Walking Dead Topic

No, lol.

Yes dawn of the dead style. Zombies are more realistic, but dont tell anyone. Some people are really touchy about that.
11/4/2010 4:33 PM
Pretty good show so far.  Doesn't follow the comic verbatim, but still very well done.  AMC does a good job of putting together quality shows. 
11/9/2010 2:05 PM

You apparently missed the memo a few years back that acronyms in America no longer have any grounding in reality. 

Case in point:  KFC = KFC there are no longer any words properly associated with this restaurant franchise...and AMC is no more or less misleading than MTV, which stopped featuring any M a long time ago in favor of over-gelled, orangish jersey-ites.   

With AMC you just have to engage your suspension of disbelief while you are surfing through the channel guide.  This makes everything easier to swallow.

11/9/2010 3:50 PM
Posted by lesliechow on 11/9/2010 3:19:00 PM (view original):

The only thing that makes me chuckle is that AMC is "American Movie Classics".  How exactly is this a movie?

Well isnt any TV show just a short made for TV Movie?
11/9/2010 4:54 PM
Posted by jastrial on 11/9/2010 2:05:00 PM (view original):
Pretty good show so far.  Doesn't follow the comic verbatim, but still very well done.  AMC does a good job of putting together quality shows. 
People are telling me this. I dont see it.

I think it is ok. I dont think it is making any real point.

Seems a little week overall.
11/9/2010 4:56 PM
I agree...last episode was pretty weak.  It's good...but not the show I'd hoped it would be based on what I thought was a really strong pilot.
11/9/2010 6:50 PM
This one is a mini-series.  Only supposed to have 5 or 6 episodes if I heard correctly, and I believe that they've all been filmed already.  I don't think cancellation is a realistic possibility here.

related note: how was Caprica?  I watched all of BSG, and I was going to wait for Caprica to come out on DVD.  Not sure at this point if I want to try to watch all the episodes online.
11/10/2010 9:25 AM
I never got around to watching it...I loved BSG,  but just didn't feel for another round of it.
11/10/2010 3:18 PM
It's not a mini-series...it's just a six episode first season.
11/11/2010 12:13 AM
Already picked up for 13 episodes in a second season.
11/11/2010 12:14 AM
It is better than Jersey Shore.
11/11/2010 5:07 AM
Its no Burn Notice!
11/11/2010 3:17 PM
Posted by lesliechow on 11/15/2010 4:02:00 PM (view original):
I haven't watched that one.  Is it good?
I never watched it either. It is very popular, but SNL did a sketch about it being the most popular show no one has ever heard about.
11/15/2010 4:06 PM
Episode 3 was fantastic. Totally changed my mind.

This show has a clear direction. Great writing. solid acting.
11/15/2010 4:07 PM
Posted by lesliechow on 11/15/2010 4:20:00 PM (view original):
I am back to having my wife record the walking dead series.  Now that I know it's not just a mini-series.
Your wife does the recording? Your wife??

Does that mean that you sew and knit doilies?
11/15/2010 5:01 PM
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