to say about that.  Hell ask the 10s of millions more Americans that earn less then even the poverty level.  Then ask the 10s of millions more Americans that are just above the poverty level how they feel they are being treated?  These people struggle everyday just to feed themselves.  That to me sir is a third world country for a very significat percentage of your population.  Do you have any idea the extent of the wage discrepancy between the top 1% and the bottom 50%?  I cant remember the precise number, but its mind boggling.  Compare that with any other democratic country and I GUARANTEE you that America comes dead last in all those things. 

Now when it comes to taking care of your sick, you ask the millions of americans that dont have health insurance when they get sick how they like being in serious debt for the rest of their lives to pay those doctors their million dollar salaries.  Now ask all of those Americans who have lost everything fighting their HMOs to have their health bills paid because their HMO has some bullsh*t reason why they shouldnt cover them.  Guess what?  EVERY other major democracy in the world has universal health care.  Granted if you are rich America is the best place to be to get whatever ails you fixed, but if you are poor like 50% of the wests people you had better be in Canada, England, France, Germany, or any of the other major democracys out there that care about their poor.

I dont know much about the elderly situation as I have no experience in it... both of my parents died before they had any need to go to an old fogeys home.
C'mon swamp back up your first statement, greeny told it like it is here in America.  I'm waiting to laugh at your typical pathetic, naive response.
We dont take care of our poor? How much more money can we spend on welefare? What are we not doing for poor people. What we need are more jobs, that the Democrats are taking away by creating a cradle to grave welefare state. We dont need make work jobs, we need to allow the economy to flow normally.

We dont take care of the sick. If you are having a heart attack you will be treated in every hospital in America. Not just emergency but full treatment. Is it possible that some odd case somewhere isnt going to get a Very expensive treatment, yes. For almost everyone you get health care. What you mean is should it be free.

10/11/2010 2:13 AM
Posted by antonsirius on 10/10/2010 1:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by greeny9 on 10/9/2010 9:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 10/6/2010 3:38:00 PM (view original):
1 We take care of our poor. Our Sick and our elderly.

2 The solution to education isnt tossing still more money at it. We need to make a fundemental shift in how we educate. In no other field is failure rewarded.

3 What war did we start? I will not even aruge that we didnt start Iraq, is that all you have?
Swamp you are crazy making that first bold statement.  America takes care of its poor?  Where do you get that idea?  Ask the millions of homeless Americans that and see what they have to say about that.  Hell ask the 10s of millions more Americans that earn less then even the poverty level.  Then ask the 10s of millions more Americans that are just above the poverty level how they feel they are being treated?  These people struggle everyday just to feed themselves.  That to me sir is a third world country for a very significat percentage of your population.  Do you have any idea the extent of the wage discrepancy between the top 1% and the bottom 50%?  I cant remember the precise number, but its mind boggling.  Compare that with any other democratic country and I GUARANTEE you that America comes dead last in all those things. 

Now when it comes to taking care of your sick, you ask the millions of americans that dont have health insurance when they get sick how they like being in serious debt for the rest of their lives to pay those doctors their million dollar salaries.  Now ask all of those Americans who have lost everything fighting their HMOs to have their health bills paid because their HMO has some bullsh*t reason why they shouldnt cover them.  Guess what?  EVERY other major democracy in the world has universal health care.  Granted if you are rich America is the best place to be to get whatever ails you fixed, but if you are poor like 50% of the wests people you had better be in Canada, England, France, Germany, or any of the other major democracys out there that care about their poor.

I dont know much about the elderly situation as I have no experience in it... both of my parents died before they had any need to go to an old fogeys home.
Ask that Tennessee family whose double-wide burned down because they didn't have $75 to pay the fire department how well we take care of our poor. Or better yet, ask Glenn Beck and all the other fukktards who think it was the right decision to let it burn.
It was not a case of a person not being able to afford to pay the $75. It was a case of a person not paying it.

This was a very odd case. This is not normal. This is not going to happen all over America.

This guy decided not to pay. His house burned down.

Ideally there should have been a way for him to pay some huge fine and get the fire put out. The first time something happens you are not always ready.
10/11/2010 2:16 AM
Posted by swamphawk22 on 10/11/2010 2:07:00 AM (view original):
Posted by greeny9 on 10/11/2010 1:29:00 AM (view original):
Oh so Swamp you are saying that the rich dont try to get richer?  There is a level at which enough money is enough?  right....  truely dude, you are making the right wingers sound awfully foolish!  I am sure you arent the go to guy to argue for the right... (I hope you arent!)  lol
Of course the rich try to get richer. And people profit off wars.

The issue is was the war started to make a profit for rich people. I think believeing the Cheney started the war in Iraq to make money is as crazy as believing that Obama is a Muslim.
America has spent nearly a TRILLION dollars on the IRAQ war alone!!!  Can you think of 1 single other thing that money could have more wisely been spent?  Or how about instead of cutting spending on the EPA how about not fighting a completely worthless war?  For the great price of a TRILLION dollars shouldnt you expect some results from it?  Swamp answer me this; what exactly did America buy with this 1 TRILLION dollars?
10/11/2010 9:47 AM
As far as taking care of our poor, our sick, and our elderly....

It's not like we are not trying.... or at least throwing money that way.

US 2009 Federal, State, and Local Gov't Spending:

$764,400,000,000 in Healthcare
$406,900,000,000 in Welfare (includes unemployment)
$738,600,000,000 in Gov't Pensions

Now to put this in perspective: Again the same 2009 #s

$90,000,000,000 in Education
$84,300,000,000 in Transportation
$186,900,000,000 in interest from the deficit

10/11/2010 9:56 AM
Posted by swamphawk22 on 10/11/2010 2:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by jiml60 on 10/10/2010 12:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by greeny9 on 10/9/2010 9:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 10/6/2010 3:38:00 PM (view original):
1 We take care of our poor. Our Sick and our elderly.

2 The solution to education isnt tossing still more money at it. We need to make a fundemental shift in how we educate. In no other field is failure rewarded.

3 What war did we start? I will not even aruge that we didnt start Iraq, is that all you have?
Swamp you are crazy making that first bold statement.  America takes care of its poor?  Where do you get that idea?  Ask the millions of homeless Americans that and see what they have to say about that.  Hell ask the 10s of millions more Americans that earn less then even the poverty level.  Then ask the 10s of millions more Americans that are just above the poverty level how they feel they are being treated?  These people struggle everyday just to feed themselves.  That to me sir is a third world country for a very significat percentage of your population.  Do you have any idea the extent of the wage discrepancy between the top 1% and the bottom 50%?  I cant remember the precise number, but its mind boggling.  Compare that with any other democratic country and I GUARANTEE you that America comes dead last in all those things. 

Now when it comes to taking care of your sick, you ask the millions of americans that dont have health insurance when they get sick how they like being in serious debt for the rest of their lives to pay those doctors their million dollar salaries.  Now ask all of those Americans who have lost everything fighting their HMOs to have their health bills paid because their HMO has some bullsh*t reason why they shouldnt cover them.  Guess what?  EVERY other major democracy in the world has universal health care.  Granted if you are rich America is the best place to be to get whatever ails you fixed, but if you are poor like 50% of the wests people you had better be in Canada, England, France, Germany, or any of the other major democracys out there that care about their poor.

I dont know much about the elderly situation as I have no experience in it... both of my parents died before they had any need to go to an old fogeys home.
C'mon swamp back up your first statement, greeny told it like it is here in America.  I'm waiting to laugh at your typical pathetic, naive response.
We dont take care of our poor? How much more money can we spend on welefare? What are we not doing for poor people. What we need are more jobs, that the Democrats are taking away by creating a cradle to grave welefare state. We dont need make work jobs, we need to allow the economy to flow normally.

We dont take care of the sick. If you are having a heart attack you will be treated in every hospital in America. Not just emergency but full treatment. Is it possible that some odd case somewhere isnt going to get a Very expensive treatment, yes. For almost everyone you get health care. What you mean is should it be free.

Canadas health spending as a % of GDP is 9.8, the States % is 16%, France 11.1%, Germany 10.7%...  Let me ask you this mr smart guy (snicker) why is it that the US spends so much on health care and yet when its poorest citizens get sick they are in debt for the rest of their lives?  And yet these other countries (who all have universal health coverage) when their citizens get sick they get fixed and dont pay anything for that fundamental right?

Can you tell me where all that money is going down there Swamp?  Let me guess into the pockets of the mega rich.  It certaintly isnt being spent on universal health care which if America cared about its poor certainly could afford to being as it is paying fully 50% more then the rest of the western world!

Hey Swamp... I am only saying that you shouldnt so blindly follow along with what your "Big Brother" (the government) wants you to believe.  They dont have you and your fellow citizens best interests in mind.  All they care about is making their campaign donators rich beyond their wildest dreams.
10/11/2010 9:57 AM
Cheney was pushing for a war with Iraq about 20 minutes after the 9/11 attacks, when there was no indication (and could be no indication) that Saddam had anything to do with it. He then spent the next year and a half trying to gin up evidence to support an invasion.

His motives are irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things.

10/11/2010 10:02 AM
Oh boy, universal health care better not say that around the blind masses in the States, they are going to think you are a communist...  Now I wonder if these people werent so blindly afraid of the communists and were shown the truth that their government spends so much on healthcare and yet for some crazy reason millions of people around their country are losing their homes and committing suicide because they are so much in debt from having their tonsils pulled out.

Seriously swamp if you had a shred of brains in you I would expect you to get a little bit miffed over this.  But I bet you are going to try to spin this in some positive way for your friends - the Mega rich -
10/11/2010 10:06 AM
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