Ask the 'Someone who isn't MikeT' thread. Topic

Posted by hockey1984 on 2/23/2023 8:45:00 AM (view original):
Ballard and Jeffries are fine. Bellard the pitches and control make up for the splits. Jefferies the control is fine because the VsR is so good. For Bellard its still small sample size, I'd expect his ERA to be more mid 3 to low 4 depending on other factors, but I'd have either on my team.
Season is over and he finished really good. 4-4 41 for 47 in saves and a 2.05 ERA WHIP was 1.22 . He certainly as a huge factor as we try to go far in the playoffs again. Jefferies was 2-3 with a 3.16 ERA to end the season. WHIP was 1.49. I did not use him much down the stretch as we was walking many and got hit hard a few times. He is a free agent and I am not going to re-sign him for the 5+ million he wants.
3/19/2023 8:56 AM (edited)
3/20/2023 12:03 PM
That may be true, but he did have a great Rookie Year. Rookie of the year candidate, Fireman of the year candidate All Star and helped take his team back to the playoffs again this season. Maybe 9 out of 10 owners would take his numbers as a closer this season.
3/20/2023 12:46 PM
Posted by ChillyWilly1 on 3/20/2023 12:46:00 PM (view original):
That may be true, but he did have a great Rookie Year. Rookie of the year candidate, Fireman of the year candidate All Star and helped take his team back to the playoffs again this season. Maybe 9 out of 10 owners would take his numbers as a closer this season.
People still use closers?
3/20/2023 1:48 PM
I am still fairly new and have not mastered what many owners are doing now. Maybe right now that is a good thing.
3/20/2023 2:01 PM
He's not as good as the season he is putting up but he's not a bad player at all. He'll get overlooked because of the low vL but the good pitches will make up for that. I project .248 OAV and 1.36 WHIP...I'd take it
3/20/2023 2:57 PM
He is not horrible but I really don't want 1.40 whip guys. If I had a really tight budget id use him as a mopup.
3/20/2023 3:01 PM
Posted by ChillyWilly1 on 3/20/2023 2:01:00 PM (view original):
I am still fairly new and have not mastered what many owners are doing now. Maybe right now that is a good thing.
I personally only use SA and if I if I have a tight budget a mopup guy which I really try to avoid.
3/20/2023 3:02 PM
I would use this pitcher exactly as a closer. Not as an important reliever. My best relievers are set SuA. I don't want to waste their innings in the bottom of the 9th, they get the 7th and 8th.

What I've been saying is that he's only having good results because his usage is highly limited, as it is in the case of a dedicated closer. He's coming in with no one on base and only needs to get three outs. Yes if he comes in against the top half of a good team's lineup, odds are he gets hit hard. Against the bottom half of a poor team's lineup he's good enough.

I'm, for the most part, a cheap closer guy. Think Fernando Rodney. A hide-your-eyes pitcher who got a lot of saves, because closing isn't a high leverage job most of the time.

Let me be clear: I'm not at all saying go out and find a guy like this. I'm saying if you're stuck with one, this is the way to get some kind of useful result out of him.

3/20/2023 3:03 PM
Posted by brianp87 on 3/20/2023 3:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by ChillyWilly1 on 3/20/2023 2:01:00 PM (view original):
I am still fairly new and have not mastered what many owners are doing now. Maybe right now that is a good thing.
I personally only use SA and if I if I have a tight budget a mopup guy which I really try to avoid.
3/20/2023 3:05 PM
Posted by damag on 3/20/2023 3:05:00 PM (view original):
I would use this pitcher exactly as a closer. Not as an important reliever. My best relievers are set SuA. I don't want to waste their innings in the bottom of the 9th, they get the 7th and 8th.

What I've been saying is that he's only having good results because his usage is highly limited, as it is in the case of a dedicated closer. He's coming in with no one on base and only needs to get three outs. Yes if he comes in against the top half of a good team's lineup, odds are he gets hit hard. Against the bottom half of a poor team's lineup he's good enough.

I'm, for the most part, a cheap closer guy. Think Fernando Rodney. A hide-your-eyes pitcher who got a lot of saves, because closing isn't a high leverage job most of the time.

Let me be clear: I'm not at all saying go out and find a guy like this. I'm saying if you're stuck with one, this is the way to get some kind of useful result out of him.

If having this guy allowed me to get that stud ace or stud rp I really needed then I would do it.
3/20/2023 3:10 PM
I always like to have a strong closer but, like damag said, I place my best at SuA...usually long relief studs in the SuA slot who would have been front line starters if they had more stamina.
3/20/2023 3:18 PM
So is this normal, or does it require a ticket (for whatever that would do)?. I have 20 IFA scouting budget. I have missed (not seen) the top 4 IFAs that went for 25M, 20M, 12.1 M and 7.5M. We are about 19 cycles from the all star break.

3/21/2023 10:11 PM
Its unfortunate but it happens and if you send a ticket they will probably say the same. WIS needs to update their scouting for HBD. Like, for 20 million IFA you should be able to pick certain areas (Dominican, Cuba, Japan) etc but with 5 million you might miss some areas. So if a top IFA comes from the UK or Mexico you have no one to blame but yourself.
3/22/2023 9:53 AM
Yeah, it sucks but I've had seasons like that too. I believe $20M only gets you access/vision of up to 65-75% of IFA's.
3/24/2023 12:22 AM
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