Poll: Trump is going to lose. What happens then? Topic

I don’t think trying to get people to vote without understanding is the goal. I think the goal is to get people to vote early enough that it will be counted.
11/2/2020 4:49 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/2/2020 4:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 11/2/2020 3:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/2/2020 11:01:00 AM (view original):
That was one poll taken two weeks before the election, and before the Comey thing hurt Clinton right before the election. ******* dumbass.
Way to be civil. Maybe you should loot a store or two and bad mouth some police officers to really get your point across.
All3 is genuinely one of the dumbest people I have ever interacted with, online or not. What is there to be civil with all3? He's citing *one* poll from two weeks before the election, when Clinton was up by more than she was on election day, and claiming that somehow makes his point.

As for looting, I'm not sure what the point (or joke) was because I never supported it. Nice meme, I guess. Bit of a reach.

Here I thought that tone policing was something that only leftists complain about. Who would've known. :)
Doesn't mean you cannot be civil...per Trafalgar...the only poll that Predicted a Trump victory in 2016 I believe. I don't believe in the accuracy of polls post 2016 but for your viewing pleasure.

PA Nov 2, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 47.8%
Joe Biden 45.9%

Jo Jorgensen 1.4%
Someone Else 1.2%
Undecided 3.7%

MI Nov 1, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.3%
Joe Biden 45.8%

Jo Jorgensen 1.7%
Someone Else 1.3%
Undecided 3.0%

AZ Oct 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.9%
Joe Biden 46.4%

Jo Jorgensen 2.3%
Someone Else 1.7%
Undecided 0.7%

NC Oct 31, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.6%
Joe Biden 46.5%

Jo Jorgensen 2.6%
Someone Else 1.4%
Undecided 1.0%

OH Nov 2020 Presidential Poll
Donald Trump 49.2%
Joe Biden 44.4%

Jo Jorgensen 2.1%
Someone Else 1.7%
Undecided 2.6%

FL Sept 2020 Presidential Poll
Donald Trump 48.7%
Joe Biden 45.6%

Jo Jorgensen 2.2%
Another Party Candidate 1.3%
Undecided 2.3%
11/2/2020 5:28 PM
Trafalgar is 2012’s “unskewed” polls all over again. It’s fiction. Biden is going to win.
11/2/2020 5:46 PM
Suppose, just suppose it's your polling that's fiction. Do you hold them accountable, or just chalk it up to Trump voters are loony? How would you feel if for whatever the reason they simply inflate the numbers, trying to suppress Republican voters? Is that misleading, or just gamesmanship?

I guess what I want to know is do you want the media to put out factual material, or just be opinion writers?
11/2/2020 6:05 PM (edited)
It takes a special kind of delusion to think that Biden will win xD
11/2/2020 6:08 PM
The difference is intent. Trafalgar is a partisan poll. They want to put out polls that look good for Trump. Polls like this exist on the other side too, I don’t bring them up because they aren’t valuable.

The polls that matter are trying to be correct, not partisan, even if they get it wrong sometimes.
11/2/2020 6:09 PM
FWIW realclearpolitics.com has Trump within the margin of error in several swing states. Those are polling averages, including those who have Biden up double digits in Michigan. Trump is ahead in NC and OH
11/2/2020 6:16 PM (edited)
Posted by cccp1014 on 11/2/2020 5:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/2/2020 4:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 11/2/2020 3:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/2/2020 11:01:00 AM (view original):
That was one poll taken two weeks before the election, and before the Comey thing hurt Clinton right before the election. ******* dumbass.
Way to be civil. Maybe you should loot a store or two and bad mouth some police officers to really get your point across.
All3 is genuinely one of the dumbest people I have ever interacted with, online or not. What is there to be civil with all3? He's citing *one* poll from two weeks before the election, when Clinton was up by more than she was on election day, and claiming that somehow makes his point.

As for looting, I'm not sure what the point (or joke) was because I never supported it. Nice meme, I guess. Bit of a reach.

Here I thought that tone policing was something that only leftists complain about. Who would've known. :)
Doesn't mean you cannot be civil...per Trafalgar...the only poll that Predicted a Trump victory in 2016 I believe. I don't believe in the accuracy of polls post 2016 but for your viewing pleasure.

PA Nov 2, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 47.8%
Joe Biden 45.9%

Jo Jorgensen 1.4%
Someone Else 1.2%
Undecided 3.7%

MI Nov 1, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.3%
Joe Biden 45.8%

Jo Jorgensen 1.7%
Someone Else 1.3%
Undecided 3.0%

AZ Oct 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.9%
Joe Biden 46.4%

Jo Jorgensen 2.3%
Someone Else 1.7%
Undecided 0.7%

NC Oct 31, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.6%
Joe Biden 46.5%

Jo Jorgensen 2.6%
Someone Else 1.4%
Undecided 1.0%

OH Nov 2020 Presidential Poll
Donald Trump 49.2%
Joe Biden 44.4%

Jo Jorgensen 2.1%
Someone Else 1.7%
Undecided 2.6%

FL Sept 2020 Presidential Poll
Donald Trump 48.7%
Joe Biden 45.6%

Jo Jorgensen 2.2%
Another Party Candidate 1.3%
Undecided 2.3%
Trafalgar admits that they skew polls to give a Republican advantage, and they were more off in 2018 than any other pollster.

Sure, I could be civil while engaging with all3, but why should I?
11/2/2020 6:20 PM
Posted by DoctorKz on 11/2/2020 6:05:00 PM (view original):
Suppose, just suppose it's your polling that's fiction. Do you hold them accountable, or just chalk it up to Trump voters are loony? How would you feel if for whatever the reason they simply inflate the numbers, trying to suppress Republican voters? Is that misleading, or just gamesmanship?

I guess what I want to know is do you want the media to put out factual material, or just be opinion writers?
Legitimate question: How would pollsters inflating Democratic totals suppress Republican voters?

I fail to understand this logic. If anything, my understanding would be that this interference would only hurt the Dems by giving voters a false sense of security.

Of course, there's no evidence for this. In 2012, polling error underestimated Dems. In 2016, Trump won many undecided voters and polls underestimated white non-college voter lean towards Trump. In 2018, the polls were pretty good, generally.
11/2/2020 6:23 PM
Posted by DoctorKz on 11/2/2020 6:16:00 PM (view original):
FWIW realclearpolitics.com has Trump within the margin of error in several swing states. Those are polling averages, including those who have Biden up double digits in Michigan. Trump is ahead in NC and OH
Sure. Trump has a ~10% chance of winning. It would require a near-unprecedented polling error in key states, a larger one than he needed in 2016.
11/2/2020 6:26 PM
I don't share BL's faith in the polling being unbiased. They've headhunted Trump for four years. They won't play fair now. We're 24 hours away from this unfolding.

Soon the holidays will be upon us. I wish each and all happiness and good health. God Bless America
11/2/2020 6:28 PM
Posted by d_rock97 on 11/2/2020 6:08:00 PM (view original):
It takes a special kind of delusion to think that Biden will win xD
it takes a special kind of delusion to think that Trump is good for the country in any way, shape or form.
11/2/2020 6:28 PM
Posted by toddcommish on 11/2/2020 4:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 11/2/2020 2:50:00 PM (view original):
why not make fun of the delusional Trump voters??? There are plenty of them too.
I think that's one of the big problems. We're dealing with a LOT of delusional voters... period.

I was just commenting to some friends how the big push is HURRY UP AND VOTE, rather than read and learn about the issues.

It's almost as if the media wants you to vote without fully understanding the ramifications or something...
no doubt, there are many stupid people out there..on both sides of the political equation.
11/2/2020 6:29 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/2/2020 6:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 11/2/2020 5:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/2/2020 4:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 11/2/2020 3:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/2/2020 11:01:00 AM (view original):
That was one poll taken two weeks before the election, and before the Comey thing hurt Clinton right before the election. ******* dumbass.
Way to be civil. Maybe you should loot a store or two and bad mouth some police officers to really get your point across.
All3 is genuinely one of the dumbest people I have ever interacted with, online or not. What is there to be civil with all3? He's citing *one* poll from two weeks before the election, when Clinton was up by more than she was on election day, and claiming that somehow makes his point.

As for looting, I'm not sure what the point (or joke) was because I never supported it. Nice meme, I guess. Bit of a reach.

Here I thought that tone policing was something that only leftists complain about. Who would've known. :)
Doesn't mean you cannot be civil...per Trafalgar...the only poll that Predicted a Trump victory in 2016 I believe. I don't believe in the accuracy of polls post 2016 but for your viewing pleasure.

PA Nov 2, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 47.8%
Joe Biden 45.9%

Jo Jorgensen 1.4%
Someone Else 1.2%
Undecided 3.7%

MI Nov 1, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.3%
Joe Biden 45.8%

Jo Jorgensen 1.7%
Someone Else 1.3%
Undecided 3.0%

AZ Oct 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.9%
Joe Biden 46.4%

Jo Jorgensen 2.3%
Someone Else 1.7%
Undecided 0.7%

NC Oct 31, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.6%
Joe Biden 46.5%

Jo Jorgensen 2.6%
Someone Else 1.4%
Undecided 1.0%

OH Nov 2020 Presidential Poll
Donald Trump 49.2%
Joe Biden 44.4%

Jo Jorgensen 2.1%
Someone Else 1.7%
Undecided 2.6%

FL Sept 2020 Presidential Poll
Donald Trump 48.7%
Joe Biden 45.6%

Jo Jorgensen 2.2%
Another Party Candidate 1.3%
Undecided 2.3%
Trafalgar admits that they skew polls to give a Republican advantage, and they were more off in 2018 than any other pollster.

Sure, I could be civil while engaging with all3, but why should I?
Why shouldn't you? Civility is important.
11/2/2020 6:33 PM
Calls for civility from Trump supporters never cease to amaze me.
11/2/2020 6:45 PM
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Poll: Trump is going to lose. What happens then? Topic

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