In recent years, Brewers have been injured in off-field incidents involving salad tongs, pillows, suitcases, shoes, and shampoo. Do these guys need full-time bodyguards to protect them from household objects?
3/30/2016 12:00 PM
or do they just need brain transplants?
3/30/2016 12:54 PM
I think they're just trying to avoid the shame of playing for the Brewers.

No, if my theory is correct, they are smart fellows.
3/30/2016 1:01 PM
Someone mentioned on the forums that HBD is dying. Can this possible be true?
3/30/2016 5:51 PM
It can and it is. People think it's because WifS is not doing enough to draw more people in. They are wrong. It's because they're not doing enough to keep the long-time users around. I've said this many times but HBD is part of a "routine". Once that routine is broken, because you haven't played in 3 months, it is anti-routine. And people find other things to do. Checking to see if someone signed up for your league to bring it down to 7 openings is not fun.
3/30/2016 7:43 PM
Posted by hockey1984 on 3/28/2016 10:19:00 AM (view original):
What happens if I have a guy who could potentially be a Type B draft compensation pick next season but he plays this entire season in AAA? Will he still get Type B status? Is it the same result if he only plays when the rosters expand at the end of the season?
I've seen comp picks awarded for players who spent the entire previous season in the minors. Doesn't make sense with the real life version of the old comp pick system (which I believe was based on ML performance), so I believe Mike is right: entirely based on rating(s).
3/30/2016 7:48 PM
That is not a question and of course I'm right. I once thought I was wrong but I was mistaken. So I was wrong about being wrong. But that's the only time. Straight up fact!!!!
3/30/2016 7:53 PM
Some PAC is running anti-Kasich ads in Wisconsin. Why bother?
3/31/2016 12:30 PM
because Kasich votes will be the only thing that gives Trump the nomination?
3/31/2016 12:46 PM
I thought we took the right to vote away from the fat midwestern cheese-eaters. My guess is Cruz or Trump want more votes.

I think it might be the opposite. A vote for Kasich is not a vote for Trump.
3/31/2016 12:52 PM
dilemma. what would MikeT do?

My Catcher (Player Profile: Samuel Stripling - Hardball Dynasty Baseball | WhatIfSports) just got injured. He's out for 10 days with 19 days left in the season. I've been tumbling lately, but if everything bounces my way I could miraculously slide into either winning the division or the 2nd wildcard spot (admittedly a longshot, since I'm 10 games out of 1st in the division and 8.5 games out of the 2nd WC spot with 19 games to play... but crazier things have happened).

My options while he's out:
Play my MikeT RF (Player Profile: Edge Bigbie - Hardball Dynasty Baseball | WhatIfSports) at C
With the guy I traded for b/c my MikeT RF has low durability (Player Profile: Yuu Martin - Hardball Dynasty Baseball | WhatIfSports) in RF

Those two guys splitting time in RF while one pinch hits,
With my defensive/crappy bat C: Player Profile: Miguel Jimenez - Hardball Dynasty Baseball | WhatIfSports

so basically, do I completely punt defense at C and have a LF with a somewhat strong (but not that accurate) arm in RF so I can get two stud bats in the lineup; or go strong defense/PC at C?

Bigbie: 10.15 RC27
Yuu: 5.17 (6.95 before I traded for him)
Jimenez: 2.64 (?!)
3/31/2016 12:58 PM
I'd want Bigbie in the line-up but there's no way I can justify a 15 PC behind the plate. I'd have to go with MJ.
3/31/2016 1:02 PM
(not a question, but an addendum to my question)
Here's my pitching staff, which in theory could overcome a crappy defensive/PC guy at C:
Player Profile: Nash Thompson - Hardball Dynasty Baseball | WhatIfSports
Player Profile: Rabbit Wagner - Hardball Dynasty Baseball | WhatIfSports
Player Profile: Julio Aguilar - Hardball Dynasty Baseball | WhatIfSports
Player Profile: Luis Wong - Hardball Dynasty Baseball | WhatIfSports
(they're all 4 high durability guys, so I've been able to get by with a 4-man rotation [with one spot start from another guy] since my 5th SP got injured)
3/31/2016 1:03 PM
ok, thanks. umm... I mean... thanks?
3/31/2016 1:05 PM
I'm not sure a 15 PC can be overcome. I've had some bad results using 30ish over a short period.

3/31/2016 1:09 PM
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