Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Topic

It may serve the law very well that Rittenhouse is found not guilty for all 3 shootings and I don’t mean that sarcastically.
But he is no hero. He came from another state with a gun looking to take the law into his hands if he felt he should.
He could have been killed and he placed himself in 2 situations that may have precipitated his violent self defense against a mostly non violent guy who may have been off his sorry rocker and another who would never have attacked him with a skate board if the baby faced Nelson didn’t have his rifle.
And the third guy just wanted to stop further violence and that went awry.
He didn’t protect any property and he he didn’t save any lives.
He was just a bringer of death and mayhem.
11/8/2021 10:55 PM
I agree with some of that. He is definitely not a hero. He should have never been there. I am not "rooting" for Rittenhouse in this case. I am rooting for justice. That is why I was so intent on watching the whole trial. I wanted to form an honest opinion. The DA clearly knew that this was a clear cut case of self-defense based on the evidence that the prosecution is even presenting. It is very dangerous when we start trying to throw our political opponents in prison. That is clearly what is going on here. The DA either bowed to the mob or has a political vendetta. I didn't like the "lock her up" chants from the right and I don't like this after hearing the lack of evidence that the prosecutors have been able to muster.
11/8/2021 11:17 PM
And I agree with that also.
After full investigation charges may not have been warranted but this had such a terrible look had to be tried for the reasons you stated.

I really agree with you that the law has to be applied properly.
Somehow I am sure that most people won’t understand or accept the law.
I am sure glad that there was no racial element to this tragic mess.
11/8/2021 11:30 PM
That DOES sound an awful lot like Dino...
11/8/2021 11:30 PM
Strikeout, It is nice to have a solid conversation around here.
Thank you, sir.
11/8/2021 11:31 PM

It is very dangerous when we start trying to throw our political opponents in prison. That is clearly what is going on here. The DA either bowed to the mob or has a political vendetta. I didn't like the "lock her up" chants from the right and I don't like this after hearing the lack of evidence that the prosecutors have been able to muster.

There's a pretty big difference between chanting "Lock her up" about an active political candidate versus saying the same about a random kid who shot people (even if it was in self-defense).

11/8/2021 11:35 PM
I haven't been watching the trial like I did the Chauvin one so I have no opinion.
11/8/2021 11:35 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/8/2021 11:35:00 PM (view original):

It is very dangerous when we start trying to throw our political opponents in prison. That is clearly what is going on here. The DA either bowed to the mob or has a political vendetta. I didn't like the "lock her up" chants from the right and I don't like this after hearing the lack of evidence that the prosecutors have been able to muster.

There's a pretty big difference between chanting "Lock her up" about an active political candidate versus saying the same about a random kid who shot people (even if it was in self-defense).

It is a giant difference in magnitude but he is a symbol of a certain gun rights activists value.
11/8/2021 11:37 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/8/2021 11:35:00 PM (view original):
I haven't been watching the trial like I did the Chauvin one so I have no opinion.
Thats the kind of honesty that is refreshing because you are among the few that offers legit opinions and analysis whether I always agree or not . You put in the effort.
11/8/2021 11:44 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 11/8/2021 11:30:00 PM (view original):
And I agree with that also.
After full investigation charges may not have been warranted but this had such a terrible look had to be tried for the reasons you stated.

I really agree with you that the law has to be applied properly.
Somehow I am sure that most people won’t understand or accept the law.
I am sure glad that there was no racial element to this tragic mess.
A racial element was never in question by any sane person. A white guy shot 3 other white guys. I have seen articles titled things like “race is an underlying element of Rittenhouse trial.” The authors of those articles are clearly not sane people.
11/9/2021 6:49 AM
Posted by tangplay on 11/8/2021 11:35:00 PM (view original):

It is very dangerous when we start trying to throw our political opponents in prison. That is clearly what is going on here. The DA either bowed to the mob or has a political vendetta. I didn't like the "lock her up" chants from the right and I don't like this after hearing the lack of evidence that the prosecutors have been able to muster.

There's a pretty big difference between chanting "Lock her up" about an active political candidate versus saying the same about a random kid who shot people (even if it was in self-defense).

There may appear to be a big difference on the surface, but when you really think about the details it’s not as wide of a gap as it appears. We have known the details of this case from the get-go. Almost all of the evidence was available publicly from the on-set. The only new evidence that has been presented in trial was a FBI video that cuts in the defenses favor.

Honestly, this is worse than screaming “lock her up.” The DA knew that he didn’t have a case. He brought charges anyway because he feared a political mob. No charges were actually brought against Hillary.
11/9/2021 6:57 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 11/9/2021 6:49:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 11/8/2021 11:30:00 PM (view original):
And I agree with that also.
After full investigation charges may not have been warranted but this had such a terrible look had to be tried for the reasons you stated.

I really agree with you that the law has to be applied properly.
Somehow I am sure that most people won’t understand or accept the law.
I am sure glad that there was no racial element to this tragic mess.
A racial element was never in question by any sane person. A white guy shot 3 other white guys. I have seen articles titled things like “race is an underlying element of Rittenhouse trial.” The authors of those articles are clearly not sane people.
The dumbest article that I read was talking about he will get off because of “whitism”. Not only is that an incredibly divisive statement, it’s STUPID. He shot 3 white guys. You hear people say that the culture war is something concocted by the right. That one article alone kind of proves that’s not true. The right notices these divisive statements and then left gets mad at the right for noticing.
11/9/2021 7:00 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 11/9/2021 6:57:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/8/2021 11:35:00 PM (view original):

It is very dangerous when we start trying to throw our political opponents in prison. That is clearly what is going on here. The DA either bowed to the mob or has a political vendetta. I didn't like the "lock her up" chants from the right and I don't like this after hearing the lack of evidence that the prosecutors have been able to muster.

There's a pretty big difference between chanting "Lock her up" about an active political candidate versus saying the same about a random kid who shot people (even if it was in self-defense).

There may appear to be a big difference on the surface, but when you really think about the details it’s not as wide of a gap as it appears. We have known the details of this case from the get-go. Almost all of the evidence was available publicly from the on-set. The only new evidence that has been presented in trial was a FBI video that cuts in the defenses favor.

Honestly, this is worse than screaming “lock her up.” The DA knew that he didn’t have a case. He brought charges anyway because he feared a political mob. No charges were actually brought against Hillary.
Why do you think Hillary blatantly destroyed evidence if she wasn't guilty of anything?
I work in the DoD and I can assure you that the common person would've not only been stripped of their clearance, but would almost certainly had charges brought against them.
11/9/2021 7:35 AM
Maybe. Sounds like you are privvy to more info than I am. But we both know that those chants had nothing to do with her actual crimes. They were chanting it because she was their political opponent. That’s wrong.
11/9/2021 8:06 AM
Cripes, we're NOW talking about HRC??? FFS!!

Who exactly did Hillary shoot?
11/9/2021 8:10 AM
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Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Topic

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