Men in women's restrooms. Topic

It's also a natural response to conservatives calling trans people groomers and pedophiles for the last year. Of course it's gonna lead to IRL violence.
7/12/2022 3:40 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/12/2022 3:40:00 PM (view original):
It's also a natural response to conservatives calling trans people groomers and pedophiles for the last year. Of course it's gonna lead to IRL violence.
Tang, if you want to call evil as though it were good, and sin as though it was virtue.. Who am I to stop you?

You are defending sexual perversion. In doing so. you justify wickedness.. Hopefully, you don't do it for reward. but

If you are a 'civil rights lawyer' you are guilty of the above. By the way, the A.C.L.U. was founded by Communists. Communism denies the existence of God, and therefore is against freedom (exp freedom of speech) and this whole mindset has.. in the last 60 years.. infiltrated our universities, school (Especially school administrators) Politics, modern music and social media

The result is the worst level of human misery I have ever seenon this continent. and I have had 76 years to see the transition.. Nobody smiles anymore. A friend of mine was in Russia for the 1972 Cup series when Canada won it.. He said.. nobody smiles there.. and the life expectancy of a Russian male (in the late 80's ) was SIXTY THREE.. In Canada, it is about 82, Russia has an alcoholism rate of well over 40%.. in the 80's. It is probably unchanged.

That is how a nation lives, when they deny God.. and punish them who believe on him.. (not so much the last 30 years though)

Meanwhile, I watch you guys supporting all the Ungodly narratives, and IF you are typical of Joe US citizen, the US will fall.. and won't recover.. I will say this only one more time. "Except you repent, you will likewise PERISH' and that is my message to the US of A.. AND Canada

and rather than turn from their evil ways, they dream up new philosophies to justify them

You can NOT continue on that path.. because God will destroy the US just as he did Sodom and Gomorrah.. They were much like the US is right now.. and THEY did not have the Bible to warn them, America is without excuse

Just remembering what life was like in the late fifties.. If you are my age, you will remember it and tears will come to your eyes.. BUT few of you have a clue what life was like.. back then.. you only know what your commie teachers lied to you about, when they gave you a false story of America.. and THEY weren't there either


Choose this day, whom ye will serve
7/12/2022 11:12 PM
smile you’re on candid camera.
7/13/2022 1:09 AM
You are defending sexual perversion.

Just because you think it is sexual perversion, that does not make it so.
7/13/2022 1:18 AM
"By the way, the A.C.L.U. was founded by Communists."

What?? Who says?

Prove this!

Or admit you're a loon!

A.C.L.U. = American Civil Liberties Union

THEY fight to preserve our INDIVIDUAL Liberties!

How is that Communistic?

You said it, now defend it!

Ussen LOVES ALL, including Trannies!
7/13/2022 8:20 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/12/2022 11:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/12/2022 3:40:00 PM (view original):
It's also a natural response to conservatives calling trans people groomers and pedophiles for the last year. Of course it's gonna lead to IRL violence.
Tang, if you want to call evil as though it were good, and sin as though it was virtue.. Who am I to stop you?

You are defending sexual perversion. In doing so. you justify wickedness.. Hopefully, you don't do it for reward. but

If you are a 'civil rights lawyer' you are guilty of the above. By the way, the A.C.L.U. was founded by Communists. Communism denies the existence of God, and therefore is against freedom (exp freedom of speech) and this whole mindset has.. in the last 60 years.. infiltrated our universities, school (Especially school administrators) Politics, modern music and social media

The result is the worst level of human misery I have ever seenon this continent. and I have had 76 years to see the transition.. Nobody smiles anymore. A friend of mine was in Russia for the 1972 Cup series when Canada won it.. He said.. nobody smiles there.. and the life expectancy of a Russian male (in the late 80's ) was SIXTY THREE.. In Canada, it is about 82, Russia has an alcoholism rate of well over 40%.. in the 80's. It is probably unchanged.

That is how a nation lives, when they deny God.. and punish them who believe on him.. (not so much the last 30 years though)

Meanwhile, I watch you guys supporting all the Ungodly narratives, and IF you are typical of Joe US citizen, the US will fall.. and won't recover.. I will say this only one more time. "Except you repent, you will likewise PERISH' and that is my message to the US of A.. AND Canada

and rather than turn from their evil ways, they dream up new philosophies to justify them

You can NOT continue on that path.. because God will destroy the US just as he did Sodom and Gomorrah.. They were much like the US is right now.. and THEY did not have the Bible to warn them, America is without excuse

Just remembering what life was like in the late fifties.. If you are my age, you will remember it and tears will come to your eyes.. BUT few of you have a clue what life was like.. back then.. you only know what your commie teachers lied to you about, when they gave you a false story of America.. and THEY weren't there either


Choose this day, whom ye will serve
FFS are you an ignorant assclown. Yeah let’s go back to the 50’s cuz it was SO awesome! What a pathetic OLD man you are. Just a fading wretch from a generation I can’t WAIT to see die off. Your Religo-Fascist attempts to define morality and what our civil rights actually are is a JOKE and you are nothing but a DINOSAUR on his way to extinction.
7/13/2022 12:26 PM
The ACLU is a free speech org. They've defended nazis before. They're hardline in favor of 1A.
7/13/2022 1:33 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 7/12/2022 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/12/2022 5:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/11/2022 10:30:00 PM (view original):
Men should NOT be in women's restrooms.

transgender man who says a campground owner told him to use the women's bathroom on the site says he was beaten up by a group of men and arrested after a dispute with other guests over his presence there.

Noah Ruiz, who still has female body parts but identifies as a man, had tried to use the ladies' room at the campground in Preble County, Ohio, but a woman using the bathroom became upset he was in there because he is a man.

The 20-year-old told local news channel Fox 19: "I was using the bathroom, and she just started shouting. She was like, 'Who the f*** is in here?' And I replied, 'I am.' My girlfriend replied, 'I am as well.' She was like, 'No man should be in this bathroom. If you're a man you need to use a man's bathroom.' And I was like, 'I'm transgender. I have woman body parts, and I was told to use this bathroom.'"
Ruiz said that as he walked out of the restroom on July 3 following the argument with the woman in there, three men approached and attacked him: "They, like, grabbed me up off the ground. They choked me out. They said, 'I'll kill you, you f***, doing all this.' And I said, 'Dude, I'm not; I'm using the right bathroom. Rick Cross, the owner of this establishment, told me to use the bathroom. I'm following the rules."

After the alleged physical assault, the dispute continued to escalate with more campers arriving at the scene, police said. Preble County Sheriff Michael Simpson said: "When they arrived, deputies weren't aware of an assault. There was a large crowd gathering and Ruiz was highly intoxicated and was becoming belligerent."

Ruiz's mother, Jennifer Ruiz, told Fox 19 that her son had "got out of hand" by this point, but only because "no one was listening to him." Ruiz himself appeared to nod as his mother said he acknowledged he could have handled the situation differently at that point.

Deputies arrested Ruiz for disorderly conduct and obstructing official business. They did not know about the alleged assault that had previously occurred, the sheriff said, but Ruiz later filed an assault report. The sheriff's office said their investigation is continuing and they are looking for the men involved.

Transgender and gender-nonbinary teens face greater risk of sexual assault in schools that prevent them from using bathrooms or locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to a recent study.

Researchers looked at data from a survey of nearly 3,700 U.S. teens aged 13-17. The study found that 36% of transgender or gender-nonbinary students with restricted bathroom or locker room access reported being sexually assaulted in the last 12 months, according to a May 6, 2019 CNN article. Of all students surveyed, 1 out of every 4, or 25.9%, reported being a victim of sexual assault in the past year.

Congrats, conservatives. Your policies have led to more people getting sexually and physically assaulted. Happy now?

and your left policies are great examples of insanity

While I don't agree with assaulting Trans genders.. they are total freaks..having had their minds twisted by the wicked lefties.

YOU DON"T NEED A B,Sc to figure this out. You have a pole or you have a hole. One is male, the other is female

Pretty simple

HARVARD: The most over rated institution on the planet.. The don't teach, they destroy minds

and I would never hire anyone from there

What happens when "You have a pole or you have a hole. One is male, the other is female" isn't true?

I personally know people who were born hermaphroditic - IE, when they came out, they had both. How does that fit into your simple dichotomy?
I still want you to address this.

If God is perfect, and God thinks it's critically important that everyone is born with a clear and immutable biological gender, how does he allow people to be born with mixed genitals?
7/13/2022 7:35 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/13/2022 1:33:00 PM (view original):
The ACLU is a free speech org. They've defended nazis before. They're hardline in favor of 1A.
They used to be. Kind of lost their way on that one.
7/13/2022 8:03 PM
Quote post by dahsdebater on 7/13/2022 7:35:00 PM If God is perfect, and God thinks it's critically important that everyone is born with a clear and immutable biological gender, how does he allow people to be born with mixed genitals?

I can attempt to answer this, but I also want to try to understand/be cautious of the intent of the question.

God is perfect, AND stuff happens. It's part of the age old question why do bad things happen to good people. Why are some born deformed and others aren't ? Why does lightning strike and kill a good person ? Why does a pastor's teenage daughter die in a car crash while scum of the earth such as myself and others continue to live, maybe even the drunk who caused the crash ?

The Christian viewpoint is God 'allows' bad often for the better good, and bad only started to happen when sin and rebellion by people entered the world in the garden. God could if he wanted not allow bad to happen, but then who would turn to Him in their own strength. If not for Columbine high school maybe I miss an opp to reflect and ask questions and find Him.

It's ok to ask questions without malicious intent or agenda if your mind isn't already made up another way and trying to trip up someone else. Just be open to and ready for an answer, specially if you ask it of Him. In a bet between God and the devil, Job of the Bible known at the time as one of the most God-honoring men lost a fortune and his family in a single day. He did question God about it, in a bit of an understandable hissy. God's reply ? Who are you to question the One who puts the sheep on a thousand hills, who tells the mighty ocean waves only to this point may you come ? In the end, Job did not reject God.

God IS perfect. AND stuff happens.

Now, are you asking an honest question, or trying to make a point that you want nothing to do with a God who let's stuff happen ? By the way, doesn't stuff still happen to others who believe in something else or even nothing at all ?
7/13/2022 9:02 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 7/13/2022 7:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dahsdebater on 7/12/2022 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/12/2022 5:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/11/2022 10:30:00 PM (view original):
Men should NOT be in women's restrooms.

transgender man who says a campground owner told him to use the women's bathroom on the site says he was beaten up by a group of men and arrested after a dispute with other guests over his presence there.

Noah Ruiz, who still has female body parts but identifies as a man, had tried to use the ladies' room at the campground in Preble County, Ohio, but a woman using the bathroom became upset he was in there because he is a man.

The 20-year-old told local news channel Fox 19: "I was using the bathroom, and she just started shouting. She was like, 'Who the f*** is in here?' And I replied, 'I am.' My girlfriend replied, 'I am as well.' She was like, 'No man should be in this bathroom. If you're a man you need to use a man's bathroom.' And I was like, 'I'm transgender. I have woman body parts, and I was told to use this bathroom.'"
Ruiz said that as he walked out of the restroom on July 3 following the argument with the woman in there, three men approached and attacked him: "They, like, grabbed me up off the ground. They choked me out. They said, 'I'll kill you, you f***, doing all this.' And I said, 'Dude, I'm not; I'm using the right bathroom. Rick Cross, the owner of this establishment, told me to use the bathroom. I'm following the rules."

After the alleged physical assault, the dispute continued to escalate with more campers arriving at the scene, police said. Preble County Sheriff Michael Simpson said: "When they arrived, deputies weren't aware of an assault. There was a large crowd gathering and Ruiz was highly intoxicated and was becoming belligerent."

Ruiz's mother, Jennifer Ruiz, told Fox 19 that her son had "got out of hand" by this point, but only because "no one was listening to him." Ruiz himself appeared to nod as his mother said he acknowledged he could have handled the situation differently at that point.

Deputies arrested Ruiz for disorderly conduct and obstructing official business. They did not know about the alleged assault that had previously occurred, the sheriff said, but Ruiz later filed an assault report. The sheriff's office said their investigation is continuing and they are looking for the men involved.

Transgender and gender-nonbinary teens face greater risk of sexual assault in schools that prevent them from using bathrooms or locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to a recent study.

Researchers looked at data from a survey of nearly 3,700 U.S. teens aged 13-17. The study found that 36% of transgender or gender-nonbinary students with restricted bathroom or locker room access reported being sexually assaulted in the last 12 months, according to a May 6, 2019 CNN article. Of all students surveyed, 1 out of every 4, or 25.9%, reported being a victim of sexual assault in the past year.

Congrats, conservatives. Your policies have led to more people getting sexually and physically assaulted. Happy now?

and your left policies are great examples of insanity

While I don't agree with assaulting Trans genders.. they are total freaks..having had their minds twisted by the wicked lefties.

YOU DON"T NEED A B,Sc to figure this out. You have a pole or you have a hole. One is male, the other is female

Pretty simple

HARVARD: The most over rated institution on the planet.. The don't teach, they destroy minds

and I would never hire anyone from there

What happens when "You have a pole or you have a hole. One is male, the other is female" isn't true?

I personally know people who were born hermaphroditic - IE, when they came out, they had both. How does that fit into your simple dichotomy?
I still want you to address this.

If God is perfect, and God thinks it's critically important that everyone is born with a clear and immutable biological gender, how does he allow people to be born with mixed genitals?
Never heard of such a bizarre thing. National Enquirer might tell that story though
7/13/2022 9:08 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/13/2022 8:20:00 AM (view original):
"By the way, the A.C.L.U. was founded by Communists."

What?? Who says?

Prove this!

Or admit you're a loon!

A.C.L.U. = American Civil Liberties Union

THEY fight to preserve our INDIVIDUAL Liberties!

How is that Communistic?

You said it, now defend it!

Ussen LOVES ALL, including Trannies!
I am best to rephrase by saying founded by anarchists

7/13/2022 9:23 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/13/2022 8:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/13/2022 1:33:00 PM (view original):
The ACLU is a free speech org. They've defended nazis before. They're hardline in favor of 1A.
They used to be. Kind of lost their way on that one.
I don't actually disagree with this take
7/13/2022 9:30 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/13/2022 9:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dahsdebater on 7/13/2022 7:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dahsdebater on 7/12/2022 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/12/2022 5:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/11/2022 10:30:00 PM (view original):
Men should NOT be in women's restrooms.

transgender man who says a campground owner told him to use the women's bathroom on the site says he was beaten up by a group of men and arrested after a dispute with other guests over his presence there.

Noah Ruiz, who still has female body parts but identifies as a man, had tried to use the ladies' room at the campground in Preble County, Ohio, but a woman using the bathroom became upset he was in there because he is a man.

The 20-year-old told local news channel Fox 19: "I was using the bathroom, and she just started shouting. She was like, 'Who the f*** is in here?' And I replied, 'I am.' My girlfriend replied, 'I am as well.' She was like, 'No man should be in this bathroom. If you're a man you need to use a man's bathroom.' And I was like, 'I'm transgender. I have woman body parts, and I was told to use this bathroom.'"
Ruiz said that as he walked out of the restroom on July 3 following the argument with the woman in there, three men approached and attacked him: "They, like, grabbed me up off the ground. They choked me out. They said, 'I'll kill you, you f***, doing all this.' And I said, 'Dude, I'm not; I'm using the right bathroom. Rick Cross, the owner of this establishment, told me to use the bathroom. I'm following the rules."

After the alleged physical assault, the dispute continued to escalate with more campers arriving at the scene, police said. Preble County Sheriff Michael Simpson said: "When they arrived, deputies weren't aware of an assault. There was a large crowd gathering and Ruiz was highly intoxicated and was becoming belligerent."

Ruiz's mother, Jennifer Ruiz, told Fox 19 that her son had "got out of hand" by this point, but only because "no one was listening to him." Ruiz himself appeared to nod as his mother said he acknowledged he could have handled the situation differently at that point.

Deputies arrested Ruiz for disorderly conduct and obstructing official business. They did not know about the alleged assault that had previously occurred, the sheriff said, but Ruiz later filed an assault report. The sheriff's office said their investigation is continuing and they are looking for the men involved.

Transgender and gender-nonbinary teens face greater risk of sexual assault in schools that prevent them from using bathrooms or locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to a recent study.

Researchers looked at data from a survey of nearly 3,700 U.S. teens aged 13-17. The study found that 36% of transgender or gender-nonbinary students with restricted bathroom or locker room access reported being sexually assaulted in the last 12 months, according to a May 6, 2019 CNN article. Of all students surveyed, 1 out of every 4, or 25.9%, reported being a victim of sexual assault in the past year.

Congrats, conservatives. Your policies have led to more people getting sexually and physically assaulted. Happy now?

and your left policies are great examples of insanity

While I don't agree with assaulting Trans genders.. they are total freaks..having had their minds twisted by the wicked lefties.

YOU DON"T NEED A B,Sc to figure this out. You have a pole or you have a hole. One is male, the other is female

Pretty simple

HARVARD: The most over rated institution on the planet.. The don't teach, they destroy minds

and I would never hire anyone from there

What happens when "You have a pole or you have a hole. One is male, the other is female" isn't true?

I personally know people who were born hermaphroditic - IE, when they came out, they had both. How does that fit into your simple dichotomy?
I still want you to address this.

If God is perfect, and God thinks it's critically important that everyone is born with a clear and immutable biological gender, how does he allow people to be born with mixed genitals?
Never heard of such a bizarre thing. National Enquirer might tell that story though
There are and have been numerous instances of this fallen world phenomenon over the years.

The scientific or scholarly (if you prefer) word for this phenomenon is hermaphrodite.

Educate yourself before speaking so glibly, as that attitude and show of ignorance will greatly overshadow any good your words may have intentioned.

Like the same folks who scoff at the idea of climate change as a money grab or pure BS are ironically (?) the same ones conjuring up conspiracy theories concerning 1000s of cattle dying in Kansas as a result of said climate change.

It's almost comical, except it is decidedly not so.
7/14/2022 12:20 AM
Posted by bruceleefan on 7/14/2022 12:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/13/2022 9:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dahsdebater on 7/13/2022 7:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dahsdebater on 7/12/2022 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/12/2022 5:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/11/2022 10:30:00 PM (view original):
Men should NOT be in women's restrooms.

transgender man who says a campground owner told him to use the women's bathroom on the site says he was beaten up by a group of men and arrested after a dispute with other guests over his presence there.

Noah Ruiz, who still has female body parts but identifies as a man, had tried to use the ladies' room at the campground in Preble County, Ohio, but a woman using the bathroom became upset he was in there because he is a man.

The 20-year-old told local news channel Fox 19: "I was using the bathroom, and she just started shouting. She was like, 'Who the f*** is in here?' And I replied, 'I am.' My girlfriend replied, 'I am as well.' She was like, 'No man should be in this bathroom. If you're a man you need to use a man's bathroom.' And I was like, 'I'm transgender. I have woman body parts, and I was told to use this bathroom.'"
Ruiz said that as he walked out of the restroom on July 3 following the argument with the woman in there, three men approached and attacked him: "They, like, grabbed me up off the ground. They choked me out. They said, 'I'll kill you, you f***, doing all this.' And I said, 'Dude, I'm not; I'm using the right bathroom. Rick Cross, the owner of this establishment, told me to use the bathroom. I'm following the rules."

After the alleged physical assault, the dispute continued to escalate with more campers arriving at the scene, police said. Preble County Sheriff Michael Simpson said: "When they arrived, deputies weren't aware of an assault. There was a large crowd gathering and Ruiz was highly intoxicated and was becoming belligerent."

Ruiz's mother, Jennifer Ruiz, told Fox 19 that her son had "got out of hand" by this point, but only because "no one was listening to him." Ruiz himself appeared to nod as his mother said he acknowledged he could have handled the situation differently at that point.

Deputies arrested Ruiz for disorderly conduct and obstructing official business. They did not know about the alleged assault that had previously occurred, the sheriff said, but Ruiz later filed an assault report. The sheriff's office said their investigation is continuing and they are looking for the men involved.

Transgender and gender-nonbinary teens face greater risk of sexual assault in schools that prevent them from using bathrooms or locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to a recent study.

Researchers looked at data from a survey of nearly 3,700 U.S. teens aged 13-17. The study found that 36% of transgender or gender-nonbinary students with restricted bathroom or locker room access reported being sexually assaulted in the last 12 months, according to a May 6, 2019 CNN article. Of all students surveyed, 1 out of every 4, or 25.9%, reported being a victim of sexual assault in the past year.

Congrats, conservatives. Your policies have led to more people getting sexually and physically assaulted. Happy now?

and your left policies are great examples of insanity

While I don't agree with assaulting Trans genders.. they are total freaks..having had their minds twisted by the wicked lefties.

YOU DON"T NEED A B,Sc to figure this out. You have a pole or you have a hole. One is male, the other is female

Pretty simple

HARVARD: The most over rated institution on the planet.. The don't teach, they destroy minds

and I would never hire anyone from there

What happens when "You have a pole or you have a hole. One is male, the other is female" isn't true?

I personally know people who were born hermaphroditic - IE, when they came out, they had both. How does that fit into your simple dichotomy?
I still want you to address this.

If God is perfect, and God thinks it's critically important that everyone is born with a clear and immutable biological gender, how does he allow people to be born with mixed genitals?
Never heard of such a bizarre thing. National Enquirer might tell that story though
There are and have been numerous instances of this fallen world phenomenon over the years.

The scientific or scholarly (if you prefer) word for this phenomenon is hermaphrodite.

Educate yourself before speaking so glibly, as that attitude and show of ignorance will greatly overshadow any good your words may have intentioned.

Like the same folks who scoff at the idea of climate change as a money grab or pure BS are ironically (?) the same ones conjuring up conspiracy theories concerning 1000s of cattle dying in Kansas as a result of said climate change.

It's almost comical, except it is decidedly not so.
Show me ONE instance where someone was born with a hole and a pole. That said, I won't rule out the possibility of radio active poisoning doing something weird.. but I have never seen such a thing in over 70 years

I do not believe you know any such person
7/14/2022 4:21 AM
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Men in women's restrooms. Topic

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