Evidence of Massive Election Fraud Topic

A party ok with months of mass protests in the streets should never have been allowed to change the rules of the election. Fraud!!!
11/5/2020 8:15 PM


11/5/2020 9:33 PM
11/5/2020 9:46 PM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 11/5/2020 8:15:00 PM (view original):
A party ok with months of mass protests in the streets should never have been allowed to change the rules of the election. Fraud!!!
what the **** are you talking about? Please shut the **** up.
11/5/2020 10:27 PM
As more evidence emerges, twitter, facebook, most major media censor the president. All the idiots who call US a fascist state, you realize if that was true then the leader of such a country would not be being silenced, muzzled, and derided line he has been, right? Trump may be wrong, but censorship is never right. Read 1984.
11/6/2020 4:45 AM
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And yes, Trump's false claims about voter fraud should absolutely be silenced right now as they are dangerous.
11/6/2020 4:56 AM
Sure to drive Lyin' Donny's racist base nutty:

Muslim and Arab Voters May Have Secured Biden's Michigan Win

Arab and Muslim communities likely substantially contributed to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s victory in Michigan, according to local activists and organizers.

Emgage Action, a Muslim civic advocacy organization that endorsed Biden, said that approximately 81,000 Muslim Americans cast early and absentee votes in the state. (The exact number of votes cast by Muslim Americans in Michigan is not yet known.) Biden beat President Donald Trump by roughly 150,000 votes in Michigan, where Hillary Clinton lost by just 11,000 votes in 2016.

Muslim American groups and activists focused on rallying voters before Election Day — setting up phone banks and virtual town halls aimed at maximizing turnout, especially in battleground states. Those efforts, they said, paid off and Michigan is an example of that.

“Where would the Democrats be without those 81,000 Muslims?” said Nada Al-Hanooti, executive director of Emgage’s Michigan chapter. She said her organization had been working every day since August to register a record number of Muslims as part of their nationwide Million Muslim Votes campaign, and added that Biden’s victory in Michigan could not have happened without the Muslim and Arab vote.

“Muslims showed up for Biden today and we’re going to expect him to show up for us come January,” she said.

Although it is difficult to say for sure, the Arab and Muslim vote in the state appears to have had a significant impact. More than 270,000 Muslim Americans live in Michigan, making up nearly 2.75% of the state’s population. More than one-third of residents in Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit, identify as Arab-American or Muslim or both. Biden defeated Trump in Wayne County, which includes Detroit and Dearborn and is the most populous county in the state.

11/6/2020 5:13 AM
This morning I'm thanking Ussen for Trump's BIG Mouth and tiny brain.

Imagine what MIGHT have happened had Trump kept his mouth shut------------- NOT insulting and deriding real American heroes like John McCain.
Not disparaging Mexicans and Muslims. Not being the big mouth egotistical dumbass he IS and refraining from making admirers of McCain and (most) minorities everywhere despise HIM. He is personally responsible for delivering Arizona (and Michigan) to the Democrats!
11/6/2020 7:47 AM
The only demographic group that Trump did not see increased support from was white males.
11/6/2020 7:52 AM
You mean educated "white males" right?
11/6/2020 9:33 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 11/6/2020 7:47:00 AM (view original):
This morning I'm thanking Ussen for Trump's BIG Mouth and tiny brain.

Imagine what MIGHT have happened had Trump kept his mouth shut------------- NOT insulting and deriding real American heroes like John McCain.
Not disparaging Mexicans and Muslims. Not being the big mouth egotistical dumbass he IS and refraining from making admirers of McCain and (most) minorities everywhere despise HIM. He is personally responsible for delivering Arizona (and Michigan) to the Democrats!
So what does this say about the guy/Party that beat him by one State?
Not exactly a ringing endorsement, is it?
11/6/2020 9:33 AM
Posted by tangplay on 11/6/2020 4:56:00 AM (view original):
And yes, Trump's false claims about voter fraud should absolutely be silenced right now as they are dangerous.
But it was totally cool for the left to attack him for 3 years, accusing him of colluding with the Russians.. although there was not a shred of evidence to support it.

You lefties need to quit playing such dirty pool. One set of rules for you, and another for the rest of us
11/6/2020 9:31 PM
Posted by Aldershot on 11/6/2020 9:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/6/2020 4:56:00 AM (view original):
And yes, Trump's false claims about voter fraud should absolutely be silenced right now as they are dangerous.
But it was totally cool for the left to attack him for 3 years, accusing him of colluding with the Russians.. although there was not a shred of evidence to support it.

You lefties need to quit playing such dirty pool. One set of rules for you, and another for the rest of us
There was and IS a literal FUCKTON of evidence saying the LIAR is guilty. Repukes just IGNORED it, like you’re doing right now.
11/6/2020 10:29 PM
Posted by Aldershot on 11/6/2020 9:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/6/2020 4:56:00 AM (view original):
And yes, Trump's false claims about voter fraud should absolutely be silenced right now as they are dangerous.
But it was totally cool for the left to attack him for 3 years, accusing him of colluding with the Russians.. although there was not a shred of evidence to support it.

You lefties need to quit playing such dirty pool. One set of rules for you, and another for the rest of us
Trump set up a commission to investigate voter fraud... and had to end it because they found nothing.

There was a special council set up to investigate collusion... and it found numerous criminal offenses.

See the difference?

"Not a shred of evidence" ok my man
11/6/2020 10:44 PM
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Evidence of Massive Election Fraud Topic

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