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There's so much hot air in the country right now, a progressive recreational balloon tax could eliminate the deficit in no time.
2/19/2019 1:51 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 1:30:00 PM (view original):
  • Flat tax rate of 25% --- for people who earn $100k+ (single) or $250k+ (married). Tiered system for those who earn less;
  • Federal consumption tax of 2% on everything until our debt shrinks to below $5Trn;
  • Take away corporate loopholes like accelerated depreciation;
  • Take away EIC
My four ideas.
I don't want you to think I'm just constantly shitting on your terrible ideas, but this is bad.

The rates for <100k income (or <250k) are really important. So what are they? Also, you're dramatically lowering taxes for high income single people and very high income married people.

But then you're adding a 2% consumption tax which will hit poor people and dropping the EIC which is a huge anti-poverty tool.

So, tldr version: you basically want to shift a ton of the tax burden from singles making >$157k and couples making >$315k to people making less than that.

Maybe tax policy should be left to people who understand the difference between an income deduction and a tax credit.
2/19/2019 1:55 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 1:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 1:30:00 PM (view original):
  • Flat tax rate of 25% --- for people who earn $100k+ (single) or $250k+ (married). Tiered system for those who earn less;
  • Federal consumption tax of 2% on everything until our debt shrinks to below $5Trn;
  • Take away corporate loopholes like accelerated depreciation;
  • Take away EIC
My four ideas.
I don't want you to think I'm just constantly shitting on your terrible ideas, but this is bad.

The rates for <100k income (or <250k) are really important. So what are they? Also, you're dramatically lowering taxes for high income single people and very high income married people.

But then you're adding a 2% consumption tax which will hit poor people and dropping the EIC which is a huge anti-poverty tool.

So, tldr version: you basically want to shift a ton of the tax burden from singles making >$157k and couples making >$315k to people making less than that.

Maybe tax policy should be left to people who understand the difference between an income deduction and a tax credit.
  • Tiered. Tiers TBD.
  • I am lowering them, yes. But Trump took away some loopholes.
  • 2% will hit poor people but that is $2 per $100....these "poor" people spend $300 on new Jordans. Rich people spend a lot more. So when they buy a $100k car they are paying an extra $2k. EIC = poor people gaming the system and spend it on a stupid shopping spree. They call it "hood rich". Take it away.
  • How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta.
  • I made one mistake and you harp on it endlessly. You're like a broken record.
  • You're the person who wanted a 99% tax rate. LOL. And people who "understand the tax code"...so far they have F*CKED this country up badly. So why would I listen to them?
2/19/2019 3:03 PM
not all poor people buy $300 Jordans or $100000 cars. Sure, some do, but to just assume they all do is wrong.
what makes you think our elected officials understand the tax code? I haven't seen much evidence they understand much of anything, let alone the tax code.
2/19/2019 3:58 PM
AOC's comments about the Amazon Long Island HQ prove this. That women is quite the dumbass.
2/19/2019 4:00 PM
most comments by politicians indicate they don't understand much.
2/19/2019 4:02 PM
For sure. I respect very few of them.
2/19/2019 4:04 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 3:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 1:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 1:30:00 PM (view original):
  • Flat tax rate of 25% --- for people who earn $100k+ (single) or $250k+ (married). Tiered system for those who earn less;
  • Federal consumption tax of 2% on everything until our debt shrinks to below $5Trn;
  • Take away corporate loopholes like accelerated depreciation;
  • Take away EIC
My four ideas.
I don't want you to think I'm just constantly shitting on your terrible ideas, but this is bad.

The rates for <100k income (or <250k) are really important. So what are they? Also, you're dramatically lowering taxes for high income single people and very high income married people.

But then you're adding a 2% consumption tax which will hit poor people and dropping the EIC which is a huge anti-poverty tool.

So, tldr version: you basically want to shift a ton of the tax burden from singles making >$157k and couples making >$315k to people making less than that.

Maybe tax policy should be left to people who understand the difference between an income deduction and a tax credit.
  • Tiered. Tiers TBD.
  • I am lowering them, yes. But Trump took away some loopholes.
  • 2% will hit poor people but that is $2 per $100....these "poor" people spend $300 on new Jordans. Rich people spend a lot more. So when they buy a $100k car they are paying an extra $2k. EIC = poor people gaming the system and spend it on a stupid shopping spree. They call it "hood rich". Take it away.
  • How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta.
  • I made one mistake and you harp on it endlessly. You're like a broken record.
  • You're the person who wanted a 99% tax rate. LOL. And people who "understand the tax code"...so far they have F*CKED this country up badly. So why would I listen to them?
The TBD part is pretty important. How'd you arrive at 25%?

EIC isn't making anyone rich, FYI. It maxes out at like $6k. You seem a little racist.

What are you responding to with: "How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta"?

2/19/2019 4:17 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 4:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 3:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 1:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 1:30:00 PM (view original):
  • Flat tax rate of 25% --- for people who earn $100k+ (single) or $250k+ (married). Tiered system for those who earn less;
  • Federal consumption tax of 2% on everything until our debt shrinks to below $5Trn;
  • Take away corporate loopholes like accelerated depreciation;
  • Take away EIC
My four ideas.
I don't want you to think I'm just constantly shitting on your terrible ideas, but this is bad.

The rates for <100k income (or <250k) are really important. So what are they? Also, you're dramatically lowering taxes for high income single people and very high income married people.

But then you're adding a 2% consumption tax which will hit poor people and dropping the EIC which is a huge anti-poverty tool.

So, tldr version: you basically want to shift a ton of the tax burden from singles making >$157k and couples making >$315k to people making less than that.

Maybe tax policy should be left to people who understand the difference between an income deduction and a tax credit.
  • Tiered. Tiers TBD.
  • I am lowering them, yes. But Trump took away some loopholes.
  • 2% will hit poor people but that is $2 per $100....these "poor" people spend $300 on new Jordans. Rich people spend a lot more. So when they buy a $100k car they are paying an extra $2k. EIC = poor people gaming the system and spend it on a stupid shopping spree. They call it "hood rich". Take it away.
  • How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta.
  • I made one mistake and you harp on it endlessly. You're like a broken record.
  • You're the person who wanted a 99% tax rate. LOL. And people who "understand the tax code"...so far they have F*CKED this country up badly. So why would I listen to them?
The TBD part is pretty important. How'd you arrive at 25%?

EIC isn't making anyone rich, FYI. It maxes out at like $6k. You seem a little racist.

What are you responding to with: "How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta"?

  • IDK but I would say 0% under $35k single and $70k married and then tiered.
  • It is for a day. These people spend it in one day many times. Google it. Of course you played the race card.
  • 25% tax rate...flat. Those who make more pay more. $250k if they earn $1mm (25%) and $75k if they earn $300k.
  • Also your phantom poor people still pay a state sales tax. Another 2% won't kill em.
How exactly do you help the "poor"?
2/19/2019 4:31 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 4:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 4:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 3:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 1:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 1:30:00 PM (view original):
  • Flat tax rate of 25% --- for people who earn $100k+ (single) or $250k+ (married). Tiered system for those who earn less;
  • Federal consumption tax of 2% on everything until our debt shrinks to below $5Trn;
  • Take away corporate loopholes like accelerated depreciation;
  • Take away EIC
My four ideas.
I don't want you to think I'm just constantly shitting on your terrible ideas, but this is bad.

The rates for <100k income (or <250k) are really important. So what are they? Also, you're dramatically lowering taxes for high income single people and very high income married people.

But then you're adding a 2% consumption tax which will hit poor people and dropping the EIC which is a huge anti-poverty tool.

So, tldr version: you basically want to shift a ton of the tax burden from singles making >$157k and couples making >$315k to people making less than that.

Maybe tax policy should be left to people who understand the difference between an income deduction and a tax credit.
  • Tiered. Tiers TBD.
  • I am lowering them, yes. But Trump took away some loopholes.
  • 2% will hit poor people but that is $2 per $100....these "poor" people spend $300 on new Jordans. Rich people spend a lot more. So when they buy a $100k car they are paying an extra $2k. EIC = poor people gaming the system and spend it on a stupid shopping spree. They call it "hood rich". Take it away.
  • How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta.
  • I made one mistake and you harp on it endlessly. You're like a broken record.
  • You're the person who wanted a 99% tax rate. LOL. And people who "understand the tax code"...so far they have F*CKED this country up badly. So why would I listen to them?
The TBD part is pretty important. How'd you arrive at 25%?

EIC isn't making anyone rich, FYI. It maxes out at like $6k. You seem a little racist.

What are you responding to with: "How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta"?

  • IDK but I would say 0% under $35k single and $70k married and then tiered.
  • It is for a day. These people spend it in one day many times. Google it. Of course you played the race card.
  • 25% tax rate...flat. Those who make more pay more. $250k if they earn $1mm (25%) and $75k if they earn $300k.
  • Also your phantom poor people still pay a state sales tax. Another 2% won't kill em.
How exactly do you help the "poor"?
How does that even make sense? "Spend it one day many times?" You can only get it once a year.

25% flat is a HUGE tax break to people who make a lot of money. If you're serious about debt reduction, you aren't going to install a massive upper-income tax cut.

Not increasing their taxes certainly helps the poor.
2/19/2019 5:04 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 2/19/2019 3:58:00 PM (view original):
not all poor people buy $300 Jordans or $100000 cars. Sure, some do, but to just assume they all do is wrong.
what makes you think our elected officials understand the tax code? I haven't seen much evidence they understand much of anything, let alone the tax code.
$100k cars are rich people. Many “poor” are not really poor is what I am saying.
2/19/2019 5:42 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 5:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 4:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 4:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 3:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 1:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 1:30:00 PM (view original):
  • Flat tax rate of 25% --- for people who earn $100k+ (single) or $250k+ (married). Tiered system for those who earn less;
  • Federal consumption tax of 2% on everything until our debt shrinks to below $5Trn;
  • Take away corporate loopholes like accelerated depreciation;
  • Take away EIC
My four ideas.
I don't want you to think I'm just constantly shitting on your terrible ideas, but this is bad.

The rates for <100k income (or <250k) are really important. So what are they? Also, you're dramatically lowering taxes for high income single people and very high income married people.

But then you're adding a 2% consumption tax which will hit poor people and dropping the EIC which is a huge anti-poverty tool.

So, tldr version: you basically want to shift a ton of the tax burden from singles making >$157k and couples making >$315k to people making less than that.

Maybe tax policy should be left to people who understand the difference between an income deduction and a tax credit.
  • Tiered. Tiers TBD.
  • I am lowering them, yes. But Trump took away some loopholes.
  • 2% will hit poor people but that is $2 per $100....these "poor" people spend $300 on new Jordans. Rich people spend a lot more. So when they buy a $100k car they are paying an extra $2k. EIC = poor people gaming the system and spend it on a stupid shopping spree. They call it "hood rich". Take it away.
  • How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta.
  • I made one mistake and you harp on it endlessly. You're like a broken record.
  • You're the person who wanted a 99% tax rate. LOL. And people who "understand the tax code"...so far they have F*CKED this country up badly. So why would I listen to them?
The TBD part is pretty important. How'd you arrive at 25%?

EIC isn't making anyone rich, FYI. It maxes out at like $6k. You seem a little racist.

What are you responding to with: "How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta"?

  • IDK but I would say 0% under $35k single and $70k married and then tiered.
  • It is for a day. These people spend it in one day many times. Google it. Of course you played the race card.
  • 25% tax rate...flat. Those who make more pay more. $250k if they earn $1mm (25%) and $75k if they earn $300k.
  • Also your phantom poor people still pay a state sales tax. Another 2% won't kill em.
How exactly do you help the "poor"?
How does that even make sense? "Spend it one day many times?" You can only get it once a year.

25% flat is a HUGE tax break to people who make a lot of money. If you're serious about debt reduction, you aren't going to install a massive upper-income tax cut.

Not increasing their taxes certainly helps the poor.
Wtf. Are you high? Many spend it in one day. Some do not. You more than make up for it with a consumption tax. Feel free to give your ideas instead of shitting on mine. Your 99% tax is idiotic. Are you really AOC. And you’re rich why not give half your wealth to the “poor”?
2/19/2019 5:46 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 5:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 2/19/2019 3:58:00 PM (view original):
not all poor people buy $300 Jordans or $100000 cars. Sure, some do, but to just assume they all do is wrong.
what makes you think our elected officials understand the tax code? I haven't seen much evidence they understand much of anything, let alone the tax code.
$100k cars are rich people. Many “poor” are not really poor is what I am saying.
many poor are really poor is what I'm saying. No everyone is "gaming the system"
2/19/2019 6:35 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 4:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 4:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 3:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/19/2019 1:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/19/2019 1:30:00 PM (view original):
  • Flat tax rate of 25% --- for people who earn $100k+ (single) or $250k+ (married). Tiered system for those who earn less;
  • Federal consumption tax of 2% on everything until our debt shrinks to below $5Trn;
  • Take away corporate loopholes like accelerated depreciation;
  • Take away EIC
My four ideas.
I don't want you to think I'm just constantly shitting on your terrible ideas, but this is bad.

The rates for <100k income (or <250k) are really important. So what are they? Also, you're dramatically lowering taxes for high income single people and very high income married people.

But then you're adding a 2% consumption tax which will hit poor people and dropping the EIC which is a huge anti-poverty tool.

So, tldr version: you basically want to shift a ton of the tax burden from singles making >$157k and couples making >$315k to people making less than that.

Maybe tax policy should be left to people who understand the difference between an income deduction and a tax credit.
  • Tiered. Tiers TBD.
  • I am lowering them, yes. But Trump took away some loopholes.
  • 2% will hit poor people but that is $2 per $100....these "poor" people spend $300 on new Jordans. Rich people spend a lot more. So when they buy a $100k car they are paying an extra $2k. EIC = poor people gaming the system and spend it on a stupid shopping spree. They call it "hood rich". Take it away.
  • How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta.
  • I made one mistake and you harp on it endlessly. You're like a broken record.
  • You're the person who wanted a 99% tax rate. LOL. And people who "understand the tax code"...so far they have F*CKED this country up badly. So why would I listen to them?
The TBD part is pretty important. How'd you arrive at 25%?

EIC isn't making anyone rich, FYI. It maxes out at like $6k. You seem a little racist.

What are you responding to with: "How so? 25% on $1MM is $250k in taxes. 25% on $300k is $75k...big delta"?

  • IDK but I would say 0% under $35k single and $70k married and then tiered.
  • It is for a day. These people spend it in one day many times. Google it. Of course you played the race card.
  • 25% tax rate...flat. Those who make more pay more. $250k if they earn $1mm (25%) and $75k if they earn $300k.
  • Also your phantom poor people still pay a state sales tax. Another 2% won't kill em.
How exactly do you help the "poor"?
you have no idea what another 2% will do to truly poor people. You are not poor
2/19/2019 6:40 PM
my definition of poor is anyone who spends money wisely and responsibly ...does not live beyond their means but scrapes by and cannot save any money.
2/19/2019 7:34 PM
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