Recruiting Update - Scouting Topic

I like a lot of the points and I also like the changes to make it a skill to recruit. Currently, if you are an established coach in a big conference, you just spend money until you get your guy. I noticed that the coaches with the biggest objections to this change are exactly those same coaches. I think adding some skills to the process would improve the experience for the rest of us. I am looking forward to testing these changes.
9/16/2015 7:04 PM
ok, going to try this again (lost the entire post when i was almost done yesterday at lunch, lost over an hour, brutal!). at the time, i hadn't seen the recruiting post - which i haven't fully processed yet. so i am pretty much going to just respond to the scouting threads, and will pick up the recruiting one later, there was just too much already, to work that in.

i wanted to wait to reply to this all, because there is SO much to think about, i didn't want to rush to judgement. its been interesting reading all the comments, a lot of very key points have been raised already, glad to see so many folks engaged, instead of the conversation just being dominated by a few (another reason i waited to comment). anyway, have some new comments, and also, have to hit some of the old ones that haven't fully be resolved - just too fundamental and important not to!

- first off, i think the idea of enhancing scouting is an interesting one. generally, what seble has laid out could be fun. i know a lot of people are feeling fairly anti-change in general (at least for overhauls), and also, that people want other stuff at higher priority. but, i do think we have to keep an open mind, seble has done some good work on HD in the past, and this could potentially be fun. the implementation is going to make all the difference, as is usually the case. if done well, the scouting update has the potential to add another layer to recruiting, without significantly impacting the mechanics of actual recruiting (ignoring the new recruiting thread for now). i don't think its necessary for it to be a huge time sink - it just depends. we will see.

- second, at a theoretical level, i REALLY welcome scouting enhancement. before FSS/potential, all money was spent on actual recruiting. one of the greatest parts of that change, IMO, was to create an element of trade off in recruiting - you could spend money scouting, or for battles. a lot of coaches don't do much scouting, but a lot of us do. its not unusual for a low d1 or lower team of mine, to spend upwards of 1 scholarship on scouting (FSS + scouting visits). spending 20k in d1 on scouting instead of using it for battles, thats a major strategic tradeoff, and allows for variation in recruiting strategy along a new dimension. the fundamental trade off of spending money to find good players, versus recruit them, is very appealing to me, conceptually. however, as of right now, it seems the budgets are actually being totally separated. i think this is a really bad idea. it actually takes us a step back, before the potential era. the only thing that has happened in this game, to really take us away from a pure auction style, is the introduction of potential, and with it, FSS and using evals to find high/highs. seble, you seem to want to deviate from auction style - so deviate - the only other option talked about is to create a lot of random personalities, which can have their place, but you can only ride that horse so far. this update could really do a lot more for recruiting strategy, if the budgets were somehow related - it can still be 2 budgets if necessary - just allow coaches to "funnel" some of it into recruiting, converting at a reduced percentage. maybe you only get 20%, that would still be fine, the number is less important than the balance. today, its very possible for the deviation between a coach who is light on scouting, versus a coach who is heavy on scouting, to exceed the cost of one scholarship. that is a good rule of thumb, for what should be targeted in this scouting update.

- the biggest issue i see (reminder: this does not take into account recruiting thread), is the giant ripple effects being discussed here. in general, making a major functional update is one thing - having giant ripples that force major changes in huge areas of the game, as part of that - that is another thing altogether. its critical that the scope of this update stays in check. most particularly, what started as a scouting update, has trickled into the recruiting schedule, dropdown/pulldown reform, and d1 recruiting balance (through the post season money elimination). this is such a wide array of topics, its really too much to squeeze into one update. frankly, its too much to even discuss in a manageable way. there is SO MUCH to discuss on those topics, its really not feasible for us to constructively tackle them all in the same thread. as these other topics have been discussed, huge issues have arisen - and we haven't gotten very deep into it at all - virtually nothing has been said about the dropdown/pulldown reform. i want to tackle each of these topics individually - but my general comment is this - its just too much, its not too much to do ever, but its too much to try to rush into 1 update. theres a great deal of subtle balancing required in touching any of these - to do them all together simply takes on too much risk. during the new engine rewrite, i made a similar appeal, and seble, you rejected it - i thought it was too much to include a total engine rewrite, with substantial sim engine / game balancing, and a recruit generation overhaul. at the time, you did have a good reason for refusing me - there was a lot of clamor for change, and you said a simple rewrite, with no functional change, would not appease people. thats a fair point. this is a very different situation - its major functional change on top of major functional change. there is way more than is required to hit "major functional update" status.

in gaming in general, its important to keep the scope of releases in check - existing users tend to gauge a release not by the ratio of good to bad, but rather by the total quantity of bad. the reason is that the pain is realized immediately, in most cases - where as the good generally requires adaptation, people need to adjust their strategy and approach, to learn the new elements and start to reap their benefits. for this reason, its critical to limit the amount of "bad" in a release - and touching 5 major areas of the game is just way too risky, from that standpoint. consider the new engine release - objectively, trying to remove my own bias - the engine rewrite itself was generally a success - there were some bugs (especially in recruiting), but it wasnt that bad. the game balancing issues generally went well - lp players were made more viable, addressing a specific pain point, and the ratings and fatigue changes brought press back into balance with man defense. granted - the lp change, and the fatigue change, both required tweaks - the original release over compensated, and less the game balance in poor shape. but upon correction, those are generally great changes, some of your finest work. but do people talk about how successful you were, in that release, for the reasons I just described? no, they don't - because it was bundled with recruiting generation overhaul, which was a big problem, and caused roughly 1 in 3 d1 teams to be dropped. the changes overshot the mark, as is so often the case - and a rebalance was needed. because you took on so much, you only could rebalance some of the issues you had in the release. the ones you rebalanced ended up being great changes - the one you didn't, remains arguably the most catastrophic change in HD history.

this update is going to be huge, even if you adjust it for the sake of all those looking for a downsize. there is going to be good in the update, and there is going to be bad. and the bad parts are going to require rebalancing afterwards, to maintain sanity and all that good stuff - its just a fact. i strongly recommend trying to find ways to limit the ripple effects of this scouting change, or at least, trying to break it down into multiple releases. ok, enough of that - now into specifics.

- the dropdown/pulldown rework is probably the most potentially alarming item of everything i've heard. dropdowns/pulldowns are a much loved part of the game, in the olden days, there was near consensus, that dropdowns/pulldowns had saved d2/d3 recruiting. to this day, its the best part, to many folks. a major rework is not required, what specific pain point are you even trying to address? i believe, the answer is none - that its just a ripple effect, from trying to limit scouting to same-division players. it seems to me there are 2 options here. the first, just allow teams to scout multiple divisions, and pay multiple times, or something along those lines. its not ideal, but that pain is not worth redoing a massively important part of the game. alternatively, if you are going to touch dd/pds, here is my recommendation: this basically requires displaying all the players recruitable to (using d2 as an example) a d2 school, in the d2 search. so, what you should do is, for every d2 school, show all the players they could possibly talk to, in the d2 search. do not let them recruit, call, anything, players in the d1 and d3 pools. what you have to add is a clear indicator - who is willing to talk to you immediately, and who is a potential dropdown? that is clear today, and it needs to be going forward. then, basically, keep everything else the same. let a school call those players to find out what the situation is - that set doesn't even have to be a strictly, dropdown set - it could including some immediately recruitable players (say, under 70 miles, if you keep that), and could even include some that you have no chance at, if that helps you. but the requirement is the set of players who show as immediately recruitable, are. then you can call the other players, get the responses like you do today (make those clearer if you like, no objection there). over time, as players drop, send the school a message, and have them show in the immediately recruitable pool, or with the immediately recruitable flag, or whatever. this way, you can get what you want in scouting, without overhauling one of the best parts of the game, a part that people will get really ****** off, if it gets screwed up, in their eyes.

- on the recruiting balance, through post season cash issue - i really feel like we shouldn't even be talking about this, there's just too much. but you are proposing it, so i dont feel right neglecting it. this is a very complex issue. d2 and d3 really benefit, IMO, from post season cash. the negative of being in a power conference in d2/d3 - of having other well coached a+ schools in your area competing with you - clearly outweighs the benefit of having awesome post season cash, compared to just having good post season cash. theres no doubt it makes things harder, being in a star-studded conference like that. i would definitely not look at the post season cash issue as one issue facing all of HD. i see the pain point you are trying to address in d1, but even there, keep in mind the game is fairly balanced today. recruiting is one of the best parts of the game - and d1 recruiting is what makes d1 lovers love d1 more than the rest. its the reason so many folks predominantly or exclusively play d1. there are problems, and pain points, but a careful touch is required. completely removing post season cash is like taking an ax to d1 balance. i would recommend at most halving it, and seeing how that went - meaning, cut it in half in d1, 10k instead of 20k per win - but leave d2/d3 alone, unless you have a case you want to make there about what serious imbalance you are trying to remedy. additionally - about the worst thing that could be done for this game, is to incentivise coaches to be in emptier, not fuller, conferences. frankly, with worlds being so empty, having coaches concentrate in a handful of conference, is what keeps this game alive. super over powered conferences... ok, if you can affect them, without jeopardizing full conferences, thats one thing. but tread with care, its a fine line, and if coaches feel they have a disadvantage, being in a strong conference with nothing to offset the increase in local competition - and they feel they should sacrifice the social benefits and more enjoyable regularly season, for an empty conference and better post season chances - it could have tragic consequences, over the long term. P.S - tweaking the post season cash, thats a small and isolated change, from a development standpoint. if you want to do that, why don't you do it now, or a few months after the scouting - its a REALLY easy one to decouple. may as well take the low hanging fruit - because a lot of the rest of this is really intertwined! 

- on the recruiting schedule... its hard to even start, its so huge. its way bigger, in terms of ramifications, than the actual scouting changes suggested themselves. there are major ripple effects - its not just new coaches, but any coach who is new to a school, who now has to wait until season 2 to get their own players! its said that new coaches generally suck anyway - yeah, ok. but they learn by using the sucky players they recruited :) more importantly, many coaches who switch schools do not suck. being able to quickly make a mark on a program is hugely important (really, its almost unfair to even charge people for that first season, if they don't get any of their own players!). additionally, like it or not, EEs are a huge part of this game for a large part of the customer base. anyone who competes in high d1 anywhere views EEs as very significant. having ANY recruiting, before EEs are known, is almost unthinkable. something has to give. the first day i read all the scouting stuff, i was really excited - but i didn't even realize any scheduling meddling was happening with recruiting - i thought scouting was being moved to the regular season, and recruiting was in the post season. i think that would be a fine model, and it would avoid all these pitfalls. at the least, consider making this a 2 phase approach - in phase 1, enhancing scouting, and moving it into the regular season (while allowing coaches to do 100% of scouting during recruiting, if they so choose), and in phase 2, move recruiting into the season, and deal with your mass of issues surrounding jobs, new coaches, and EEs. this allows people to play with the large amount of new functionality, the scouting overhaul, without poisoning that experience with all the unpleasantness surrounding the recruiting schedule change. i don't see why recruiting is being moved, honestly - putting it before jobs or EEs simply cannot be reconciled - you can try to mitigate the negatives - but thats really what you are hoping for. the pain is boring regular seasons, right? with all this work to do scouting, isn't that enough? besides, you hear a lot of coaches here, not wanting to spend all this time. they think the game will become too much effort and that they will have to leave. if you enhance scouting, and make it optional if you do all of recruiting (including scouting) during the old window, in one big push - or to drag scouting out over the whole year - you really cater to both sides. why not let people have their preference on how they want to handle it?

- i had more points about the scouting change itself, but having lost that message i don't recall them all, and this is already long enough. and the problem is - i haven't even really got to talking about the scouting change yet - what this whole thing is supposed to be about! the reason is simple, not to beat a dead horse, but its because WAY too much is getting dragged into an already very substantial update, in a scouting overhaul. i will make this one point, though. i have no problem with the off, def, physical categories. however, an A through F grade... that is so generic. is that going to be the same, across position, and division? or tailored to positions and divisions? the latter would make development much more complex, while the former makes the grades so broad as to be meaningless. what, are all d3 players going to be Fs, maybe Ds if they are lucky? and BCS schools will recruit players who are an A in everything? an A in offense on a scale where an F is a guy in d3 with 40 per and 50 spd, really doesn't mean jack - from a high d1 perspective, it means you aren't ungodly awful at offense - and that's about it! are all guards an F in rebounding, which would hurt their defense? anyway, i think the best answer is to do + and - grades from the get-go. this lets you have enough range to use a constant scale, across divisions and positions, for simplicity - but then not to have the ridiculousness of all d3 players being Fs, etc :) this still allows for enough unknown for the purpose, I think, but you'd have to look at it. 

- one more. team planning is a massively important part of this game. if you consider recruiting mechanics and team building/planning to be individual aspects of the game, as i do, then team planning is actually the most important part of the entire game. its very fun and needs to be kept in tact. the level 1 and 2 information are so vague as to be useless from a team planning standpoint. its important that coaches can get a substantial number of players to level 3 and 4, so they can plan their teams with some intention. or hey - link the budgets - so some guys can scout less, battle more, while others do the reverse! also, with respect to the EE issue, EEs possibly declaring after recruiting starts - this is a team planning nightmare. really, its unthinkable. its not uncommon for a high d1 team to expect anywhere from 1 to 3 EEs, which could be 1 guard, 1 big, or heck, 3 guards. how you react to that varies wildly. those are mild cases, the guys who have 7 guys on the board, they are basically shooting blind. its not reasonable and it won't be fun, to recruit in the dark like that. all this scouting stuff could be great, it really could be a fun update, but its critical that team composition planning remains in tact as a major part of this game. 
9/16/2015 8:54 PM (edited)
Posted by gillispie1 on 9/16/2015 8:54:00 PM (view original):
ok, going to try this again (lost the entire post when i was almost done yesterday at lunch, lost over an hour, brutal!). at the time, i hadn't seen the recruiting post - which i haven't fully processed yet. so i am pretty much going to just respond to the scouting threads, and will pick up the recruiting one later, there was just too much already, to work that in.

i wanted to wait to reply to this all, because there is SO much to think about, i didn't want to rush to judgement. its been interesting reading all the comments, a lot of very key points have been raised already, glad to see so many folks engaged, instead of the conversation just being dominated by a few (another reason i waited to comment). anyway, have some new comments, and also, have to hit some of the old ones that haven't fully be resolved - just too fundamental and important not to!

- first off, i think the idea of enhancing scouting is an interesting one. generally, what seble has laid out could be fun. i know a lot of people are feeling fairly anti-change in general (at least for overhauls), and also, that people want other stuff at higher priority. but, i do think we have to keep an open mind, seble has done some good work on HD in the past, and this could potentially be fun. the implementation is going to make all the difference, as is usually the case. if done well, the scouting update has the potential to add another layer to recruiting, without significantly impacting the mechanics of actual recruiting (ignoring the new recruiting thread for now). i don't think its necessary for it to be a huge time sink - it just depends. we will see.

- second, at a theoretical level, i REALLY welcome scouting enhancement. before FSS/potential, all money was spent on actual recruiting. one of the greatest parts of that change, IMO, was to create an element of trade off in recruiting - you could spend money scouting, or for battles. a lot of coaches don't do much scouting, but a lot of us do. its not unusual for a low d1 or lower team of mine, to spend upwards of 1 scholarship on scouting (FSS + scouting visits). spending 20k in d1 on scouting instead of using it for battles, thats a major strategic tradeoff, and allows for variation in recruiting strategy along a new dimension. the fundamental trade off of spending money to find good players, versus recruit them, is very appealing to me, conceptually. however, as of right now, it seems the budgets are actually being totally separated. i think this is a really bad idea. it actually takes us a step back, before the potential era. the only thing that has happened in this game, to really take us away from a pure auction style, is the introduction of potential, and with it, FSS and using evals to find high/highs. seble, you seem to want to deviate from auction style - so deviate - the only other option talked about is to create a lot of random personalities, which can have their place, but you can only ride that horse so far. this update could really do a lot more for recruiting strategy, if the budgets were somehow related - it can still be 2 budgets if necessary - just allow coaches to "funnel" some of it into recruiting, converting at a reduced percentage. maybe you only get 20%, that would still be fine, the number is less important than the balance. today, its very possible for the deviation between a coach who is light on scouting, versus a coach who is heavy on scouting, to exceed the cost of one scholarship. that is a good rule of thumb, for what should be targeted in this scouting update.

- the biggest issue i see (reminder: this does not take into account recruiting thread), is the giant ripple effects being discussed here. in general, making a major functional update is one thing - having giant ripples that force major changes in huge areas of the game, as part of that - that is another thing altogether. its critical that the scope of this update stays in check. most particularly, what started as a scouting update, has trickled into the recruiting schedule, dropdown/pulldown reform, and d1 recruiting balance (through the post season money elimination). this is such a wide array of topics, its really too much to squeeze into one update. frankly, its too much to even discuss in a manageable way. there is SO MUCH to discuss on those topics, its really not feasible for us to constructively tackle them all in the same thread. as these other topics have been discussed, huge issues have arisen - and we haven't gotten very deep into it at all - virtually nothing has been said about the dropdown/pulldown reform. i want to tackle each of these topics individually - but my general comment is this - its just too much, its not too much to do ever, but its too much to try to rush into 1 update. theres a great deal of subtle balancing required in touching any of these - to do them all together simply takes on too much risk. during the new engine rewrite, i made a similar appeal, and seble, you rejected it - i thought it was too much to include a total engine rewrite, with substantial sim engine / game balancing, and a recruit generation overhaul. at the time, you did have a good reason for refusing me - there was a lot of clamor for change, and you said a simple rewrite, with no functional change, would not appease people. thats a fair point. this is a very different situation - its major functional change on top of major functional change. there is way more than is required to hit "major functional update" status.

in gaming in general, its important to keep the scope of releases in check - existing users tend to gauge a release not by the ratio of good to bad, but rather by the total quantity of bad. the reason is that the pain is realized immediately, in most cases - where as the good generally requires adaptation, people need to adjust their strategy and approach, to learn the new elements and start to reap their benefits. for this reason, its critical to limit the amount of "bad" in a release - and touching 5 major areas of the game is just way too risky, from that standpoint. consider the new engine release - objectively, trying to remove my own bias - the engine rewrite itself was generally a success - there were some bugs (especially in recruiting), but it wasnt that bad. the game balancing issues generally went well - lp players were made more viable, addressing a specific pain point, and the ratings and fatigue changes brought press back into balance with man defense. granted - the lp change, and the fatigue change, both required tweaks - the original release over compensated, and less the game balance in poor shape. but upon correction, those are generally great changes, some of your finest work. but do people talk about how successful you were, in that release, for the reasons I just described? no, they don't - because it was bundled with recruiting generation overhaul, which was a big problem, and caused roughly 1 in 3 d1 teams to be dropped. the changes overshot the mark, as is so often the case - and a rebalance was needed. because you took on so much, you only could rebalance some of the issues you had in the release. the ones you rebalanced ended up being great changes - the one you didn't, remains arguably the most catastrophic change in HD history.

this update is going to be huge, even if you adjust it for the sake of all those looking for a downsize. there is going to be good in the update, and there is going to be bad. and the bad parts are going to require rebalancing afterwards, to maintain sanity and all that good stuff - its just a fact. i strongly recommend trying to find ways to limit the ripple effects of this scouting change, or at least, trying to break it down into multiple releases. ok, enough of that - now into specifics.

- the dropdown/pulldown rework is probably the most potentially alarming item of everything i've heard. dropdowns/pulldowns are a much loved part of the game, in the olden days, there was near consensus, that dropdowns/pulldowns had saved d2/d3 recruiting. to this day, its the best part, to many folks. a major rework is not required, what specific pain point are you even trying to address? i believe, the answer is none - that its just a ripple effect, from trying to limit scouting to same-division players. it seems to me there are 2 options here. the first, just allow teams to scout multiple divisions, and pay multiple times, or something along those lines. its not ideal, but that pain is not worth redoing a massively important part of the game. alternatively, if you are going to touch dd/pds, here is my recommendation: this basically requires displaying all the players recruitable to (using d2 as an example) a d2 school, in the d2 search. so, what you should do is, for every d2 school, show all the players they could possibly talk to, in the d2 search. do not let them recruit, call, anything, players in the d1 and d3 pools. what you have to add is a clear indicator - who is willing to talk to you immediately, and who is a potential dropdown? that is clear today, and it needs to be going forward. then, basically, keep everything else the same. let a school call those players to find out what the situation is - that set doesn't even have to be a strictly, dropdown set - it could including some immediately recruitable players (say, under 70 miles, if you keep that), and could even include some that you have no chance at, if that helps you. but the requirement is the set of players who show as immediately recruitable, are. then you can call the other players, get the responses like you do today (make those clearer if you like, no objection there). over time, as players drop, send the school a message, and have them show in the immediately recruitable pool, or with the immediately recruitable flag, or whatever. this way, you can get what you want in scouting, without overhauling one of the best parts of the game, a part that people will get really ****** off, if it gets screwed up, in their eyes.

- on the recruiting balance, through post season cash issue - i really feel like we shouldn't even be talking about this, there's just too much. but you are proposing it, so i dont feel right neglecting it. this is a very complex issue. d2 and d3 really benefit, IMO, from post season cash. the negative of being in a power conference in d2/d3 - of having other well coached a+ schools in your area competing with you - clearly outweighs the benefit of having awesome post season cash, compared to just having good post season cash. theres no doubt it makes things harder, being in a star-studded conference like that. i would definitely not look at the post season cash issue as one issue facing all of HD. i see the pain point you are trying to address in d1, but even there, keep in mind the game is fairly balanced today. recruiting is one of the best parts of the game - and d1 recruiting is what makes d1 lovers love d1 more than the rest. its the reason so many folks predominantly or exclusively play d1. there are problems, and pain points, but a careful touch is required. completely removing post season cash is like taking an ax to d1 balance. i would recommend at most halving it, and seeing how that went - meaning, cut it in half in d1, 10k instead of 20k per win - but leave d2/d3 alone, unless you have a case you want to make there about what serious imbalance you are trying to remedy. additionally - about the worst thing that could be done for this game, is to incentivise coaches to be in emptier, not fuller, conferences. frankly, with worlds being so empty, having coaches concentrate in a handful of conference, is what keeps this game alive. super over powered conferences... ok, if you can affect them, without jeopardizing full conferences, thats one thing. but tread with care, its a fine line, and if coaches feel they have a disadvantage, being in a strong conference with nothing to offset the increase in local competition - and they feel they should sacrifice the social benefits and more enjoyable regularly season, for an empty conference and better post season chances - it could have tragic consequences, over the long term. P.S - tweaking the post season cash, thats a small and isolated change, from a development standpoint. if you want to do that, why don't you do it now, or a few months after the scouting - its a REALLY easy one to decouple. may as well take the low hanging fruit - because a lot of the rest of this is really intertwined! 

- on the recruiting schedule... its hard to even start, its so huge. its way bigger, in terms of ramifications, than the actual scouting changes suggested themselves. there are major ripple effects - its not just new coaches, but any coach who is new to a school, who now has to wait until season 2 to get their own players! its said that new coaches generally suck anyway - yeah, ok. but they learn by using the sucky players they recruited :) more importantly, many coaches who switch schools do not suck. being able to quickly make a mark on a program is hugely important (really, its almost unfair to even charge people for that first season, if they don't get any of their own players!). additionally, like it or not, EEs are a huge part of this game for a large part of the customer base. anyone who competes in high d1 anywhere views EEs as very significant. having ANY recruiting, before EEs are known, is almost unthinkable. something has to give. the first day i read all the scouting stuff, i was really excited - but i didn't even realize any scheduling meddling was happening with recruiting - i thought scouting was being moved to the regular season, and recruiting was in the post season. i think that would be a fine model, and it would avoid all these pitfalls. at the least, consider making this a 2 phase approach - in phase 1, enhancing scouting, and moving it into the regular season (while allowing coaches to do 100% of scouting during recruiting, if they so choose), and in phase 2, move recruiting into the season, and deal with your mass of issues surrounding jobs, new coaches, and EEs. this allows people to play with the large amount of new functionality, the scouting overhaul, without poisoning that experience with all the unpleasantness surrounding the recruiting schedule change. i don't see why recruiting is being moved, honestly - putting it before jobs or EEs simply cannot be reconciled - you can try to mitigate the negatives - but thats really what you are hoping for. the pain is boring regular seasons, right? with all this work to do scouting, isn't that enough? besides, you hear a lot of coaches here, not wanting to spend all this time. they think the game will become too much effort and that they will have to leave. if you enhance scouting, and make it optional if you do all of recruiting (including scouting) during the old window, in one big push - or to drag scouting out over the whole year - you really cater to both sides. why not let people have their preference on how they want to handle it?

- i had more points about the scouting change itself, but having lost that message i don't recall them all, and this is already long enough. and the problem is - i haven't even really got to talking about the scouting change yet - what this whole thing is supposed to be about! the reason is simple, not to beat a dead horse, but its because WAY too much is getting dragged into an already very substantial update, in a scouting overhaul. i will make this one point, though. i have no problem with the off, def, physical categories. however, an A through F grade... that is so generic. is that going to be the same, across position, and division? or tailored to positions and divisions? the latter would make development much more complex, while the former makes the grades so broad as to be meaningless. what, are all d3 players going to be Fs, maybe Ds if they are lucky? and BCS schools will recruit players who are an A in everything? an A in offense on a scale where an F is a guy in d3 with 40 per and 50 spd, really doesn't mean jack - from a high d1 perspective, it means you aren't ungodly awful at offense - and that's about it! are all guards an F in rebounding, which would hurt their defense? anyway, i think the best answer is to do + and - grades from the get-go. this lets you have enough range to use a constant scale, across divisions and positions, for simplicity - but then not to have the ridiculousness of all d3 players being Fs, etc :) this still allows for enough unknown for the purpose, I think, but you'd have to look at it. 

- one more. team planning is a massively important part of this game. if you consider recruiting mechanics and team building/planning to be individual aspects of the game, as i do, then team planning is actually the most important part of the entire game. its very fun and needs to be kept in tact. the level 1 and 2 information are so vague as to be useless from a team planning standpoint. its important that coaches can get a substantial number of players to level 3 and 4, so they can plan their teams with some intention. or hey - link the budgets - so some guys can scout less, battle more, while others do the reverse! also, with respect to the EE issue, EEs possibly declaring after recruiting starts - this is a team planning nightmare. really, its unthinkable. its not uncommon for a high d1 team to expect anywhere from 1 to 3 EEs, which could be 1 guard, 1 big, or heck, 3 guards. how you react to that varies wildly. those are mild cases, the guys who have 7 guys on the board, they are basically shooting blind. its not reasonable and it won't be fun, to recruit in the dark like that. all this scouting stuff could be great, it really could be a fun update, but its critical that team composition planning remains in tact as a major part of this game. 
This is a very level-headed, fair response to the proposed changes.  Well done, cbg.

I especially agree with your comments on postseason cash and dropdowns/pulldowns.  I've already spoken out against removing postseason cash as it will encourage people to join emptier conferences...which is just really bad for the game as you also mentioned.  Eliminating dropdowns/pulldowns would take so much strategy (and fun!) out of the game.  Nobody wants to actually recruit crappy D3 players.  It's exhilarating trying to pulldown D2 players and field a roster that can compete with some D2 schools...likewise at D2 (putting together a "D1" roster).  I'm already nervous about the proposed changes fixing something that isn't broke...but if these two things are taken away I'm afraid it would ruin the D2/D3 game.

9/16/2015 11:55 PM
I'm just going to throw this out there to see response, but what if dropdowns were kinda treated like they are in GD(in my 1 season there), where there's no "listed" division if I remember correct, you just have players visible to you(or everyone can be visible but have it where you can only do actions on "visible" recruits to your school

So basically you don't have to worry about coach calls and who to invite to camps and hosting camps for D2 prospects when the majority might not be available.

You would have a group of prospects you are able to recruit, not defined by a "division" but there would be a basic division dividing so obviosly not everyone is going to see the #15 C, but between 2 D3 schools one might have the option to recruit the 498 rated C while the lower prestige school cannot.

So while there is no act of "pulling down" you are basically going up against D2 schools since he would be visible to them, but not other lower prestige schools.

There would probably have to be a way to make it so that the D2 schools have an increased effect on recruiting so the same action by a D2 and a D3 school the D2 school action carries more weight.  Since the D3 school would not be forced to "pull down" the recruit anymore.

Again an idea, I'm not even so sure how well it would work, but I figured I'd spitall another idea into the discussion ring to be ko'd 3 minutes into the 1st round by a brutal upper cut.  But the new view point is something to consider.  Since I can't remember but how currently are we going to be looking up at "pull-down" recruits?  Are we holding camps for D2 and D3 and then we have to call the coaches of the D2 players that attended to even see if they like us?(why would they come in the first place.  Or are D2 camps going to just be players who are pull-downable, so we know that if a player attends a D2 camp for us he is a pull down recruit?
9/17/2015 12:07 AM (edited)
I like the ideas being thrown out. Specifically, the following:
1. Allowing a school to see the recruits with 50-75 miles of campus. As pointed out, every coach knows their local recruits.
2. I don't mind getting rid of post season cash but I do think Big conference with good prestige should have an advantage like they do in real life. Here is my idea.

The amount of scouting money is based on Conference Prestige and Team Prestige. This would be an example of how it might work.

Conf A   Prestige A,    Conf B Prestige B,
Conf A Prestige A Conf B Prestige C Conf C Prestige F
Team 1A Prestige A ?Team 1B Prestige A ?Team 1C Prestige A?
Team 2A
Prestige C
Team 2B
Prestige C
Team 2C Prestige C
Team 3A Prestige F Team 3B Prestige F Team 3C Prestige F
So now, the money for scouting/would look like this. You would obviously scale down from D1 to D2 to D3.
Conference Prestige                          Team Prestige 
A -20,000                                                  A - 20,000
B - 17,500                                                B - 17,500
C - 15,000                                               C - 15,000
D - 12,500                                               D -  12,500
F - 10,000                                                F - 10,000

If I run the formula, I would get the following available funds for the teams above.

Team                       Conference Money     +       Team Prestige Money      =         Available Scouting Money
Team 1A                    20,000   +   20,000   =  $40,000
Team 2A                    20,000   +   15,000  =  $35,000
Team 1B                    15,000  +    20,000   = $35,000
Team 3A                    20,000   +   10,000  =   $30,000
Team 2B                    15,000   +  15,000   =  $30,000
Team 1C                    10,000 +   20,000 =   $30,000
Team 3B                    15,000 +   10,000  = $25,000
Team 2C                   10,000 + 15,000 = $25,000
Team 3C                   10,000 +  10,000  = $20,000

The recruiting money can be the same as proposed since the higher prestige teams in prestige conferences have an advantage with the layout proposed.? This would scale down to D2 and D3 so that the lowest Prestige teams in D1 would be even with the highest Prestige teams in D2. 

9/17/2015 7:00 AM

I also fear that eliminating post-season cash will dis-incentivise playing in full conferences where there is often more competition for local recruits at D2/D3 and the competition to make the post-season is tougher. ll throw out another suggestion. I think the suggestion in the post above mine also has some merit.

what if there were a set amount of "bonus" cash that each conference receives depending on the number of human owners in conference. eg. At D3, a conference with 1 human receives extra bonus cash of $1K. For each additional human in conference, each team receives another $250-$500. So for a full conference, there will be an extra $3-5K per team but a conference with 6 members there will only be an additional $1.5-3K for scouting.

This will incentivize choosing to play in a full or nearly full conference, and provide a slight advantage to users that will play a tougher conference schedule every season. On the other hand, it will limit to some degree the advantages of post-season cash where a full and very good conference might have 8-12 teams in the post-season and amass a larger amount of post-season cash. 

9/17/2015 7:23 AM
I'm with Pep and Ggal, I did not see it the way they do, but removing post-season cash could end up making the game more boring, with less competitive conférences and coaches challenging themselves to make their conference the best.

I am totally against removing pull-downs also.It's one of the most fun part of recruiting. It takes strategy and it's something ruins your recruiting because It's exactly what it should be, a risk.
9/17/2015 7:56 AM
Removing post season cash is like handing everyone participation trophies!
9/17/2015 3:02 PM
Posted by mullycj on 9/17/2015 3:02:00 PM (view original):
Removing post season cash is like handing everyone participation trophies!
and completely ruins super conferences, I don't see anyone's response on how they survive?
9/17/2015 3:04 PM
Is distance going to be a factor in sending CVs or HVs with the new update? And if not, is there anything stopping the guy 2000 miles away with 3 openings from just dominating the local team with 1 opening?

I assume that guy 2000 miles away will probably not be scouting the same states as me, but in the chance he does, how does this work out?
9/17/2015 3:54 PM
Posted by zorzii on 9/17/2015 7:56:00 AM (view original):
I'm with Pep and Ggal, I did not see it the way they do, but removing post-season cash could end up making the game more boring, with less competitive conférences and coaches challenging themselves to make their conference the best.

I am totally against removing pull-downs also.It's one of the most fun part of recruiting. It takes strategy and it's something ruins your recruiting because It's exactly what it should be, a risk.
removing pulls downs ABSOLUTELY SUCKS.  It is very risky, takes strategy - great feature even if it may have been unintentional at first I suppose (which is the sense I get).

I don't know how many more times we can tell him that we LIKE at least SOME post season cash. 
9/17/2015 3:57 PM
Posted by brianxavier on 9/17/2015 3:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by zorzii on 9/17/2015 7:56:00 AM (view original):
I'm with Pep and Ggal, I did not see it the way they do, but removing post-season cash could end up making the game more boring, with less competitive conférences and coaches challenging themselves to make their conference the best.

I am totally against removing pull-downs also.It's one of the most fun part of recruiting. It takes strategy and it's something ruins your recruiting because It's exactly what it should be, a risk.
removing pulls downs ABSOLUTELY SUCKS.  It is very risky, takes strategy - great feature even if it may have been unintentional at first I suppose (which is the sense I get).

I don't know how many more times we can tell him that we LIKE at least SOME post season cash. 
He seems pretty stubborn.  He's basically ignored everyone's points on the postseason cash, which concerns me because who is he doing this update for?  The paying customers or himself?

Very strange...

9/17/2015 4:30 PM
I'm more with theOnlyis.

Postseason money- This takes so much more away from the conferences with human users.  I'm currently a lower prestige but majority of coaches like to start from a rebuilding phase to start a dynasty.  I am currently competing against 5-6 teams with higher prestige than I am in my conference.  This makes the "good" recruits more slim and harder for drop downs.  Drop down/pull down d1 players are what the elite d2 coaches are looking for.  If this is gone, you will see the long term coaches moving to start over in a different area to keep prestige higher and find better recruits to get to their ultimate goal (Win the NT).

What I believe needs to be updated to help with this issue is mainly the messages sent out during the cycles.  Don't have the same messages or duplicates to the same coach.

Example: If I am sending Scouting trips to a recruit to find out the high potentials, I find out the same thing on numerous messages.  After X amount of scouting trips, you should be able to find out their potentials if you are spending a majority of your money on this.  This makes an interesting strategy to using money on Future Stars or using it for scouting or other visits.  

This may help with messages due to the considering other schools and battles of recruits.  Give more messages leaning a coach to keep fighting for the recruit or backing off.  Every coach in whatif wants competition and see their conference succeed.  This puts an end to the money situation.  There definitely isn't an issue with money, you can sign a drop down recruit near the end of recruiting with a $1000-2000. 

9/17/2015 4:37 PM
Posted by pepwaves on 9/17/2015 4:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by brianxavier on 9/17/2015 3:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by zorzii on 9/17/2015 7:56:00 AM (view original):
I'm with Pep and Ggal, I did not see it the way they do, but removing post-season cash could end up making the game more boring, with less competitive conférences and coaches challenging themselves to make their conference the best.

I am totally against removing pull-downs also.It's one of the most fun part of recruiting. It takes strategy and it's something ruins your recruiting because It's exactly what it should be, a risk.
removing pulls downs ABSOLUTELY SUCKS.  It is very risky, takes strategy - great feature even if it may have been unintentional at first I suppose (which is the sense I get).

I don't know how many more times we can tell him that we LIKE at least SOME post season cash. 
He seems pretty stubborn.  He's basically ignored everyone's points on the postseason cash, which concerns me because who is he doing this update for?  The paying customers or himself?

Very strange...

Honestly, I think he didn't totally understand the points on postseason cash. He sees it as an unnecessary incentive to join full conferences (unnecessary because full conferences are more fun and thus already incentivized). He doesn't realize it is actually a counterbalance to the fact that it is harder to succeed in a full conference because so many good coaches are fighting for the same pool of local recruits
9/17/2015 4:49 PM
Posted by tarvolon on 9/17/2015 4:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by pepwaves on 9/17/2015 4:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by brianxavier on 9/17/2015 3:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by zorzii on 9/17/2015 7:56:00 AM (view original):
I'm with Pep and Ggal, I did not see it the way they do, but removing post-season cash could end up making the game more boring, with less competitive conférences and coaches challenging themselves to make their conference the best.

I am totally against removing pull-downs also.It's one of the most fun part of recruiting. It takes strategy and it's something ruins your recruiting because It's exactly what it should be, a risk.
removing pulls downs ABSOLUTELY SUCKS.  It is very risky, takes strategy - great feature even if it may have been unintentional at first I suppose (which is the sense I get).

I don't know how many more times we can tell him that we LIKE at least SOME post season cash. 
He seems pretty stubborn.  He's basically ignored everyone's points on the postseason cash, which concerns me because who is he doing this update for?  The paying customers or himself?

Very strange...

Honestly, I think he didn't totally understand the points on postseason cash. He sees it as an unnecessary incentive to join full conferences (unnecessary because full conferences are more fun and thus already incentivized). He doesn't realize it is actually a counterbalance to the fact that it is harder to succeed in a full conference because so many good coaches are fighting for the same pool of local recruits
Yeah I agree.  And this is exactly why I fear the worst for this update.  If he doesn't understand how this game works at all levels and what motivates the current user base, his changes have a very small likelihood of success.  Why would you try to change something you don't understand fully?
9/17/2015 4:57 PM
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