Savage VIII Rosters/Commentary Topic

Biggest steals I like so far:

- maybe Jokic, ask me later
- Capela for sure
- Marion
- Mourning
6/27/2022 8:40 PM
So how do you feel about Jokic now?
6/27/2022 10:47 PM
My last 2 picks were a little shaky. Let's see what is leftover in 30 picks.
6/28/2022 6:44 PM
Well I was really hoping to pick Haliburton at the 6/7 turn, he was a good pick even with only two seasons,
6/28/2022 7:53 PM
It’s a risk, but I am doing okay with minutes. I was fairly certain he wouldn’t be available when the draft came back, especially when I saw Terry Porter go.
6/28/2022 8:08 PM
We are going to rue letting Ben lock up that Wood/Porter/Clarke SF rotation. I looked at Wood in the 4th but he didn't quite fit. I looked at Porter in the 6th and he didn't fit, and I said "but he definitely fits for Ben." Only thing we can hope is that he doesn't get the guys he wants at other positions after devoting 3 of his first 7 picks to that position.
6/29/2022 8:29 AM
Posted by tarheel1991 on 6/29/2022 8:29:00 AM (view original):
We are going to rue letting Ben lock up that Wood/Porter/Clarke SF rotation. I looked at Wood in the 4th but he didn't quite fit. I looked at Porter in the 6th and he didn't fit, and I said "but he definitely fits for Ben." Only thing we can hope is that he doesn't get the guys he wants at other positions after devoting 3 of his first 7 picks to that position.
I was actually thinking the same thing - what a lethal combination.
6/29/2022 9:19 AM
State Farm fix dropped. Probably no bearing on this league but it is out.
6/29/2022 11:31 AM
6/29/2022 11:32 AM
Just to be transparent with data. A few of us in the league ran a test on the new build. You can see the league here:

We created a bunch of teams with mostly similar bounds, where the assist were the big variable. Where in the state farm build, assists started sky rocketing upwards around 130% assists, in the new engine they start to flatten out around that number. Everything before that is basically identical to the old model with the only impact being there is not a step function anymore (in the old model everything from 60-69 was the same, everything from 70-79 was the same, etc.). From what we could tell in our 50ish game sample, it seems to function as expected.

There does not appear to be any other impact besides state farm does no longer working which I why I linked to the expected release date at the beginning of the draft.
6/29/2022 12:13 PM (edited)
Thanks rob, I’m glad you and your team were able to contribute. So when are you getting hired by WIS? Jk
6/29/2022 12:00 PM
Posted by robusk on 6/29/2022 11:41:00 AM (view original):
Just to be transparent with data. A few of us in the league ran a test on the new build. You can see the league here:

We created a bunch of teams with mostly similar bounds, where the assist were the big variable. Where in the state farm build, assists started sky rocketing upwards around 130% assists, in the new engine they start to flatten out around that number. Everything before that is basically identical to the old model with the only impact being there is not a step function anymore (in the old model everything from 60-69 was the same, everything from 70-79 was the same, etc.). From what we could tell in our 50ish game sample, it seems to function as expected.

There does not appear to be any other impact besides state farm does not work which I why I linked to the expected release date at the beginning of the draft.
Great news. I kind of want to be in the first OL which starts with the new update :D
6/29/2022 12:07 PM
Will we still get penalized for coming in under 60?
6/29/2022 1:01 PM
Posted by NotoriousJ on 6/29/2022 1:01:00 PM (view original):
Will we still get penalized for coming in under 60?
Yeah, outside of step function all that works the same. You can click on any of the teams in that league and get a sense of the impact.
6/29/2022 1:12 PM
Had hoped they would drop clones from OL as a part of it but progress is progress.
6/29/2022 1:13 PM
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Savage VIII Rosters/Commentary Topic

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