Dems Steal AZ Governor Election Topic

Posted by lostnfound74 on 12/16/2022 10:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 12/16/2022 9:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 12/16/2022 5:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 12/16/2022 4:05:00 PM (view original):
it's like me saying I know more about Jesus and the Bible then you do. I know I don't and readily admit it. Why is it you can't admit that you may be wrong about something or anything, or that someone who actually lives in a place may know more about life there than you do?
WRONG. I admit if I am wrong.. and you have seen it a lot

and what makes you think Canadians are ignorant of US politics? US goes down, then the whole free world follows..
. so we care

We care that you have a guy in office right now and that he is not totally cognizant (sp) maybe a touch of dimentia. We care that you, the greatest nation in history could end up under dictatorship with your freedoms gone.. . We care that when Elon Mukh bought Twirrer, he fired the execs who were into censoring member's comments under the guise of hate speech. .. and that the left is against him for that. That alone should tell you that your freedom of speech could be taken from you

Musk is not my hero, and neither is Trump, but I like them both..

We care that the US could end up just like the CCCP and North Korea, because both countries do their best to make life a living hell for anyone who puts God above 'The State' and I would rather be dead than red

I hope you understand this

I don't recall ever seeing you admit that you were wrong, or even that you might be wrong.
where did I ever say Canadians are ignorant of US politics?? I have often defended your right to comment on US politics, but I said don't be surprised if no one listens to you.
I am surprised if and when they do listen.

and I won't get into the rest of this
of course you won't, since you have no reasonable response.
12/17/2022 10:57 PM
For any of you who actually want the TRUTH on this matter:

The AZ Republic (newspaper) published Kari Lake's Lawsuit details yesterday (or the day be-4). All 70 pages of it!!
I have read thru it, all 70 pages. I AM NOT an Attorney, however I (unfortunately) am quite familiar with the lingo and procedures.

The "filing" is starkly superficial. Devoid of actual damages. And, most importantly contains few (if ANY) serious matters requiring litigation.

Lake's PRIMARY argument to the Court appears on page 51 (of 70) in her filing.
It is as follows: (I assure you this is COMPLETE and accurate---read it for yourself on page 51)

Lake claims because of the FACT that on an evening following the election------the Maricopa County Recorder, (The single individual Charged with conducting the County election--in the single LARGEST REPUBLICAN COUNTY in the Nation!!) one Stephen Richter..........
Announced on the TV NEWS that there were 275,000 + votes remaining to be counted. The following day another County Recorder's office EMPLOYEE went on TV news and stated that there were 298,000 votes left to count.

Thus Kari Lake is claiming that the County (somehow) manufactured an ADDITIONAL 25,000 VOTES.

Thus, Kari Lake's lawsuit is based on the FACT that SHE can't seem to understand a + sign!!
Apparently Kari Lake (who we Arizonans KNOW is logic challenged) can't do simple math.
As 298,000 minus 275,000 is 23,000 votes, and AS the Recorder told the State publicly that there were 275,000 + votes to be counted, Lake's claim that the Recorder (or Hobbs somehow!!) invented an additional 25,000 votes is PURE BUNK!! A LIE.

All Lake is about is duping the simpletons that The Don duped. She is intent on being his VP Candidate. Losers partnering with losers!!
Just like all the believers!! Dumbass LOSERS!!!

And the Lawsuit is about as frivolous as ANY I've ever seen filed!!

P.S. FYI. Maricopa County, Arizona is the MOST Republican County in the U.S. of A. Meaning, there are MORE registered Republican voters in Maricopa County than in ANY other County in the USA!!! So, Lake is claiming that the Republican officials in the most Republican County in the Nation CHEATED to elect a Democrat rather than Lake!! Query, IF that is so, what does it say about Kari Lake that Republicans (supposedly) cheated to make sure SHE was NOT elected as our Governor!! The right-wing has given themselves over COMPLETELY to LIES and delusion and STUPIDITY. I sincerely hope the PARTY implodes!!
12/19/2022 9:07 AM (edited)
Bob, why do you bother? LnF and his ilk don't care about logic or facts.
12/19/2022 2:03 PM
Excellent question Wylie.

I guess I just don't want to concede the public discourse to lies and misinformation. In a word, I'm stubborn.
12/19/2022 2:25 PM
The problem is that gg, lnf, Kari Lake, Trump, etc. don't actually believe any of the specific evidence they bring up. They start from the conclusion that it is IMPOSSIBLE for their candidate to lose, and everything from there is trying to FIND evidence to support the conclusion they already believe. It's backwards from a logic perspective.

That's why you see GG post so much "evidence" and then move on to a new claim when the current one is debunked. It's a big game of whack-a-mole. He doesn't believe any of the specific things he's saying.
12/19/2022 2:53 PM
8 of the 10 "planks" of Fake Lake's Lawsuit were dismissed. Her Attorneys were given a deadline to produce actual evidence on the remaining 2 "planks" of her suit. She'll end up owing some significant costs and attorney fees. Most likely some "donors" of questionable intelligence actually end up footing the bill.

Wonder if lnf contributed?
12/20/2022 10:11 AM
12/21/2022 4:07 AM
It's all over, for now.
The Judge tossed Lake's remaining two "planks" of her lawsuit.
Sanctions are likely next for her legal team.

As I pointed out earlier, in The Nation's largest Republican County, the Republican Maricopa County head (a guy named Gates) issued the following statement after the Judge's decision:

"Plaintiff Lake’s lawsuit was never about well-pled facts and evidence. Instead, it was the continuation of a made-for-TV tirade from a candidate who cannot or will not accept the fact that she lost,"

ANYONE still buying the horsesh*t coming out of these Trump acolytes is a full on lunatic, or just completely daft!!
I'm looking at you lnf!
12/25/2022 9:28 AM
The Judge's ORDER (final page of a 10 page ruling) follows"

"IT IS ORDERED: confirming the election of Katie Hobbs as Arizona Governor-Elect pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-676(B). The Court notes the representations of the County Defendants that a motion for sanctions would be forthcoming and the Court also considers the need of this Court to enter an Order under Rule 54(c), Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure so that an appeal on all issues might be taken in a timely fashion. Therefore: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: that a statement of costs including compensation of inspectors under A.R.S. § 16-677(C) must be filed by 8:00 a.m. Monday, December 26, 2022. Failure to do so by the deadline will be deemed a waiver of those costs. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: any motion for sanctions must be filed by 8:00 a.m. Monday, December 26, 2022, and any response by Plaintiff must be filed by 5:00 p.m. Monday, December 26, 2022. The Court will not consider a reply. After consideration of any sanctions motion, or the failure to file such a motion, and the presentation of costs to be assessed, the Court will enter a signed judgment under Rule 54."

It seems Kari's lake has dried up. She must be suffering from Magapause.
12/25/2022 9:41 AM
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Dems Steal AZ Governor Election Topic

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