Its All Trumps Fault Topic

Posted by cccp1014 on 9/18/2018 2:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/18/2018 10:17:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/18/2018 9:44:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/18/2018 1:11:00 AM (view original):
Well, that's great and all, but I live in Kansas, my church is not wealthy enough to pay for anything, My friends are all millennials, and Kris Kobach is going to be my next governor. What now.
Maybe you should get a job that pays a strong wage instead of relying on the Gov't to help you achieve your goals of helping the less fortunte? Personal responsibility goes a long way.
You make more than I do. Please pay for medicaid for every single American.
Spoken like a true socialist. LOL.

Because I am successful I owe you something.
You just said that it is my responsibility to pay for helping the less fortunate if I earned more money. Who is the socialist?
9/18/2018 5:37 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 9/18/2018 2:39:00 PM (view original):
Very good points, CCCP. That is for enough salad for the a family of 3. It's all about choices. Poor people tend to make worse choices. Fat people tend to make poor choices. It's reality. It's not a fun reality, but it's reality nevertheless. To say otherwise, is just being blind and naive.

So Tang, please tell me how eating healthy is more expensive again?
I don't know what else to say but that you are plain wrong.

One of the most prevalent misconceptions about the poor in America is that they are poor because they are lazy. This misconception is extremely instrumental in the perpetuation of biases and stigmas against the poor.

Many people ignore the poor, justify their dislike of the poor, or view their poverty as deserved because they think that those in poverty could come into wealth if they just worked harder. This view, however, cannot account for the facts.

In 2008, 64% of those in poverty were unable to work due to being too young or too old, due to a disability of some kind, or because they simply could not find a job. In 2010, more than 10.6 million people in poverty were part of the “working poor” group, meaning that they were part of the labor force at least 27 weeks, and 2.6 million of them worked full-time and still remained under the poverty line.

Also, a large portion of the poverty population is constituted by the homeless, and in 2009 the NCH (National Coalition for the Homeless) reported that the homeless are often forced into such a situations: 50% of homeless women ran away from domestic violence, and over 67 thousand veterans were homeless due to physical or mental injuries from time in the service, and 40% of the homeless teen population is made up of homosexual or bisexual teens who had been run out of their homes.

Similarly, in 2010 4.1 million people aged 18-64 that lived below the poverty line reported having a disability of some kind. The underlying suggestion in all these statistics is that the homeless and those in poverty are in that state for a multitude of reasons that often have nothing to do with work ethic, laziness, or strength as a person.

Is this to say that there aren’t any lazy people in poverty? Of course not. There are lazy poor people just as there are lazy rich people, but when searching for causes of poverty there are many factors to explore such as economic instability, cultural discrimination, physical or mental disability, or familial problems.

Is this to say there is always an excuse for being poor? Of course not. But there is ample evidence to conclude that laziness plays a limited role in poverty in comparison to the multitude of other relevant factors at play.

There is many more where that came from. You also just said that opportunity is equal in the USA, when previously you agreed that it is not. The USA is not a meritocracy. That is a complete myth. Also, your logic doesn't explain why generational poverty occurs. THERE ARE MANY, MANY REASONS WHY PEOPLE FALL INTO POVERTY.

9/18/2018 5:44 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/18/2018 3:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/18/2018 2:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/18/2018 1:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 9/18/2018 12:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/18/2018 11:55:00 AM (view original):
You are wrong. Many poor people are fat because fast food costs less than healthy food. Especially if you have a family.
Stop being dumb. Fast food is more expensive than cooking healthy at home. STOP BEING DUMB!
You are assuming that poor people have the same lifestyle and time that you do.
Drink 8 glasses of water per day. That is free. They cannot do that? Have to buy Coke or Mountain Dew? A salad at a grocery store is $2.99. Less than what you pay for a #1 at McDs.

Tang always has excuses.
what grocery store do you go to? When I lived in the Boston area 30+ years ago you couldn't get a salad at the grocery store for $2.99 ****. Exactly what I was thinking.

Maybe if corporate America would quit ******* over middle America, we could have nice things. Bailing out banks and industries is expensive.
9/18/2018 5:58 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/18/2018 3:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/18/2018 3:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/18/2018 2:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/18/2018 1:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 9/18/2018 12:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/18/2018 11:55:00 AM (view original):
You are wrong. Many poor people are fat because fast food costs less than healthy food. Especially if you have a family.
Stop being dumb. Fast food is more expensive than cooking healthy at home. STOP BEING DUMB!
You are assuming that poor people have the same lifestyle and time that you do.
Drink 8 glasses of water per day. That is free. They cannot do that? Have to buy Coke or Mountain Dew? A salad at a grocery store is $2.99. Less than what you pay for a #1 at McDs.

Tang always has excuses.
what grocery store do you go to? When I lived in the Boston area 30+ years ago you couldn't get a salad at the grocery store for $2.99
Market Basket..DeMoulas. $2.99 for a Medium Premade Salad.

A medium pre-made salad feeds three people a day?
9/18/2018 5:58 PM
I truly need one of our resident Liberals to explain something - Yesterday a bunch of you were screaming "Why's Trump hiding all the Russian correspondence?", so why are you screaming "Why's Trump declassifying all the Russian correspondence?" today?
Is your hate-filled self-serving so blind you don't see how foolish that is?
9/18/2018 6:00 PM
Who's screaming that? Haven't heard nor seen anyone ******** about it except to say sweet.

The old adage is about to come in to play: Be careful what you wish for.

We already saw in the Nunes memo that there is nothing to the allegations purported by the Trump admin.

Hopefully nobody hides the request to declassify the FISA warrant from his desk so he forgets about it.

9/18/2018 6:06 PM
There's 2 mentions on CNN about it...both small headlines off to the side. One an opinion piece.
9/18/2018 6:11 PM
Nothing on the junkiest of liberal sites, Huffpo.
9/18/2018 6:11 PM
I have not seen anyone say anything about it on these forums.
9/18/2018 6:28 PM
You guys are nuts. You can get a large premade salad for $4.99. Should I post a pic of it? WTF? You think I am lying? Tang you are drunk again. I said make more money if you don’t want to rely on the Govt for help.

Note: Salad could feed 3 people.

Note 2: Small salad for $2.99 more than enough to feed one person. Water is free.

Note 3: Potatoes are not pricey. Nuke em in the microwave and you get cheap baked potatoes.
9/18/2018 6:42 PM (edited)
Posted by tangplay on 9/18/2018 5:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 9/18/2018 2:39:00 PM (view original):
Very good points, CCCP. That is for enough salad for the a family of 3. It's all about choices. Poor people tend to make worse choices. Fat people tend to make poor choices. It's reality. It's not a fun reality, but it's reality nevertheless. To say otherwise, is just being blind and naive.

So Tang, please tell me how eating healthy is more expensive again?
I don't know what else to say but that you are plain wrong.

One of the most prevalent misconceptions about the poor in America is that they are poor because they are lazy. This misconception is extremely instrumental in the perpetuation of biases and stigmas against the poor.

Many people ignore the poor, justify their dislike of the poor, or view their poverty as deserved because they think that those in poverty could come into wealth if they just worked harder. This view, however, cannot account for the facts.

In 2008, 64% of those in poverty were unable to work due to being too young or too old, due to a disability of some kind, or because they simply could not find a job. In 2010, more than 10.6 million people in poverty were part of the “working poor” group, meaning that they were part of the labor force at least 27 weeks, and 2.6 million of them worked full-time and still remained under the poverty line.

Also, a large portion of the poverty population is constituted by the homeless, and in 2009 the NCH (National Coalition for the Homeless) reported that the homeless are often forced into such a situations: 50% of homeless women ran away from domestic violence, and over 67 thousand veterans were homeless due to physical or mental injuries from time in the service, and 40% of the homeless teen population is made up of homosexual or bisexual teens who had been run out of their homes.

Similarly, in 2010 4.1 million people aged 18-64 that lived below the poverty line reported having a disability of some kind. The underlying suggestion in all these statistics is that the homeless and those in poverty are in that state for a multitude of reasons that often have nothing to do with work ethic, laziness, or strength as a person.

Is this to say that there aren’t any lazy people in poverty? Of course not. There are lazy poor people just as there are lazy rich people, but when searching for causes of poverty there are many factors to explore such as economic instability, cultural discrimination, physical or mental disability, or familial problems.

Is this to say there is always an excuse for being poor? Of course not. But there is ample evidence to conclude that laziness plays a limited role in poverty in comparison to the multitude of other relevant factors at play.

There is many more where that came from. You also just said that opportunity is equal in the USA, when previously you agreed that it is not. The USA is not a meritocracy. That is a complete myth. Also, your logic doesn't explain why generational poverty occurs. THERE ARE MANY, MANY REASONS WHY PEOPLE FALL INTO POVERTY.

Hahahaha!!! This article is such complete bullshit. Do you realize many different things are classified as a "disability"? Being fat is considered a disability. People use these "disabilities" as excuses not to work. I live in a poor town. I don't give two ***** what a biased article has to say. I see with my own eyes why poor people remain poor. Open your eyes, Tang. This is getting ridiculous.
9/18/2018 8:54 PM
Yeah, maybe like 10% of the disabilities section could be stuff that you would classify as a 'disability'. That doesn't show anything about the rest of the article said. Yes, it is biased. You are too. I also lived in a poor part of my town. That shaped my opinions, too.
9/18/2018 8:56 PM
I may go through the article piece by piece for you and address it, but probably not as I think I will spend that time working on my businesses and making sure that my family is not poor.
9/18/2018 9:02 PM
Hey man, I support that. You are doing good stuff.
9/18/2018 9:03 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 9/18/2018 5:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/18/2018 3:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/18/2018 2:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/18/2018 2:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 9/18/2018 12:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/17/2018 7:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 9/17/2018 7:24:00 PM (view original):
I'm not sure I have ever heard of a doctor postponing seeing a patient, but there are a large percentage that do not take medicaid. It's hard to get paid and, as CCCP said, it pays less.
doesn't that sort of go against the oath they take when they become doctors? Not saying it doesn't happen, just that it shouldn't be a factor.
The Hippocratic Oath (or something similar) is a tradition and has no legal binding. It is now mostly a part of the pomp of graduation, like moving your tassle from one side to the other. Some medical schools don't even take oaths anymore or, what they do take, has been so secularized as to be vague and open to numerous interpretations.

Medicine is not simply altruism. It is also a business.
I know it has no legal binding, but it should still mean something to those taking the oath, right?
They will see you but not right away. Not sure what you don't understand about that. Medicare does not reimburse as well as corp. insurance.
I understand it. Never said I didn't. What I said was a doctor should not base when he sees people on their medical coverage. Not sure what you don't understand about that.
Do you think it's wrong for doctors offices to deny certain insurances.
Yeah, I think I do. I would hope most doctors became doctors to help people, not to just make money. Of course, not being a doctor, or someone who deals with medical insurance, I don't know very much about it.
9/18/2018 9:30 PM
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