A History of The Great War - Composing the Outline Topic

Battle of the Somme
  1. Development of the Tank
8/20/2023 6:00 PM (edited)
Verdun II
  1. French Counter-Attack
  2. Falkenhayn Resignation and Promotion of Hindenburg/Ludendorff
8/20/2023 5:59 PM (edited)
Brusilov Offensive
  1. Collapse of the Austrian 4th and 7th Armies
  2. Romanian Attack
  3. Falkenhayn's Counter-Offensive against Romania
  4. Death of Emperor Francis Joseph I
8/20/2023 6:04 PM (edited)
Ottoman Position in 1916
  1. Caususus
  2. Sinai
  3. The Arab Revolt
8/20/2023 6:07 PM (edited)
Fall of the Romanovs
8/20/2023 6:08 PM (edited)
Removal of Joffre from French GQG
  1. By-passing Petain in favor of Neville
8/20/2023 6:12 PM (edited)
Unrestricted U-Boat Warfare
  1. Zimmerman Telegram
  2. American Declaration of War
8/20/2023 6:10 PM (edited)
Nivelle Offensive
  1. Planning Stages
  2. German Strategic Withdrawal
  3. Collapse of French Morale
  4. Elevation of Petain to Chief of Staff and Dismissal of Nivelle
  5. Assembly of Pershing's Staff and 1st Division
8/20/2023 6:17 PM (edited)
3rd Ypres
8/20/2023 6:15 PM (edited)
The Arrival of Allenby in Palestine
  1. 1st Gaza
  2. Arab Revolt Capture of Aqaba
8/20/2023 6:20 PM (edited)
Battle of Caporetto
8/20/2023 6:21 PM (edited)
8/20/2023 6:22 PM (edited)
Kerensky Offensive
  1. Arrival of Vladimir Lenin
  2. Failed Eastern Front Truce
  3. Capitulation of Russia and Brest-Litovsk
8/20/2023 6:25 PM (edited)
Supreme Allied Command
8/20/2023 6:27 PM (edited)
Ludendorff's Strategic Change of Direction
  1. Adoption of Infiltration Tactics
  2. Creation of Storm Groups
  3. Relocation of German Troops from East to West
8/20/2023 6:29 PM (edited)
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A History of The Great War - Composing the Outline Topic

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