Honest Abe Lincoln>>>>Lyin' Donnie Trump Topic

Put shorter... if you set up a debate to be a smear job on the character of one candidate, you make it easier for the guy you support to win, but you rob the American people of the actual purpose of the debate - that is, to see what the candidates represent. It's a win for a partisan, but a loss for the Democracy and a clear loss for a neutral observer.

If there are real stories out there that bear on the character of the candidates, then by all means they should be pursued and published. And with any time of publication, that information will be available to voters. But if you intentionally time that publication to undermine one candidate in the debates, you go beyond providing information and try to bias one of the only opportunities to hear the candidates actually speak for themselves without 100% scripting.
9/28/2020 11:45 PM
Do you think you're putting the cart before the horse somewhat?
9/29/2020 12:14 AM
I do think the majority of the media is biased against trump. But I have tried to explain and I will reiterate it is not about being left or favoring Democrats in general. It about a genuine belief that trump is uniquely unfit.....and possibly dangerous to the republic and national security and not a real president and has literally waged war on them from 2016 to the present in blistering non stop insults and attacks.
sometimes you reap what you sow.

as for timing of stories I’m being honest that I think it will happen but that’s less about bias then that’s show business and ratings....there will be big stories every day between each debate. Not just blockbusters leading into the debates.

truth is never slander.
this big story is document based and trump had at least a few days heads up.
and it has been a story for 5 years.
unfair surprise.....smear......give me a break.

finally how in the he double hockey sticks this not be an issue of character and integrity and potential criminality and lying to the public and creative a fake persona.....these are issues.

and don’t you realize that debates always saves space for major campaign impacting stories like the emails.

you don’t sweep breaking verified and not denied news under the rug.

how the major media works. They tell the party in this case trump the story is coming and tell what they will disclose and give trump a chance to review and respond.
trump had only said the story is not a story not that there is fabricated Information. He says he paid taxes but refuses to say he paid income taxes.
the story is not disputed and not called libel or fraudulent.

so this remarkably important story could only be ignored if the media was incompetent or biased for trump.
9/29/2020 12:26 AM (edited)
It is so soon but as far as I know it is not known yet who trump owes the 421 million.

maybe it is foreign country owned banks.
for example maybe he owes 150 million to a Putin run bank and he works off what he owes by doing favors for Russia.

this could be happening.
9/29/2020 12:40 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 9/28/2020 4:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 9/28/2020 4:16:00 PM (view original):
I see even tang admits that Trump's deductions were legal. What the heell is all the ******* and moaning about then? Did Trump write the tax laws? Do you not take every deduction you are entitled to? Oh that's right, the hatred shown by the Libs doesn't need any justification.
You HAVE gone batshit crazy!! I mentioned specific items/deductions etc that Trump took that are NOT legal.

YOU are LYING when you claim his "deductions were legal".
Shame on You for joining the scumbag liar's club.
I guess when you support a liar long enough...................
More hate-filled BS. I clearly posted earlier that I had no idea if any or all the deductions were legal. I saw a repost where tang said they probably were. I restated he said that, never altering my position that I had no idea. Keep hating and looking for argument though. It's what people here do best.
9/29/2020 8:36 AM
Posted by dahsdebater on 9/28/2020 11:45:00 PM (view original):
Put shorter... if you set up a debate to be a smear job on the character of one candidate, you make it easier for the guy you support to win, but you rob the American people of the actual purpose of the debate - that is, to see what the candidates represent. It's a win for a partisan, but a loss for the Democracy and a clear loss for a neutral observer.

If there are real stories out there that bear on the character of the candidates, then by all means they should be pursued and published. And with any time of publication, that information will be available to voters. But if you intentionally time that publication to undermine one candidate in the debates, you go beyond providing information and try to bias one of the only opportunities to hear the candidates actually speak for themselves without 100% scripting.
OK, I agree with this. I just don't think that that is what is going on.

AND, I absolutely will NOT accept your premise that the media leans left.
THAT is what the right has been trumpeting for years and it's just NOT verifiable at all!
We have no LEFT networks. But, we have a national "right" network.
We have little or no left "talk radio" while we have had a LOUD and extensive "right-wing" talk radio industry for decades!!
Try living in a rural area like I do and then tell me that general media leans left! That is BUNK!
Where I live just about ALL media is VERY right-wing biased!

You're just pushing Republican spin with the media bias ****!
9/29/2020 8:45 AM (edited)
Posted by all3 on 9/29/2020 8:36:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/28/2020 4:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 9/28/2020 4:16:00 PM (view original):
I see even tang admits that Trump's deductions were legal. What the heell is all the ******* and moaning about then? Did Trump write the tax laws? Do you not take every deduction you are entitled to? Oh that's right, the hatred shown by the Libs doesn't need any justification.
You HAVE gone batshit crazy!! I mentioned specific items/deductions etc that Trump took that are NOT legal.

YOU are LYING when you claim his "deductions were legal".
Shame on You for joining the scumbag liar's club.
I guess when you support a liar long enough...................
More hate-filled BS. I clearly posted earlier that I had no idea if any or all the deductions were legal. I saw a repost where tang said they probably were. I restated he said that, never altering my position that I had no idea. Keep hating and looking for argument though. It's what people here do best.
If I have mis-stated your position, I truly apologize.

How about you actually caring about the Country enough to accept that our Country has as it's head, a con man who owes millions of dollars to God knows who, and a man who has FAILED repeatedly at what HE claimed was his skill................business!
You errant voters have a responsibility to mirror UP and admit to yourselves how badly you erred.
When I see that happen, I'll start paying a WHOLE lot more attention to your feeling and opinions!
9/29/2020 8:50 AM
Every day the interns would take out Nixon’s dog so that he could do his business.
Nixon's dog was a better business man then trump.
9/29/2020 11:01 AM
At the trump household they don’t play the game of monopoly. They play a game called go for broke where the object of the game is who can go from billionaire to broke first.
9/29/2020 11:07 AM
My prediction for the debate tonight:
Trump: He’s on steroids, his memory is terrible without steroids, he’s a deranged madman on the juice.
Biden: How do steroids help memory?
Trump: He’s like Barry Bonds and I’m like Roger Clemens.
Biden: ....what
Trump: I knew Roger on the Yankees, great player, very strong team, everybody loves the Yankees. Me and Steinbrenner went way back, very strongly.
Wallace:...the question was about COVID....
Trump: Hoax.
Wallace:....and the 200k dead...
Trump: And we mourn them all. Except the ones in New York.
Wallace: Ok, and do you think...
Trump: What a terrible question, you’re a terrible reporter Chris and your daddy didn’t love you and you’ll never be as good as him, everybody knows it, lot of people are saying.
Biden: Projection...
Trump: We’re not in a movie theater Joe, nobody can go to those because you didn’t order a mask mandate in July.
Wallace: Jesus Christ.
Trump: Whoa, don’t take the lord’s name in vain, Chris. I’m very religious. And Joe killed his kids, a lot of people are saying Joe killed his kids.
The Cult: Yeah, you tell him Don! Jesus don’t take the wheel, Don has it now!
Reporters: Should Biden have responded better when Trump said he murdered his own children?
9/29/2020 11:09 AM
Posted by dahsdebater on 9/28/2020 11:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/28/2020 3:46:00 PM (view original):
"But the media doesn't really lean left, right? That's just right-wing conspiracy theory."

You don't think the long hidden Trump "tax returns" is legitimate News??
You don't think that many of those return "details" would (and SHOULD) outrage honest American citizen, tax payers, and VOTERS?

You THINK that has something to do with left vs. right and ignore the FACT that we have ONE major Network (the ONLY such compromised Network in my view!!) totally devoted to the Republican Party and the Crook in the White House???
And yet you imply some sort of left wing media bias. Ever heard of left wing talk radio?? Not so much from my angle.

I actually THINK you just revealed a very biased analysis of a significant NEW News item; TRUMP's long awaited Tax returns.
Gives the rest of us posters some perspective when trying to weigh the validity of your opinion.
Why would ANYONE try and spin this NEWS as a left leaning media plot vs. Trump!!

Quite the take IMO.
The point is that some people - particularly tang and UofA - are consistently pushing back against the (I believe entirely accurate) perception that most of the mainstream media in the United States lean left (within the US political window). Dino, however, is suggesting that new stories will come out RIGHT BEFORE EACH DEBATE. It's very clear that if something like that is true, the media is far from unbiased. I don't actually think this timing was planned, but if it was, it's kind of dirty.

If you give one candidate firepower on a new scandal, real or not, before the other candidate has any time to defend himself in advance of the debate you can virtually guarantee that this is going to be a big part of the context of the debate. This is problematic to me because - and stay with me here - Trump's taxes have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with any important policy positions of the candidates, vision for America's future, etc. I'd much rather see them debate the things that will actually impact the futures of the American people instead of Trump's taxes. Of course, Trump never answers the questions they ask anyway, but I'd at least hope he'd get every chance to do so...
If Trump owes $400m to unknown sources, yes, that is important to America’s future if he continues as president.
9/29/2020 11:12 AM
That was right on.
9/29/2020 11:13 AM
Posted by dahsdebater on 9/28/2020 11:45:00 PM (view original):
Put shorter... if you set up a debate to be a smear job on the character of one candidate, you make it easier for the guy you support to win, but you rob the American people of the actual purpose of the debate - that is, to see what the candidates represent. It's a win for a partisan, but a loss for the Democracy and a clear loss for a neutral observer.

If there are real stories out there that bear on the character of the candidates, then by all means they should be pursued and published. And with any time of publication, that information will be available to voters. But if you intentionally time that publication to undermine one candidate in the debates, you go beyond providing information and try to bias one of the only opportunities to hear the candidates actually speak for themselves without 100% scripting.
This is fair, debates usually are pretty crappy, especially when there’s 10 people up there.
9/29/2020 11:13 AM
Posted by Uofa2 on 9/29/2020 11:09:00 AM (view original):
My prediction for the debate tonight:
Trump: He’s on steroids, his memory is terrible without steroids, he’s a deranged madman on the juice.
Biden: How do steroids help memory?
Trump: He’s like Barry Bonds and I’m like Roger Clemens.
Biden: ....what
Trump: I knew Roger on the Yankees, great player, very strong team, everybody loves the Yankees. Me and Steinbrenner went way back, very strongly.
Wallace:...the question was about COVID....
Trump: Hoax.
Wallace:....and the 200k dead...
Trump: And we mourn them all. Except the ones in New York.
Wallace: Ok, and do you think...
Trump: What a terrible question, you’re a terrible reporter Chris and your daddy didn’t love you and you’ll never be as good as him, everybody knows it, lot of people are saying.
Biden: Projection...
Trump: We’re not in a movie theater Joe, nobody can go to those because you didn’t order a mask mandate in July.
Wallace: Jesus Christ.
Trump: Whoa, don’t take the lord’s name in vain, Chris. I’m very religious. And Joe killed his kids, a lot of people are saying Joe killed his kids.
The Cult: Yeah, you tell him Don! Jesus don’t take the wheel, Don has it now!
Reporters: Should Biden have responded better when Trump said he murdered his own children?
Right on perfect
9/29/2020 11:23 AM
Posted by tangplay on 9/29/2020 12:14:00 AM (view original):
Do you think you're putting the cart before the horse somewhat?
Absolutely. I'm pretty sure I said I think the timing was coincidental. If I didn't, I do think that.

It was more a shot at dino and his wild celebration of the idea of a major media outlet intentionally undermining the democratic process.
9/29/2020 11:49 AM
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Honest Abe Lincoln>>>>Lyin' Donnie Trump Topic

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