Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

Gosar is a white nationalist who spoke at a Nazi conference (and I don't use Nazi lightly - he spoke at a conference hosted by a guy who denies the Holocaust and compared black people to animals).

This is the GOP's guy
11/18/2021 3:47 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/18/2021 3:47:00 PM (view original):
Gosar is a white nationalist who spoke at a Nazi conference (and I don't use Nazi lightly - he spoke at a conference hosted by a guy who denies the Holocaust and compared black people to animals).

This is the GOP's guy
Yes he is - even his 2 siblings think he so literally dangerous they go on national television frequently to warn the American people.
They have no financial interest. They just believe that the public needs to know even better what kind of man he is.
MSN - mainstream nazism.
11/18/2021 3:55 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 11/18/2021 2:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/18/2021 2:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 11/18/2021 1:11:00 PM (view original):
Personally, I don't find that funny. Pluswise, carbon offset taxes is NOT the answer IMO.
There's a significant possibility that in 50 years (or less) we'll be holding criminal trials for business executives who knew the dangers of climate change and intentionally chose to not only do nothing about it, but chose to disseminate propaganda to the public lowering the concern over the issue or flat lying about it.

I don't support the death penalty, but the ******* GHOULS who are endangering the entire world for their self-interest are about the most deserving of it that I can think of.
I would say class action law suits.
I believe climate change is a political pawn, as in a tool. Call me whatever, but I recognize a con job maybe quicker than many

You see, this has been beaten into us over and over. while climate changes, it also ebbs and flows.. up down etc. Al Gore is a phoney, and a ... nv mind

Try to look around and see if we are being manipulated by Media, WHO, Big government, and etc.. even music and movies.. it all works together to form public opinion,. meanwhile, other real news never gets reported

I would put in jail, them who concocted this scam and are hell bent on shutting down the economy.. and if you follow the money trail, it will lead to the following places, China. Russia, and the Vatican. You see, some nations are unable to compete with us re Gas and Oil, so they are stirring up protestors. Just check some of their web pages. Mostly Commies. All three seek to control the world, and in more than one case, be worshipped. Eg is N Korea's madman.

Pipelines are the safest, and most efficient way to transport oil and gas that there is. and we need both to heat our homes and grease the wheels

1973: The SKY is falling in. we will be out of petro by 1984.

2004 More Oil reserves in Alberta than in Saudi Arabia

Don't believe the marxists. They hate us
11/19/2021 11:20 AM (edited)
Posted by tangplay on 11/18/2021 3:47:00 PM (view original):
Gosar is a white nationalist who spoke at a Nazi conference (and I don't use Nazi lightly - he spoke at a conference hosted by a guy who denies the Holocaust and compared black people to animals).

This is the GOP's guy
Seems the whole right wing is either racist or a hate group.

BTW what political party OPPOSED the Emancipation Proclamation????

What party freed the slaves?? Come on, you can do this

Suggestion,: Find history books that were printed before 1980. The manipulators lie about that too.
11/19/2021 11:19 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 11/18/2021 12:15:00 PM (view original):
Sure. You watch that youtube clip Taint posted about Sinclair in return OK?

I have intimate family in both Skagit and King County, Washington. My Dad went to Nooksack Valley H.S. (which Sumas feeds students to).
I know the area extremely well. These floods are NOT unusual BUT their size and amounts of rainfall ARE (unusual)............even for an area prone to bit storms and loads of rainfall.

It's called Climate Change and IS occurring whether the right wing likes it or NOT.
It's time to wake up and pay attention.............or Pay the Piper of permanent Global changes many folks won't like, at ALL!

You do understand that, right? my Canadian amigo?
I am not denying it is changing. But it is NOT the result of man's doings, even though you have been all but hypnotized to believe other wise.

Why is it SO easy to con folks, yet SO hard to show them they have been conned???

and this is not to name call you. You are entitled to your p.o.v. and believe it or not, I respect that

Yes the interior meaning Merritt and the 80 mile radius around it had more rain in November in 10 days than they normally get in a whole year.

Abbotsford farmland is very low and not far above the flood level. BC gets buckets of rain, always has.

The nooksack area got hit pretty hard, as did Bellingham and all the way down to Oregon, but BC got it 3 times as bad.

My concern is our food supply, as the CN and CP tracks are out in a few places. Probably an 8-10 day fix, and we get mudslides in the Canyon every year.

They will have to use the trackage that goes through pemberton and down through squamish to get to market.. and eventually they will get to the main stops as in CN and CP railyards
11/19/2021 11:29 AM
Posted by tangplay on 11/18/2021 3:47:00 PM (view original):
Gosar is a white nationalist who spoke at a Nazi conference (and I don't use Nazi lightly - he spoke at a conference hosted by a guy who denies the Holocaust and compared black people to animals).

This is the GOP's guy
Can you find the clip?? Love to hear it.. take that any way you want
11/19/2021 11:30 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/19/2021 11:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 11/18/2021 12:15:00 PM (view original):
Sure. You watch that youtube clip Taint posted about Sinclair in return OK?

I have intimate family in both Skagit and King County, Washington. My Dad went to Nooksack Valley H.S. (which Sumas feeds students to).
I know the area extremely well. These floods are NOT unusual BUT their size and amounts of rainfall ARE (unusual)............even for an area prone to bit storms and loads of rainfall.

It's called Climate Change and IS occurring whether the right wing likes it or NOT.
It's time to wake up and pay attention.............or Pay the Piper of permanent Global changes many folks won't like, at ALL!

You do understand that, right? my Canadian amigo?
I am not denying it is changing. But it is NOT the result of man's doings, even though you have been all but hypnotized to believe other wise.

Why is it SO easy to con folks, yet SO hard to show them they have been conned???

and this is not to name call you. You are entitled to your p.o.v. and believe it or not, I respect that

Yes the interior meaning Merritt and the 80 mile radius around it had more rain in November in 10 days than they normally get in a whole year.

Abbotsford farmland is very low and not far above the flood level. BC gets buckets of rain, always has.

The nooksack area got hit pretty hard, as did Bellingham and all the way down to Oregon, but BC got it 3 times as bad.

My concern is our food supply, as the CN and CP tracks are out in a few places. Probably an 8-10 day fix, and we get mudslides in the Canyon every year.

They will have to use the trackage that goes through pemberton and down through squamish to get to market.. and eventually they will get to the main stops as in CN and CP railyards
I've played in a softball tournament in Abbottsford.

So. I believe YOU are a believer in the Christian community. Protestant I'd bet based on your viewpoints.
I was raised the same BTW.

Anyway, you (as a Christian) were given "stewardship" of the Earth according to your own beliefs.
Just what do you THINK stewardship means??

Millions and Millions of combustible machines spewing "exhaust" into the atmosphere for over a 100 years now??
Polluting the land and seas beyond belief?

WTF do you mean when you claim the present situation is "not of man's doings"??
Just who is it CONTRIBUTING (greatly!!) to this global impending crisis?

I believe you and I would actually get along, prolly be good golfing buddies (IF I golfed any longer----THAT became the province of the rich!) BUT, my Canadian amigo, I must contend you are being willfully BLIND. That's the nicest way I can put it.

You are refusing to accept basic science by concerned well educated scientists BECAUSE it doesn't suit your political bias!!
I'm glad you don't vote in MY elections!
11/19/2021 11:48 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/19/2021 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/18/2021 3:47:00 PM (view original):
Gosar is a white nationalist who spoke at a Nazi conference (and I don't use Nazi lightly - he spoke at a conference hosted by a guy who denies the Holocaust and compared black people to animals).

This is the GOP's guy
Seems the whole right wing is either racist or a hate group.

BTW what political party OPPOSED the Emancipation Proclamation????

What party freed the slaves?? Come on, you can do this

Suggestion,: Find history books that were printed before 1980. The manipulators lie about that too.
Buddy... you don't have to defend this guy.

Gosar spoke at a conference hosted by Nick Fuentes. Here's his Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes

And here's his own article from the ADL: https://www.adl.org/blog/nicholas-j-fuentes-five-things-to-know

Fuentes has made a number of racist and antisemitic comments under the guise of being provocative and ironic. For example, he has referred to Daily Wire columnist Matt Walsh as “shabbos goy race traitor” because he works for Jews (Ben Shapiro, a Jewish conservative, runs the Daily Wire). On a livestream episode, Fuentes “jokingly” denied the Holocaust and compared Jews burnt in concentration camps to cookies in an oven. On May 24, 2021, Fuentes participated in a debate on right-wing conspiracist Alex Jones’ InfoWars with Robert Barnes, a man described as a “constitutional lawyer” who has legally defended both Jones and Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse. During the debate, Fuentes made numerous antisemitic remarks, including, "I don’t see Jews as Europeans and I don’t see them as part of Western civilization, particularly because they are not Christians.” In April, Fuentes appeared to urge mainstream Republicans to champion an antisemitic focus on “Jewish control,” tweeting, “The next big frontier for populist and conservative inc [sic; this is the America First term for establishment GOPers] to coopt [sic] is discussing Jewish Power. Somehow I don’t think they’ll broach that one!”

Fuentes asserts that “whites are under attack” and that minorities are changing the “texture of life” in America. Fuentes often speaks about the white supremacist ideas of “race realism,” a belief that one’s race governs traits such as behavior and intelligence – with non-whites being inferior to whites. For example, Fuentes tweeted, “Any serious person thinking about globalization and demographic changes should actually care a lot about racial differences in intelligence. But this subject doesn’t “interest” you because it’s not convenient for your trojan horse brand of kosher nationalism.”

Also, just a history lesson for ya, Republican doesn't always mean "right wing." The republicans used to be the more progressive party.
11/19/2021 12:26 PM
Yea, back when the racists in the South considered themselves Democrats. You know before LBJ passed the civil rights legislation and lost the Dem. Party the South................knowingly BTW!
11/19/2021 12:51 PM
i like that essay

Brooks view that the honchos of the right are largely now the previously uncool put upon dweebs of the ivy league

rebelling against the cool liberal kids who scorned them

Revenge Of The Nerds!
11/20/2021 1:39 PM

The sudden appearance of about 40 armed men outside a Dallas-area restaurant this weekend was the latest confrontation between an open-carry gun-rights group and a mothers group advocating gun control that was meeting inside. Shannon Watts, founder of the national gun control organization, said the mothers were holding a private meeting — not a rally — at the restaurant. She founded her group in the wake of the killings in Newtown, Conn. The Open Carry Texas (OCT) contingent, which included men, women and children, were armed with about two dozen semi-automatic rifles, which are classified as long guns in Texas and can be legally carried openly. The two groups have been at odds since the mothers group successfully lobbied Starbucks to ban the open carrying of weapons in its coffee shops.

Police monitored the incident at the Blue Mesa Grill in Arlington, Texas, but took no action because it is legal to carry long guns openly in Texas.

it’s a super world we’re creating here

11/23/2021 4:46 AM
End Times preacher Sharon Gilbert says that an alien imitated her husband, and then it tried to have sex with her, and then it claimed to be Xerxes, and then Jesus got involved, and then the alien turned out to be a reptile with a posse of gargoyles.
11/24/2021 8:02 AM
11/24/2021 12:07 PM
Posted by Uofa2 on 11/24/2021 8:02:00 AM (view original):
End Times preacher Sharon Gilbert says that an alien imitated her husband, and then it tried to have sex with her, and then it claimed to be Xerxes, and then Jesus got involved, and then the alien turned out to be a reptile with a posse of gargoyles.
happens all the time
11/24/2021 1:21 PM
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Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

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