Another tragedy averted by an armed citizen Topic

There was a shooting in Florida. A mentally disturbed man threatened to kill the members of a Board of Education for firing his wife.

The tragedy was prevented by an armed security guard. It was almost too late though.

A woman tried to stop him by hitting him with her purse. He tossed her to the ground and might have killed her if the security guard had not finally made his heroic enterance, after the gunman missed in killing members of the board.

If only that woman, or members of the board had been armed. The whole situation would not have come down to the luck of a bad shot.
12/15/2010 6:54 PM
Hard to say. He clearly got a gun when the law said he couldnt.

Criminals dont follow the laws. Gun Control only disarms Law Abiding Citizens!
12/15/2010 8:15 PM
There is a difference between an armed citizen and an armed SECURITY GUARD!!
12/15/2010 10:48 PM
Yeah...that kind of seems to be an important point.
12/16/2010 1:11 AM
You really believe that Security Guards are usually well trained?

He had the experience. On or off duty he would have done the same thing.

The real interesting part of this story is how it was reported. The left kept saying that no one was hurt. The right reported that an armed security prevented a tragedy. The left refuses to acknowledge the tens of thousands of Americans who are saved by an armed citizenry!
12/16/2010 3:20 AM (edited)

Getting ready for a family outing to the mall!
12/16/2010 5:27 AM
I can't believe I bit, and got suckered into reading swamp's bullshit. Ugh.

swamp, you disgusting fucktard - there was a tragedy in Florida. A man shot himself in the head and died. If that doesn't qualify as a tragedy to do, then your politics would seem to have completely divorced you from whatever was left of your humanity.

Here's the news report, which swamp didn't bother linking to because he's afraid you might draw your own conclusions rather than taking his regurgitated words as gospel.
12/16/2010 9:45 AM

He had the experience. On or off duty he would have done the same thing.
Great, that's all we need is off-duty security guards carrying guns; most of those jobs are low paying and I wouldn't trust any of them to carry a can of mace let alone a gun.
12/16/2010 1:16 PM
12/16/2010 1:28 PM
Posted by antonsirius on 12/16/2010 9:45:00 AM (view original):
I can't believe I bit, and got suckered into reading swamp's bullshit. Ugh.

swamp, you disgusting fucktard - there was a tragedy in Florida. A man shot himself in the head and died. If that doesn't qualify as a tragedy to do, then your politics would seem to have completely divorced you from whatever was left of your humanity.

Here's the news report, which swamp didn't bother linking to because he's afraid you might draw your own conclusions rather than taking his regurgitated words as gospel.

1 Although I feel sorry for the direction his life took and for the sorrow of his family a psychotic hostage taker killing himself isnt a tragedy, its a solution.

2 And what did I keep from them. The story was on all over the place.

3 It still drives you nuts that you cannot handle me. That I have not gone away. Sorry!

12/16/2010 4:48 PM
1 Thank you for proving my point.

2 Your willful ignorance as to why you link to things on the internet is already well-established, thanks.

3 You have gone away from my perspective, idiot. That's the whole point of blocking. I only checked this one because the comments from rl and russo made it seem like it might be worth reading. Really, I should have known better.
12/16/2010 7:22 PM
I hope you never lose someone to violent crime. I hope no one in your family ever has a gun pointed at them in anger.
12/17/2010 1:52 AM
Too late, fucktard.

I hope someday you find your lost soul.
12/17/2010 7:33 PM
I hope one day you can get past the hate and anger you seem to have of this topic and start to see the reality of the folly of gun control. As someone who has also had a family member murdered I also was outraged by what I felt was government policy gone wrong, but from the side of a legal system unable to control crime.
12/18/2010 2:41 AM
If your brain still functioned properly, you would remember that I'm pro-2nd amendment, you complete waste of pixels. But because you lie to yourself that I'm a stereotypical liberal, you can't process me having a position like that, so you end up making yourself look like a fucktard. Again.

But for the record, my position on gun control has nothing to do with my ability to recognize a tragedy when I hear about one -- or rather, your inability to recognize a tragedy when you hear about one.

A fellow human being was broken down to the point that they saw no other recourse but to spread their pain around to others, and try to commit suicide by cop. That is a tragedy, whether your atrophied sense of humanity can see it or not.
12/18/2010 6:28 PM
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Another tragedy averted by an armed citizen Topic

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