ABA Parallel League - EVALS & DISCUSSION Topic

My team has almost 2600 assists and almost 2100 turnovers. I also drafted almost 27000 minutes but that's to be expected.
3/7/2015 9:29 PM
after 12 rounds... the Sounds toteboard:

Salary 69 M
Minutes 32500
Rebounds 7400
Assists 2900
Turnovers 2400
Fouls 3100  

3/8/2015 9:11 PM (edited)
Done some play testing and a lot of points will be scored. That is for sure.
3/7/2015 11:50 PM
Posted by vancem on 3/7/2015 11:50:00 PM (view original):
Done some play testing and a lot of points will be scored. That is for sure.
and, for my play-testing, a lot of fouls ... 
3/8/2015 1:05 AM
CMC, thanks for starting the league and for doing evals.  I had been away from the NBA SIM for about 7 years when I got back into it with the ATBA league.  I think many of us are from the same era as I have some of the same memories you all do. I lived in Chicago at the time and then moved to Pittsburgh right after the Condors disbanded so I never lived in a city that had an ABA team. But the basketball cards and the rare appearances on TV still left some memories. Of course I had red, white, and blue ball that I won at a Chicago Bulls clinic and awarded to me by Bob Weiss and Jerry Sloan.

We will see if I use the "right" Louie Dampier.  Safe to say Louie will be hoisting some 3 balls.  I really have no clue on the current NBA Sim.  I am still using theories from the 2007 version along with things I learned from HD.  We did not have the defense ratings or the advanced stats to look at so that was a change.  I have used many of these ABA guys in Alumni Leagues (Skip Thoren and George Thompson to name 2) and in Cheap Skate 30 million Cap leagues (Don Sidle).

Also, I have coached a high school basketball for over 15 years so I have that in common with you and boredfatguy.

Have never read the Pluto book but it is on my list for Spring Break.  I imagine many of you have seen the 30 for 30 "Free Spirits".  If you have not and like the ABA it is a must.  Good luck to all.

3/8/2015 8:55 AM
I have no idea whatsoever on how my team will do. Honestly, I just went mostly for guys I liked and remembered like David Thompson, Dan Issel, and Maurice Lucas, and George Karl. Any help is appreciated
3/8/2015 12:49 PM
your welcome pharrop - I love the ABA - But WOW - this has a been a ton of work -

my hats go off to smokey for all those decades drafts, -

I need to get out some of those old cards - should have before the draft,
but didnt want to skew my selections based on who had a 'cool' card or goofy card - ha.

This has been the most difficult draft I have participated in -

very tough in my opinion,
somewhat similar to the decade 50/50's draft,
but harder I think because of the difference in stats we have grown accustomed to when doing other sim themes.

Holler back after you have read the Loose Balls book. Hope you love it.

3/8/2015 7:05 PM (edited)
I will also be doing evals on the WEST teams IF and when they get through 8 players each -
3/8/2015 7:04 PM
I will definitely buy and read loose balls now. seems like a must read. I was pretty young when the ABA was around plus I lived in Italy. When I got to the states in '77, I was 8 and the ABA/NBA merger had happened I guess. Sounds like it was a blast.
3/8/2015 8:29 PM
The Pluto book is fantastic. Being a huge Blazer fan I loved "The Breaks of the Game".
3/8/2015 11:14 PM
yeah, I need to buy that vancem-

Is it a David Halbersom book about late 70's Portland team??

I always respected Portalnd's fans - I love small market teams, and its a good thing for a team to have that kind of fan support.

I assume its still that way -

a shame you guys had to endure the 'jail-blazers' era....
3/9/2015 12:56 PM
I recall that the book covered the 79-80 season. The PDX fans are very strong still. We back our team no matter what. My father in law turned in his season tickets during the jail blazer era which is too bad. If you are just an NBA fan in general the Halberstram book is a great read. I think that Halberstam also did an unauthorized biography of MJ that was a great book. His books are the best. John Feinstein's books are super too. I loved the book about Bobby Knight but the book about Red Auerbach was awesome.
3/9/2015 2:23 PM
In this draft I went for as much rebounding as possible with as low turnovers and fouls that I could reasonably get. I tried to get some assists and decent EFG%. The team has more usage than I normally draft spread across the roster which was intentional since I figured that Dr J would get doubled a lot and I wanted plenty of scoring support. I like Don Sidle's low fouls and turnovers at 98% SF for 41 mpg. I am worried about the poor defense of Tom Owens and Randy Denton.
3/9/2015 2:29 PM
I had the same target numbers - going in-
I think you have a very good ball club.
Owens and Denton will be fine- there are tons of other poor d - interior players...
they rebound well-
3/9/2015 3:06 PM
I love the Auerbach book - I'm sure it disappointed Rupp bashers in that Auerbach dismissed the racist tag.

that being said -

I HATE John Feinstein -
he is, to quote Charles Barkley - 'Turrable'

He is an unabashed Kentucky basher - and has utilized that schtick to no end.

Even listed as public enemy #1, listed at the top of a Kentucky Detractors List

In going thru that information, he TOTALLY butchered about everything he could in describing game action in the books he wrote.
I can only imagine how he has as skewed other information.

Hey Feinstein - many of those who read your books also watched those games, and now have access to old films -
and you got it all wrong you knucklehead.

I read the Bobby Knight Indiana book many years ago - and could hardly imagine a more suitable paring-

Still about pi$$ my pants with glee on the feedback that Knight reduced him to tears.

I get a sick feeling to my stomach as soon as I see that gawd awful pock marked face of his on ESPN -

he has an ax to grind and its usually to stick it to Kentucky every chance he gets

John Feinstein, your a DEAD MAN !!!
dean Wormer ?! - DEAD!!!

...... WOW I feel better now, that was cathartic !!
3/9/2015 3:17 PM
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ABA Parallel League - EVALS & DISCUSSION Topic

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