RUSH: The left has frightened young people to death. One of the most successful campaigns to scare young people and to keep 'em in line has been this whole global warming thing. It is uncanny how many young people -- and they've been watching Captain Planet since they were five years old, kindergarten, grade school, junior high, middle school, high school. They have been taught that humanity is destroying the planet, their parents and their grandparents. And they believed it. And they believe there's not gonna be a habitable planet by the time they are 60, 65 years old, maybe even before. They really believe this. And, if you take time to understand how they have just been smothered with this stuff, you would understand why the Democrats have made it possible. And this is how using fear, using darkness, using a never-ending crisis rooted in chaos, they keep these people loyal to Big Government command-and-control Democrat-run institutions, all to save the planet.