Trump’s next venture Topic

Guaranteeing that the GOP loses every close election from now on.

It’s a fact that if you can convince a voting population that elections are corrupt and rigged against them, you depress turnout in that group.

Every time Trump convinces another idiot that the election was stolen, an angels gets its wings.
11/18/2020 4:59 PM
One thing you're forgetting is how susceptible the right is to fall in line. Trump is going to be a kingmaker in the party.
11/18/2020 5:19 PM
It's tough to be a king in prison.
11/18/2020 6:05 PM
You think Trump supporters will like him *less* if he goes to prison?
11/18/2020 7:16 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/18/2020 5:19:00 PM (view original):
One thing you're forgetting is how susceptible the right is to fall in line. Trump is going to be a kingmaker in the party.
He won’t. He’s a *****. Once he’s out of power he will be forgotten.
11/18/2020 10:15 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 11/18/2020 10:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/18/2020 5:19:00 PM (view original):
One thing you're forgetting is how susceptible the right is to fall in line. Trump is going to be a kingmaker in the party.
He won’t. He’s a *****. Once he’s out of power he will be forgotten.
95% of the Republican party still loves him. If he wants to run in 2024, he could take the whole party hostage (provided that he isn't in prison by then).
11/18/2020 11:00 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/18/2020 11:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 11/18/2020 10:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/18/2020 5:19:00 PM (view original):
One thing you're forgetting is how susceptible the right is to fall in line. Trump is going to be a kingmaker in the party.
He won’t. He’s a *****. Once he’s out of power he will be forgotten.
95% of the Republican party still loves him. If he wants to run in 2024, he could take the whole party hostage (provided that he isn't in prison by then).
You spelled “fear” wrong.

I expected that they would all start to drop him like a hot potato as soon as he lost the election, try to distance themselves from him as quickly as possible. Obviously, that hasn’t happened yet. I think it’s because they all fear being the first to abandon him. But it will happen. It’s just going to take a few defections, then a few more, and then the dam will burst and he’ll be mostly all alone except for a few die hard sycophants.
11/18/2020 11:17 PM
Nah, the politicians are going to keep with the grift as long as the base is with the cult of personality. About half of Republicans today are no longer loyal to the party. They're loyal to Trump. If the party leaves Trump, this group will likely leave the party.

It's the "correct" political move at this moment for people like McConnell, Rubio, Graham, Cruz, etc to remain publicly loyal to Trump. Ppl who aren't probably won't have a future in the Republican party.
11/19/2020 12:49 AM
I have no doubt that everyone who knows Trump ******* hates him, the issue is that they can't say that bit out loud.
11/19/2020 12:50 AM
Once he’s completely out of power they will. You can see it starting to happen already.
11/19/2020 9:45 AM
You really think that the Republican Base is going to give up on Trump? Because wherever the base goes, the politicians will follow.
11/19/2020 9:56 AM
The "Republican base" is largely on the sideline. THEY were replaced by the NEW "base"............. TP-ers, Supremacists (closeted and Out!), The Anti-Immigration crowd, and conspiratist tin foil hat wearers. A battle for the "GOP" is brewing. Once Trump has been dethroned you'll see the clamor begin, and the battle commence. There are many "champing at the bit" to try and be the NEW Republican rising up to claim leadership. Guys like Ben Sasse, Kasich, Flake, even Romney and that little twit from Florida Marco (little Marco) Rubio will try and take advantage of the Emperor's dethronement.

There are no shortage of Brutus's in the Republican party!
11/19/2020 10:33 AM
The party hates people like Sasse, Kasich, Flake, and especially Romney. Good ******* luck to them.
11/19/2020 10:59 AM
It's Cotton vs. Gov. Noem vs. establishment types Rick Scott vs. Nimrata Randhawa("Nikki Haley")
11/19/2020 11:29 AM
Posted by tangplay on 11/19/2020 9:56:00 AM (view original):
You really think that the Republican Base is going to give up on Trump? Because wherever the base goes, the politicians will follow.
I think once trump is out of power the spell he has over the crazy racists that make up his base will break. He’s already a joke, people will become too embarrassed to be tied to him.
11/19/2020 12:09 PM
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