Derek Jeter's Last Stand Topic

Can we agree, during the course of his streak, that there might have been a day or two that he probably should have taken a day off?
2/16/2014 10:40 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/16/2014 10:40:00 AM (view original):
Can we agree, during the course of his streak, that there might have been a day or two that he probably should have taken a day off?
Sure, if we can also agree, that during the course of Jeter's career, there might have been a year or two that he probably should've played a different position.
2/16/2014 12:06 PM
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Posted by toddcommish on 2/16/2014 12:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/16/2014 10:40:00 AM (view original):
Can we agree, during the course of his streak, that there might have been a day or two that he probably should have taken a day off?
Sure, if we can also agree, that during the course of Jeter's career, there might have been a year or two that he probably should've played a different position.
That year they missed the playoffs?
2/16/2014 3:24 PM
The thing I find funny is "Who plays there if not Jeter?"   Let's say, when A-Rod signed, they moved Jeter.   A-Rod "outgrew" the position in a couple of years.  The Yankees haven't been able to cherrypick players for years.   We saw what they ran out there last year.   He's been their best option for a long time.  And, quite honestly, I don't think being the next Yankee SS is such a great thing for a career.   You don't want to be the guy that replaces the guy.   You wanna be the next guy.
2/16/2014 3:48 PM
Well, they could've been spending the last four or five years grooming/acquiring/buying the shortstop they need, rather than pandering to the massive ego of an aging hitter with no range.
2/16/2014 6:18 PM
It's not that easy.  How many good SS are out there?  How many want to play for the Yankees?  How many want to "replace" Jeter?
2/16/2014 6:41 PM
Posted by Jtpsops on 2/15/2014 1:41:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 2/14/2014 10:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jtpsops on 2/14/2014 8:15:00 PM (view original):
Typical MikeT throwing up smokescreens..."B-b-but it's ARod!!" So because ARod is a piece of garbage, that makes Jeter less of a ****** teammate? Showing your teammates up on the field or sitting back as "The Captain" and watching one of your teammates get devoured by anyone and everyone makes him the shittiest of teammates. I don't care who the player in question is. Even last year, when ARod came back as Public Douche #1, Girardi stood up and said "It doesn't matter what he's done or how people feel about him. He's one of us and we're going to support him". Never EVER heard that from Captain Derek.

How about another example - Ripken. Final years of his career, team gets Bordick who at that point was a far superior defender at SS. So what happens? Ripken moves to 3B. Jeter should be taking it upon himself to go to the Yankees and say "Look, if you guys can get Drew in here, I'll move to 2B because it'll make this team way better". Wouldn't happen in a million years because Jeter doesn't put himself out for the betterment of the team.

And to those saying I'm just hating on Jeter because he's a Yankee - I've never had a bad thing to say about Pettitte or Rivera. Rivera was the epitome of class. Jeter, far from it.
Oh an 18 year career or however long it was, Jeter has a problem with one guy and that's going to be his legacy?  Bullshit.  Nobody likes Arod.  Jeter gets a pass on Aroid.

So you think he's encouraging the team to sign Drew and offering to move to 2B? Because that truly would greatly improve the Yankees for the coming season, and give them a SS for the next year or two after Jeter leaves.
Drew wants 14 million a season and is a fixture on the DL, and he costs a draft pick which the Red Sox will gain.

Greatly is a pretty substantial overstatement.
2/17/2014 10:53 AM

So glad I blocked that idiot.

Does anyone know if Jeter can even play 2B?    It's not like a video game, you know.

2/17/2014 11:01 AM
Expecting a 39 year old with a bad ankle to move to 2B, a position he hasn't played since maybe Little League . . . BRILLIANT FREAKING IDEA!!!
2/17/2014 6:19 PM
you are correct Tec...playing a 39 y/o with a bad ankle at shortstop, who has limited range essentially his whole career is a much better move. I am not going to bother listing the host of MLB players who have changed positions in their careers because the team wanted them to, because none of them is as special as Derek Jeter.
2/17/2014 6:29 PM
The point is that it's stupid to assume a player at his age can just "change positions".    2B isn't 1B. 
2/17/2014 7:57 PM
Mike, I had to watch my favorite player's skills diminish too. It ain't easy
The Yankees would be much better served with Brendan Ryan as their shortstop.
Jeter should DH
2/17/2014 8:07 PM
Yanks have 9 DH. 

I'm not saying he's going to be a fantastic SS.   He probably won't be an average one.   However, players just can't change positions because someone thinks they should.

Truth is, if he had played a full season, I think he'd have wrapped it up last season.
2/17/2014 8:15 PM
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